(((Generation Identity))) exposée

Identitarians are SHILLS

Too long have these democratic lolberg fags funneled would-be revolutionary white men into a dead end, philosemitic pathway.
It is beyond doubt that these cunts are controlled opposition, most likely placed by ZOG to act as a pressure release valve for nationalism and prevent a genuine and ANTI-SEMITIC nationalistic European youth movement from forming.

Generation Identity:
>Continually place White women in danger, at the forefront of activism. Women get out of the physical realm of political resistance tbh.
>(((Martin Sneller))), the leader of GI, claims that Shlohmo has nothing to do with White Genocide, kikes are victims of immigration and denies that they are the perpetrators.

I'm sick of every low IQ bluepilled faggot shilling these pozload kiked niggers.

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I'm sick of you halfchan faggots kiking this place up.

If GI is cool with you then I guess you don't mind TRS.

my bad not you, that nigger over there ->

shut the fuck up rabbi.

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WEW, what a colossal faggot. It's quite telling who the kikes pick for their controlled opp puppets.

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sage + report.
Try harder leftypol hopenothate

He looks like such a gormless twerp. Like the scamming yidd who had the advertisements of "his" Lambo in a garage with a ton of books.

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All of these shit-tier yiddish shills.
I guess I'm totally on the money then.

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Wait, how is it surprising that people in countries where espousing National Socialism get arrested don't call themselves National Socialists?

This is functionally retarded. Taking just five minutes to contemplate the usefulness of women in political revolution is enough to realize how stupid it is to exclude women from political movements. Women must be front and center. Cheering, waving flags, handing out flowers, blowing kisses, and asking young men to help fight for the struggle.

What are you doing here trying to give us bad advice?

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You're terrified of them, hopenothate.


I thought they were harmless)

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GI selfietards actually claim that National Socialism belongs in the dustbin of history. While they may agree with us on certain issues, the enemy of our enemy is not our my friend.

This is the worst hopenothate/leftypol shill thread I've seen in a long time.

Report as low effort slide

You must think your in 4chan. Ideology is far more important than "waifus" to the crowd here, lurk until you understand that.

Their only purpose is promote groups like GI. No one had even heard of them before the GI tards appeared on the scene.

Why is this thread still up?

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Myopic spastic, just skirt over the mass of other points against them, why don't you?
The NSDAP did not put women on the front line in the 1920s-30s when they were fighting (and being murdered by) Marxists in the street, you fucking retarded newfag.

Wew, all of these redditspacing shills. I guess "you are hopenothate and leftypol" while also brazenly misusing imageboard dialectic is the new shill technique.


Neither does GI. In fact, GI doesn't seek out violent engagements with Marxists and if they did, I doubt women would be involved.
Instead, women march with men. Why are you trying to convince us that this effective and well understood tactic is bad?
What's your agenda?

Do you have any actual arument? Because it's pretty obvious that Sellner at least is controlled opposition.

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< ridiculous strawman
It's a shit tactic. Marching with women is equally as retarded.
Exposing controlled opposition philosemites and kikes like you so Whites can achieve total Aryan victory.

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I have no arument


Actually it is highly effective and has been proven effective time and time again by Fascists, communists, socialists, conservatives, liberals, jews, Palestinian anti-Zionists, and basically any other successful ideology.
Women attract young men to a cause. That's why Hitler surrounded himself with women.

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I've learned the rule of a thumb long ago: If a right-wing movement does not name the Jew, it is controlled opposition.
There are many other boxes in this checklist to tick, of course, but this is the main one.

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Eat shit and die.

(((You))) clearly want white women to be murdered either by state agents or ANTIFA. NSDAP did not place any women at the forefront of their political demonstrations before coming to power.
Men who are only attracted to a cause because of women are not revolutionarily minded.

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Cuckchan calls.

Since JIMPACT, sometimes this is all I think this board is anymore.
Not that those niggers didn't have it coming but, I don't know, gets old.
Everything is kiked, what's new?

