Riiiiiight… it's the insects' fault.
Riiiiiight… it's the insects' fault.
So, they're admitting that they're insects?
Don't take that away from the Turks, man. Besides, Indians are even lower than that.
(an OP with dubs)
Does that translate to flyshit is the ultimate problem in India today?
you're thinking of turks
India's designated shitting street problem can be easily solved, at least assuming they have some basic infrastructure:
Fire trucks.
They will be a super power by 2030 you bigot.
fixed that for you
Unbelieavable what a joke of a country India is. Words fail me.
Whoever made that is a disgrace.
Never gonna happen. DESIGNATED SHITTING STREETS are a cultural tradition. You may as well tell China to stop eating rice.
i love how that video demonstrates their inferiority complex
half the video is showing the poo in loos having white servants, with the added benefit that due to realism of having to find actors all their servants are physical supermen compared to the frail indian stature
we in contrast want all the shitskins to leave our lands with varying degrees of coercion involved
not just insect poo
No, they're lower than insects since insects can clean themselves.
The third world should never have had access to modern technology. They should continue to exist on a medieval level of tech until they develop the means to advance themselves (i.e
never). No modern medicine means no population growth means less poo.
Yep, people should live within their ability. I agree.
not huge clouds of human poo particle filling the air like smog
I dont think you realize how fubar india is
For example rats are a huge problem
instead of cleaning up the trash in the street the rats feed on they hire a army of pajeets running around at night trying to score a hit on them with a stick.
Sometimes the rats fight back and they eat the pajeets.
They can start by cleaning the NEED GIRLFRIEND spammer from the face of the Earth.
That video is so salty.
I'd take a pajeet over one of your goat-fuckers.
Because indians have control over jews.
hose it all into that fucking river they love so much. this user gets it.
Is that ad from Israel?
Seems they skipped logic class. You can't become something other than poo when you're poo. The day an iq 80 nation becomes a superpower is the day you know the planet is fucked.
Not even China can become a superpower in 2 years but pajeets want to? kek
literally Rest in Shit
Which will happen first?
1. a huge plague will break out killing half the population from all the filth.
2. they'll get buried under their own shit just like the Canadian Sheild getting buried under ice and snow in the last ice age
3. They'll all perish from massive outbreaks of electrical fires.
By Odins eye.
That's both hilarious and mortifying.
And one of them is clearly South America, not India.
But I do like me some good old tech and infrastructure gore.
Brazil, going by the language. And those exist in civilized countries like Japan, or America and Europe in the past. It's not something they couldn't feasibly fix at some point; though it does illustrate the shitskin's tolerance for ugly environments.
Yes user but those existed because we couldn't properly bundle whites without them arcing through our shitty insulation. That was an engineering limitation imposed by the available insulators. They don't have that excuse today.
You seem to be missing this part of my point. Nice trips though.
Not for long.
August 15 1945?
I don't remember exactly but another reason is some of them have this stupid belief that having any bathrooms attached to your home automatically defiles it meaning you will never get it clean.
So I'm guessing that also includes sewer plumbing for toilets even though we figured out how to prevent sewer gas from coming out of the toilet.
I'm looking for to the China / India war on their border watching thier spoiled children reanact the western front in the worlds highest mountains will be hilarious.
Sewage system. You're welcome.
Well, they memed that hard in the early 00’s.
They try to desperately change it to 2050 by the way.
I barfed just a tiny bit
Looks like a fallout 4 settlement
6 million indians unironically die each year trying to sneak electricity
There were Aryans in northern India before they mixed with the poos, ya fucking turkroach.
jesus fucking christ and I was uncomfy with my router as I haven't strapped the cat cables to the wall yet
How come india is covered with poop and there is no flies ?