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The only solace is that the Phantom is not popular in Sweden. It's just the writers virtue signalling.
The Phantom confirmed for being gay for black mudslime cock!
You should have memed responsibly.
It's so odd that we the evil racist nazis seldom make art of us physically assaulting our enemies but fuck do these leftists love their power fantasies.
Anyone with a couple of brain cells to rub together can piece together that this is what they wish to do if they wouldn't get backlash for randomly attacking people.
The kikes seem to be really scared of the Independance March in Poland. So much people gathered in celebrating their unity and patriotism (Unity is a great counter word to diversity IMHO) seem to be really make the kikes shit their pants. I only worry that such a big show of strength by Polish nationalists will give the antifa faggots a big routing point.
But they should be scared of the Independance March, it really shows a people that don't care about the multicult brainwashing and just want to take joy in their country. That's why all across the world the media have been bashing the Poles and unfortunately they are the only ones who make a loud enough noise internationally. I wish that all across the world far-right and conservative parties would support the Polish Independance March Officialy. It would make a precedent for laughing about fascism charges on the left and could push parties that deny fascism outright to laugh about such charges when attacked themselves. Because no one on the right will avoid being called a fascist or nazi in their lifetimes, it's about time they thought of a response to that.
Holy shit mein fucking sides, this is golden!
Even when Goebbels took over German cinema there was no influx of "punch a jew" films (though he absolutely encouraged the real thing). Main he promoted a healthy happy life in movies.
I always knew our 2011 parodies of Sweden will be the future reality of Sweden.
Only part thats missing is The Phantom prepping a bull to show the Polish guy how to be more tolerant.
Art should reflect ideals and beauty, kike cinema focuses on the grotesque because their collective consciousness finds that more beautiful in their perversion.
I’m really starting the think that memes might truly be the collective spiritual effort of men to commune with the gods/God/Cosmos and influence the fabric of reality.
Seems the Phantom finally caught the gay.
Don't do that.
Oh God what have we done
Don't call it a grave etc.
Also, what the fuck is Phantom doing at a Polish gay parade?
He's supposed to be on his little skull island beating up subhumans and shit?
And spanking uppity broads.
So this is how WWIII will really start? Swedes are the real Nazis all along!
He is right, aids carrier blood is worse than any other poison.
Sounds familiar.
Congratulations to Sweden for finally fully joining the pozbook industry.
Love you autists. What do you think of the 1996 film?
Are leftists past the point of being human and accosiating with subhumans that they have to remind convince themselves that they still are? who the fuck would talk like this?
Stop that comic nonsense manchildren
I saw it in theaters. I don't remember anything other than how silly Billy Zane looked.
We all have knowledge of things we entertained before bettering ourselves. Comics are not inherently bad for kids, and certainly the Phantom's swashbuckling adventures weren't.
Another figment of childhood, ruined forever. There will be hell to pay.
Not enough I wanna see what happens when they realize its definitely not working
It was a strange time.
The Shadow is a classy lookin' film. Too Indian films are the only ones I can watch with sense of wonder, and lack of hate for the people behind them anymore.
Was the first image drawn by a stroke victim mid stroke?
His fucking superpower was turning into a jew and hiding in the shadows.
I hate you people that can only comprehend one word at a time, and then see red before finishing the sentence.
I know what you mean. I hate you niggers too. It gets tiresome having to explain things to you fucks repeatedly.
It's like I'm really talking to a bot.
Abandoning culture over to these cucks is how we got here in the first place, idiot. I suppose because children like to play sports too that those ought to be abandoned as for children only too, right?
To be fair, comics have been cucked and kiked far longer than anything else.
That would be a huge mistake. They should hold their own national march of their own nation; something that their own people would connect with.
Hilarious, but >>>/co/
Read the below
6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply
troubled society. One of the most widespread manifesta-
tions of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discus-
sion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduc-
tion to the discussion of the problems of modern society
in general.
7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th
century leftism could have been practically identified with
socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not
clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak
of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists,
collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and
disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But
not everyone who is associated with one of these move-
ments is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discus-
sing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a
psychological type, or rather a collection of related types.
Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly
in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also,
see paragraphs 227-230.)
8. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good
deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem
to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is
indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psycho-
logical tendencies that we believe are the main driving
force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be tel-
ling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our
discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We
leave open the question of the extent to which our discus-
sion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early
20th centuries.
9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie mo-
dern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “over-
socialization”. Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of
modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is cha-
racteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism;
but this segment is highly influenti