The Absolute State of American Schools

65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

>Sixty-five percent of the eighth graders in American public schools in 2017 were not proficient in reading and 67 percent were not proficient in mathematics, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress test results released by the U.S. Department of Education.The results are far worse for students enrolled in some urban districts.

These results are quite alarming, obviously it is not news to any thinking man that the nigger or his slightly more evolved Mexican co-subhuman are irrevocably stupid, but the numbers paint a very scary picture for the future; especially as I would imagine these proficiency levels are at a very low bar. It becomes a problem for us to put forward political and economic discourses to an audience incapable of its comprehension. It would now seem that home schooling, private/charter schools are an absolute necessity for white children, no longer just a luxury.

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You got to home school or find a very strict private schools. While the teacher is going over the same lesson for the third time that week so little Jose and Tyrone can pretend to understand your child's precious time to learn is squandered.

The country is literally 75-80% nigger-spic in school-age demographics.

Remove the blacks and then look at the numbers. They’ll be lower than pre-desegregation, of course, since whites have been dumbed down, but these numbers are still worthless thanks to nonwhites ruining them.

Whites have been dumbed down, but can you imagine the loss of potential for all the whites caught up in these nigger infested zoo-schools? Soon, those subhumans, who are too dumb to function, will have the right to vote.

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this. Show me the racial breakdown.

lmao Mississippi and Louisiana always at the shit end of every state ranking list.

Completely irrelevant since there are barely any White children left in the country, much like South Africa. They could be as high-performing as any in the world and it wouldn't make one bit of difference. Just something for the desperate to hang their hat on.

We already know whites are going to be the the smartest, so that wouldn't provide any new data. What this does show, is that even with smarter whites in the mix, there is a critical mass of nigger-spics sufficient to drop the levels to these pitiful amounts.

Don't have the sources now, but iirc an user presented the data showing that white children in the deep South are actually above average as far as white kids at the state level go, but since half the population of the deep south is niggers it drags everyone down. tl;dr the stupid southern redneck is just a meme.

Truly makes one ponder. There is a reason anyone with any care for the future of their child sends them to private catholic schools. Many even take loans to afford it.

That's how bad the public schools are: poor people take loans out for private schools to save their children from the depravity of the nigger infested public schools.
To make matters worse the school boards do whatever they can to starve the private schools of funds and opportunity. Truly is a shit situation that can only be solved by defunding it all and allowing it to crash and burn.

yes. a hunter gatherer family of whites with the father able to spend time with his sons and maybe conduct some lessons by means of drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick is generally preferable to the current public education system. an agrarian family in the middle of nowhere with a halfway decent handful of books could produce so far superior sons than that of the "public 'education' system".
in this age we have such easy access to so vast a collection of knowledge and literature. but there is no direction. even among the better people in the country there is hardly any sign of an effective synthesis of good values and aims.
women constantly away from home (in the "work force". pic related) and lack of decent volkish community (so children can socialize without having to go to "school". sports are still a thing luckily) are a few things that further push effectiveness and ease of possibility away from homeschooling.

and imagine if home schooling actually became popular - imagine if the will of state and the economy actually encouraged it, even just a little, instead of trying its damnedest to prevent it. this of course would lead to an increase in effectiveness (and ease of possibility of course). more people would do it; more people would become proficient at it, learning what makes for a good homeschool, thus passing on better homeschooling techniques and principles to the future practitioners of it, etc

i wonder if anything good will come of trump and his whole "school choice" shtick that he's always emphasizing.

good thing that in america it will take about forty shitskins for every white in order for them to win. they will maybe take the cities in the beginning but they'll soon begin eating eachother. for all their tribalism in peacetime they're actually shit at unity during war when it's actually necessary - whites are the opposite

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remember to subtract niggers and spics you newfag

Just like the private-school advocates draw it up. And I am not knocking private, Catholic education, but it is the interests of the "privatize everything" crowd to make things as unbearable as possible and turn the desperation up to 11. They always have retreat to sell you.

