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R.A.M. European tour

Just saw this on jewtube, thought I'd share.

To my understanding R.A.M. was invited to celebration of Hitler's birthday at "Schild und Schwert" (Shield and Sword, or SS) in Ostritz, Saxony by White Rex Pro a prominent Right Wing Fighting organization, where they competed in the MMA tournament, scoring 1 win and 1 loss.

"Schild und Schwert" (Shield and Sword, or SS)

I don't have time but I suggest looking up WHITE REX and their work. They are serious, serious people and inviting R.A.M. to come over is a show of respect.

Get fit like these guys. You can't fight a racewar when overweight sitting behind computer.

Repost because shills and cancer Darlinganchored the thread.

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Wow cancermod.gave himself a wordfilter.
What a faggot

Ram it up your ass, faggot.

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Cry harder

Dumb faggot.
Sage negated

CancerDarlingcalling himself darling


Absolutely incredoulous faggotry





Cancer mod


Global report for mass advertising.

You have to be a tremendous faggot to call.yourself darling.

Who gave this faggot.control of the board seriously?

Attached: Fuck your thread.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Im not advertising.

Fuck your life

Fuck you and go back to fucking leftypol


ITT: OP having a schizophrenic breakdown

Thanks for the laughs mod. Your cancer ass calling yourself darling made my day.

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What are you, chicken?

Attached: cloaca.gif (255x190, 1.93M)

I would just like to touch on the subject of 1. Alleged spam
it is not spam when posting right wing related updates on a right wing board
2. Nobody likes them

Alot of people like them. And white rex inviting them over is further proof of good they are

Thats basically all I had to say so go ahead and release your little leftypol shills and delete this again like the bitch that you are.

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I don't think you know what "alleged" means.
Not even a word.

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