Is it happening? Kiketube actually shutting down degeneracy promoting channels, not just the rayciss ones?

Good for the goose, good for the gander.


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Whats wrong with a good blunt?
Are you too much of a pussy to get high, Virgin OP?

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(((They))) are preparing for Israel's medicinal and recreational marijuana exportation industry; and do not want the goy to be focused on other sources.

they're making the platform as family friendly as possible so parents let kids watch it, who then become indoctrinated

Is it possible the JewTube is now /ourguy/ POL????
get your shit threads outta here, fag

I don't give a fuck about weed, but I know this will hurt YouTube even more.

bullshit, the pedo spiderman videos are still on there

I think old people do that in rest homes

Kill yourself learningchode.

Sounds like Youtube is on its way to the dustbin of history. Thank god.

From giving potheads the cold shoulder? I think that's overestimating the druggie demographic.

They're also banning nootropic and kratom channels, pretty much anything that could be a threat to the pharmakikes.

what were those channels about?

>Custom Grow 420
He could be used as a poster boy against weed

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They want Israel to have a monopoly on pot. It is rife for exploitation and the number of shekels is potentially in the billions.

Kratom is an herbal supplement that's used as an alternative to jewish opiods and anti-depressants, and nootropics are (generally) unregulated smart drugs. The less access to them, the more likely people are to visit Dr. Goldstein.

fuck off jew, no one gives a fuck about you

Try hemlock degenerate.

They also let their radical religious retards parasite off the state and suck the blood from baby dicks.

Damnit. I was just starting research. Relative tasked me with growing some medicinal for another whose prone to weather ailments.

Find a good growing forum and lurk for a few months, there are also tons of PDFs on torrent sites

Do led lamps work? Do you need ventilation?

Kill yourself.

Have fun with your kikemeds OP.

That piece of shit is a poster boy against degeneracy in general. Every single one of his videos is a prime reminder of why we desperately need eugenics. The same goes for Matthias710, Brett Maverick, and the whole crowd of social media "promotors".

I can confirm being on the ground in WA state. Back in the peak of the medical days in 2013-2014, I and many other people were working to create extremely high quality products (yes there was tons of dogshit too). But with good starting material I could create actived cannabinoid oils that put every painkiller on the market to shame. My dream was to create a cleanroom grow with submicron filtered air and distilled water.

But since I-502 has taken effect all of the little people have been shut out and only those who can afford kike lawyers to navigate the permit process can be in business.

One of my relatives makes some of the highest quality THC and CBD edibles in the state. Their products have literally saved dozens of peoples lives and have brought back people who were on a witch's brew of pharmaceuticals and on the verge of death. They are currently fighting criminal charges from the state for doing literally the exact same thing as every cannabis company in the state. My local neighborhood went from hundreds of small localized growers and dealers, to 10 kike owned retail shops that take in hundreds of thousands of dollars per day, PER STORE. They serve hundreds of customers per hour in a tiny little retail space. The selection compared to the old medical dispensaries is like when the old family owned hardware store that sold EVERYTHING was replaced by Mexican Depot or Ace Shitware.

They are shutting everyone out and making it so only a few (((corporations))) will be able to operate in the market. And of course it's going to be irradiated pesticide filled GMO dogshit watered straight the city fluoride tap.

Green lamp, closed system, pure manure for soil, and you'll get great results.

What are green lamps? What does closed system mean?

all censorship is theft. OP is a faggot

Kiketube is still kiketube


GTFO here dumbass nigger

Does youtube age restrict viewing things that people have to be a certain age to participate in? Gambling, alcohol consumption, driving for that matter, and now weed?
Weed is still illegal, as is underage driving drunk driving, etc. should illegal things not be shown online? Or only to adult age viewers?
Remember when youtube banned showing minorities doing minority things (in a disparaging light) started with a gas station girl fight in FL (was on Tosh.0 in 2011)?