Honestly, just shut the fuck up. This kind of rhetoric has been around in these circles for decades and it has never amounted to anything tangible.

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Why would they do that when they can just sit by and let the train wreck of our public schooling system do that job for them? No effort needed on their part.

Because that's how they make money.
It's a train wreck because it has been deliberately fostered into a train wreck by entrenched capital seeking labor and fresh debt service in conjunction with political parties willing to cooperate for votes. The same kind of entrenched capital that makes money from private and charter schooling, gated communities, guarded apartment buildings, etc.

it's a matter of plain fact, not something that is mean to "[amount to anything]". last i checked there's never been a race war in america you fucking dummy. you seem so desperate to black pill that you're *missing the point on purpose*; implying that anyone is suggesting to not have a surplus of children because of the dire demographic situation

there have been small scale ones

It would be a waste of money. No amount of effort they put into implementing what you suggest would pay off in the long run compared to the alternative of sit back and continue to let the niggers degrade the schooling system.

No, it's gotten this bad because of niggers. Everything you describe as the root of the issue is just a result of niggers being in control of things.
Louisiana's schooling is controlled by niggers and jews, and it is also the worst in the nation. Stop trying to come up with nuanced explanations to our problems when the cause is obvious. Any summary of the issues that doesn't involve niggers is fundamentally wrong.

They could have forcibly closed the border and shut down all immigration and kept niggers segregated, out of public work, and isolated geographically/culturally. They didn't, because what they have now is exactly what they wanted. You're just rambling at this point, regurgitating the same dumb shit that's been repeated over and over. Wake up.

This data is showing the spread of the disease, and it's getting critical. Imagine what it's going to be like to buy a computer in 30 years, with such little home-user demand it's going to cost $20,000. AYO JUZ UZ YA HOLOFONEY AIGHTTT

One positive trend I saw recently, is "Nature Pre-Schools", where kids are taken into the woods to learn their basic lessons, which is of course far more stimulating than being locked in doors all day.

I wouldn't send the kids of someone I hate to a public school.

Doesn't that work against us? Where you might have a wealthy area with a proper functioning school, it could become a target for enriching desegregation, so the black kids "get a fair shake".

The fuck are you on about? Do you think the people who run the public schools are the same who run the private schools? They aren't. In fact they compete for funds in this state.

I can't even tell your point anymore. You seem to be implying that the issues with our public education is in fact not the niggers and is instead the usual political corruption. This is wrong because the political corruption is a result of publicly educated niggers electing other publicly educated niggers who continue the degradation of the institution.

And finally your scenario makes no sense. Why would the cabal spend time, money and effort degrading public schools when it is already degrading at a rapid pace? Why spend money when they get literally the same result for free?

You must be mixing for profit colleges with private high schools or something. Private schools aren't very lucrative when the school board hates you and can dictate what your financial overhead looks like (require special certifications, limit funds, etc).

Theoretically a voucher system would allow families to attend schools that are farther from their homes than what is usual. So a white family will be able to spend a bit extra time traveling to their selected school to avoid the nigger issue.
It doesn't benefit the niggers that much because niggers wouldn't travel for something like that. They don't care that much about education.

The point is extremely simple. While you are rambling about how awful the public school system is, what a disaster it is, how it is just waiting for collapse by niggers, you're deliberately misrepresenting where every White family is going to end up while this is happening: being 15% of the population while they are up to their eyeballs in debt from private schools and exclusive neighborhoods and private extra-curricular activities they can't actually afford but don't have any choice because everywhere else is an unlivable wasteland. High-end Palestinians, that's what they'd be. And here you are, tickled pink about it and pushing private schools as the answer, the solution, the savior. Like I said, the Catholic schools do a good job, but they are vultures here.

And public schools don't compete for funds, they get paid either way.


