My 2020 predictions
Nevada goes red
Colorado goes red
New Hamsphire goes red
Maine is split equally amongs democrats and republicans
Pennsylvania goes red
Michigan goes red
Florida goes red
Wisconsin goes red
and Virginia goes red
My 2020 predictions
Nevada goes red
Colorado goes red
New Hamsphire goes red
Maine is split equally amongs democrats and republicans
Pennsylvania goes red
Michigan goes red
Florida goes red
Wisconsin goes red
and Virginia goes red
Other urls found in this thread:
Top kek, (((DNC))) on suicide watch.
as well as Minnesota
Minnesota also goes red
wow, this trump guy, he realy deserves a second term!
hoping for an actual godsend candidate but like usual will probably not happen or will only be an illusion that changes his views post elections
One electoral vote each is awarded to the winner of Maine's two congressional districts. The remaining two votes are assigned to the popular vote winner. It's not really possible to split evenly; if you won both congressional districts, it means you won the popular vote.
Will this red wave be /ourguys/ or just a bunch of neocons?
This important difference is seemingly overlooked by the fags that are fooled into believing that Republicans are somehow better now that Trump associates himself with them.
The point is to stop caring about parties because they're both corrupt globalist war-mongering institutions.
Of course it's fun to watch DNC shills on TV squirm but as the Bush years proved, it does nothing to address the real problems with this country.
california going red once all the illegal spics get disenfranchised of their vote yeehaw
Only way nevada goes red is with voter id.
Too many ilegals get to vote here because of the dmv loophole.
>muh (((red))) vs (((blue))) boomer tier sportsball politics
Shitposter may be annoying but I am worried that 2020 is not going to go as smoothly as everyone thinks it will. Not saying there will be a "blue wave" but dems in their collective asshurt and constant crying are really trying to mobilize their votes (even if the DNC themselves are in huge trouble) while the right-wing keeps fracturing within itself with Trump voters vs. Nevertrumpers, cuckservativism in general, and people unsatisfied with Trump in general.
Also think about the possibility by 2020 California may be broken up if the stars align.
If California were to split any American know how that will affect the Democucks?
NC has derpy dem gov now, won by 1200 votes, main issues; bathroom bill (nc retail need not provide public bathroom btw, but that was never reported to masses) and lqbtq and purple hairs flooding areas with brewery, restaurants, etc. and Obamz sent 2,500 of the Illegal "Bus children" Mexicans to NC, and Poultry Plants are reopening, anchor babies galore.
Also Soros;
Get ready…
CA breaking up would completely unravel the DNC as the state is their would be golden goose and without it they stand zero chance winning the high office.
Go back to reddit.
Fucking kill yourself.
Sorry for double post;
And the NC Newspapers are owned by the Homorific; The McClatchy Company.
There's a good chance of this, or better happening. The dems don't seem to have a good candidate to run, or at least a good candidate that they'll support. With all this infighting I can't imagine a half-decent candidate winning a plurality. Although the 2018 election is what Zig Forums should be focusing on.
Fucking faggots are trying to ruin some of the best gun laws in the country. Carpetbaggers have been flocking down here since the gay marriage ban, trying to new yorkize our state. Carpetbaggers are as bad as Jews, they're a virus that tries to infect anything uninfected. Take a trip to downtown Apex, see what those cucks have done to it
Depends on how its split, Jefferson state and California would be 2 more red seats in senate house probably unchanged. 3 state gerrymandered solution ive seen thrown around would be a win f9r blue.
no one gives a shit faggot
shit thread
That's wishful thinking. What is your reasoning behind all of these states going red? The white population has decreased due to dying old people and the non-white population has increased due to 4 more years of a less white demographic turning voting age. Yes, whites have continued to shift towards the GOP since 2016, but I doubt that that's enough to counter the relatively browner voting pool.
You should not forget the context of the 2016 election- 8 years of Obama fatigue, after 8 years of Bush fatigue, after 8 years of Clinton fatigue, with Trump perceived as an anti-establishment alternative to the incredibly unpopular and quintessentially corrupt Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton, a white woman, who ran with a sperglord white male, whatever his first name was Kaine. Thus, the turnout for the Democratic candidate was very low, especially among niggers. This is in stark contrast to the 2020 election where Trump is the sitting President (running for a second term is almost always more difficult than running for the first) and thus is not perceived as anti-establishment as he was in 2016. This is coupled by the fact that he has disappointed a lot of his base with many of his decisions in office- namely, hating on Assad and bombing him, shilling gun control, signing Omnibus (which includes FOSTA and Fix NICS). The Dems will learn from their mistakes in 2016 and run a more electable ticket, most likely including a female and a non-white. They have the raw data from private polling and the electoral results, and they know how many votes they need to fabricate in which states to win.