Don't listen to that faggot.
Cree red + white reference design I invented this design they use 7 years ago and pioneered it, they only just recently caught on to it being easiest, simplest way to start

Read that and ensure you heatsink well. Overkill heatsink is best for life, run them 60-70% of max current for best life/stress.
70% RH
Active medium

No it isn't. The weed market is already crashing in Oregon. As has long been predicted, legalization lowers prices and lowers usage as it loses its "cool" factor. The jews in Isreal are investing in it because they invest in everything. Fewer than 10% of all grow ops, jew or otherwise, are going to survive the rapid contraction of the market that will occur when the hype dies.

Ancient vikings were found with weed as grave goods. Jews seem to hate weed too. Probably because it makes it harder for them to push their over the counter poison. Nobody ever died from smoking weed, nobody ever beat their wife or children because they were high. If you want to be consistent you need to be against alcohol too which is waaayy worse. If the Jews are against it as hard as they shill against weed, that tells me it can’t be all bad. Most likely it has legit medical benefits. Maybe it just fries your brain. If you’re not a busy-body puritanical cat lady then you don’t care if other people fry their own brain, or say “racist” things, or commit blasphemy.


some youall are too fickle, remember the retards that suddenly got swayed into thinking macron was (((#BASED)))?

this is the true weakness of Zig Forums

you've got that Zig Forums guy all figured out.

It might be that they want to supress it now because it threatens their profits from pharmaceuticals. But that doesn't mean that it's a good idea to use it. I know what it does to people who consume it regularly. It's a decadent drug who kills peoples ambition.

That's (((kid friendly))) stupid, do you think good people coordinate these things?

Kike were against weed until they were able to complete a lot of breeding programs. Old North American & European breeds were much higher in CBD than in THC. Look at US gov data from the 1950's, 60's, and up to the late 70's where Kansas ditch-weed was getting up to 4:1 CBD:THC ratio. Because the biochemical precursors for THC is the same as CBD (olvitolic acid produced in the roots, Hops also does exactly this and is also full of canabanoids), this allowed selective breeding towards genetics that increased the THC pathways at the expense of CBD.

As a result of all this breeding, weed has lost much of its "dude lmao weed" and its more of a sedative nowadays. Heavily indica breeds with 1:9 CBD:THC ratios are now the norm. What they have done, is replaced the chemicals that actually expanded mind, and replaced them with a "light" alternative to Benzo's and Opiods. The result is now a product that no longer inspires conversation, but rather dull "couch-locking".

O god you are so correct. That's always why legalization was such a pain in the ass. The only fucks who could afford the astronomical compliance were guys that cut corners (ironic I know). The popular personalities really damaged the industry, let's take Bret for example. he is a degenerate who even though he has kids, has managed to stay a junkie (pill addict). Although part of his story shows hope (he used weed to wean himself off opiods) he also underlines that these fucking morons think anyone can make a high quality product. He spread a lot of stupid and dangerous procedures on making extractions with butane/propane that were dirty, and used industrial gas (no even food grade, let alone pharma grade), and the list goes on. The popularity these asshole achieved actually undermined those who were scientifically making improvements and designs. Those poor fucks lost out because the popularity contest was more important in getting sales. Small-scale organic farms who produced high-quality low-quantity were lost out to mega-farms pushing plant hormones, who used banned pest & fungicides (they would use low amounts of banned chemicals early in the process, and then allow the chemicals to break-down enough to pass pesticide testing), and then weaseled their way out. Numerous others falsified information and sent product out of state for higher profits while hiding the true source. Legalization went (and is going) completely wrong. So far, Nevada has the most workable, sensible set of rules and regulations, but its a far cry from what it should be and in the end they will Budweiser this. Although Sam Adams has a market, the majority of people drink Bud/Miller/Coors/Pabst Light, so that's what the market will produce, a ton of cheap, consumer grade garbage. Hand-grown cannabis will become like fine cigars, while the rest of the morons enjoy their Marlboro Green & Camel Joint (FYI RJ & Philip M. already have owned trademarks since the late 90's for this, don't think they won't buy out farms as soon as federally it legalizes)

Great going, torpedo. We definitely believe you now.

