Red Pill thread on school / education

Red Pill thread on school / education.

FFS its obvious they're trying to fucking handicap our brain development, this coupled with the (((american))) diet should be more than enough to dumb down europeans to be below the level of asians right?

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No shit kid
Welcome to grown-up

low energy thread, but you're mistaken. asians aren't particularly smart. they're just exceptional at rote memorization and obsessively disciplined.

School is child abuse. It's a government daycare that more resembles a prison. It's not meant to make you better, only to drain you of your enthusiasm for life, learning, and self expression.

And the same goes for "private" schools, and college. All of it exists to stifle you, infantalize, and keep you from breaking the status quo. They don't want parents and children to have good relationships, so off to school with the kid to be "taught" by a stranger, and clueless peers; then when the kid comes home it's time to do homework, or he won't get dessert (queue conflict between parent and child).

The truth is people teach themselves how to do things when they're interested in them, but school exist to keep you from being interested in the world, because after so many years of school the world fucking sucks.

I feel like one of the biggest affronts of education is that they teach "FAKE HISTORY". And one of the best tools they have in teaching FAKE HISTORY is they obfuscate any continuity in historical events.

Teachers and History books read as if things happen in a vacuum, when in reality we are living right here and now in a string of events that have snowballed since WW1! And much earlier I am sure.

The other mechanism is our lack of education in finance, in particular exponents. We are being shown "back of the envelope" mathematical tricks that do not work in the real world of finite goods. And everyone should know that. Hell, even most of the baby boomers are sitting around pretending they are millionaires and they are going to live and extravagant retirement. Don't they realize that they have to sell their houses and stocks to someone else to get the cash? And they are all retiring at the same time as the millenials are still paying off their student loans?

Kill all marxist/ activist teachers

Go to sleep at 9pm. 8 hours later, its 5am.

I unironically sperged out and almost showed my power levels over this topic earlier today. The whole education system needs torn down. Starting with real nutrition and learning real world skills. Children should be nurtured and no expense spared to raising them healthy and strong. Practically half of the school day should be spent on learning about food, preparing food, eating together, working out, exercise and sports. Learning how to build a healthy body should be a major focus and if it was perhaps there wouldn't be such an 80/20 split and a generation of unhappy people.

There's shouldn't be a "school day". Learning isn't something that should be separated out from the rest of your life like it's a job. That's part of how they teach people to hate learning, and eventually begrudgingly accept that life is nothing but trudgery through shit you don't want to do. Keeps the spirit suppressed.

>Children should be allowed to be illiterate hermits because i don't like school :< REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
People who hate school only hate school because they're low IQ social outcasts and the work was too hard.
Aside from teaching (((history))), what exactly is so bad about school? Are they going to teach you non-factual math too? How is teaching you correct grammar draining your enthusiasm for life?

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dump time?
oh right, there was another thread

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Just reread my posts and pretend I wasted time on you.

Oh please, English just made me keep on re learning the same shit ever since second grade


Some people are better communicators than others; It takes a village philosophy. Learning how to build social bonds and healthy routines are part of why children should go to school. Society needs a strong foundation so that knowledge may grow from it.

Besides we have our own version of Asians they're called autists.

With other abused, clueless children? No, that's insane. You spend time around the people you want to become like. You become like the people you spend time around. In school you become sick.
There's nothing healthy about school, and a parent can provide a routine healthier than anyone else.

You're brainwashed. Give up your (((state))) sanctioned delusions.


Yeah you better stop arguing with people on the internet and do your homework before dad takes your dessert away :^)

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That's not what schools are for. The peasants can form their little cliques elsewhere, schools should be exclusively limited to autists so that they aren't dragged down by others. Everyone learns to socialize anyway then, but in appropriate environments. No one wants to learn with brain dead roasties who joke about not needing algebra in the future, let them fuck off and do their own thing then.

