Yesterday Alex Jones hosted an Infowars livestream to cover a recent Jordan Peterson interview. The interview itself is not that interesting—he takes the position that everything boils down to IQ—but Jones is breaking the conditioning and dropped a number of redpills on his audience. These include: And if the sidebar chat is any indication, Jones is still a few redpills behind his own audience.
Source: 30 April 2018 Infowars Livestream: "Jordan Peterson On Why Jews Are So Successful - Alex Jones Responds" Video URL:
Oyyy veyy! I bet the deluge of redpills and comments about JQ on his videos became too much to deal with, causing this slight change of script, so shills and fans can say 'BUT HE NAMED THE JOO HERE' etc. Get him doing a holohoax investigation and I might pay a little more attention to jonesberg.
Evan Roberts
i have a feeling the until jones puts on a storm trooper helmet and starts stomping around he'll still be "literally lenin" to you
Jaxson Fisher
Well, Jones whether you like it or not is entry level for a lot of people, boomers and overall normalfags. If Alex starts pointing out more of the shit jews pull then discussing the holohoax with said normalfags will be a lot easier because they'd become more critical of them and also the holohoax. Which is the only thing the kikes "invented" ever and will hold dearly to as much as they can.
Ian Clark
Brandon Collins
You have to go back.
Yes he plays an important role for this, sadly current Alex is a little different from OG Alex in the Bohemian Grove, but it's up to anons to further redpill and drag them away from (((joneski))) once their first steps are taken.
Brandon Flores
(Jews did all this horrible shit) (BUT THEN people became anti-Jewish)
Eli Russell
Oh you mean back when him and Luke Radowski hijacked the 9-11 truth movement and subverted it into a million pathetic conspiracies, because it had come to the conclusion it was the jews?
Grayson Collins
Juan Rivera
Exactly. Old college buddy of mine is fully aware of the kikes and all the other shit surrounding them, he started with Jones and all that shit and later he started digging on his own and was listening to speeches of George Rockwell and thanks to that he realized how fucked up everything really is and how the kike marxists and communists shit is destroying people, all in the name of equality. Recommended him to read Hitler's War and The Hoax of the 20th Century too, which he did and he thanked me for recommending them.
It's funny though, he was the typical political correct buffed up guy with no other purpose than fucking random skanks and fighting the "good" fight for equality rights, gay rights shit, defending muslims and all that other nonsense. He did a 180 and a 1488. Smart guy so I'm glad he changed for the better.
Sebastian Ross
Bohemian Grove was a year before 9/11 but yes he was a total faggot during 9/11 as with any other media outlet. Soros OWS was worse for 9/11 truth than anything else though.
Until he puts his jewish ex wife, current wife, and half breed mongrel yid kids in the oven then he can regain my trust.
Blake Moore
Really? That's certainly not the order I remember it in. And I was unaware of 322 Bohemian, jewminatii all of that shit until I really started researching what happened on 9-11. Jones is nothing but freemasonic disinformation agent. For years he avoided and steered the conversation away from international jewry. Now you lose all credibility if you don't because it's so fucking obvious, suddenly he talks about them. Like Peterson and Molyneux and Akkad it will go something like this: "yes they are, but it's not a conspiracy, it's just because they were allowed to lend money, and they are really clever."
Nathan White
Hell yeah, having 1488-Chads on our side is a fantastic thing. Congrats on helping with your friend's conversion!
Jackson Gutierrez
The YouTube comments on the excerpts from the speech he's responding to are really encouraging. Dozens of JQ-aware people, mostly Peterson fans, that know Peterson isn't being forthright with the data on (((them))). The people that drew what's positive from JP's philosophical speeches aren't being drawn in by the egalitarianism, and instead seem to be providing backlash at his intellectual sidestepping of the issue.
We may have gotten the best of both worlds out of him.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Yeah hopefully not too many went down the road of self discovery via dmt. I'm willing to bet that whole thread of Petersons was to get people to do that. Whilst "ego death" may be beneficial longterm there is no way you are going to be interested in Nationalism or think in terms of me+family+community right after experiencing it. Probably 18 months before you start building a life again after a trip like that.
Nathan Lee
I don't know if I could be confident in saying that was his goal, but you're absolutely right about the after-effects of Ego Death. I've had it twice. Both left me in a state akin to shell shock for years. I'm still kind of recovering from the latest one, in 2010.