Finally JewTube is doing something right for once. They are still faggots though.

We seriously need to ban everyone who hasn't ever read a single fucking history book.

(wasted trips)

you don't belong here

No, it's because commercial growers want short, fast growing indicas.
They forget people pay top shelf bucks for good sativa, which is the 'dude weed' buzz and totally functional, can do art, writing, crafts, trades etc, no couch lock.
I like pure indicas after stressy business weeks, some sativas for creative/visual etc work, and some blends for during day/missions/walking/nature if I feel like smoking. Each has their own use depending what needs to be done.
The best way is to only smoke occasionally though!

Yep, you know nothing. Run along.

Clamping down on degeneracy is one thing, capitalizing on it by again becoming the sole suppliers is another.

However, let's follow the logic of eliminating degenerates is good no matter who does it. It would benefit us as all the "useful idiots" would start getting eliminated at this point leaving a more stable battlefield with more obvious targets. The weak shit that would have had to have been pushed aside anyway would be eliminated for us. This is a good and bad thing. Good because again less degenerates. Bad because less degenerates (1) these were supposed to be the cannon-fodder that help our side dehumanize, and face to bloodshed. Without these morons, we go straight to fighting the big boys without any hardening up. The degenerates are also good for the image of what we do because it gives the normies some level of juxtoposition to us. By going after degenerates themselves, they now look to the normies as though they are pushing the values they agree with. That is very bad forus in the PR-scape. (((Youtube and co))) now look like they are all good for the family, while we get further shafted and tossed in the same bin as these fucktards. If nothing else though, it may be able to be used to get the useful idiots to realize they are in a shit position and use them as cannon-fodder ourselves.

tl;dr It remains to be seen if this is good or bad as it may shift Overton window on normie view of (((youtube & friends))) at a time we need to show the degeneracy these companies actually stand for.

fuck all powers that seek to regulate what man can imbibe or ingest

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Yeah, but the ability to produce those is so rare without much hybridization. The reality is that the "new" CBD strains are pretty a huge attempt to get back in time with genetics, but with today's resin production rates & growing techniques/tools. You're proving my point of how "white-man weed"(WMW) is becoming a "top shelf only" endevour as the masses don't care for it.

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Great way to put it and fellow whites do seek it.
Ask any old white weedfag about Thai Stick weed and they'll rave about it.
Sativa.. highly sought after, hard to grow, low density.
Boutique weed is where the future of survival is for businesses in this market. Unfortunately I can't do any of that in my own country and have to focus on high end and custom lighting instead to keep from v&.
Not all is lost though, do not despair. There is old stock still available of many of the sativas and old indicas. I also know of some people who had the same strains kept since late 90s as clones.

Drugs are NOT degeneracy, stop conflating the two.

Y'all must be DEA or merely retarded.

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Your propaganda device is: kitchen sink

Power = oppression.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Youtube will always be the only video site because it's the only one with 12 years of content.

Degenerates like you get the rope too, never forget that. My struggle won't end once the Jews are knocked off their perch, we are going to cleanse our own kind and remove those not fit for purpose. I suggest you improve yourself, before our national socialist dreams become your hell.

It's also prohibitively expensive to operate, which eliminates any real competition.


About fucking time.


Do you know what hemp is?

yumbolt is a nice blend of sat/ind really special taste, best pure sat I ever had was kawaiian (not hawaiian, although that's always pleasant). Most people want nigger weed which is cheese, all stink and couchy. Very boring.

vikings went to the length of feeding reindeer magic mushrooms and drinking their piss, so don't fuck come it about hemp. Of course they were getting smashed, mead, weed and mushrooms. Deal with it.

Word has it that dyke couple who went Thema and Louise with Arnold and Willis were making hundreds of thousands on growing until suddenly they weren't.