While it's not optimal you could… go to bed earlier…

In the current system private school or home school is the best options. My words were following
where I said the entire system need torn down and rebuilt. In that context I wrote this>>11548820
And I stand by it. I believe school should be communal and based on traditional values and classical knowledge with a heavy emphases on building healthy habits and social bonds with their peers.

unless its a stem degree, the job for it doesnt exist, you are getting scammed, its nothing you need a degree for

seriously, having stem skills makes you a king among the peasants, it makes you the most effective at killing people, farming the land, being healthy, you name it stem does it better, art and business and society and social science included, tech companies are dominating all that bullshit too

The absurd schedule of the school day, its rigid "bell rings, get to class or you're in detention" rules, its age-separated grade system, along with many other aspects of the modern public school, is based on the prussian system. It's basically turning the modern schools into prisons.

John Taylor Gatto, award winning public school teacher, has written some great books on how malignant modern school systems are. Embed related. The book is very well-written; I personally recommend it, especially if you have children and are weighing your options.

if you are a kid, start learning math now, from the start

math is probably the only useful skill you are learning right now, and it will help you code computers, build machines, aim artillery, missiles, encrypt/decrypt info, analyze situations, plan, etc
% of your early education that isnt math is a huge fucking waste of time, if I was a kid all over again I'd study math harder because later on math is the pre-requirement for literally everything else, and stuff that isnt math is borderline useless

I am not being clear. Socializing in the sense of group activity. The whole class working together on a single project. Learning how to be a part of a team effectively. Learning how to not be anti-social or shy.

Makes me sad cuz prussia was pretty cewl

This is relevant.

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not all things are equally useful
thing with hobby jobs and hobby educations is, they are hobbies, something to be done in your pastime, something to be earned

those who wanna reap before they sow will starve in the modern economy

I work 70 hours a week and have had about a total of 6 days off the past 9 months and I'm still dead ass tired when I wake up at 10 am for work every day

Gregor Mendel's hobby was looking at his plants in his garden.
You stupid, stupid fuck. People with your myopic world view are why we can't have nice things, and why discoveries go unnoticed for hundreds of years. I sincerely hate people like you with a burning passion. Shortsighted, impatient and ignorant of almost everything. You should be slapped upside your stupid fucking head.

Have fun with your job market being inflated in 5 years.

Everything is going to be automated within the next 10. The only thing that will keep people employed at ALL is if the kikes keep spamming the monetary system with inflation. The deflationary effects of all the labor savings over the past 20 years should have everyone living like kings, can you even conceive of how energy efficient we are now? Lockheed Martin has applied for a patent on a fusion plant that can be carried on a fighter jet. We are rapidly reaching the Era of Ease, the only reason wage slavery would exist beyond this would be because of kikes and other subhumans ruining a good thing.

lmao, non-stem on suicide watch
reason why job market is getting inflated, is because stem is doing a better job at whatever the job is, than the non-stem people

if this kid still doesnt know what to do, becoming some sort of a research doctor/engineer is the best thing for him, everyone else will be darwined out of economy pretty soon, stacking shelves for the rest of their lives


Prussian system hijacked by kikes = not cool.

School was practically an indoctrination center here.

/thread now get a job OP

The idea that you should get a job in order to attain economic prosperity in this day and age is a bad meme. Zig Forumsacks have better things to do in this era. If massive societal changes do not happen within the next 50 years it's possible that the white race is lost forever, or that things get so bad that our race will never be able recover because of new technologies allowing kikes to rule over goyim so much more effectively.
STEM is important, sure, and it's a good path to a job that won't be automated, sure, but getting a good job is 100% meaningless in our current world. Getting a good job means paying taxes to a System that is totally dedicated to destroying you. Getting a good job means contributing wealth or innovation to a company that does not support the interests of your race, and in many cases, is actively contributing to the destruction of it.
The clock is ticking, change needs to happen very soon, and becoming an electrical engineer will not bring about that change.
There is only one final solution to our problems, and it does not involve going to college

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school has no other purpose than to dumb people down

Nigger, you are not changing anything without stem. Just because stem is the best at economy, it doesnt mean it is not the best at military, and the laws, and diplomacy, and the government, and the propaganda.

