Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld crashes Council breakfast to criticize them for not censuring @TrayonWhite
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld crashes Council breakfast to criticize them for not censuring @TrayonWhite
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jews are termites.
sounds like a total faggot
'oy vey your words made me cry cause you threatened my children dis is like anudda shoah'
fucking jews need to be eradicated
Just another yid kvetching over their dumb pet niggers doing nigger shit, and then pretending to have a sense of 'justice' for profit.
I guess crossing niggers with Religion of Cuck™ is like timesing two negative numbers.
The stereotypes are all true jesus christ. Gas gas gas
By the look of their reactions. They didn't want him here in the first place so probably he annoyed them constantly until their sympathy level drop to the zero.
the yid literally says 'i cried in pain' (where is he hiding the knife?)
Why didn't they just have their security throw the whining heeb out?
They don't care because they all know, the kikes fuck with the weather. That's what they're doing with those giant NEXRAD antennas.
They don't want to get sued and the jews get the shekels from them.
I forgot to click on the number.
Kikes manipulate the weather, user. It's just a fact of life. For now.
It'd be (((anti-semitism))), since literally almost anything remotely against what they want is.
so am I supposed to eat these things?
I wouldn't. Even if you're one of those people who can digest metal, you'd be better off enjoying a bag of lathe turnings with salt and drill oil while building them.
You're supposed to leave them near high power (kilowatts to megawatts) antennas. It affects, not the frequency or power, but something else it acts as a carrier for. People who can see auras see blue around these devices, and a sickly yellow or brown around powerful electric sources. If you know someone who can, have them confirm this. They'll see less brown or yellow once you have some orgonite near the power source.
This is, as 25efdb put it, fringe science, but somehow the things work as intended. Try building a few if you can. I bet you have everything you need within 30 feet.
no, they were developed by a famous psychologist named wilhelm reich. They're supposed to stimulate the flow of a positive energy he called orgone
To be specific, Reich discovered orgone energy and developed the accumulator, which used alternating panels of wood and iron to concentrate orgone energy. Orgonite was accidentally invented by Karl Welz, but his piece only had metal and resin. Don and Carol Croft developed the version with quartz from a piece they found in a psychotronic device created by Welz. Now, all of these people sound like they're insane and they probably are, but somehow this shit works.
Was Tesla onto this shit?
I've seen a lot of videos from "gangstalked" paranoid schizophrenics. a lot of them talk up these plastic pyramid toys with copper wire in them. None of those guys know about the shit we talk about because they're too busy fending off radioactive weapons with fidget spinners.
I have no idea, honestly. If he was, Reich didn't know about it. I sure wish I could get some schematics for Tesla's machines, though.
Man, that's a nice piece. Whoever did that has some casting skills.
Can I have an explanation of the physics of this device please? Optics is a fairly well understood field so I'm sure if this device works, then I'm sure someone has worked out an analysis of why they do. You can't explain it away in terms of aura either because this magic "aura" would have to be on the perception end. Or, is it possible to measure and therefore at least experimentally determine, without (((someone))) who can sense aura, whether these devices produce any appreciable effect on electromagnetic radiation? You can't just get rid of the "bad" parts of EMR without fundamentally changing it, so it's something that would show up if you measured for it. Please provide either a study or at the very least a video under an hour long detailing the experiment and expected results.
Does it have to be peer reviewed? Kek. The only useful information we have is Reich's own books. The FDA burned down his lab and put him in jail, for an example of how welcome this kind of research is. I should at least find PDFs of his books, yes. But if you do any manual labor at all, you should be able to build some of the things in far less than an hour, and test them yourself. You telling me you don't have a can of Bondo and a floor covered in drill shavings?
Doesn't have to be (((peer))) reviewed, I just want evidence it works. I shouldn't have to spend a bunch of time testing what sounds like a bunch of crockshit because a shitposter on Zig Forums told me it was krautmagic.
Not German, Austrian. By the way, you might want to adjust your mask a bit there. Still, I'll see if there have been any legitimate attempts at research in the past few years. The only reason I've brought it up again is because the subject of the kikes manipulating the weather came up again.
Meanwhile antigentites arent censored on jewtube.
Austria ought to be Germany anyway. Again, even if there are no peer reviewed studies, I would settle for a video or even some rando detailing his experiment and the results he got.
I find it funny that the accumulator was essentially a box for people to sit in but the fda deemed it quackery and so dangerous that they ordered a bunch destroyed
If the organization that cut tumors out of lab rats to help Rumsfeld get aspartame approved hates something that much, there's something to it.
I read a article that claims it improve the plants. How do that work?
