Zig Forums, what do you think of this game? Is it degenerate? Does it support Christian or Atheist values?
Zig Forums, what do you think of this game? Is it degenerate? Does it support Christian or Atheist values?
Lurk more or go back faggot.
Kikenstein is Id's property but TNO and TNC are made by a seperate developer.
Fuck off Todd.
The game's bad because its short, less skill is required because of glory kill system that gives you health with a press of a button on a weak monster, much less replayable compared to original Doom, and is basically a steal of your money and your hard drive space on both consoles and pc.
Do not buy it under any circumstances, its jewish as fuck.
Zig Forums - Bad Video Games
Wolfenstein the new colossus.
I really don't know what to think tbh
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yada slide thread etc.
Fuck off Todd, shill your shit somewhere else.
i use zdoomwars nazi faction to clear doom maps sometimes… quite entertaining
Go slide some other board, faggot
they are pretty much different games, just sharing a setting
while doom used hallways and projectile avoidance nudoom uses arenas and health kits.
nice job regurgitating /v/'s opinions though, give yourself a pat on the back for being such a stronk independent thinker
studio probably got roasted for being too friendly towards nazis
sage for OT
Actually there is text and story in the game. You're a literal Christian crusader made by God to fight hell. Value-wise it's quite good.
Wrong, you are a marine who after fighting numerous demon invasions by yourself, decided to stay in hell to ensure no demon rises again.
It supports Asatru values, because you are literally killing demonic entities, like Thor does.
Jesus doesn't kill demons, he orders them around, think about that, Jesus is king of demons.