Origins of Freemasonry

Grand Master of the Knights Templar gives and interview on the origins of Templars, their connection to (((Kabbala))), (((Gnosticism))) and Sufism (((esoteric))) traditions and the rise of Freemasonry.

Same show interviewed Michael Aquino head of the church of SET.

Side note:
If you watched Brave Heart, well the Bruce invited escaping Templars to hide in Scotland with their gold, defeating the English, and eventually taking over the British crown. Templars would hide within the Masonic guilds as they originally were the ones who paid for most of the Cathedrials built in Europe after the Vatican went broke from Crusades. This is also why usury is the dominate religion of our age because they were the first cashiers check type bankers of the old world.

Required knowledge for Zig Forums. At least the first 10 minutes.

Schizo free post

Here is the source of Freemasonry

Attached: usry2.jpg (618x525 79.73 KB, 53.11K)


I can confirm, this is a good video, worth the watch, mega red pills if you know what your watching.

(((Robert Sepehr))) always first to kike post. Are you going to talk about Neaderthals and Kabbala the entire thread?

Attached: zuckerberg and wife.jpg (210x221, 23.6K)

They're not hiding it anymore.

Attached: zues vs chronos.jpg (736x953, 113.01K)

Attached: Joseph Campbell on Alchemy.webm (640x480, 3.85M)

Attached: Joseph Campbell the Girl and the Frog.webm (854x480, 7.52M)

So are the Templars, Freemasons, and Jews all sides of the same coin (no pun intended)?

Yes and no, they are all using the same secrets and energies just to different outcomes, its yourself that determine if yourself that transmutes the energy to good or evil.

But in the grand cosmic sense, both sides are playing their role in the architects scheme. The masonic mythology says that "satan" or Lucifer chose to play the devil not because he was the worst, but because he is the best of Angels.

I should add that the bible disputes this claim about Lucifer.

Attached: Joseph Campbell Part 1 Greek Mystery Religion.webm (640x480, 6.52M)

What do you think he's referencing?

I thought the guy was Jeffery Tucker at first.


Templars are long gone.
Jews didn't like the Freemasons in their early history since they were jew wise, they saw them as a White man's frat and took it over according to the Protocols. Old school masons that founded America were cool and denied entry to jews, niggers and women; now it's filled with mundies, niggers, pigs and Zionists.

Masons used the hexagram(seal of Solomon) longer than the jews. I honestly think Rothschild used it as a symbol of Zionism to show their dominance over the White man's fraternities.


But I think there was a battle during William the Orange vs. King James and the Freemasons broke into two groups of Templars and Protestants for awhile (not anymore). Because the Founders of America didn't use the same imagery at times and didn't demonize the Creator the way the Gnostics-Kabbala-Templars do. Meaning the big G or Grand Archetech is bad for creating this world but it was seen as good to the Founders of America. This is where you get the "Illuminati" infiltration bullshit. It wasn't just them it was lots of groups. Another example is original American Freemasons weren't worshiping any "divine feminine" or practice homosexual stuff, and they didn't welcome all religions even with freedom of religion… they were very anti-Catholic for example.

I think there was a schism for awhile, sort of like NatSoc had a short run (but much shorter because modern times move much faster with travel and such).

Templars goal was always to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem which brings forth the antichrist according to the Christian gospels. That should tell you something.

Actually the mythology says that Satan works for Jehovah as the angel of death and that Lucifer is a different character as the serpent that gives wisdom to Adam and Eve… bringing them out of ignorance that Elohim (the Demiruge [a bastardization of Plato's Demiruge]) kept them in. Lucifer is seen as the male (transexual) aspect of Venus. And the Holy Spirit is a divine feminine spirit. This is why they always use the Venus star (pentagram).
But it's a double edges serpent because ignorance is bliss, so it depends how you look at it.
One serpent is knowledge, the other death.

Attached: jews founding father ben.jpg (600x575, 106.53K)

hexagram is for calling up Jin, he alludes to it in OP's video. It pre dates the Jews getting a hold of it.

So Israel is flying a Daemon calling symbol on their flag.

(((Robert))) spazing out again.
See post

Use the webm thread.

Faggot retard 89 IQ memer Darlingstrikes again.

Kill yourself quick.


Can't have da goyim knowing our secrets! Quick bumplock dis thread!

Irrelevant. Go post your memes in some other thread and let adults talk here, deadweight faggot.


It's hooktube. It's a long interview. Webm would be huge. Why have a hooktube option if you don't allow the videos here?

I think he was more afraid of (((Bob))) feeding (((Schizo-Mongo.)))

Attached: 1392819411250.jpg (403x312, 32.79K)

>I think he was more afraid of (((Bob))) feeding (((Schizo-Mongo.)))
So (((Robert))) is the standard for Zig Forums now? We can have Kabbala threads called "Druid" but not Freemason history threads?

And only you call yourself Bob, kike.



Hooktube VIDEOS

ON Zig Forums

except in comments


It'll make Jim very very angry.

Well you Jews win 8ch, (((Robert))). I guess you are free to turn everyone into a degenerate demon worshiping pedo now. Because we can't discuse things in a grow up way.

Victory at last, I can finally turn Zig Forums into omnisexual gnostic loli cyborgs without your meddling.

The Darlingsare such fucking kikes.

An ebin new wordfilter. You will never be white, Berkay.

Which ones?