Obtaining STEM skills will make you the best and most effective at spreading propaganda, killing people, flying around faster than the speed of sound, farming, mining, secret service, crime, you name it.
Or you can be a non-stem retard that would get darwined out of economy, droned down in a war as infantryman, or just straight up murdered by the zog once it doesnt need manual laborers anymore.


Era of ease will be ruled by the jew.

Not if none of that tech can be used when the collapse happens. Not saying it will be useless, but 90% of what you say wont be useable.

the ultimate red pill on schools is that dead marxist teachers can't indoctrinate kids

What collapse? If you are stem, you are uncollapsable.

You generate the electricity. You clean the fucking water. You make the weapons. You do the maintainence. You make the fuel.
Get out of your non-stem full retard mindset already. Stem doesnt rely on other people. Other people rely on stem.

Most of that can be accomplished with basic home economics tier skills. STEM is just for wagie jewbux

Im not saying it cant, some of the most successful engineering businesses out there were founded by homeschooled people or people who just studied themselves alone.
All I am saying is, you can not corrupt mathematics and engineering and so on with any kikery. Its common sense, its objective, its something that either works or it doesnt.

The modern working world is shit. Even if you're doing something you genuinely enjoy (fat chance for most people), you're probably just making money for kikes. Even if you have the skills and wherewithal to run your own business that somehow doesn't fund kike owners, shareholders or bankers, you're still forced to fund a government that hates your race and wants to exterminate it. Part of this money will go towards teaching your kids about anal sex and alternative gender identities. Part will go towards fat negresses never having to work a day in their lives while they shit out infinity niglets who will go on to join gangs and play the knock out game on you if you ever relax around them. Part will go towards helping more mud people cross our boarders and defending them in court when they rape and murder your daughters. And, of course, a hefty sum will go to our greatest ally, and to their fund their unpaid mercenaries, your sons, fighting to the death to make greater pissreal a reality. Fuck what this country has become; a fucking disgrace.

This is your brain on scientism.

lol, their control is slipping by the moment. Pretty soon normalfags will start naming the jew. There'll be nowhere on earth for them to hide.


STEM is simply a collection of shit that works. That is useful. That is actual skill.
Being against STEM is like being against being skilled. Might as well be a fucking communist if you wanna have zero personal responsibility and wishing stuff fell in your lap from the skies.

STEM is all about personal responsibility, being responsible, reliable, precise, methodical, careful, and most importantly correct. No wonder least resistance retards have a bad vibe around it.


We used to get up before the sun and milk the cows, retard. Grow the fuck up.

You didn't learn a thing, nigger.

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This is why more and more people are homeschooling.

The Prussian system being hijacked by kikes is why school is awful.

Also, there is no reason not to gender segregate at all levels, you aren't there to socialize.

Protects everyone from distractions and liability.

Gives women no more excuses for not achieving, which is why it will never happen

And yes the sleep issue is hobbling potential, walking zombies do not learn, the mind integrates the days lessons during sleep, and the school schedule is arranged so early only to allow for working mothers at this point.

/r/ing that pic of a textbook about African-American dialect with "the puppy walk" as an example.

You're all forgetting the important point that the school system down to the very environment kids are placed in is so aggressively artificial and inhuman that it surely must put some traumatic strain upon the subconscious in one way or another.

Why do you suppose there's so many autists who just could never do school? Even the high functioning among the spectrum simply cannot stand the hell that school is. I am of the belief that autism as it is known typically is simply the society around us giving a label to those who are simply not normies. A high functioning not so spergy person with autism can lead a successful and well fulfilled life. Their particular mindset can actually aid them if they find something they are passionate about and take upon it for a career.
However, school is soulless and will sap the creativity and will to fucking live out of people. The loud and manic rush to classrooms, the small stuffy rooms where they cram 30 or more students in and force them to sit and do mind numbing work which simply makes no logical sense all while listening to an old fart stand in the front of the class rant about how whitey should die and that 1+2 equals 5.