(((Common Core))) and niggers. But niggers have been here longer, and Common Core is recent. Remove the Department of Education.

from what i've interpreted it seems like it would mean whites would be less influenced by the state regarding the education of their children, so if you dont want your kid to be forced to go to a jungle prison school then you'll have other choices.
during the campaign i saw criticisms from the left towards trump's choice for secretary of education claiming that she was basically going to burn down the whole education system and have a negative effect on public schools. but i havent really seen anything come about so i guess we'll just have to see what happens

It's not the same in every state. The rest of your post is pointless: you don't know the issues we face or how bad they are if you are worried about debt. What is the use of being debt free if your are a dumbed down goyim? Pointless because you will just end up indebted some other way.

None of what you are saying is more important than securing a good and productive education for our youth.
Go and breed then, faggot. Whites aren't a minority yet, but they will be if they are all getting the education of a nigger.

They won't by theirselves. Movement of niggers is always facilitated by kikes.

They used to bus in apes from the worst nearby inner-city areas to my friend's very affluent and white high school. It was some sort of progressive program designed to gib the apes a chance to succeed in a whiteboi school. Needless to say, there were gang fights, drug raids, stabbings, police on campus every day, etc. They didn't take advantage of the opportunity they were presented, they just kept aping ruined the opportunity for whites.

Yeah…. nah. It's the root here.

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All you have managed to convey is that niggers are not the problem with public education. That's just plain wrong.

No, that's what you keep trying to say that I'm saying, but I never once did. You're disingenuous, which is typical of capitalist jew filth.

Globally they are.

Good read. Read The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation, it a fundamental book.

I want to help fight the onslaught in the United States, but if I ever have kids, I'm moving back to my Homeland in hoholistan. Ukraine is a shithole but at least they won't be BLACKED

Bullshit that's exactly what you are saying. You have been implying that the issue with public schools is greed and capitalism and the niggers are a result of that.
Thus you are implying that if you fix the monetary incentives in education and make it not profitable that niggers will be perfectly capable of being educated along side whites. That is a fucking joke and you know it.

A capitalist for profit schooling system would work if it was exclusively white.
No type of multicultural or biracial schooling system will ever work, regardless of the financial logistics behind the institution.

Thus the more pressing problem is niggers in schooling, not the funding of said schooling. Go back to Zig Forums with your nigger defense shit.

No, it isn't and anyone can click on my ID number to highlight my posts in this thread and read them for themselves. I clearly point out that niggers are a key problem. What YOU don't like, is that I am accurately pointing out that this problem is deliberately stoked and amplified, left to fester and grow by the same forces who issue loans for mortgages in new subdivisions, for $10k a year private middle schools, who block bust your old neighborhood, who convince you to buy a Lexus instead of a Toyota.
And they aren't going anywhere because then you'd have a lot less demand for private schools, for uprooting entire families/neighborhoods/towns. You'd lose the churn. The permanent revolution.

Singling this part out, then why don't capitalist societies every try to get Whiter?

surely it would be their primary interest to make sure whites are forced to attend these rapidly degrading schools. they would want to put money into the system simply for the sake of holding it together enough that it can be maintained as a monopoly on the education of the youth

gotta check these trips
not sure what you guys are even arguing about though

whites are what, 6-8% percent of the global population? but from a strategic standpoint, a hypothetical twenty billion niggers in africa are not very high on the list of relevance. the first goal for whites is to come together against all of our enemies under the banner of our shared blood, and once this is done things will be more straightforward.
i guess what i'm trying to get at is that a shitskin in the hand (rural america) is worth two in the bush (cities) so to speak, so niggers in the cities should not be considered as much as niggers in the country

At least try to hide your ideological leanings, goon. Your nigger defense is just an excuse to fan the fires of conflict isn't it?

Segregate the schools and education quality instantly increases. Only ideological lefties who are preoccupied with jewish class wars would ever imply niggers are not the PRIMARY reason our schools are so fucked. Bars are lowered just to let more niggers pass, yet you blame the overall economical environment instead of the obvious?

Boy, that went right over your head, didn't it? See yourself out.