Matthew Reyes
Here's a sample of chat-comments I collected just skipping around in the video. It looks to me like the audience is redpilling AJ as much as the other way around. What a time to be alive.
I'm sure CNN is making a hit piece on the red pill distributor as we type.
Robert Thomas
I think once you start to get into unpicking who's doing what at the cerebral levels of psychologists being pushed into the mainstream consciousness that are also attending zionist functions, you cannot be confident in anything. Best to say "if I could conceive of it, then they probably already have too, and are doing it." It's not like there isn't previous evidence of just this kind of thing with the whole "turn on, tune in, drop out" message, delivered by a government psychoanalyst, complete with the newly discovered lsd.
Christian Green
Nobody's "redpilling" Jonestein, it's impossible to research conspiracies without becoming jew-wise, and over the years, he's interviewed top jew-wise individuals like Michael Hoffman. He was even married by Texe Marrs, who the ADL described as one of the top "anti-Semites" in America.
Alex hit the nail on the head, in that final video. Jewish collaboration is what makes them daunting.
Carson Sanchez
But he also says there's no jewish conspiracy, and there are good jews and bad jews, just like good and bad Germans, an obvious reference to the Germanic Deathcult of Devil-worshiping Nazis that really controls the world.
That's a bit brutal user. Jonestein may be kosher but he's the gateway drug for the normies. Just us shitposting on this internet forum isn't going to convert many people. Like how the Jewish Marxists have indoctrinated the gullible college students, we too need a grand strategy for red-pilling the masses.
The thing the enemy fears the most is the truth. The old guard media is collapsing and the lemmings are in need of some different sources for information.
Straight out of the horses mouth, we need to keep on pushing.
Andrew Parker
He's a gatekeeper, not a gateway drug. He exists to make sure that gentiles who aren't quite retarded enough to fall for Kikebart and Glenn Beck (although the line is starting to blur as he's becoming an open neo-cohen) don't leave the goyim plantation.
It's from January of 2017, and he's only shifted more blatantly zionist since then. He's always done things like this to admit, but play down the significance of jewish influence. You can find similar clips from over a decade ago.
Brody Taylor
kys you gross spam spic
Jose Brooks
I never claimed he was honest or on the level. Rather, it's a high-water-mark, a barometer reading, a sign of the times, that something has changed and is continuing to change in the window of acceptable discourse in America. Whether he's controlled opposition or not doesn't matter; in fact it would only reinforce my point that the times, they be a-changing.
You're absolutely right, but not in the way that you think. A decade ago, Jonestein had to pay less lip-service to his less retarded listeners, and could have never gotten away with openly praying for Israel on the air. Thanks to the aut-kike, the overtone window has shifted, and now zionism and neoconservatism are more accepted in alternative movements.
Ex: Watstein years ago, compared to now
Jaxson Price
Here is what Alex said yesturday and I'm not even kidding
1. Hitler wanted to move Africans and Muslims into Europe, that's why there were NatSoc in Africa and Iran.
2. BiBi will save Europe from I.S.LAM and prevent white genocide
3. Americans will all mix with Mexicans and that's a good thing because they're good at promoting Western (((values))).
You've missed the point. Those aren't right-wing, anti-Israel clips. Those are left-wing, pro-Palestine clips, and anyway PJW has never been impressive. The point is that one year ago, AJ was making clips like you posted; and yesterday, he was making clips like OP posted. The JQ has entered the normie fringes of mainstream political thought… and there's nothing you can do about it.
Infowars has always been "right-wing", they used to describe themselves as "paleocons", before shifting to the neocons that they are today. But there are many other examples over the years, including the one from the day after Obongo was elected that everybody likes to bring up.
Infowars has only gotten more kosher in the past decade. But I can tell by your use of TRSodomite buzzwords that it's impossible to convince you that a kosher shill with multiple jew wives isn't a super BASED fashy goy.
Vox Day has recently resolved to destroy Jordan Peterson's reputation, calling him "…a complete joke at best. At worst, he is an insane monster of inhuman ethics" among other things. http: //
I never said AJ or the others were anything other than controlled opposition. What I did say was that they're discussing the JQ in franker terms than I've ever seen. And they're discussing it nearly head-onL not in terms of Israel vs Palestine, not Globalists vs Communists vs Liberals vs Conservatives but literally Jews vs Nordics. This is the SHIFT I mentioned. The window is SHIFTING. I hope you are arguing in good faith.