The environment is hell. School life is hell and I have not met a single person who values simple morality who has said unironically that they enjoyed school. Those who cannot be cowed into being good goyim are labeled 'ADHD' or some other shit and fed mind altering and emotion destroying medications such as ritalin or prozac. Anti depressants are generously prescribed to children and further fuck up their perception of what the hell is going on around them.
School shooters in America are almost always on some sort of anti psychotic drug which some never really needed in the first place.
Those who do not toe the line of being 'cool' (ie; a nigger loving cuck) are cast out as social rejects and constantly bullied. If people were allowed to defend themselves (which they have the right to do) then whatever, survival of the fittest and all that… But they're not, they're told they can not fight back and that they must cuck and tell a teacher, this mentality thrust upon people is supposed to make them subservient to the (((powers that be))) later on in life. You will take that punch and you will then write a letter about it for the head teacher to then throw away later, goy!

You're describing Logic, not Math as experienced in most schooling.
And modern schooling sure as shit don't teach Logic.

The brain damage thread is one I've been questioning in my own life. I now strongly suspect that everything (food, water, school, entertainment), is designed to cripple one part of the brain in particular. Through self-observation and observing others, it appears to be an atrophy of analytic powers and hypertrophy of the more primitive faculties, also a reversal of their natural arrangement as people age. A healthy mind trades the primitive, unconscious urges for more analytic processes as people age, but the current situation leaves people somewhere resembling early childhood. Their analytic powers never grow in fully and they're motivated entirely by the pain of their primitive mind which has been conditioned everyday, for their entire life, to dominate them. Semi-developed analytic faculties may leave people feeling as prisoners in their own bodies, unable to control their own behavior.

To demonstrate this process, you need only play a multiplayer game that makes you rage (or just Zig Forums). Watch as this primitive mind takes over, though it is very stupid, and accomplishes nothing. It cannot play nice or manage relationships because it cannot tolerate more than a single perspective. It also cannot ever be wrong. Every disagreement is a deathmatch, so it will lie and never acknowledge defeat.

On the other side, if you stay analytic, by ruthlessly learning, thinking about, and planning everything. The rage doesn't compute. It's laughable as people make ridiculous displays for no logical reason. You may even no longer desire to play the game.

As far as education goes, I believe that pain is associated with this analytic faculty in the primitive brain to cripple deliberate thought forever. People must sit on the couch and watch unthinking shit because it is mentally painful to do anything else. Until they have a boss telling them something, then the primitive mind springs into action because the pain is bigger so it's ok to solve the problem.

This. Yet notice that even your average joe will say he enjoys learning. While university gets a bit better as since you can select courses you enjoy, and choose whether or not to attend lectures, it's still quite mind-numbing until you get through to the end. It would probably have been more effective for me to spend my tuition on renting a cabin in the woods for part of the year, and working through a good selection of books.


Fuck, I really need to sit down and make a model already so I can clearly explain the theory. There are all sorts of ways to experience depressed consciousness or loss of conscious control. Food, panic, music, cold water, drugs, whatever. Not only rage. It's the demonstration of loss of analytic function that is of interest. It demonstrates the two states of interest; it and other. Other I call primitive or childlike. Staying in analytic and increasing its function is of most importance, but that is to be continued some other day.

I also think a big problem is co-ed classes. With the amount of time I wasted being distracted by girls, it's honestly a wonder I managed to learn anything. It's pretty hard to make young men sit in a chair and focus, (even if they're not on the spectrum), but once you start adding a few cute girls to the mix, it messes with your natural impulses.

This, and it cant be changed or made better.

I tried going to college to become a teacher, as it's something i wanted to do since elementary school. It's pozzed as all Hell, and we were basically taught to just read from federal provided books. No deviations, no coloring outside the lines. and dont forget to love diversity and gays

Dropped the class and got my major in botany. I still feel bad about it all

I'm thinking about doing botany relates shit, how are your prospects with it?

lack of sleep during high school was probably the worst thing I had to deal with. I could never sleep in those desks no matter how hard I tried.
bus pickup time: ~6:15. class didn't start till 7:15 or 7:30. after I got a car I could set my alarm to 6:50 and make it there with some time to spare.

Even with that it was never enough, on good days I would still fall asleep as soon as I got home. sleeping for 12 hours wasn't abnormal for me then, so nearly all my time was killed by that shithole.
once I realized I could just ace tests and do minimal amounts of busy work to get by I never bothered to waste my free time doing any of their busywork.