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You're about to be filtered.

Teaching about diversity and being a tranny, and the patriarchy and "muh evil wypipo" is more important. Fuck all that racis math and shit. :^)

and you keep saying I'm the one who is lost

The least white generation ever can't read for shit? Who wudda thunk it.

I'm not implying the issue isn't niggers or kikes. I am directly saying that it is. Capitalism is not separate from that. Filtered.

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You are trying to imply the issue is something more hidden and sinister than kikes and niggers. That's fundamentally wrong since everything you are saying is the result of… kikes and niggers.

Fuck off kike.


It's quite funny when someone filters on a public forum. As if the point of the conversation isn't to field ideas for others to read and think about and is instead something more personal and targeted.

Only shills care if you filter them, because only shills are creating targeted commentary.

I believe most kids would learn more from watching Khan Academy videos for 2 hours a day than they learn in most public schools.

2015, Under 18:


Make a house out of dirt and when the rains come you'll be swimming in mud.

the racial breakdown most certainly is not irrelevant. how is it not useful to know what percentage of whites are suffering this ignorance; whether whites are falling victim to the negroidization and judaification of schools or if they can still read and function as whites despite the attempts by the school system. much more useful than some convoluted bitching about capitalism.
are these 8th graders an accurate representation of all 8th graders across the nation or is it just 8th graders in the cities? do you underestimate the difference?

No question, that's definitely the case.
I switched schools in 6th grade. At the first school, I was still in the elementary school - grades K-6 - so we still had recess and shit. In February of 6th grade, I switched to another school, which was a middle schools, grades 6-8, which was a whole other world.
One aspect that really fucked with me was that at the first school we'd been on a different timeline I guess, and we hadn't touched fractions… But at my new school, they were already balls-deep into fractions. And my teacher, quickly realizing I had no clue what the fuck was going on… Didn't move to help me at all and in fact came to calling on me to embarrass me in class. And in fact, that basically became the go-to approach for every subsequent teacher I had, even the men, when it was 'revealed' that I was utterly confused as regards mathematics going forward, because I was never functionally taught certain basic principles.
Anyway, I wound up going to college for Biochemistry and I needed to know how the fuck to do math, so I used Khan Academy and I learned more about mathematics by watching Khan Academy over two years time than I did in 18 years of public school.

Not to blackpill, but…

That's not the actual number.
If anyone here hasn't already, I urge you to investigate 'White Hispanic' numbers in the US.
You'll quickly find that, in places like cities in California, and in fact the entire fucking state of Arizona, something like 90% of the spic population self-identifies as 'White'.
Meaning that 51.5%? Its even lower than in reality.

It's not relevant because we are approaching or are already in critical mass, where it becomes exponentially more difficult if not impossible to reverse it – like South Africa. It doesn't matter how great and accomplished and White they are. Their fate is the same: if you are anything but the absolute apex elite you are never getting out or achieving any credible quality of life. If you do want to leave, you are stripped of your assets. Unless you are a doctor or extremely high value engineer of some kind, you won't even be considered for domestic employment and even if you are, the state will increasingly refuse to fund your education or grant you a place in university because they assume you will leave the country.

Hold the fuck up tornigger you're a biochem major? I'm doing CS right now and hating it. My classmates are all poos and I'm not cut out for it. I'm considering switching. Is there good work to be had?

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Even when I was a junior and senior in high-school, about ten years ago, the proto-human niggers read very poorly. I've seen children who are 9 years old today, reading better than most of those niggers back then. I grew up in a 'diverse' area, and every single class was held back, or detracted by some nigger acting out trying to get attention. The teachers know it's because of them, but are silenced because "Well, they're just humans like us, and it's the white man's fault that they can't read".

It's unfair. The kids who actually want to learn, suffer because some wild chimps were let into the classroom. They are incompetent, stupid, feral creatures.

