“We believe the hate activity seen here was intended to chill the courage of a bold student leader. We are seeing a spike in hate-crime activity across the country, and we are prepared to use every tool in our arsenal to protect the victims,” she said. “We hope our lawsuit will send a strong message to white supremacists and the alt-right that there are victims who are prepared to fight back and stand up and take action.”
One challenge Dumpson’s legal team faces is locating the defendants, Hughes said.
While tracking down online commenters may seem like a roadblock to other student activists’ taking legal action, it can be done, Johnston said.
“There is this perception that there is no way to sue for online harassment, and that is false,” he said. “ It’s something we’re going to be seeing more and more, because the effect this kind of harassment has on these people can be really devastating. The more that cases like this come out, the more that people see others taking this kind of action, the more likely they are to pursue.”
Wow… I can't wait to go to court if they do this to Zig Forums. It's going to be a fucking shitshow.
Jaxon Sanders
Kayden Brown
Oh yeah I forgot. Stupid comment. Their being thrown to the wolves because they lost the meme war infiltration. I wonder what ever happened to Memeonic Inc. Ted Cruz's hired CIA meme war group.
You're worse than OP just for admitting it. OP is now also a bigger fag than before but you're still worse.
Liam Sullivan
I'm not really sure who is spamming Kayne at this point. First I thought it was the magapedes but now I think it's the Jews. Either way it's causing me to honestly hate him. I literally want the crips to kill him now.
Jacob Powell
Dominic Reed
We need a new LAW, one designed around the protection of 'Truth', actual factual truth, scientific truth, and websites that promote it. Things like racial differences, proven in reality, need to be protected from the jew psychopath and jew infiltrator. Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack that promoted racial differences and separation could be protected under a law like this. As well as Zig Forums. How does one go about procuring a mandate for something like this??
You know that kikes in togas would immediately twist it to protect their "truths".
William Wilson
Attempt #1203984098234982304 at pushing hate speech precedent.
Brayden Ross
What did she do? Ang Lin wouldnt bother trolling her unless she did something more than being the first black whatever. Cant even find that guys site anymore. Every domain he gets a hold of is eventually taken down by (((SJWs))).
Dominic Carter
it's using a .name domain now
Tyler Howard
How about chilling speech and prior restraint? I guess they want a definitive 1A SCOTUS smackdown to end all this nonsense.
Civil rights violation countersuit. Fag Anglin, hire the same guy who represented you in that land extortion case.
Henry Ortiz
Interveneors, user. You can hijack a case and make for unintended consequences.
Christian Howard
You are paranoid.
Jordan Rivera
I couldn't false flag as r/t_d this hard if I tried. Just imagine what summer will be like. F.
Oy vey, stop noticing. Isn't (((freedom of speech))) great? Fucking niggers.
Eli Hernandez
bananas from nooses and the fbi was called in to investigate. Its likely another hoax hate crime perpatrated by negroids but they brought in the FBI anyways.
Ang Lin was making fun of her for distracting the fbi away from more important shit like terrorist and drug cartels.
Camden Perez
It's called freedom of speech. The only way to have the truth is for everyone with an opinion on a subject to be able to say shit. Trying to "protect the truth" like some kind of Minister of Truth just leads to CNN. Censorship will never protect the truth. The only thing you need for truth to prevail is for everyone to have a say and for people to be instructed in critical thinking so they are not so retarded as to be unable to discern the truth.
Eli Anderson
Blake Butler
Destroyed because someone essentially called him a pissboy faggot on the internet.
Anthony Cruz
Fag anglins Thai fuck shack
Easton Harris
Critical thinking is nearly dead these days. It's all about feeling and emotions now. Facts do not sway these people at all. They either try to discredit the source or simply start screeching like chimps and block you. Reason itself has been deemed hate speech.
Robert Flores
Everybody who does that should be immediately shipped to the nearest gas chamber tbh.
Jordan Stewart
I'm afraid that article has lost me here.