He's just regurgitating Peterstein's argument that there's no jewish conspiracy, and that kikes are just smart and work together. If you think that's "discussing the JQ in franker terms", than you must love jews, because that's essentially their standard talking point.
Elijah Jackson
The real Redpill for me was the infograph of jones's product associates and they were all Jews.
I don't think the lemmings are stupid enough to believe the weapons of mass destruction meme again.
Christian Robinson
And yet yes, it is franker than I've ever seen from AJ. It is indeed a standard talking point, but they only roll it out when they're in a pinch, when they know they're losing ground, because it's such a risky stratagem. But of course you know this… We'll wait and see. Spread the vids if you want to convert those amenable to the message. Hope the weather is good over there.
I just listened to the Bibi clip (and the exchange that followed in the full broadcast) and everything he claimed was true, although it wasn't really direct enough for powerful soundbite webms.
Juan Bailey
Hitler blame at around 1:53:15
Gavin Reed
Alex ist ein juden fuckhole.
Jack Cox
Kill a Jew? OK
Gavin Clark
I guess this is legit then.
Yep, it's legit. Is Alex Jones going to get heart attack gunned, suicided or car accidented?
No he's going to make another 50 million and work with the CIA. And you know it's true because you FED shills are here making the same Spencer comments.
Bohemian grove members at the top most likely knew about 9/11 that whole crowd is wrapped up in the bullshit that’s going on now
Cameron Watson
Daily reminder that Jonestein's "infiltration" was admittedly done on behalf of the jew Jon Ronson for a Channel 4 documentary.
Brandon Turner
Going to check it out later tonight. Interesting if it lives up to OPs description.
Julian Cox
Funny thing, in the counter intelligence and espionage textbooks the first thing that is taught is to spread rumors that everyone is controlled opposition or a spy; spreading paranoia in the ranks of your enemy is as basic as it gets. That matters– in political unions where loyalty matters, I don't fucking care about his loyalty since I'm not in some sort agreement with him and he has hold up his end of a deal. He's a radio personality that sells water filters, anyone taking what a radio personality says as dogma is a retard anyways. All I want him to do is bring up the JQ to thousands of alienated Whites, I don't expect him to go 1488, those Whites will end up here eventually. Some off hand remarks about jews from a kosher source is probably what you got you first interested as well.
The odds are, you're a shill. Alex is a blunt tool and a meme, not an ally we made an agreement with.
Kind of like when Alex claims anybody who says "boo" to the jews is really an agent or working for the Saudis, even though the FBI has been known to instruct their informers to do everything in their power to protect the traditional enemy?
Cooper Rodriguez
Take almost any comment section anywhere close to this topic and its filled with comments just like this regardless of the site. Kek.
Henry Morgan
True. Its actually backfired here. Here, its only made us more robust.
Jackson Murphy
If someone isn't beholden to you, they're beholden to someone else. So you better get used to everyone being controlled and disagreeing with you more often than not. If George Soros starting ranting about the Rothschilds with even a mild amount of integrity, I would be happy. Doesn't mean I align with him, support, trust or even like him.
Adrian Rivera
Here is what Alex said yesturday ==== 1. Hitler wanted to move Africans and Muslims into Europe, that's why there were NatSoc in Africa and Iran. ==== 2. BiBi will save Europe from I.S.LAM and prevent white genocide
3. Americans will all mix with Mexicans and that's a good thing because they're good at promoting Western (((values))).
After I got out of the service in ‘08 (2nd bt 4th Marines) I ate psylocibin for almost a year.. ego death only connected my subconscious to my consciousness… I never stopped hating kikes or niggers
Ayden Bennett
Alex Jones is full of shit and water is wet. I would love for you to name some personalities that are loyal to us.
Jonathan Ward
I wish you would spend more time telling that to Marxists, liberals, cuckservatives, and kikes. Maybe they'll listen and lose.
Nathaniel Phillips
kys - your definition of right-wing and left-wing is a joke
Also, how could the first clip of PJW accusing the Israelis/Mossad of having prior knowledge of 9/11 possibly be interpreted as being pro-Palestinian vs anti-Israeli?
Jose King
James Woods
Zachary Barnes
Hes still kike shill
Luis Green
The divorce was hard on him…
Blake Carter
Anons really need to stop investing so much love and hate in professional liars, egos and salesmen and start viewing influencers objectively as what they really are TOOLS to be used or disposed of. They are beneath contempt, they're barely even human and most of them are mentally ill. If you take these people seriously and expect any integrity from them, you're a dumb ass; the truth doesn't sell. They will educate you on what their cults or paymasters tell them to, at best we can get some of the airheads to spout our rhetoric once in a while.