All the Dems need to do, relative to 2016 results, is to flip FL (which was flooded with more Ricans after the hurricane than the margin Trump won by) and PA (which it was very impressive that Trump won in the first place). Unless Trump wins Minnesota (DFL state) and New Hampshire (has been getting flooded with Massfags and Spics and has a small population, and thus is easy to rig with illegals as it was in 2016) or something like that, then losing PA and FL would lose the election. I personally believe that it's quite unlikely for him to win unless Trump does something extreme to ensure a fair election or otherwise remain in power, which he should, but probably won't.
Lastly, he hasn't done anything that's impressed me, so I don't really care. I had a great time leading up to and including the 2016 election and was very happy when he won, but everything that's happened since Jan 20, 2017 has disappointed me. The increasing non-white population will guarantee perpetual Dem Presidency soon enough anyway, whether that's in 2020 or 2024 is not a big difference. At the end of the day, (((democracy))) was never going to save us, and you shouldn't be demoralized over rigged elections that don't change much.
This, Maine the state and Maine district 1 would go to Dems. Maine district 2 will probably go to GOP as it did in 2016.
From my cold dead hands will they turn Florida blue
It's were all the old jews go to retire.
Plus when I went on a vacation to there last year all your Wal-Mart employees had pink mullets.
Open your eyes man it's been going down hill for years.
I concur. Trump was fine until april 1st of 2017 when he went all zio-interventionist in Syria. He lost a lot of his base. So many have become disillusioned
Colorado will never be red again. Less than 20% of the under 18 population is white.
Trump won Florida by about 113k. Some say that over 200k Ricans went to Florida after Hurricane Maria. That doesn't necessarily mean that they all stayed or will still be there in the 2020 election and will vote blue, but you also have to bear in mind that there's going to be 4 years of white retirees dying and 4 years of spics etc. turning 18, plus the general increase in blue turnout and decrease in red enthusiasm. Plus the Dems know about the whole 'flip PA and FL' thing, and they know how many votes they need to fabricate.
There's no doubt that the true Floridians living in the panhandle are going to be pissed off, but because of kike democracy their votes are worth no more than some Spic.
Enjoy your ban.
Minnesotafag here. Never in a billion years will the Scandacucks, Hmong, and Somalis of MN vote Republican again. The State is lost. MN likes to pretend it's a "purple state" that could go either way to get attention from the national (((press))), but somehow, every time it goes Dem. Every time.
Back to T_D
You too
Sage for doublepost
At least one of those new commiefornias goes red. They're basically zoned to isolate rural, urban, and degenerate cities IIRC.
Or at least one version of the proposed split was. Not 100% certain about this one, but if it stops the coastal cesspits from dragging the rest of the (very red) state with them, I'm for it.
Maybe Jefferson in the original Six Californias proposal, but none of the others. In the more recent three california split, zero chance.
I'll post a crappy made OC from the election that shows that if the Democrats retreat to the cities and the coasts, they'll have a much harder time at the electoral college AND Whites continue to vote more and more to the right and/or for their own race.
Voting Republican isn't really voting for your own race, though. It is explicitly voting against it, but accepting a marketed lie that says otherwise.
It's as close as we can get right now though, as long as more racially minded White start voting for one party then we can get them to start seeing the Democrats as the "others" who are just a confederation of non-Whites.
Once you line things up in an easy to understand and easily recognizable pattern, will will notice. And the best (worst) part about American political parties is that each party has multiple factions and we can make "our" faction bigger within it, until we subsume it.
>will will notice
Should be people will notice.
I couldn't agree less. We'll leave it there, though.
What happens if we give 20 million illegals citizenship?
inb4 racewar and millions of dead niggers this summer and entire Country is red for the next millennia.
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now
No matter who you vote for, the (((uniparty))) gets in.
the butthurt over this thread by (((them))) is hilarious
Even when reagan won all but one state, that one state he lost was minnesota.
Well, the guy he was running against was from Minnesota.
