Trump Should Win The Nobel Peace Prize, South Korea's Moon Says
Why is there no thread dedicated specifically to this? I was reading normies flip out on Faceberg earlier today.
Attention: Massive Salt Mine Opportunity Being Neglected
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It's going to be fun seeing the media spin this.
I wonder what kind of excuses they'll throw out to prevent him from getting the Nobel Peace prize
Liberals are already doing their best. I am seeing everythin from "muh russia" to "Moon is manipulating Trump, 5thD chess!" lel
Quite hilarious – and telling – how the third poster mentioned words losing their meaning right after the second poster fired a whole sequence of misused words, including "man," which he clearly, albeit all in all prematurely, hoped has become a pejorative on its own.
The Nobel Prize officially jumped the shark when it gave Obama the award for being black.
Nigger user. It's called a nigger
Kang nigger
Now you mention it, it will probably be given to black people as a whole one day, "in recognition of their transformative collective social struggle" or somesuch.
I guess I should post my source for these comments:
But really, just search "nobel prize" on Zuckbook and you're bound to get rivers of salt.
Repeal Obama's while we're at it. If Cosby can have his Medal of Freedom taken back, I don't see why not.
I hope they nominate Trump just so he can reject it and taunt the do nothing laureate.
Just a reminder that the nobel price has been (((rigged))) since about 1945.
Yeah, they were so distinguished and completely unbiased before, right?
Please avoid the trap of ignoring biological realities, even if only in marginal rhetoric. In biology lies proof of blacks' and whites' intrinsic difference; let yourself say nothing that can be construed as your lack of attachment to it. Biologically, blacks are people, and biology matters.
Where the fuck do you think you are nigger?
Welcome to the hate machine
The Nobel Peace Prize is handed out exclusively to anti-white communists.
Why would Trump accept it even if it was offered to him? If a nigger offers you a hit of crack from his crusty HIV infected crack pipe do you accept such an "honor?"
No you tell that nigger to get the fuck out of here.
Agreed, it's completely fucking worthless.
what idiot thinks that faggot works with trump? everyone hates that kike loving boomer kek.
very telling! especially considering the unprecedented civilian fatalities under the obama administration drone program and the civil unrest in america with a massive increase in murder, rape, and violence (even in his own city of chiraq!). pretty bizarre how nearsighted these people are…the waffling of morality is pathetic.
You're looking at brain drain, America has been sucking up German protestant scientists for awhile.
Only the peace prize is rigged, science prizes are still ok.
Nigger are you misspelling prize on purpose?
Checked dub dubs
If I got one I'd melt it down and sell it as scrap
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now
Me clan right, you clan wrong
Top kek, I want to see Trump win just for the salt as well.
I've seen her comment copied and pasted in other places. Shills hard at work.
I've already seen a cucked friend I keep around saying he's "happy there will be peace on the peninsula" as if the Norks just randomly made this decision out of nowhere.
People need to look at the peace prize recipients and realise it was tainted far before king nigger ever even became president of the jewnited states. For example, one a certain kike pm won it despite being a massive warmonger and genocider.
What? When did this happen? Will this mean all sanctions get lifted? Can we get Russian AKs back on the market again?
U.S. Stealth Fighter Jets Arrive in S.Korea
Eight F-22 Raptor fighter jets have arrived in South Korea from the U.S., according to a government source here on Tuesday. The world's most advanced fighter jets arrived Sunday from their base in the U.S. mainland to take part in a joint exercise. It is the first time they have been mobilized on this scale for the "Max Thunder" drill that will last two weeks from May 11. The idea seems to be to keep up maximum pressure on North Korea until it agrees to denuclearize in a summit with the U.S. in May. The jets are parked at an air base in Gwangju. Their arrival became public when a civilian took a picture of them and posted it online, suggesting they flew deliberately low to be seen.