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Fuck you commies. Death approaches fast

Also, your SIEGE posting further proves you're retarded.
Mason was an idiot who didn't even live by his own ideology. He compared Charles Manson to Adolf Hitler. A retard compared to a hero and a leader. And he isn't even a National Socialist anymore. He dropped out of this movement and hasn't contributed one thing because he is a lazy, self absorbed coward like you.

But most importantly, his book is trash. Not only is it poorly written (it literally reads like an unfinished rough draft from highschool) but it is hopelessly naïve.
But my main critique of SIEGE faggots is, why the fuck aren't you living by the childish book you shove in everyone's face like it's better than Mein Kampf? If random acts of violence against irrelevant and powerless non-Whites is the path to victory then why the fuck aren't you lynching blacks? No one is stopping you other than your cowardice. And yet you cowardly faggots want to convince OTHER PEOPLE to the dirty work you are too cowardly to do yourself.

Cowarly trash like you disgust me. Go read your highschool rough draft and fantasize about being a revolutionary while real revolutionaries use effective propaganda, surround ourselves with smiling attractive women, and change the zeitgeist with real actions.

I love how antiwhite shilling is kept up despite reports but pro white threads get deleted.

Darlings ANYONE?

Youre a fucking sperg and are reason we cant have nice things.

This site is fucking garbage

Mo.ds are fucking killing this board

lol leave

Go back to your bog >>>/trs/

Inflamed jewish anus proves OP correct.

Another kike.

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You forgot this. And don't forget, they were inspired by Faye.

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Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this fetish/insult?

Thank god youre just an user on a mongolian throat singing board and not a leader of men.

What points?
First you claim that I want White women dead because I want smiling, happy women waving flags.
Which is retarded.
Then you claimed that Hitler didn't allow women to be at the forefront of the political organizations until after he came to power.
Which is not true. Women played a vital role in restoring German rule in Germany. Just as women always do in politics.

If attractive women were not useful to political movements, why are they used by every single successful political movement in existence?

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That last paragraph is extremely damning, good sauce.

Women were not involved in dangerous NSDAP activism pre-power, nor have they been used in dangerous activism by anyone other than filthy kikes like you.


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It's extremely obvious that you've read neither Mein Kampf nor SIEGE, for if you had read either, you wouldn't praise Mein Kampf as the pinnacle of national socialist literature, neither would you state that SIEGE advises arbitrary nigger killing.

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This is really your interpretation of all of the evidence posted on this page? The quality of posters on this board has really gone downhill.

I never once brought up flinging women into fist fights.
The conversation was, is, and will always be about attractive women being associated with nationalism. GI does not to my knowledge fling women into fist fights with leftist thugs. Neither did the NSDAP, Mussolini, the Falange, or for that matter any ideology ever. Name one that did.
Pay attention, siege-fag.

There's a difference between remaining silent on the JQ and actively sucking their cock. Read:

They don't ring true if they don't name the jew.

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OP states that the issue is GI involving women in dangerous activism, of which there is plenty of evidence. Your goalpost moving and talmudic argumentation is extremely obvious.


Woah you mean epic mass movement #140050034204 since 1945 is some kike reactionary shit that doesnt seek to solve any problems in favor of seeking out normies who dont give a shit anyway? NO WAY!

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This is the most major mass movement in decades, potentially. The largest nationalist, anyway.

That was also made very apparent in the OP.

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forgot to say defilement, faggot

Honestly, do you expect them to call out the kikes and praise Hitler in public? Really?

Ive no idea who that guy is nor do I really give a fuck because Im not European. But not even the National Action guys in the UK dipped their toe to the JQ and they got fucking hammered. What exactly are you expecting?

They would literally be arrested.

When I see GI use women it's always for community outreach and demos, like when they went around and gave some homeless people pork sandwiches. Mind supplying some of that ample evidence otherwise?

Honestly, this thread feels like an excuse to bully eurobros.

It could have a billion members and it still wouldnt get us anywhere if it still maintains the kike system and kike idealism.