A thread died for this
I'm kind of black-pilled in the long-term, in the Evola way, but this is way too pessimistic. First of all, I seem to remember America getting whiter in 2017. I don't remember if it was over all, or birthrates, but we've had quite a few threads about it. Second of all, democrats used up all their "Trump fatigue" in 2016. They were hyped to the max, and now that he hasn't started WW3, they're only going to be less hateful of him. Third of all, running for another term is EASIER than the first. Anyone who is even slightly knowledgeable about American politics should understand the concept of the incumbent's advantage. Fourth of all, people aren't that disappointed in him. A lot of the things he did that were completely unforgivable ended up being forgotten in a month when people realized that it meant nothing. Fifth of all, the democrats don't have any good candidates to run. There is no way that a candidate is going to get a majority in the primaries, their candidate will be picked via plurality and non-pledged delegates. Sixth, the amount of Puerto Ricans who moved to Florida is heavily overstated. The 200k figure comes from Rick Scott saying that about that many people flew to Florida from Puerto Rico, but it ignores charity workers and people who aren't staying permanently. Going by school registration it's estimated at around 50k. Still a lot, but not fatal. If 50k were fatal then we lost the race war decades ago. Voting trends for them are also abysmal; although, the kikes are trying to let felons vote here. That shit needs to get stopped dead. Seventh of all, Trump's victory in 2016 was determined by winning his three 'must win' states: Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, along with flipping one blue state. He won the entire rust-belt, barring Minnesota. (which was still very close) The only democrat I can think of who would get support in the rust-belt is Bernie Sanders, and identity politics candidates really turn the rust-belt off. Your perspective seems to be that all of these states are inherently blue. Eighth, the fact that you keep trying to bring up a bunch of reasons why Trump won't win - along with saying the election is rigged - leads me to believe that you're a demoralization shill. But if you're not then keep your head up! We can win, but we need to actually have the will to fight.
Sounds like you should just kill yourself, then. And no, I'm not going to bother reading your post because it's clearly false.
You realize that Trump only "lost" Minnesota by 40,000 votes, right? And that you have almost a million african niggers imported into your state? And that we proved Hillary stole the election?
That's literally what the Democrats are now though. Niggers vote (D) for gibs and affirmative action. Beaners vote (D) for more beaner immigration and Spanish, plus gibs. Muslims vote (D) for more Muslims and gibs. Jews vote (D) because they want all the aforementioned because it hurts their archenemies, Whites. And all these groups blame Whitey for everything they're pissed about. The only White group the Democrats still court in large numbers is the Irish. Since the Irish are getting lumped in with the rest of the evil Whites and smeared as discriminating racists who never had any bad times since Democrats can't into history, they'll probably lose the Irish too.
The Democrats are everyone else, united by one thing: their hatred of us. The Republicans are already seen as the White party by non-whites and have been for years. If trends continue that belief will actually come true.
Fucking shitholer
We may know they are all terrible and will continue to vote D for all those reasons, but it won't mean much unless Whites, collectively, see it and act accordingly.
What happened was that non-Hispanic white births became a slim majority for the first time in years. Though, I'm not sure if every "white birth" was actually a 'white' birth in the context that we would consider them white- Jews and Moslems are ~2% of the population each and would be considered "non-Hispanic white". This does not mean that America is getting whiter, unfortunately, because of immigration. Immigration outnumbers births (I'm pretty sure) and is almost exclusively non-white.
Also, even if that one year of white majority births meant that America is getting whiter, it wouldn't affect the 2020 election because they're still babbies. The trend has been few white births and massive non-white immigration for a long time.
Interesting read, thank you user. Perhaps he does have a chance, but I'm still not impressed with what he's been doing with the office.
Washington will be red until the seattle counties are tallied.
Just like the presidential election.
On that note, he does have a few paths to victory if he defends Florida. Florida or Pennsylvania is essential though, and Pennsylvania is unlikely considering he won it by a literal hair and it doesn't have voter ID.
Florida will probably decide the election.
For the sake of completion, I'll give the PA paths:
It's hard to tell if he'll be stronger or weaker in 2020. The fact that he's an anti-establishment candidate makes me think that he'll be weaker. But I can also easily imagine him going into a debate or something and being able to spin his 4 years very well. It's even possible for him to win be a razor's edge if he loses PA and FL. It would take carrying both Minnesota and New Hampshire, two states he was incredibly close to winning. It's theoretically possible for him to carry states like Nevada and Virginia, but for some reason I don't treat those any differently than Oregon these days… too many spics and city slickers. Sad!
thanks for being polite
I'd like to see that happen but I can't. Everyone in CO is so disgustingly complacent and would rather ignore a problem in hopes it will go away. that and the DUDE WEED people will always vote blue scared that they will lose their precious plant. Colorado fucking sucks.
I same the same thing about Nevada. The media shills it as a swing state, but it's been so overrun by California fags and illegal immigrants that it'll probably never go red again.
that's a farce