Oh shit, I remember that article. It had a few properties like that. I wish this shit weren't a forbidden subject. I wonder if the earth had a lot more orgone energy going around in general back when those giant skeletons they found had meat on them.
If the Jews don't destroy Ben Garrison, Ben Garrison will destroy the Jews.
If there is a technology tool that can detect the orgone energy then I would try that and upload the source to the Internet. I wanted the evidence to prove that it works or not.
Fuck, we need a glassblower user.
I am unsure if it is a good idea because it would turn people into super psychic and the people minds are not ready for that yet. We never seen what the super psychic people's behaviours are. Is there such a super psychicals in the real life? Who know.
Wait what's a glassblower?
Someone who could make one of those vacuum tubes.
I hope that works. It would be wonderful to use the orgnites in the greenhouse hydroponics vertical farms to produce even more foods in short time.
Makes more sense than genetically modifying plants to self-terminate after a generation and accept ever deadlier pesticides that no one will bother to wash off.
I like that. Now go find glassblowers to make the technology to detect the orgone energy.
That's a interesting theory.
I sincerely hope you fags are aware of Hawkwind.
Comments in embed are relevant.
==NIGGERS CAUSE JEW SHITSHOW CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS==At the heart of the debacle is City Councilman Trayon White, who ignited a firestorm on March 16 by posting a short video on his Facebook page claiming that an unexpected snowfall was because of “the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters.”
Fellow council members and Jewish community leaders accused White of spreading an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about Jewish control of world events. The Rothschilds, a prominent Jewish family whose banking dynasty dates back to the 18th century, are a frequent target of global conspiracy theories.
White said he was unaware the Rothschild theory could be construed as anti-Semitic. The first-term African-American councilman reached out to try to mend fences, but several of the gestures seem to have made things worse.
He attended a Passover Seder and met with Jewish community leaders for breakfast over bagels and lox. He went on a guided tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum but abruptly left halfway through without explanation.
Then video surfaced from a February meeting of top city officials that showed White floating a similar conspiracy during an innocuous presentation about the University of the District of Columbia. White posed a question centered on the claim that the Rothschilds controlled both the World Bank and the federal government.
Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories roil DC city government
There’s also the issue of White’s relationship with the local Jewish community.
“I sincerely think he was just repeating conspiracy theories he had heard somewhere,” said Rabbi Batya Glazer, who had met with White on the issue. “It does mean he has an obligation to clarify what his position is.”
The controversy has also poked at some long-dormant societal sore spots. The Rothschild conspiracy theory has persisted for decades on the fringes of both black and white culture in America.
“Conspiracy theories are very dangerous … because they exacerbate splits that already exist,” said Andre Perry, who studies race and urban policy for the Brookings Institution. “This isn’t about one city council member. This is about how susceptible we are to tribalism that is created by a lack of trust in one another.”
and the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters has been well known for years
Spare me with that shit!
sage for off-topic
Black America [are] s people destined to rule. Black people fit the biblical prophecy of Abraham’s children who would serve a strange people in a strange land for four centuries but after that time God Himself would come to deliver those who had suffered and judge those who had heaped evil and death upon them.
ywn be gangstalked by a CIA qt
Saving this thread as handy how-to for sliding by sprinkling./x/ bullshit around.
I swear one of these days Im going to get my 1950s chem kit, alcohol, dry ice and literally show these retards what radiation actually looks like.
Why? Think carefully before you redpill. It's often best to have useful idiots.
But none of that changes the fact that it works. Hey, at least one of you is a kike. Tell me, how much have a few crazy people with simple tools and materials lost for you so far? By the looks of the skies around here, it has to be hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.
White guilt doesn't work on niggers, I hope that mutts can send them back to Israel.
I never thought I'd say this…
No idea how the physics of that ogonite thing is even supposed to work, doesn't seem like it'd do anything.
The NEXRAD and weather stuff though is correct, though power plants generating loads of steam/clouds is a large/larger part of it. WeatherWar101 has a great channel on NEXRAD and how the weather is created/manipulated, though they haven't posted any videos in a while.
Showing people evidence of power plants generating clouds is a lot easier than telling them NEXRAD does something to affect the weather though, since you can't see radar waves.
Also, I doubt many jews/politicians know about the weather control shit, it's likely just a few jews at the top, that own power companies and have connections to the US DoD, since the US DoD owns the NEXRAD stations.
Thanks, I'll check it out. Also, check this out. White's original claims weren't exaggerated at all.
keked hard
the secret relationship is absurdly packed
there is even a vol 2
quotes the talmud and then some
No idea about the NEXRAD thing but weather manipulation has been a common occurance for years.