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demographic facts alone are not black pill.
america is a pretty big place. i would guess that maybe 43-47% of the people in america are actually white, but the fact that most nonwhites are grouped together in the cities and states like california and the south must be considered. if they truly were evenly distributed across the nation then that would be much worse

the OP is about how modern kids are stupid. you seem vested in the implication that whites are part of the stupid when really its probably mostly just the nonwhites that are stupid while white kids are mostly fine. you seem to want to avoid discussion of this.
what? i thought this was about securing the existence of our people and a future for white children by means of removing nonwhites
i think it's more important in these times to own a gun with plenty of ammo. i would be interested in the demographic breakdown of rifle ownership. inb4 this is also irrelevant dont talk about it
why would you want the state to fund your education? isnt that exactly what we dont want at this time? isnt this whole thread about how the state funded education is shitty and should be avoided by whites? and what's this about leaving the country? why would they assume this? i mean maybe they'll assume you'll retreat to the central whiter mainlands of america, but why would anyone leave the country?
and what's up with all the south africa comparisons lately? trump currently holds the biggest stick in the world

God they are fucking useless

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Mine were all Chinks and Vietnamese. And women.
Not sure what you mean by that, so can't offer much insight.
Eh. There is, but were I to go back and do it again, I'd probably not do what I did. Petro/nuclear/chemical/biomedical engineering, in that order, would likely be my go-to's, just on the basis of pay and job opportunity.
Its not that biochemistry can't/won't net you a decently paying position, its just that the engineering aspect really ups your potential application as an employee and increases your probable lifetime earnings.
You'll be hard pressed to breach six figures annually with biochem alone from what ive seen.

No, I haven't once said that. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter how fine the White kids are doing individually because of the demographic reality. Super rich White people are probably doing fine in South Africa right up until their compound gets stormed or they try to emigrate.

You're just talking in circles trying to obfuscate what I'm saying.

so to be clear, what you are saying is that america will assuredly go the route of south africa and whites will slowly be murdered by savages, even in the towns in the mainland that will no doubt begin forming militias the moment race war breaks out in the cities that are far away? because these types of things will begin in the areas that are most densely populated by subhumans (cities), yes? and what would be the fate of white men outside the cities who keep guns in their households and have other white male friends that also have guns? are we talking about south africa or are we talking about america?

and jsut to be clear; this:
this is what you've been struggling to say over the course of 18 posts? try being more clear in order to prevent what you're saying from being obfuscated

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I've seen niggers in 10th grade have trouble pronouncing three syllable words

Actually there are extremely rural areas with great schools still. The trick is finding white communities.

If you live in a big city your schools are already wrecked by brown people though, their kids aren't even fit to pick cotton or lettuce any more.

I believe you, user.

Not trying to detract from OP, so I'll continue this line of thought: kids of all races are suffering from lower performance in education. But, I think it's safe to say the standards were dropped by (((academia))) in order to cater to low-IQ non-whites, who find the most simplest of things extremely difficult.

I don't think public schools are the main reason for illiteracy there.

You mean everywhere but Hawaii?
I don't see that happening because the demographics are so bad presently and there has been so little actual push back, that it will just continue on as it has.

Looks like common core made things even WORSE kek

The main impetus would be ==non whites==

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Negroids and cannibals should be separated from the human population.
Mongs can be thrown in with the negroids, but only if they have retard strength. Each giant retard can have a midget riding on its back controlling it. The midget will be cleverer, so he can also attend normal classes half of the week.

I've seen niggers in college that are barely able to read and certainly can't comprehend any mathematics beyond remedial high school level. I guess you don't need to be intelligent to go to college anymore, just black or brown will get you in the door with a full scholarship and stipends. It's pretty disgusting, especially knowing how many intelligent white students were passed over in favor of these nigger hordes who do nothing but protest and complain for more Gibs and accommodations. God help up in the coming years as these niggers get their degrees on skin color vs merit and become the next Dr. Nigger.
We better have an ethnostate by then because I do not want to get old in a country with a nigger occupied government.

lot's of ESL learner states on the bottom this list

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With for-profit universities that are paid largely through government-issued debt [and private lending institutions that have direct lines to the Federal Reserve] that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy court, the incentive is to accept and enroll as many people as possible who can just barely meet the requirements. The government has an interest in collecting interest on the debt [and borrowing against it] while the university has an interest in reaping immediate profits [and at increasingly higher rates, because their cut is limited only by the government's willingness to burden subjects with debt].

