American Jewish/Israeli NGOs/Lobbies/Civic Rights Groups are Spying/profiling/Data gatheing on people like you(dissidents, amalekites) for Israel and the Nation of Judaism. They are also involved in what you might know as Gang St*alking or Zersetzung. They work sort of like a mafia where as they can "Tap" individual Jews in influential positions IE medical, legal, civic duty to steal information and leak it, or even "mob/flash stalk". They can also facilitate a rigged Hegel Dialectic to remove you from individual communities and steer perception in communities, as their counterparts in the media do on a National level. There is precedent for these activities. The ADL and the MANY Jewish/Israeli militant American NGO's need to be dismantled and NEVER allowed a surface to build upon again.Sedition defies what these people are doing! This should remain a General TBQFH
I'd appreciate it if you guys read up and helped get the word out about this, it is BIG TIME. The biggest spy case in recent US history was also an American Jew Jonathan Pollard, hired by Israel, who then ended up leaking the info the Soviet Union. Israel lobbied to get him released the whole time he was in prison in the US.
Bump>>11547944 > And that was like 10 years ago, before Obama even, imagine how crazy they are now. Even in that documentary they said they were funded by some $70mil I think, they had FUCKALL to do on the legal surface, so WTF are they doing with all those funds? Paying off snitches, informants, and friends of Jews to spy and data collect, and smear so called enemies of Jews/Israel. Criminals hiding in the false cloak of a victimized religious groups. Lower than low
Zersetzung is to undermine, nothing to do with 'gang stalking'. There's no jews running around doing anything as that's actual work. Shit posting online and kevetching on the phone? Absolutely. But if kikes with their big, ugly hooknoses were in the bushes or anywhere, it would be pretty fucking obvious. Also, they'd start getting shot by nutcases. Just jewtube some of the characters talking about 'gang stalking'. Give one a gun and they'd rekt a synagogue.
Lol@The Ugly Truth About the ADL. It's a fucking jew group, how could it be anything other than hideous? They're literal vermin.
Ryan Williams
Because a jews nose enters a room ten seconds before he enters.
It's too bad that OpTakeBackADL never took off. Imagine the combined forces of user and JIDF against mutual enemies. With ADL making up controversies to smear its competitors in the bitching business, a lot of people can agree that the ADL needs an enema right now.
Kayden Wilson
Michael Phillips
What the hell is happening today that we're being hit with this much cancer? They usually save this crap for the weekends.
Christopher Robinson
The Illinois Nazis were Jews pushing the Holocaust narrative.
Leo Baker
made me think of that clip from the meme hearings "something something core tennants of zionism, something something" the one where they hold up 20"*40" memes in a congress hearing
There is only one sentence for traitors. No judge. No jury. Just justice.
Jeremiah Morales
His site is down last time I checked, if anyone has an archive please upload it
Eli Cruz
Ryan Green
We need to keep teaching normies how Israel controls American politics, and how that has caused the U.S. to start several wars that they had no reason to start. In the future, this will translate into Jews starting wars ever since the beginning of time.
Cooper Green
I've tried to do this on Facebook, on veteran pages where half the dudes get all amped up over missile strikes and the other half are like HOLY FUCK WHY. What I noticed is American Jews, even OIF/OEF vets quickly and ferociously come to the defense of America continuing to intervene in the Middle East, and will call you a fucking Nazi for questioning Israel and the loyalty of Dual Citizens. Essentially, American Secular Jews are the aristocrats and I think they sort of know it, and even the random ground level Jews refuse to allow ANY discourse about Jews as a group. It is beyond dangerous for this country, my biggest fear is Americans are so plugged into Bullshit right now, that they wouldn't really fucking care.
You should be able to disarm a few boomer kikes in a discussion. Levon Affair, USS Liberty, Philip Giraldi, Michael Scheuer. And last but not least; Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (the reason why The Cold War could happen). There are hundreds more redpills. This shit is easy fam.
Isaac Davis
Enough with this black cube of Saturn bullshit. Occultfag here, and it has no basis in anything other than skitzo connecting the dots between disparate concepts. Are the Jews using occult/metaphysical concepts to add legitimacy to their blood reign? Absolutely, they stole everything they know from other civilizations, why wouldn't they coopt mysticism they like? Are platonic solids universal? Yes. Is there a global jew cult centred around a black cube? Probably not. Jews are plenty evil without needing spooky fake Hollywood bullshit. Take your meds skitzo, begin working out and if you're white go father a big traditional family.
These are exactly the kind of people involved in this activity. They are militant racial Jews. The Freemasons are also intertwined with this web of a security apparatus as well