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Deposit for darkies at ching chong's
How dare they have pattern recognition abilities, their brains should be forcibly damaged to not notice underlying trends in behavior that can easily go away if you just stop paying attention to them!
A whole thread had to die because of this
Considering that in so many stores the 'black hair care' products section (yes, this is a thing lmao) is behind lucite and glass doors due to all the thefts people should stop pretending niggers aren't a problem. Racism is just pattern recognition and common sense.
This is why no one wants niggers in their restaurants.
hopefully it was one of yours
Can Niggers just fuck off to their own hoods?
Dubs confirm that they belong in the zoo
I would be curious as to what the reaction has been from other Chinese in Canada.
If they don't like this they need to gather their family and friends and discuss the thieving problem they have.
Nothing happens in a vacuum if there is a problem it sprouted from somewhere.
This is why the concept of racism shouldn't exist it prevents the few smarter than average nigros from asking "Is the problem with us? Why are we the only ones who need to be asked to pay upfront? These things just don't happen for no reason.".
God damn I hope this becomes a talking point in Canadian news. Between incel rebellions and the Chink v Coon War I’d say Canadian news has it made
Trips confirm, niggers need to be quarantined
"We've been having an issue with unfamiliar customers, such as yourselves, dashing out without paying. Those other customers are regulars, so we don't expect any trouble from them."
Gee, how hard was that?
Are you implying something by that, Hitler?
It's nigh impossible to overcome the dindu mentality when one is brought up in a culture that assigns blame for one's own shortcomings to anything and anyone other than their own selves.
If I was there I'd say that I did have to pay before eating too even though I'm white so they'll feel toothless and stupid.
3 Burglars VS Asian Lady With Gun
Bug people would just as well rather kill niggers outright
These were trips, not dubs.
You deserve extermination, (((a3fad2))).
What is this world coming too?
As would I.
I've seen how hard many of those family-run restaurants work to make their money, and the thought of some backsliding pavement ape winning the ghetto lottery at their expense is absolutely revolting.
At the very least, it will keep them busy reporting on happenings instead of progressive agenda fake news.
Hot damn, how I love stand-your-ground law!
This. Leftists who say that that restaurant should have demanded pre-payment from every race equally are, of course, being anti-white (or rather, anti-nonblack) – they want to punish nonblacks by encumbering them with the precautions that in reality are only necessary in case of blacks.
"If someone commits a crime, then we should punish guilty and nonguilty alike, otherwise it is not true equality" – your brain on progressivism.
No sympathy for the gooks, but this represents a big problem for the white man. No one should have to suffer a nigger, every white man should be legally obligated to kill every nigger on sight as they are dangerous animals. Being forced to treat niggers as humans is a violation of human rights
Well, a couple of populations may be kept in a reservation. Every bit of diversity – yes, genuine genetic diversity, not the politicsl bastardization of the concept – deserves preservation. We do try to preserve as many animal species as possible, after all.
Kill yourself, civcuck pussyfooted faggot. That is an absolutely retarded idea, comparable to how irl a small number of labs still keep smallpox, which is a disaster waiting to happen. At most there will be animatronic niggers in ghetto theme parks that stab visitors with plastic knives, and will do a hambone dance for a "welfare check" ticket
They won't care. I was talking to a friend of a friend. She had no idea of my sympathies or politics. When she told me about her neighbourhood in N.Y. she said that it was ok but there too many black people. If you know any Chinese they're very plain speaking, they pretty much call a spade a spade.
I was so glad to hear in the second video that nig nogged for the last time.
I really like the idea of setting the niggers loose on the chinks, but this is clearly a slide thread and it should be deleted.
I want to stab that fucking niglet in the throat
#ban functional frontal lobes
A Chinese restaurant in downtown Toronto has been ordered to pay a black man $10,000 by Ontario’s human rights tribunal after he and his friends were asked to “pre-pay” for their meals.
Back on May 3, 2014, Emile Wickham and his three friends attended Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant, located in the area of Dundas Street West and University Avenue, to celebrate his birthday.
