The popes are evil and have shown to consistently betray there race pope francis is the perfect example of this. This has been shown as the truth. The man who originally made Protestantism was heavily anti jewish. We should return Protestantism to its former glory.
Countries that are/were majority protestant such as Britain, Sweden and Germany have been relentlessly attacked and forced to take diversity.
Protestantism must be revived and not this fake ass Protestantism preached by modern (((priests))) but real believers like our ancestors who fought for their protestant beliefs.
Protestants were right
Learn how to use the site before you post here.
Yeah i'm just gonna be honest I am new here. Just wanted to get this off of my chest.
Pure pottery.
Well Kek seems to like you but please go through the material in the F&Q sticky and lurk until you get a feel for the board culture. also don't shill your religion please. It always devolves into shit-flinging
We should have nailed that letter to the popes head.
Either way kill all papists.
Then the remaining semite worshipers.
newfag or not, that was a solid post user
Protestantism is why Britain, Sweden and germany has devolved into pozzed nations and Catholicism is why Poland is non-pozzed.
Then explain why majority of protestants voted for the national socialist party. I'll accept in its current state that Protestantism is shit but before it was tainted with (((diversification))) they were openly pro white.
Read Alfred Rosenberg on how both Catholics and Protestants interfered with and tried to sabotage the emergence of German and French identities and nations. You do not cure yourself by exchanging one disease for another.
No one believes you.
Kek wills that your approach is blessed. Stay and lurk a bit fellow user, and get the vibe.
Catholicism is judaism-lite, complete with pedophiles. The core of judaism teaches "I am chosen of God, so I can do nothing wrong." The Roman Catholic says similarly "Everything I do is forgiven by God, so I can do nothing wrong." That's why it so easily co-ops paganism, new-ageism, or communism, or any other repulsive doctrine in the world with no worries. Of course, Muslim religion is nearly the same.
protestants are shitty christians mated with kikes you stupid faggot. the pope sucks now cuz he is also a kike
Oh boy another D&C thread.
Ironically enough, most leaders of the NSDAP, including Hitler himself were Catholic
Your argument is basically oh protestants are basically kikes and catholics recently turned jewish because of the new pope when most if not all of the popes where corrupt scumbags and pedo's. You didn't even provide one statistic and you say protestants are the shitty kikes. How's Auschwitz schlomo
Are there any sources proving this?
Fuck off
I never see this mentioned so I will once again remind everybody.
The old pope has to die before a new pope can take his place. Effectively the current guy isn't pope by his own rules.
Catholicism = Pedophilia
Well yeah that is what 90% of popes have in common.
Catholicism is dead. I'm so angered by the state of the church that I told a liberation theology priest socialism is heresy according to past popes. If I ever do leave it will probably be for Orthodoxy though. They even organize into sects by ethnicity just like God did with Israel.
Based Luther
I've also heard strange reports that the sky is blue. Surely this isn't a (((coincidence))).
Go be a christcuck somewhere else.
4 out of the last 5 popes were undermined by this pedophilia bullcrap. Guess which one didnt and why. Kys
Your newfag is showing.
Try to find a local traditionalist sedevacantist church near you. Better practice your Latin though.
Yes because yay latin.
Part of how the papists got so powerful is that they could twist the word of their jewish god into anything.
Who was going to argue when barely anyone could read or speak Latin and thus knew what the bible said or what priests were saying?
Even better it gave the papists a reason to keep the population illiterate.
To protestants meanwhile, literacy is a fucking saintly virtue and if you can't read then you're a fucking sinner.
They'd translate the bible into your language then they'd teach you to fucking read whether you liked it or not.
Priest can't lie to you if you can read the bible and call him on his bullshit.
Course either way semite faiths must burn. But lets keep that protestant love of literacy.
I'm under the belief that Christianity was an invention by the romans but the jews twisted it to make it about themselves to make us subservient to them. I mean it isn't the first time they've attempted this.
Christianity started out as a heretical sect of Judaism.
It changed their rules and extended salvation to all, no longer limiting it the chosen race.
Rome hated it initially because it was weak.
But as it gained popularity later Roman leaders saw an opportunity to deal with the serious problem that the Romans older pantheon of gods was becoming.
See at the time of the conversion of Rome the temples had become bloated monstrosities.
Demanding ever more resouces and manpower be expended in its rites and holy days.
The prestige of being a senior priest and the number of gods meant that more and more quality manpower was being sucked up by the temples rather than by the Legion or civil administration.
By pushing the conversion of the Empire to christianity they cut the number of temples and priests dramatically and the new god was much less interested in huge displays of fealty in the form of animal sacrifices, massive celebrations, etc.
All of which combined to free up a lot of the Empires economic productivity and manpower for other more useful purposes.
Indeed one of the reasons christianity was getting popular was because of the decreased demands it put on its adherents.
No need for constant sacrifices to the gods and less rituals to observe, what rituals there were being utterly inconsequential in comparison.
The annual cycle of based jew religions shilled on Zig Forums. Funny how christkikes keeping shilling flavors of christianity when one is not currently in favor. Then they start it all over again. These threads are slide threads, complete regurgitation.
You are here ^
Rinse, repeat, like jews spinning in circles like spergs. This has been cycled for basically two years or more. In 3 months or less you'll see the gnostic gay sex shills again.
You wasted a thread on this? It's basic historical fact that christianity was invented by jews. The records of roman historians include their puzzled reaction to the semitic religious cult called christianity. It took almost a century before the christian-jews infiltrated roman politics. Anyone agreeing with you is either a shill or a christcuck virtue signaling because they like what you say but can't defend it on objective grounds.
Do some basic research or kill yourself.