Chemtrails seeding clouds is a fact and China has not only mastered that but created large cloud making furnaces that they plan to build in the tens of thousands along the tibeten mountains.
Here's a recent article that isn't in chinese.
Ask yourself this as well, why would they invest so much in this?
Are things worse than we know?
Is there a major food/water crisis incoming?
Are they simply planning to be the breadbasket in the new globalized world they hope to be the ones to usher in?
Why is this still being posted?
Do the chemtrails in your area still spread out and fill the sky? If so, build a few pieces of orgonite. I guarantee there will be a patch of blue over your house even if the rest of the sky is dark gray.
Energy companies using weather derivatives is them essentially being able to affect the weather and profit off of it directly, at least as long as the people in charge of getting them have info on the weather manipulation stuff.
Chemtrails and cloud seeding are admitted, though not very publicly, but are still smeared, and there are less tainted ways to tell/show people about weather manipulation.
China would invest in it so they can create rainfall wherever/whenever they want in their country, to help crops. The environment may be worse than we know, WeatherWar101 has a couple videos that theorize that due to industrialization and early weather manipulation, our weather/atmosphere is fucked up so clouds don't form too much naturally anymore, and the weather creation/manipulation is done to cover that up, though it's possible he's wrong on that part.
A food/water crisis could be created by kikes, though if anyone big enough opposed it, and knew about the weather shit, then it'd be likely to come out publicly, and I doubt they'd want that.
That picture is LARP tier though.
Here, have a webm of a satellite view of power plants releasing steam in a row to create clouds.
You should make some infographics or explain what you think the science behind the "ogonite" things is, because it honestly just seems like BS someone made up to make people look silly. If you've got no idea how/why they do what you think they do, maybe try figuring that out before telling other people to do it. The Electric Universe model may help you some, since I can't think of anything in non-EU science that'd make sense for ogonite doing anything.
Orgonite is pseudoscience bullshit that manipulates a mystical energy called orgone. There is zero scientific basis for it. Read up on orgone and the 'discoverer' Wilhelm Reich. Yeah he got screwed over and his books shouldn't have been destroyed, but that doesn't make him any less of a crackpot.
Wilhelm Reich was full jewish, both parents were jewish, so keep that in mind when looking at his claims or claims people make about his "science".
The kind of people that believe in orgone are the kind of people that will believe in anything. Unfortunately, there are quite a few of those types on this board.
Again, I need more time. I've been out of the loop with this material for almost a decade.
Crackpot? Kek. Nigger, you sound like you're straight out of Snopes.
Yeah, and his views on fascism are dumb enough that I don't blame anyone who would discount all of his work solely on that basis. But, from my experience, orgonite works exactly as described. And it's extremely cheap to produce. That's the only reason I'm suggesting it.
At least not him because wanted to prove the orgone work or not.
To exhibit its proper effects, orgone must be used as a suppository.
Top quality OC, except the first name is spelled "Trayon". Fix that and you're good to go.
I want to make one of those tubes, but I don't have the equipment to make a vacuum tube with electrodes sticking out. Maybe someday.
Why does everything have to be a poop joke with you kikes?
The picture is just something I remember seeing long before I learned about the Chinese furnaces and I found it a hilarious coincidence.
Forgot to mention that in my OP.
Thought I'd share it in the spirit of the tinfoiling going on ITT.
These weatherwar videos are interesting though.
I don't necessarily believe some of it but it's so hard to find much data and history that isn't fringe batshit and some of this stuff seems plausible.
Perfect. Have a mega rare Pepe.
Another angle to this
Breaking the Jewish grip on Blacks would be a major victory. Their radical right wants an ethnostate as much as we do.
Trayon sits there nonchalantly scarfing down watermelon.
the memes write themselves in the Current Year +3
There's no angle at all you goof. The real life Black Panther was a German settler in africa. He killed his first african savage when he was like 8 years old. During the war he was a scout and a spy I think, and his code name was black panther. As usual comics stole from real life and (((subverted))) the truth.
wew lads. the memes make themselves in this timeline. The jew quite literally cries in pain as he strikes you.
This is Judaism in action
God damnit, I can hear that fucking stupid nigger smack his giant lips eating that human food with his faggot mouth open all the way from here.
Das rite.
Rebbi Rude. The name of all kikes. Loudmouthed slanderers from hell.
< the niggers are a problem because of something other than kikes
for you, homo.
this Yid and their niggers would look so much better with noses around their all of necks being dragged down the street behind a Mercedes in broad daylight s I fight with my white brothers.