The restaurant in question was ordered to pay Wickham $10,000 as compensation for infringing on his human rights and for injury to his feelings, self-respect and dignity. The tribunal said the restaurant did not offer a credible non-discriminatory reason for what occurred, and found that Wickham was racially profiled by employees.
The tribunal added that evidence from Wickham proved that the incident had a lasting and profound impact on him.
“It has fundamentally changed the way he perceives Toronto, and the level of the city’s inclusiveness,” the ruling said. “The incident was a rude awakening.”
In a statement posted to Instagram, Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant said the establishment was under different management at the time of the incident. The restaurant said the tribunal decision is under appeal.
“We are deeply concerned about the situation and the people affected,” owner and manager Colin Li said in the statement. “There are a number of sensitivities and considerations about this situation, and for that reason, the tribunal outcome is under appeal by legal representatives.”
American niggers should rightfully be considered illegals just like the spics. Their own hood is called Liberia, and was part of the Emancipation Proclamation. The American Colonization Society purchased and founded Liberia with the full intent of emancipation being sending ALL freed nigger slaves there as their new home or "hood".
Why did the Emancipation Proclamation fail? Why didn't the ACS get a refund on the purchase of Liberia? Who stole Liberia and left the niggers in the New World?
Answer: pic related.
If you want to be more technical it was the assassination of Abe Lincoln he was the one who set Liberia up and then some how he gets a new window installed for his brain by John Wilkes Booth.
Had some Chinese friends with a black bunny rabbit named Obama.
nah man. And if you put up bulletproof glass, you're racist. You should look up what has been happening in Philly with the "beer delis". Chinks put tables in convenience stores and call them "delis" so they can serve single servings of tap beer and hard liquor. Niggers attack them so they have to hide in a cage and push the vodka shots out of a hole in the cage to the negro underclass customers. Kikes have been hounding them to remove the protective glass because it's racist. Pic related.
Maybe, just maybe, have you considered that perhaps the city council wants the glass removed so these beer delis have to deal with the consequences of their irresponsible behavior, like every other fucking bar in this country?
Maybe true. But, I'm elated that kikes are now hounding the Chinese.
Chinese restaurant worker here.
We all hate niggers here and often talk about how ugly and stupid and violent they are.
are you a Ching Chong or just hired by Ching Chongs to do deliveries?
I'm a white man, yes I run deliveries for them. Been with then 6 years, small mom and pop place. Nice people tbqh but chinks gonna chink. Get paid in cash and make a pretty decent amount of money doing it.
Some old fucked side swiped me today though.
This is the big joke of Canada alright; chinks and sikhs spit on shitskins with utter contempt.
When the last white dies, the jews will be left to lay their nigger/slave guilt trip on the sikhs and chinks.
The jews will get their throats slit several moments before the niggers get machine gunned en masse by the fascistic insect like chinks who obviously have no conscience whatsoever.
Sounds like an improvement over Current Soviet Police State LARPing as Canada under Castro. Maybe once the Chinese solve the problem they will make it possible for non-cucked White Men to move back up their and live Canadian lives again. Don't see any Leafs making any moves to do anything about the current situation.
You get in the oven too, cuck.
I would love for niggershines to make business impossible for the yellows.
I had often espoused the former comment myself, to keep, for example, a "Brave New World"-style commune of savages so that those in the new world may marvel at their sub-human nature and be all the more grateful for not being like them, but user's answer that they should be wiped out and replaced with "animatronic niggers in ghetto theme parks that stab visitors with plastic knives" amused me greatly. To paraphrase DeNiro in "The Untouchables", "like many things in life, you laugh because it is funny and you laugh because it is true".
Your argumentation is faultless, Sir, I stand corrected. No more wild-life santuaries for the savages it is, bring on the jive-talkin' animatronic Bix Noods!
Huh, could have fooled me
I wonder how many of these incidences have to occur before niggers figure out that they're not welcome anywhere.
