Anthony Powell, 34, of the Bronx, entered a theater in the Regal Union Square Movie Stadium around 11:30 p.m. and began shouting, “They are killing us,” according to law enforcement sources.
Anthony Powell, 34, of the Bronx, entered a theater in the Regal Union Square Movie Stadium around 11:30 p.m. and began shouting, “They are killing us,” according to law enforcement sources.
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The modern yelling fire in a crowded theatre.
The timelines are merging.
I hope they take it easy on the (((white man)))
Rolling for it being a nigger.
only Dailymail and Nypost reporting on this (Forward doesn't count since they just reposted the NYPost article)
Holy fuck… think about it. The dude merged with a Pinkerton detective or some shit who knew John Wilkes Booth had ties to the Templars and Masons.
Hahaha what a prankster.
Hollly shit I wish this was true.
dubs confirm
Please let it be true
It's probably a Muslim.
this, it was a homeless nigger
Colin Powell really turned to the drink after retiring from the military. Many such cases. Sad.
The fire rises.
wait wat
black or brown but you'd be damn to find a white living in the bronx
The absolute state of liberal states
Some nigger probably choked another nigger during the panic, and they are charging him with it.
Throw the jew down the well.
Who needs laser skirmishing or Pokemon Go when you can play "I Got The Jew!"?
Zyklon Ben at it again.
Definitely nog, nogs get over paranoid over everything. He probably got scared from the movie and couldn't tell the difference between what's happening in reality and the movie.
What, did he shoot the screen?
Does the name of the perp include:
Or sound like any of those things. 9/10 times - freemasons psyop.
imagine the stampede you could create with a stereo playing best of ISIS songs and some fire crackers
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Run for your lives
I got the jew
Oh, but when a white helmet shouts in aqnob, "it was a chemical attack!" its real!
Events like this are proof mass placebo effects work to manufacture fake news.
Yeah. Notice how they don't call him racist or antisemitic.
it was a white pastor…. he has an interview of it up somehwere on jewtube
disregard i was thinking about another theatre incident
You've obviously never been to Riverdale. 79% white.
So true. To this day people believe there were airplanes on 9-11 because they "saw" them on TV.
I agree. They said this guy was warning people of assholes with guns and all of a sudden, hes charged with strangulation and shit. How the hell did he not get away.
Tactical yelling is such a good way to influence bourgious
79% (((white)))
Probably, though I'm not placing any bets until we find out who jumped off the balcony. I know it is improbable, but there is a possibility that this in fact was not a homeless nigger, but instead this could have been a plan. He could have known some jew was going to cause a mass shooting, and orchestrated the chaos to stop it. This jew would've likely been the one trying the hardest to escape, hence jumping off the balcony. This would also explain the reaction of grabbing him and shouting "I GOT THE JEW!"
Not even going to guess on the odds of the above scenario being what happened though.
So humans are no different from gazelles or wilder beasts.
Found the jew.