Camden Foster
What kind of shit is this? The alt-right, whether you like it or not, was very successful. Just take Charlottesville for instance. It was the biggest nationalist rally in America since 2002, attracting anywhere between 500 - 1,000 demonstrators to Lee Park. The first torch march I've seen in any recent nationalist rally on US soil, attracting many Gen Z goys and you're just gonna sit on your ass and purity spiral about some irrelevant bullshit? Do you really think that the establishment would willingly destroy itself?
Also, why do you think they threw Matt Hale in prison? It was for the same reason they put Cantwell in prison, it's the same reason one of the boys who beat up Deandre has been convicted of malicious wounding and could face up to 20 years, it's for the same reason only one lawyer has been representing all of the defendants because he's the only lawyer in the state of Virginia who would do it, and it's for the same reason the c-ville courts are trying to subpoena CloudFlare, Twitter, Discord and many other platforms for some "proof" that the marchers and rally organizers had allegedly conspired the car ramming attack on the same people who have ties to violent anti-trump protests all throughout the country and have caused millions of dollars in damages.
It's because he is a successful leader and the establishment won't go down without a fight. That's why they're shutting down our websites, and that's why they're doing all of this now.
Michael Long
I agree with you. Taking back your country from kikes and marxists was never going to be easy.
Asher Nelson
this user gets it. however you are wrong about one thing, the ride never ends. If they kill switch the internet that may just be wut flips the normie.
Charlottesville was run by Spencer, Enoch, Duke etc. The aut-kike is Dugin Nazbol faggotry (promotion of ubi, single payer healthcare, and the inevitability of near total automation) making concessions in the democracy of information, aka muh optics, to rid anyone that doesn't remain neutral towards jews. Concessions are better known as half measures. You need full measures to succeed. Especially now. Media and banking are locked up, you cannot meaningfully subvert them now that their importance is understood and guarded with more technics than during their inception. Cville as a march around the old town hall soapbox is what CO exists for. They pose as boogeymen for the media to smear and deter normalfags from thinking. The result? Precedent for new level of censorship in the town hall of the internet which actually has influence.
And also, the biggest rally before C-Ville was a National Alliance rally on August 14, 2002 in Washington, D.C., which drew 300 demonstrators of the National Alliance to the steps of the White House. They were protesting American aid and support for Israel. There were many counter-demonstrators at the march, but unlike Charlottesville, it was non-violent because the police did their job.
The establishment HATES WHEN their Golems Fight back!!!
Kanye is OURGOY
He will destroy the Tribes of Hollywood
Ecelebs need to awaken people AND NOT MAKE ANY MONEY LIKE DOCTORS OF OLD…
Owen Murphy
Again, nothing new. We have seen this before. And this is why we need A NEW LAND
Imagine a land, land free of their courts, free of their estrogen food and water, a land free of their spying alphabet soup servers, a land free of race denying, free of subhuman scum, free of dildo classes for 5 year olds, free of feminism phd's prancing around as some note worthy academics telling me what to do, free of welfare tax, multiculti tax, free of muslims, rape, robberies, niggers, poverty…
Imagine. Imagine being on a farm, clean green farm. Just minding your own business. Growing a fucking cabbage or I dont even know what. And some politician comes up to you and tells you 'pay me some random xyz tax for no fucking reason, so I can fun black history […]'. And you pull your trusty luger, shoot the bastard in the head, and that is the end of the story. He was on your property. He had no reason to be there. State doesnt protect him. No one comes after you. There's no investigation. There's no scandal. State only cares about stopping nukes, and doesnt order anal cavity inspections for internet posts.
Adam Phillips
Honestly it would be much better for him to get shot by a crip, then be allowed to continue spewing all his "emma gobzollaz is my hero" BS while T_D fags put him on a pedestal.
Xavier Rivera
- shut up nutjob
Benjamin Gutierrez
Free speech, in america what you post on twitter is your business. unlike the uk or sweden. it'll probably go nowhere.
Grayson Brown
there's also anti-slapp laws in most states. the university can be sued back for not only legal fees but punitive damages.
Too bad Apedre Niglin alienated most of his former financial supporters by going full civnat. Good luck raising more money for your lawyer, faggot. See how much the civcucks give you (nothing).