NA posters literally had holocaust memes on them you lying fag.

Precisely the purpose of this thread, exposing their judaic ways.

I have indeed read both and recall vividly Mason advocating in his poorly written way, shooting random niggers from trucks and other pointless "terrorist acts" that serve only to support the System.
And while I agree with you that Mein Kampf is not the best or most detailed "national socialist" literature, it is among the most influential. Also, it's author didn't end up leaving the movement.

Your words, not mine.
ALL White people must take part in resistance.

Yeah, if you're talking about the European identitarian movement. They are opposed to anti-semitism, racism, and are pan-european and anti-Religion of Cuck™. In Europe, they're basically what we would consider "alt-lite" here in America. But so is the EDL, PEGIDA and many other pseudo-nationalist groups in Europe. Why? Because racism is technically illegal in Europe (the homeland of white people), while in America, it's not. But that doesn't stop sleazeball judges and lawyers from trying to shut us down after some false flagging kike does something that'll place blame on our entire organization.

See pic related. It's identity evropa, an American identitarian group. The American identitarian movement and the European identitarian movement should be considered two entirely different groups altogether, because in America, while it does still hold many of the same values as the European one does, it is more explicitly white nationalist and does believe in racial differences, unlike the cucked European one. The European identitarian movement shouldn't even be considered a "white nationalist" movement, because it isn't.

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No, but when they unprompted start talking about contracts with kikes and calling anyone jew-wise "schizophrenic and an inverted philosemite" then they cannot be trusted.

That doesn't explain why Sellner actively defends kikes and explicitly insists that they aren't guilty of their jewish crimes.

Both are equally trash and they dont actually seek to change the corrupt basis of the system. Being pro huwite means nothing.

Don't say that.

If you want women to join the resistance then you are a fucking retard. Women make babies, they do not resist ZOG.

Of course it doesn't, but these bluepilled fags will reach as hard as possible to remain in their delusional bubbleworld.

Given the involvement of Eli Kline and Dicky Spencer, I'd trust IE about as much as GI. Identautarianism is cancer.

Women do resist ZOG. Smiling, attractive women are the most primal and effective positive image for any political action.
That's why Hitler made great use of smiling, attractive women.

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Mmm. Im gunna call bullshit on that. I'd welcome a refute tho.

Idk. Who knows what goes on behind closed door and amongst their own ranks.

I dont know who Sellner is, but if these groups go on about crimes of the jew they will be arrested so again, I don't know what you expect.

So you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

And why do you think that is? If you're afraid to be productive because the jews might put you in prison, find a different hobby. These faggots are either controlled opposition or hobbyists.

Nigger, you obviously haven't been reading. Guillaume Faye in his own words.

Your meme is shit, kike.
White women do not belong on dangerous front lines of revolutionary action.
Hitler using women for fertility demonstrations, pro-family propaganda and posing for photos with his masses of female fans =/= resisting ZOG.
Filtered for being a derailing retard.

fuck off, chump.

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The best thing women can do its not become slags and have children, they have a different role in life and in the fight against zog.

First I heard of the guy and I read his image, but yeah, beyond that I dont know who your stupid eceleb leader of some club is. It also doesnt invalidate my points that ''THEY WILL BE ARRESTED"

lol thats quite binary. You can't care for the state of your nation less you are 100% jew wise. Nothing is that simple.

Meh. People are still their own people. Unless he personally roots out every anti semitic and racist among his ranks, which is quite impossible I would reckon.

user earlier was right. Praise god you are not a leader of men.

Fixed that one for ya.

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You have to go back >>>/reddit/

Tell me more

I can't imagine being this much of a homo hebrew.

Whatever faggot. Still havent provided any evidence what so ever that GI throws women on the front lines of a revolutionary war. Stupid try hard faggot.

Except I wasn't defending him. Moreso I was defending the action of these people who, while they can't full on take on the jew, are doing what they can and what they feel may make a difference. Sorry I can find solice in that I guess.