But stop and think about it; why NOW? Why is Alex doing this NOW? Because Zig Forums and 4chan are driving him to it that's why.
This place is the great political crucible of our time. Yes its a seedy dump full of autistic freaks but this is our time. We cannot relent.
Hunter James
Plenty of anons have high IQ, but they will never amount to anything. Jews are evil, hence no inventions. Negroes, at the very least, reinvent the wheel.
Christopher Russell
1. is pants on head retarded. There's a reason he is considered a gatekeeper. 2. ==||== 3. Well, they are nationalists. It's more likely that they'll shift the borders than them mixing.
However, it is interesting to note that the gatekeeper can't remain silent about the JQ.
Zachary Myers
Texe Marrs.
John Reyes
I don't know what to make of this.
Colton Wright
Hitler and the NAZIs showed that if you're going to go to war with the jews then you shouldn't wave big red banners and dress up in comic opera uniforms and march around to oompapa bands. You have to be more devious and full of subtrefuges than they are.
Only to see how he Talmudically tries to take the blame for the USS Liberty off of Israel.
Justin Nelson
alex jones has been a good goy ever since he tried to debunk pizzagate.
Colton Watson
I regularly listen to infowars pretty much 99% of jones WHO.JPG content is NOT-THE-JEWS shilling * NWO is run by crazy old white people * Feminism is run by crazy white women * Liberals are crazy whites * Commies are crazy whites * SJWs are crazy whites He use the term "crazy whites" more then anything else
And when he mention soros he make sure to point out that hes a nazi and 2nd out to destroy israel. He also derail conversations with somewhat sane callers, stalling until he can boot them with a commercial break. Last week some dude called in talking about they might still assassinate trump, he immediately started to cut in preventing him from speaking and did some movie imitation to joke it away. OY VEY BREAK IS COMING UP BYEEEEEE, but he has no problem letting a UFO nut going on a long rant on slave colonies on Mars on his sooo precious airtime.
Levi Cook
Q larp has been eating into his boomer base. >But look goy he named (((them))) The window has already moved and Jones is trying to control the message before the only people left watching are trolls.
Luke White
He also shifted over the years who the final boss on top is. * Pope run the NWO * The jesuits run the NWO * The British royal family run the NWO * The Nazis run the NWO * Soros run the NWO
Colton Anderson
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now
Cooper Ward
I'd agree with you if it were not for all that pointless edginess. Everything and everyone of importance is a means to an end for those who understand how to use energy and master sociology.
A wise user views Jones as a medium for disseminating the truth about race. Jones bends and flows with the zeitgeist but his ideological foundations remain rooted in place. He is predictable. It's his followers I'm concerned with. Swar enough of them and Jones will follow his followers.
Samuel Adams
You guys ever heard of down low red-pilling
Jones has been coming our way for the last 10 years, sometimes you don't blow your cover but drop a hint, then get your 40 million viewers to go look into themselves and find the truth. Same thing Peterson does, hopes his more discerning fans will take a look at the truth.
If you just go full 14/88 day one, do you think they would have allowed Jones and Peterson to continue to exist, you've seen how they come down on the "Alt-Kike" just for a few full 14/88. They censor and infiltrate hardcore.
Nolan Morgan
hahah today on joestein: the destabilization of the middle east is in fact all about obama the muslim trying to destroy israel, obama is allied with iran. "iran threaten to nuke US" "attacking israel is the trendy thing" soros, the muslims and the vatican is out to destroy israel" "The leftist are allied with the muslims because they deny our JUDEO-CHRISTIAN culture"
Cant be much kosher then this
Grayson Brooks
You need to see this as an opportunity to drop ACTUAL red-pills while his fans have their minds on the Jew.
Ian Cruz
My guess is proud barbarian
James Murphy
It's not pointless, people in general have far too much empathy for celebrities. Everyone needs to start viewing professional liars as talking billboards that emotionally manipulate the feeble minded, if they did, the world would be a much saner place.
Ryder Kelly
Owen Reed
I've heard about this but I haven't seen it, I mean wtf is that this? He knows very well who hitler was and what national socialism is. It's very dishonest, he read mein kampf and learned what this was all about, starting at his very early teens. I've seen an old clip where quite soberly describes a lot of it, and this analysis is indeed very correct. Then he keeps forking off shit like this, why do he do it?