Try to explain this away without any mental gymnastics that would earn you a gold in the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics.
Try to explain this away without any mental gymnastics that would earn you a gold in the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics
Is there a Battle Royale e-sport in the 2020 Summer olympics?
If so, you'll see me in this suit right here.
There already is a wall dipshit.
His proposition of building a wall was just to piss off libtards who were too retarded to know that there already was one.
At best, he could make the wall bigger.
double axel earns him a 9/10 from judges, but no gold medal.
sorry goldenstein, the wall doesnt exist yet. and youre doing backflips explaining it away.
a wall such as his campaign promised, is a single, non-porous line spanning the border. dipshit.
>(((lt was real in their minds)))
Where is the Russian collusion evidence?
Wait is there a word-filter now for
During 2nd term:
thank you, i feel like im taking crazy pills over here..
um, if it were 99% complete i wouldnt be bitching, stop using exaggeration instead of arguments.
What's the % threshold then since you obviously have one.
i dont know, im not a crazy dem who makes shit up, im a trump voter wishing i had what i voted for.
id be happy if at least an entire state was wall'd and construction was on-going.
stop sliding the topic.
I want you to look up how long it takes to build a building, OP. Then realise Trump has barely been president for a single year.
ok, so youre saying he made unrealistic promises and now we are just supposed to wallow in disappointment?
I guess the second half came true.
Fucking kike.
id like them all, but at this point it would make me happy to see progress on a somewhat macro scale.
>I'd like them [states] all [walled off] but I'd be happy with at least one
No, you're just a kike.
i dont have time for your schizophrenia dude.
The wall doesn't even matter. You still have legal immigration from non white countries. On top of that you still have whites living with non whites. A wall will change none of that. The wall is a symbol of "change". But in reality, it means nothing. Leave symbols to the symbol minded and don't worry about it. The weak minded have to have some glimpse of hope of the future, even if that means accepting their own cognitive dissonance by believing a candidate every 4 years will do anything different. People that support Trump vehemently, are really no different from your typical liberal or cuckservative.The hilarious part is the cognitive dissonance involved with people on this board. The mental gymnastics performed are no different from what liberals do when arguments and facts are presented.
You came here to post about how the wall isn't done and you're pissed off. Then you said you'd be happy with a partial wall and would be satiated. Now when called out about it you just so happen to "not have time". Highly convenient for you. Come back when you have more time then and I'll tell you off some more for being a cuck.
i sometimes think about that myself. really is scary, and disappointing.
and again, no time for your schizo episode bub. im amazed right now.
if there's a wall, where's the pictures?
There have been ZERO miles of wall built
Trumpenstein built 8 tiny pieces, not a fucking inch has been funded by Congress yet
Oh? Mexico wrote a check?
Link to this? Didn't think so. 20 miles of FENCING planned in fucking 2011 were repaired
Kill yourself kike
Go do your thing you have time for then, why are you still here? I ain't holding you up.
how did i know you would say that exact thing you just said.
probably because you have the intelligence of a marsupial.
now im done.
Jesus Christ fuck this website so glad I left for meguca
Their ego's can't take it. Without Trump,most of them would sink into depression. To stop that from happening, they will do whatever it takes to be happy. Just like liberals, but even more ironic and indeed, disappointing.
ive noticed, some of the relies in these threads are reminiscent of a religious luddite. i guess humanity never changes.
Nah. Without the Zionist in Chief we'd still have the same as we do now, minus the LARP