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The bright little sparkle amidst all this horror. The worse they make things, the morefolks are attracted to superior alternatives.

More than anything, parents just need to be with their kids personally preparing them for life.

isn't homeschooling illegal in some countries, or otherwise heavily regulated?

Wtf is this thread
no source no nothing just a ree they makin us dumb
no fucking value here

A thing I really disliked about school is that it basically taught you the exact same thing over and over. Nothing of substance was ever taught. An example was physics back in 4th year we did things about electricity, velocity and shit and reflection. In 5th year we did the exact same shit with little to no extra substance except some more equation's and dark matter shit which I'm still skeptical of.

psychological and social research is shit and most often fraudulent

I'm sure.

School didn't help you any.

Good god, do you have any clue what the Worst Koreans do to their kids? It's so much worse than the admittedly sadistic, evil, soul-and-body-crushing American public education system.

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Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin is all “Happy” neuro transmitters and plays a very critical role in our happiness quotient.

Dopamine: This is ‘Feel Good’ hormone which keeps you motivated and let you enjoy what you really like. Why do you feel good…when you win a lottery, meet your sales target, catch your train on time all.. or have your favorite ice cream… it all stimulate dopamine. Cannabis or marijuana also make your brain release dopamine and that’s why folks get addicted to this overdose of dopamine. On the other side of the spectrum, you might have met people who only like talking about them self, it’s not their fault, it’s pure neuro science at work. When somebody talks about them self, their brain releases dopamine and they want to continue doing that.

Oxytocin: This is ‘Bonding” hormone which help you create stronger bonds/trust/relationship with people around you. When a mother breast feeds her baby, both release high amount of oxytocin leading to strong bonding between them. Also the reason for bonding between couples/partners.. as this neuro transmitter is released during the orgasm as well. Another example is, you tend to get closer to people with good sense of humor, cause humor also help release oxytocin and you are more likely to bond with people who makes you laugh.

Serotonin: This is what makes you ‘Feel important’…it plays a critical role in how you live your life. A very simple way to keep the serotonin level up is by practice acknowledging/remembering your past successes, happy moments and showing gratitude to people around you. Folks with high suicidal tendency, or folks getting into anti-social activities lacks this neuro transmitter in their blood. Eat bananas, get out in sun for 20 minutes, it helps release serotonin. It is also very important for a good night sleep.

Endorphin: I would call this a ‘Rock star’ hormone. This helps us overcome our stress and pain caused due to physical activities. What do you think keeps a long distance runner or a fitness freak focused on his/her regime? It’s the Endorphin which keeps them going. It helps you recover from injuries and at the same time improve your immunity as well. Humor and laughter also helps create Endorphin, that’s one of the reason docs recommend you to laugh out loud.

That is because that "Math" is mostly calculation. However it still helps with all the things in

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Shitty thread OP. Well done pushing something more worthwhile off the last page.

As says, asians aren't particularly innovative or "smart" but for the fact that they love memorizing standardised patterns.

Read up some on their history, most asian "inventions" were either linearly improved variants of imported foreign ideas, or accidentally stumbled upon but then discarded like gunpowder.

Decent if you can get into "small-time" commercial produce. You can live comfortably off it, and if you make a big break, you might could get in with Sunbelt doing R&D type shit, and THAT is a cushy job

wasting your time on school is pathetic, even with STEM
everyone worth anything has already been scouted and picked up by big company name
just make a yt channel, blog or github and talk to others online while learning yourself and making videos

College is a fucking joke

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Just to add on, there is saying out here

And it seems really prevalent amongst my teachers.

I agree with you to some degree. School needs a very large overhaul but without it there is no real job market for people who can do things without the papers. (I don't know how it works in America) but the papers are kinda essential.

School should focus on everybody at least create some kind of distinction between children with different needs. For example kids with sub 100 IQ's teach them practical skills and life skills that could be of great benefit to them and society and how to navigate it after school with less intensive academic work. Kids with sub 120 IQ's teach them academics and practical skills giving them a option to choose which world they will pursue and bring back a home maker class for girls. Kids with 120+ IQ's should be put in a intensive school with actual "mentors" that teach them science, philosophy, politics, ancient languages, western culture and history, military etc from a youngish age.