Fucking why? They make business impossible for whites too. Why the fuck shouldn't they "discriminate" against niggers? Everybody should be able to. There's no excuse in giving that fucking filthy piece of shit nigger 10 grand. Fuck you faggot.
Ban this cunt
Fuck off faggot
I can only reserve so much sympathy for Chinese being a Canadian, but I do admire them to an extent.
They are foes.
Niggers have set a new precedent and if you're a business owner expect the black Jewish Alliance to come milk your shekels
100+ groups of SAVAGE NEGRO BEASTS had been through there, eaten hundreds of dollars worth of food then walked out. That's why, and they know it. It's a big fucking joke to Tryone. As horrific as black on White crime is, it's truly madness against Asians in America.
Perhaps the most ridiculous thing about this was when the Globe and Mail's resident (((WOC))), Denise Balkissoon, declared the entire event - which, I hasten to remind the board, involved no white people whatsoever - to be a victory for white supremacy.
Yes, I think it's obvious why the (((media))) in Canada has very carefully avoided raising the question of *why* the Changs did what they did, instead dutifully robbing them of agency and making them pawns of a vast white-wing conspiracy.
Why can't nagging niggers let people enjoy their food out in peace?
Racist place needs to be shut down and a government loan given to a jewish manager who will open a supermarket accepting welfare.
She used to be on the fringes of that wine, cats and knitting clique that got a father put in jail for calling them fascist feminists on Twitter. I guess she sucked off both Crawley AND Walmsley (or more likely, blackmailed her way into a 'safe space'.) Even the batshit yet genuinely funny Tabitha "Dave Foley's ex-wife" Southey was let go in the last round of cuts.
Copfag here. Went to a Chinese Buffet in the hood on a call one day. Get there and a qt3.14 Chinese college girl is bawling her eyes out. "What happened Ching Chong?"
"UghhH! You know those niggers…they are so mean and rude. This lady eat and eat but no want pay. Tell her to Pay! She say "You racist!" and she storm out and throw things on the ground."
Every fucking time. Nigs are animal tier. Thankfully she was on video being a cunt and the China girl got her plate. We arrested her later in the month on a warrant and also banned her for life from the plaza (now she has to drive 30 mins to shop anywhere lol)
**This one is for my mulatto cousins, god damn do I hate your coalburning whore of a mother.
This is what passes for "law" these days
Remarkable, isn't it, how similar niggers are to kikes in this regard? Neither of them know shame.
>(((archive not working)))
ftfy but it's easy to fix
Not all black people are niggers.
But all niggers are black.
Fixed that for you
I can't get my head around this. In my part of the world (Aus/NZ) if you run a private business you can serve whoever you like, however you like. Why do business owners let the government push them around? I guess the reason why starts with the letter J
have you mistaken this website for plebbit? Please go back to The_Donald, I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass
"We operators, foo'. We holdin our nines like dem cops on da TV… OH SHIT OH SHIT SOMEBODY'S FIGHTING BACK GTFO"
I can help out here; it's actually my specialty area.
You're being asked to pay in advance because it's illegal to kill you, and nobody in authority seems interested in sending you back to Africa, where you belong. So, if the Based China Man can't legally shoot you without getting in trouble, and the law doesn't anticipate a reason why a hardworking business owner who operates on slim margins might want to kick you out, he has no choice but to collect from you before you steal and cause damage, rather than after.
Also, kek if the niggers actually were planning a dine-and-dash, only to be sabotaged by the chink's greed.
All the liquor stores around here do the same shit. Ciroc, Hennessy, Alize, Etc… are all either kept behind the counter or have those RFID alarm things on the cap the cashier needs to remove at checkout.
You'll see a $400 bottle of single malt on the shelf above a box of Hennessy. Take a wild guess which one has the RFID anti-theft device locked on it.
A few of them even moved all the malt liquor, bum wine, and Heinekin into a locked cooler because nogs were running out the door after grabbing a twelver of Heinies or a few bottles of Cisco.