South Korea and the U.S. have completed this year's main joint exercises but kept a relatively low profile ahead of the historic inter-Korean summit last week. The F-22 is one of the U.S. strategic weapons Pyongyang fears most since it can avoid radar detection and bombard targets with pinpoint accuracy, though it is not capable of conducting nuclear strikes. It could be mobilized for a "decapitation operation" that would target key military facilities in North Korea, or in a "bloody nose" attack that has been mooted in Washington recently. The U.S. has about 180 of the jets.
As if peace prize didn't lose most of its meaning when they gave it to Obama for being nigger. More drone strikes, spreading civil wars to other countries and spreading Religion of Cuck™ist militants to other countries.
Woud like to know this as well. It's most likely more Fake News to keep the Russian conspiracy theory going. But it would still be good news if it's real.
you know, without context, the second person describes Obama to a fucking T
This is big lads. Whether you like Trump or not I think we all can agree the leftist salt that will result from this will be astronomical. Bigger than the election. On top of that, even the nobel peace prize is just a jewish bauble. Obungo got one despite relentlessly drone striking the middle east. Bountiful hilarity and liberal salt will come from this. Meme it.
You're lowering the average quality and IQ of discussion. Leave or stop posting.
fuck niggers though
I meant to spoilertext Im a retard
nobel (((price)))
lmao wikipedia doesn't even try to frame it as anything other than rampant nepotism.
demographics ruined Chicago just like every other big city
you sound like a boomer
Holy hell we need to meme this
I didn't know liberals hated Bill Clinton so much. Learn a new thing every day right?
no u don't understand user it was gun laws and socialism if niggers had more guns and less welfare everything would be fine just like in africa
The picture where they look super happy is a good start for shoops
Now do the percentage of faggots and trannies who are jews… Someone did post this recently but I forgot to note it down.
I have been mentioning this at every opportunity in order to make lefties uncomfortable.
Holy fuck do I hate people who don't know anything
This would be a true victory.
Lel this would show the normies of the absolute state of the Nobel peace price. A man who ended a 60 year war and stopped a potential world war doesn't win the peace prize, but instead it goes to some affirmative action nominee.
>Trump should be given an award handed out by virtue signalling (((swedes))) to Obama for being a black president
No, it is a worthless farce.
They're not all chosen by the same committee. The Nobel prize of science is picked by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. The prize for medicine is picked by the Carolean Institute. The peace prize on the other hand is picked by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Did he literally get an affirmative action prize? What was the official reason for receiving it?
I hope they dont
the pill potential is bigger without
since hitler and stalin got nominated.
Is not about who is picking
You can notice by the pattern in the graph that they now run country based quotas.
If I recall correctly it was for "outstanding efforts to increase cooperation between peoples." Or something like that. Later on they claimed that it was given to him in the hopes of "encouraging" him to be a force for peace rather than any actual merit.
If you look into it, you'll notice that it was given to him right around the time that Norwegian politicians were stirring up a fervor over wanting US bonds, or some such shit.
We need beanies sporting an "ImWithHitlHer" hashtag.
Well Trump is an agent of ZOG, he has granted isreal every single demand they've made of him so why wouldn;t they award him the noble prize?
At this point the only people still on the ZOG train are jews and retarded spastics who think everything their jewish media tells them is true
You bomb alone now
These people really know absolutely nothing about Obama hey? Like it seems beyond Obamacare and PR stunts they have no idea what he did while in office.
it honestly would not surprise me at all if they simply didn't ever mention if he got the peace prize
King Nigger got the prize for well being a nigger
Al Gore it the prize for a Powerpoint presentation that he didn't even do.
Nice but a bit too spicy for the normalsphere.
Here it is without the overlay
Get out, newfag
Maybe he got it for managing not to ruin the entire planet in his 8 years of horror and terror.
You're 70 years late. It lost all credibility when Hitler didn't get it.
Training wheels for half-cucks.
When you look at the way the tides are turning, I'm have almost no doubt Trump will receive a Nobel peace prize.