There are still mostly sativas out there, user. I was buying from the HA dispensary in British Columbia and they had plenty, but you're right, most of the market is heavy indicas, and that's a function of the political decision to push them for medical properties like pain and insomnia.

t. used to work for a compassion club when it was highly illegal and was willing go to jail to help cancer patients, very angry about the gong show that is going on now with the 'industry' and waiting things out for a few years

Is Doug Hiatt still around? Stole the term "probable cause-mobile" from him years back. :)

yes its a jewish plot not wanting people to become degenerate vegetables from smoking weed.

I hear you, user. That's my biz plan. Had originally planned to set up Q2 2020 (4/20 LOL) but I made a fuckton of money in crypto and wondering now if I should become one of the smaller big boys. (If you're a leaf, think being a credit union vs. being the National Bank, the smallest of the (((big banks))).

Just spent a few months in New York City laying the groundwork. Everything there is highly boutique because they market can afford it…

The Scythians went hardcore too, opium and weed from a golden bong. Imagine the high, damn.

Attached: 2400-year-bong.jpg (800x400, 103.72K)

Weed is the one that turns you into fruits user, my brother smoked one weed and went gay. We couldn't bring him back.

It's more likely that he got molested.

Weed cannot change a person's character. If your brother is gay, it means he's gay. Although being gay isn't really a real thing, so he is just a degenerate.

Don't try to project your family's failures onto a plant.


user, if the kikes change the laws here I am investing with a few friends in that market… quite jealous of you being able to realize this with little legal issues!
Congrats on the crypto, been in super early in the last 3 waves (even when you could mine BTC with a PC) but never bothered to do anything with it, more a passing interest, my passion lies in light :)
I can see why you'd want to check out banking, definitely worth considering jewing the jews.

Was a pioneering LED researcher, doing it when 'LEDs sucked' (they didn't, it just took the market 4 years to realize how to make 'em semi-properly) and can custom build to spec, with over 7 years real world test/R&D, learned from the god of Cannabis LED research and collaborated with him, so know what works, what is reliable, what is bullshit, have the calibrated gear to measure and prove it too. Most LED companies are not even half this old..
99% of the LED products on market are still stuck in the damn 2D retardedness/600W HPS-style of thinking, but using LEDs instead. This is not how to do it. Sure it's great for shipping lots of small, cheap fan cooled and unreliable shit from china, but it doesn't give you the optimal results (20-30% more) from simply using the same amount of LEDs in a design with better geometry. How about controlling stomata opening (and water amounts)? Controlling internal co2 concentration? Killing mites and other insects without any chemicals? Controlling growth cycle timing(aka you are the season god now) etc etc.

Have just started an offshore to handle LED production after many years working towards this venture, also have a decent factory (CNC 3,5 and 7 axis/dual turret) in a white country at my disposal.
If you decide to go down this path and want to work with someone who can design and manufacture a custom light solution, let me know. Innovative heat solutions too (and custom hydro with an expert on-hand), can even potentially look at water pre-warming for maximum efficiency etc etc, you name it, I am willing to work with fellow anons. Certainly don't want the kikes trying to weasle in to that market, or else we'll end up with monsanto but for cannabis, I bet the god damn kikes cannot help it. Cannot do anything illegal in my own country though.

If you decide to pull the trigger for 4/20/2020 (kek) and want an expert on board N4CR at pr0t0nmail
^_~ Cheers

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Yeah it's totally because weed is bad that they're censoring it. The kikes love you and want what's best for you. They wouldn't be censoring it because it's becoming more mainstream than they ever imagined and affecting their drug and alcohol sales.

That and they want to cornerstone the market for world medical supply and DNA/ genetics supply.
It also is a big problem when it comes to redpills if they are not smoking it around lots of other hippies, many stoners I've met are pretty redpilled or at least moderately aware of the JQ.

You don't belong here, nigger.

Pot definitely lead to my red pilling.

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That to red pill then acid to further develop and grow more neural pathways..

Looked in to that big time, there is practically zero proof for it. It's just very THC heavy and some of the most potent shit you can get off the seed market at the moment, Mr nice x G13.
Acid they did test (hilarious results), cannabis I don't think they bothered to develop very far.