Damn, my bad, how many jews have you killed?

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The fact that you oppose effective propaganda is proof enough for me that you are either an idiot or an anti-White.
However you are clearly not an anti-White idiot because convincing an opponent to abandon an effective tactic is an intelligent thing to do.
Women are and have been for a long time effective propaganda tools. That's why the jews use them and why effective nationalist organizations use them.

Have you ever heard of this new invention called the internet? Or the tv? Or paper?
I mean, I get that you're either a drooling moron or an intelligent anti-White, but any intelligent pro-White activist wants young women waving flags, singing songs, and talking about White Genocide.

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He's still going!

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It's a shit argument either way they try to spin it. These normalfag groups don't just ignore the jewish question, they actively try to distance themselves from it, they love jews, there's no room for nazis, etc., etc.. They can't arrest you if you reply to the gotcha question is "no comment" or something along those lines.

He advocates for dropping out of the system and only reverting to those attacks if you deem it necessary and to go after big targets. You clearly haven't read it. Mason was apart of almost every NS movement up until the 90s and is still NS today. The entire point of the book is that dropping out is the best (which is why he glorifies Manson who was the first and the best at doing this) because the system has made revolution off the bat near impossible and politics has been impossible since the 60s. He experienced a large percent of movements and the entire book is about moving on from antiquated mindsets.


When naming the kikes is outlawed then you have two options. Name the kikes anyway or say nothing about them at all. "Go out of your way to defend the kikes" is not one of these options.

Okay, last response on this (since I'm not touching the retarded women-frontlines-smiling point). All it would take is for a group to make its stance "we're not zionists. our focus is on native europeans, not israelis". You wouldn't get arrested for that. However, they go beyond that, they actively disown anything "anti-semitic" for kike brownie points, and actively support kike goals as some form of mutual advantage. That's controlled opposition, plain and simple.


I didn't even know this was a group until you made a thread about it.

For real tho, I take it you don't live in Europe correct? It's easy to list the crimes of the jew in America but in Europe you will be arrested. And it's obvious by your rhetoric that you are one hard hitting, jew killing American nazi who doesnt afraid of anything, right?

Why do I get the impression if you were a eurobro you'd keep your mouth shut in public about the jews along with everyone else?

I never defended that.

One guy, the club leader, whatever his name and little minion in the OP. Again, I'm not defending that. I don't know. All the time I see this board going after anyone for doing anything, justified or not, maybe, if you hald as badass as you talk on this board, do something.

At least not using your real identity with no opsec, I should add.


Brate, jebeno se ubij, jel može?

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Bullshit. Manson was a complete moron. He thought he'd start a race war by having his girls kill some actors and leave fruit rinds. Does this sound like the plan of an intelligent man?

Lone wolf terrorism does not work. And random acts of terrorism against nigger babies is exactly what the System wants.
Don't believe me? Okay fine. If I am so wrong, please enlighten me by listing examples of lone wolf terrorists taking down a political system or accomplishing anything at all of consiquence. Lone wolf terrorism simply does not work. If it were such an effective means of Systemic replacement, why didn't the jews use it to take over our political, corporate, and propaganda institutions?

There's this thing called a "rally"
You should look it up before you start raving and ranting about flinging women into battle formations. No one is talking about that, you low IQ nigger. Learn to read.

However since you and OP want to talk about women in combat so much. Fine. Here is a scenario where women serve a role in war.
Imagine, if you can, the ZOG military rooting out a White nationalist paramilitary organization in Germany say. All White men are strip-searched by the suspicious ZOG loyalists. However women have always enjoyed a special status and are generally not held up to the same scrutiny as men. Thus, women in this situation would be excellent fronts, couriers, and informants.
This has ALWAYS been the case. In every war, in every occupation, in every struggle.
You should open a book any book on any historical war and learn this yourself after you look up what a "rally" is.

Be careful my baltic bro.

It's easy to talk shit on the internet.

Many people don't know that jews did 9/11 until a thread was made about it.