Good goy Trump showing millenials how worthless nobel prize is
It's hard to rig Physics, Chemistry or Medicine prize, there is very little to do with politics. But boy oh boy peace and literature one is just one big festival of propaganda.
I remember when they chose Szymborska over Herbert. Szymborska was a medicore poet,but she loved to write about their favourite topics, equality,responsibility of one towards humanity and brotherhood of men, while Herbert was master of his art, not only having interesting insights into universe, but also loving and expressing his love and duty for homeland.
I've got to humble myself and say I didn't pay attention at all during the Obama administration either. I don't know much beyond Obamacare, PR stunts, and some things he's associated with in the leaks. Is ther any not kiked place I could go to read up on it?
I like the cut of this guys jib>>11547698
Didn't he get the prize in like the 2nd year of his first term?
He got it for BEING elected, you fucking retard.
Are they blackmailing Kim Jong un?
His tone has turned around from what it was a few months ago too quickly.
What dirt did they get?
Also fuck Henry Kissinger and every other kike at the National Security Summit.
They both look utterly terrified.
That's total crap.
Why would they blackmail him into office?
His interest (i.e. survival) alone would be why he's maintained his office with care.
Both he and his generals do not want the public to take back power.
You are a shill saying the most offensive things you can possibly think of to drive off any normies that were considering posting here, and it is quite obvious. You are glowing.
The blackmailing has finally ENDED.
That's why his tone has changed.
That does not make ANY logical sense.
It's more likely they've threatened him to concede defeat and make peace with SK.
OR, China might be flexing it's own muscle here.
North Korea has been controlled by the deep state via CIA agents embedded there for a long time now. Why do you think Kim is so paranoid and cuts his own hair? You think it's because he fears his own people? No.
The masses/public never have power in any country that is a non-issue. They are no longer under the control of CIA niggers / deep state and that is all that matters. All the problems in this world are caused by CIA niggers.
Interesting theory. What sort of proof is available?
You're insane. Go back to reddit and fellate Q-LARP.
Q-LARP told him so.
Actually, it's to keep their cult of personality installed by reinforcing some degree of attractive public appearance.
He's the son of "god leaders" (or whatever) in their eyes remember. He needs to appear pure and perfect.
Being fat is bad enough as it is.
Did not address you and don't care what you think.
And the CIA and Trump are likely not mutually exclusive.
If you truly believe that narrative (likely implemented by the CIA) then I have to ask you - how are you so gullible?
All of North Korea was bombed so fucking hard that they destroyed every standing building there and just kept bombing the rubble because they still had tons of bombs but no targets. They lost 1/3rd of their population there. You think North Korea was not defeated back then? That they just somehow managed to stay independent and not occupied? No. They have been like Germany, under the control of the jews, for a long time now. North Korea has been a puppet for a long time same way ISIS is CIA controlled. We've been talking about this for many years now but you're all newfags who haven't been on /new/ or just haven't been paying attention.
You guys want to deflect the blame of North Korea to the North Korean people and not where it really belongs; the jews. The jews are the only ones that could manufacture such a dystopia as North Korea for their (((purposes))).
You go there. I've never been to reddit and Q-LARPer is a retard.
Whatever do you mean by this you glow in the dark? He's been purging the CIA of elements loyal to Israel / globalists / the jew.
How are you so gullible to not think North Korea has been a useful tool and experiment of the jew?
That said, the Jews can control them in more than one way too.
They just decided to remove the puppet state this time. Like were under threat of immediate alien invasion or something so they're quickening globalization.
Ok that theory is me taking the piss, but someone is clearly pushing globalization big time, likely to get rid of the jusrisdicational issues plaguing the planet.
He seems to be yes.
But this is the fucking CIA. The master of puppets, the fucking Machiavellian diabolical mastermind that even tricks itself.
They would benefit greatly if they simply "disappeared" and people stopped caring about them. It would make their job easy.
I prefer self-rule to control by the judeo-masonic bankers.