We should place larger demands on the broadest minds, give the average minds a choice and teach the dullest minds to be productive.

Schools should segregate based on intellectual ability and gender.

The schooling conspiracy is one of my interests and ongoing research projects. One thing I've been thinking about is how the establishment seems to have fooled people here in Sweden regarding "friskolor". Literal translation is "free schools" and some people seem to think these schools aren't public schools or government controlled, like they're some kind of private schools. In reality their is very little difference between "ordinary" schools and "friskolor", and they are also strictly controlled by the government in various ways. Friskolor aren't private schools, they're what's in English apparently is called charter schools. I don't know how many private schools there are in Sweden but a lot less than charter schools, there are only like 3 or something that I've heard of.

If the principle here is that people are different and require different lessons, then why not do away entirely with the grouping and allow individuals to access the world's wealth of information and find their path with the guidance of attentive parents and mentors? What's the purpose of trying to maintain this system where you attempt to fit all people into a set number of categories when the option exists to allow them the full expression of their potential in what they're interested in rather than just their potential within a set range?

School is pure trash. Checkin those digits, though.

With time we probably will almost abolish private property in favor of rent property, live in small cubicles and work all day long with a salary that will make imposible sustain more than one life, this is the most free and easy system for (((high financial elites))) to plunder us and make us their slaves. We will not have the personal resources to sustain a child, nor the time to have a serious marital relationship, nor national identity, nor racial characteristics, nor religion, nor anything outside work and sleep, nor any way to even see our children outside the public brainwashing machine. The question is not why we should have childrens in this situation, but how to enjoy the decline

Go away blackshiller.





i got married at 18, work at a tree company doing hard manual, got a wife who loves me,make good money, ive always stayed away from this degenerate shit, might get in an apprenticeship for electrician cant believe how people just party their life away, lifes more than about partying.

Was it this book?

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I understand and that would be ideal but currently I thinking of something a little more pragmatic. Numerous studies have shown that competition is very healthy for young males and social interaction. We will have to limit the number of children a certain school and do something about the teacher-student ratio. MOOC's and other online learning institutions have not been exploited to its fullest potential though.

I would like it though if every university was online for your first year with no entrance requirements then gave students the option to pursue academic disciplines like engineering or medicine which requires brick and mortar universities for cadavers or other expensive equipment after the first year and some degrees that could be pursued entirely online. Reserving university for masters and up students and very academically minded degree programs. The effect this would have would be that universities still make a massive amount of money because (((they))) would never let that cash cow slip but universities would be accessible to more people and the curriculum could be more vigorous to weed out the dumb but hard working students. So universities would be filled with actual geniuses and super smart people again without having to deal with the insane number of humanities students screeching about things everyday.

What could possibly be more pragmatic than the way humans did things for thousands of years? Parents and mentors have always been the standard. This school crap has never seen implementation on it's current level, and the result is disaster.

Rather than put all these resources into trying to fix a retarded system, we should put that effort towards bettering the relationships between parents and children. Fuck university. Find a mentor.

I am agreeing with what you are saying no need to be hostile but the way the system is currently set up that would not work.

Teach us your ways, o wise one.
But seriously, what can someone without connections do to make money in cash off the books, and enough to save up and raise a family? I've tried some side work like scrapping metal or reselling stuff online that's not that hard and makes some extra cash, but they've never been worth it compared to my traditional job.

Is wrong and needs to be destroyed. Nothing new needs to be built within what we're working to kill.

I don't mean to be hostile. I'm just confident in my position on this.

Find a restaurant in need of a delivery driver. There's a lot of places that will pay you under the table. Particularly Chinese takeout joints. Tip: look nice while delivering, and smile, you'll get better cash tips. Also, try to give customers their change back in only singles, you'll get bigger tips that way too because nobody wants to count stuff when they're hungry. You can make $15,000 a year for 15 hours a week. Not a bad temporary gig.