Netflix producer of 'Marco Polo' claims Harvey Weinstein raped her at least NINE times in abuse lasting years - and...

Netflix producer of 'Marco Polo' claims Harvey Weinstein raped her at least NINE times in abuse lasting years - and says the disgraced mogul threatened her to stay silent as recently as August
Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted a female employee at least nine times over the course of seven years and threatened her job and future in the industry if she reported anything, her attorney said in court papers.
Alexandra Canosa, a producer on Netflix's 'Marco Polo,' filed a lawsuit in December against Weinstein and his brother Bob as well as their company and board members.
She detailed the allegations in a complaint filed Monday.
Canosa said she worked for the company for years. She claims Weinstein sexually assaulted her for the first time in 2010 at the Tribeca Grand Hotel.

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That's what Jews do, pervert human history, look at the Torah. It's all Kike make believe.

In this case she deserves a pussy pass because… well… FUCK JEWS!

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Isn't this robert de negro's hotel?

marco polo was garbage
they could have at least found some actors that could speak without such a heavy accent
then there's the fact that the actors are still horrible even if you ignore their accents
also the characters are shit
also kkkublai khan was the shittiest mongolian ruler

still doesn't change the fact Harvey Weinstein is a filthy Jew rapist now does it?

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How interesting that you fedoranigger kikes never mention the Talmud.

How can I feel any kind of sympathy for those whores? They willingly traded sex for prestigious roles in the next (((Hollywood))) blockbusters, and now want easy money thanks to the #metoo movement gaining traction.

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you can't, because you're a filthy kike, It's plain for everyone to see. Jew

You'd think that after the first time she'd know not to be in a room alone with him, but I supposed that is just expecting too much from a woman.


you dont have to, you just laugh at the kikes being attacked by their own golems

Totally not asking for it.

White knighting won't get you far in life. Defending whores isn't noble and just. It's just plain stupid, and very humiliating to nay male who does that. Those sluts willingly choose their own fate. Let them root.

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hmmmmmm, defend a whore or defend a kike??? choices choices

So why didn't this sell-out call out the cops after the 2nd time?

Why not after the first time? Because it didnt happen. Regret sex is not rape.

Rise above. Don't defend any of those parasites. Let them reap what they sow.


Reminder Kikestein hired ex-Mossad to fuck with some of the victims.

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this is why I still come here

#metoo is turning into #mejew user.

who gives a fuck, they're doing us a favor. kys

didn't this guy rape children

This kike is getting away why Cosby is gonna die in jail. The fuck is wrong with the world.

Also, we have no solid evidence that Cosby ever did anything that he's accused of.
How did they convict him?
What a kiked justice system.


It's amazing how no charges have been made when everybody has always known that you gotta suck dick to get an acting career in Hollywood.

Are niggers upset about Cosby at all, or do they consider him an Uncle Tom? If the latter, our theory that he was taken down thanks to the Pound Cake Speech is probably true. If the former, we can use it to our advantage.

I also found that odd.
You'd think she'd get away from her rapist after the first time.

Cosby literally admitted to date raping them.

The slimy jewish media boss can be dismembered slowly for all I care, but always remember kids - "All public accusations of rape are false until proven otherwise"


Literally gave them pills.
Like word for word admission.

Many women.
And he's had rumours for a long time.

he admitted to buying them drugs so they could get high, and then admitting to them having sex while high. but he didn't think of it as rape. he's from the old days when people used to get drunk and high and have sex all the time.

he didn't understand that nowadays even if a man is completely and incoherently drunk/intoxicated but a woman is just like a little buzzed the man is always in the wrong and the woman is a rape victim even if she enthusiastically wanted sex in the moment.

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If you go back for more it isn't rape.

I've only seen rightwing blacks upset about it.
They know something's up.
Leftwing blacks just say shit like "He tellin us to behave when he rapin white gurls"
So basically, exactly what you'd expect.

Damn, history books really gloss over the fact that historical figures were just fags wearing eyeshadow.

Holy shit I remember this pile of manure. I turned it off during the first episode because I got so mad. Nothing but niggers and mongrels and strong empowered women, and history lies. I hope the rape hurt and you aren't doing it just for the money, you filthy whore.

He is being paid for fucking the best girls in their prime age while i have to broke my back for a cheap kiss from a cheating whore.

I wonder how (((they))) are profiting from this. None of it would've come to light if they'd been against it. It distracting from Pedowood isn't enough I believe, there's surely more to it. Maybe they want to deconstruct their whole industry and ship it to China or something.

remember the only way a woman can climax is through rape. if she says she came and you didn't rape her, she is lying.

This might be something Weinstein didn't understand. He probably bought the propaganda that if she orgasmed she must have wanted it. That's why he kept doing it.

