Kanye dares to leave the plantation
Gets his account phosphored
Kanye dares to leave the plantation
Gets his account phosphored
I kinda feel bad for Kanye. Yes, he is a nigger and an arrogant prick, but it is also clear that he is a victim of mind-control and currently trying to break out of it in small episodes and each time instantly gets fucked up by the cabal for it.
BASED nigger in a MAGA hat
The remaining slaves are trying to drag him back
no one cares, boomer >>>/nigger/
(((Somebody))) obviously cares quite a bit.
Fuck off short-sighted nigger. Kanye West is popular among normalfags, both black and white so any chance of him spreading red pills or being killed for trying to red pill the masses could surely help red pill the masses.
He sure as shit isn't /ourguy/ or whatever but to dismiss any discussion about him because he's not white makes you a retarded nigger.
jews murdering kanye would be a huge fucking win for us.
Don't care.
They could still go for the ol' (((lone wolf))), (((random criminal after mugging gone wrong))) or (((gang-related violence))) narrative though and people would actually believe it. If he's as smart as he says he is which he isn't but whatever he should get to work on some security measures through leaked documents upon his death or something.
It's not because he's black although that doesn't help. It's because he a faggot rapper singing about race-mixing and getting his asshole licked and all the other degeneracy everyone would ever associate with rap. Oh but he said something that wasn't totally disgusting and monkey-tier once in his life HAHA SO BASED RIGHT.
No one here called him based, but if he gets assassinated because he tweeted #MAGA or whatever it would cause some commotion.
The average crip "banger" is 10 years too young to know who this guy is. Sounds to me like a forced meme aimed at rekindling Daz's career (like most rap rivalries).
No, his account is @KanyeWest. Reporting this thread.
Never heard the phrase "useful idiot" before? Kanye could become Zig Forums's useful idiot.
Just a reminder that the KGB's useful idiots were to be put up against the wall, and i see no reason to not copy them.
with basic bitch DEMS R THA REAL RAYCIS boomer talking points? lol
Really? That is your argument? He doesn't have the "correct" talking points? Please refrain from posting again, your stupid might be contagious.
go back to wherever you came from, nigger
Judging by all the angry sage posts here, one would almost think we struck a nerve with the kikes.
His account is still up here:
Also, muh based nigger
literally who
This is a GREAT breakdown of why the establishment will try and DESTROY KANYE
The ENTIRE Kanye West TMZ interview Broken apart and dissected of redpills By 4chans # 1 News Source CHN!!!!
With commentary from then Filthiest Goyim Bellagio Sampler!!!!!!!
From the FutureScape!!!!!!!°
Mein Neiggers!!!
Listen to this Esoreric take on Kanye West's entire interview THAT HOLLYWOOD DOESNT WANT YOU TOO SEE
The establishment HATES WHEN their Golems Fight back!!!
Kanye is OURGOY
He will destroy the Tribes of Hollywood
Ecelebs need to awaken people AND NOT MAKE ANY MONEY LIKE DOCTORS OF OLD…
Great video