It's often more difficult to get into college in genuinely socialist countries because the government is directly paying for it exclusively out of the present budget and tax receipts, so they don't want time wasters.


rural areas*
what happens when the cities are 100% nonwhite and they begin to collapse? or are you suggesting that the cities will reach 100% shitskin at the exact same time that the middle parts of the country will? are you also suggesting that they will be able to maintain themselves while an invasion of the rural people continues? you cant deny that, if things "continue on as it has" then the cities will be first to collapse under the weight of the melanin. you are again disregarding the fact that the shitskin is not evenly distributed across the nation. it is natural for whites to develop the prussian syndrome when they are in the middle of things like that.
consider by what means can whites disappear. it either happens through white flight (moving towards the middle of the country, which will increase the concentration of whites in that area), or by being killed (which, according to you, will not have any effect on race relations)
there has not been a scenario of white american homes being invaded en masse by savages and slaughtered, therefore you have no precedent to draw this conclusion from.
could you please explain in explicit detail what you do see happening? please differentiate between what will occur in the cities, suburban, and rural areas respectively

what does this have to do with anything? specifically the removal of nonwhites? why do you keep up with this convoluted shit?

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If you mean rural areas, say rural areas. Mainland only makes sense in the context of a nation having territory split between islands.
Basically exactly what is happening now? Things just get a bit worse, then a lot worse, and then it's too late. Life still goes on in South Africa and Zimbabwe. It is still going on in America, Canada, and France. It's basically the same process that already happened in Anatolia and Persia. Nobody ever "snapped out of it".
It has everything to do with it at a structural level. I'm going to filter you because you're a moron, an obvious newfag, and clearly a shill.


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Stats like this are meaningless until corrected for race.

nigger, i plainly corrected myself there at the very beginning of the post very succinctly to get it out of the way. you're really grasping at straws to try to have any shred of substance. inb4 you get further caught up on this
UMMMM BaSiCally eXAcTLy WhAt iS HappENinG nOw???
how can "what is happening now" occur during a scenario that can only exist where an event is taking place that is very different from what is happening now? your answer is wrong based on simple logic, without even having to get into actual possibilities of what could occur in reality. you're saying that something different is not different. you're very good at typing sentences without actually saying anything (you're actually not that good at it tbh)

i'm filtering you too because you're clearly a of 100% african descent, a bot, both your parents are ahskenazi jew israeli citizens, you're a practicing homosexual, an aborted fetus, a sixty year old chinese factory worker who shills here in between wow gold farming sessions, your favorite color is green and you especially hate the color of grass, and this is your only post on this board

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whoopsie daisy i replied to myself. that post was for this guy here

Oh California we hardly knew ye.

imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now

check this out. also remember that these are from years ago and it is currently worse today

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oof it kills me to see southern new england in the state she's in. driving through (most of) providence is like driving through guatemala. Never been to connecticut but I hear things are pretty bad there, especially the closer you get to jew york.

t. living in south chicago, dreaming of a white new england autonomous state

This guy right here knows what's up.

50% are niggers

it must be institutional and systemic racism

School is evil and should not be saved.

Just fuck off retard

Yep. Few people really understand the demographic timebomb, or how hard it is ticking. If blood isnt shed, we will lose everything before we are old.

And those numbers dont always count illegals who aren't being properly registered.

Have you seen the average person read something out loud? It's not just the kids that are illiterate.

Afaik it's getting BLACKED slowly. You sent 2 million people to do seasonal jobs here (Poland) and imported niggers to do them in Ukraine (at least that's what an ukrop told me)