22 Police Cars Vandalized in Antifa Hotbed Portland on May Day

22 Police Cars Vandalized in Antifa Hotbed Portland on May Day
In Portland's first reported May Day disruption, nearly two dozen police cars were vandalized in the northeast section of the city early Tuesday morning, police say.
At about 5 a.m. this morning, a total of 22 patrol cars in a police precinct parking lot were vandalized with what appears to be latex paint on windows and doors, KGW reported.

Because many of the affected cars are reportedly school resource officer vehicles, those officers will be unable to patrol district schools until the cars are cleaned up. Moreover, officials said the damage will likely take all day to clean and will be costly. According to KGW, there's already a police vehicle shortage.


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Remember whenever you can, discreetly kill activist judges and socialist teachers

scrape the fucking paint off the windows with a big ice scraper and acetone. itll take an hour. get all the people on probation to do it as community service.

That's good advice, but you certainly shouldn't be motivated to do it on account of ZOGmobiles getting torched. Police aren't your friend.

Way lame vandalage.
Pressure washer and 10 minutes/car

lmao what is it with trust-fund anarchists and attacking inanimate objects as a form of political action

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (846x433, 659.77K)

why not set them on fire?

inanimate objects are incapable of fighting back, sometimes.

Attached: I fought the trash and the trash won....gif (480x480 3.47 MB, 753.65K)

Serves the police right for allowing ANTIFA to fester. Next time raid their HQ and black bag them all.