"Jones was arrested for possession of child pornography and accused of soliciting a 14-year-old boy to "pose for nude photographs.""

yeah, a homo pedo, which is redundant.

Power is power.

I hope no one is stupid enough to believe this. May as well said 6 million times.

Nine fukn times? WTF? Cats have nine lives, OK, I'll buy that. But thots being "raped" by the same fat man that many times? It's 8 encounters too many for the word "rape"

Weinstein is still a psycho Jew though, I just don't buy 100 percent into this Hollywood ho's sad story.

Critics said this WW2 German poster on the left was just propaganda, an unfair antisemitic stereotype with no basis in reality. But Weinstein turned it into a natural meme.

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blacks don't give a shit, they consider cosby an uncle tom because he's always been outspoken about niggers being niggers

HOW THE FUCK do you get raped 9 times!!!!!


hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest not joking this time

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest not joking this time, last time was kidding around

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest not joking this time, last time was kidding around. but this time, im serious.

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest not joking this time, last time was kidding around. but this time, im serious. forget what you know, shits and giggles.

hey, come over to my place, nothing is going on, honest not joking this time, last time was kidding around. but this time, im serious. forget what you know, shits and giggles. ya ya, so a few times i fooled you. THIS TIME THOUGH….we get work done.


who believes this bitch, NO ONE.

It ain't rape if you come back for more 8 times.

Women are liars. They'll fuck you over if they think they'll get some kind of perceived benefit. They view men as tools.

Rape we once, shame on you.

Rape me 9 times… you should probably try not to get raped again.

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Consider the following:
Be rich sexual deviant jewish producer.
Get snared up in jewish driven feminism psyop. When everyone knew if you wanted to get ahead in movies all you had to do was be Harveys fuckdoll for a few times.
Get friend to bring an obviously stupid case against you….9 times….9 times.
Get case dismissed.
Continue life as before with the added bonus that nobody else will bring a case, and all other claims seem frivolous.

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Look at that fucking face. Ask yourself, does that really look human.

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Feminists have also stated that telling a woman "no" if she wants sex from you is rape. You really just can't ever win with these people.

It's because they don't want to win. They want limits. Uppity children are the same.

Changed her mind after sex AT LEAST NINE times - because she's a strong independent wymn.

Neither. Spend your time on something more valuable while they destroy each other.

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It resembles Emma Watson in the thumbnail but that's about it.


He tried his best, if the cyclones didn't fuck up his navy in Japan I'm sure we would think otherwise.

which means she consented to sex with him about 30 times.

You're making the common mistake that "rape" still means "forcible violent sexual intercourse", when in reality, rape means anything from "we had consensual sex but now I regret it later so I've retroactively withdrawn consent" to "I was beaten unconscious then penetrated in a gutter by a psychopath". It can also potentially mean "a sexual innuendo that made me feel diminished by a male". All these things can be "rape" and mainstream society will accept it as such.

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serves you right whore you dont deserve anything….


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I checked this twitter. Its been suspended. Fake? Real? Would like to see more redpills among degenerate pron actors.

my sides have left the room

She regrets doing it because jews ripped her off in the industry like all the other pornstars who said they regret it the whores thought they were going to make more money but, its just used as blackmail after the first shoots and made her do scenes for free its not because she regrets being a whore just a public one who got ripped off.

Only took a little googling she still a used up hooker bought smartened up and now more active as a sugarbaby/escort.

I'm all for the jew being brought to justice, but the downside is enabling whores to have kangaroo courts based completely off their word and no evidence.
The retarded "listen and believe" shit in full swing.
The fallout is multiple states are removing or extending the statute of limitations so they can go back RETROACTIVELY well over 3-10 years and accuse men of crimes.
Setting aside the obvious that retroactively making a supposed crime that past an actionable period actionable again is insane, it sets the president that they're willing to ignore evidence.

If all it takes is their word to ruin your life, you will have nothing in your defense if one crawls out of the past making spurious claims to destroy you, as the many years elapsed have made evidence for or against impossible to come by.


raped 9 times …. why did you keep going back?

first thing the fucking lawyer would ask her … which would the segway into. How are we supposed to know any of your previous lovers were did not rape you? Ms. Polo are you just trying to kick a man while hes down? You had sex with him 9 times and have a successful career through a connection with this fat ass. Are you going to say your other lovers raped you too? How are we supposed tell the difference between you having consenual sex and being raped if you react the same way.

This shit is so sad … yea she was "raped" … but she was about "dat life"

no … just cause someone says it , even if a court judge rules that does not change its meaning.

You have a weak will user, you are wrong.

Rape is forceful intercourse … thats it. Show me bruises