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Climate Controlled Greenhouses w/ shading & IR emitters for 15 mins after lights out combined with selective use of specific wavelengths to supplement natural light with ideal spectrums to minimize hormone useage while achieving the same results.

micropropigation -> sterile micro-Vegetative environment -> Sun assisted macro-vegitative -> LED assisted Sun Blooming cycle-> Harvest

Of course, you'd know about the pot huh? Keep puffing on that fairy stick, soon you'll be Übergay, degenerate.

Someone knows what's up ;)
Yes that's the most efficient and wholesome way to do it by far. Only 'negative' is suitable global locations with night/day cycle and length the crop requires, as there is always a tradeoff, a similar amount of micromoles are needed in target wavelengths if it comes from sun or LED, so then you have same investment of LEDs to attain this, but they sit there not all going all the time. Colour temperature changes during the day and the colour required changes over the life of each leaf also.
LEDs last longer this way but I am already at designs which will probably outlive me, so am more a fan of high density 100% led continuous spectrum solutions. The solution for future food and other crop production is density and indoors to control all variables including pests until we have quantum solutions.

You may find the work of T.Galen Hieronymus very interesting in relation to plants.

Tell my nordic forefathers that you delusional boomer nigger.

Attached: GALEN-HIERONYMUS-1.jpg (170x209, 24.13K)

Kill yourself druggies all of you

It's not viable as a supplement for society, just because there's users doesn't mean they'd have to think that, but like the Wehrmacht smoking cigarettes in war-time, it fulfills a purpose for the few of us that just aren't strong enough. Wait for the day things start happening, I guarantee you the redpilled pot smokers (as gay as that sounds) will magically become plants that know everything about the druggies and will gladly raid nigger drug HQ's and destroy every one of them. Being Jewish about it is perfect when you're in a position like the few pseudo-degenerates.

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Hey uh, right now me and a small team are working on a cryptocoin for the pot market, and 90% of the ICO sale is going to pot advocacy groups. We simply are disgusted by the big banks refusing to aid the smaller growers and by big pharma and big alcohol trying to muscle into crypto and pot, ann frank-ly, we just need a few connections ATM, coin is an ERC20 token and is called GRO, and it
s to not just donate user to advocacy orgs, but also to streamline the pot economy between growers, buyers, dealers, dispensers and even knock on trades like light makers, glassblowers, skilled tradesmen, and even small scale cottage industries via smartphone wallet. We have the whitepaper all ready to go… just a few more changes to go and We need a bit of help.

Attached: Gro.png (219x371, 40.17K)

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Myrcene dominant cultivars are fucked. Do you know about Molecular Farms LLC?

You're getting into the New York market? That's a huge barrier to entry… not to mention corrupt as all hell. If you have $10-15m that you're willing to lose I would say get in.

Forgot to mention the kike is making inroads via the (((New Federalism Fund)))
and he has sausage head

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What, you thought they wanted weed legalized because muh freedom and muh health? It's all about making money.

Cannabis is as much a drug as caffeine. I bet you don't berate people for drinking coffee though. Faggot.

Probably because coffee drinkers don't become mouth-breathing imbeciles after their beverage. heeeeeeyyyyy mannnn. This coffee maaaaaaaaaaaaaaann.

i bet you've never met someone who smoked pot before

That would be a wonderful state of existence. Soon, the filth will be cleansed.

Attached: filth.jpg (900x738, 170.91K)

You never been to starbucks?

I am not a mass market manufacturer though yet, for another relevant product line perhaps, but if I do enter such a market for LED then GRO would be of interest. Probably more something the other user could help you with I'd say, get in contact either way though if you want, love the idea and happy to see where I can be of assistance.

Almost spoiler-worthy.. jesus.
Interesting progress though, be neat if they can get somewhere (even if it's a kike).

Some are a bit like that, many are more like 'I can't do X until coffee'
'I have not had my coffee'
'I need a coffee'
'we stayed up all night drinking coffee to stay awake for x'
It's a crutch and it's not even that good for you or your mental development.
Drink enough water and you die too…
All in moderation.


Only jews, faggots and niggers do that stuff so which one are you?