Recorded and released by Little.
newsweek as well.
The hit piece jewsweek did from the phone interview.
jewsweek also did a followup condemnation response from the zopublican party but it doesn't want to archive.
Recorded and released by Little.
newsweek as well.
The hit piece jewsweek did from the phone interview.
jewsweek also did a followup condemnation response from the zopublican party but it doesn't want to archive.
Other urls found in this thread:
GOP 'condemns' three contenders with racist views
I'm seeing a lot of forum slider threads right now.
These faggot/s do this every morning it starts of with the streets shitter and his gf post then moves on to controlled opposition faggots/whores . Lastly goes for the "whites dont need you". Mostly kikes trying to get tor banned from here.
What the fuck are the Darlings even doing?
Sliding threads like this one off the front page.
There is only one. It has multiple accounts. All of the spambots know when it sleeps, so the entire board is unusable except for the 3 hours a day it's around.
His website.
Thanks, Jewgle produced no results (((surprisingly))) when I was looking into him.
It was included in this interview.
The absolute madman. The only thing I'm not liking in his platform is his stance of offering reparations to niggers, but in the long-term that may be a smart move. A one-time distribution of less than a thousand dollars to every jigaboo in America is a great way to gather the chimp vote, and is harmless overall as they'll burn it on a single pair of sneakers.
well, right now half the front page is forum sliding threads. idiots keeping responding to them.
idiots/same troll bumping them.
bump to make this the only non sliding thread on the front page.
Better they buy a bunch of sneakers than Jews buy you a bunch of poz. It is a win, but not a total victory.
how about just not giving money to anyone
It's a great move for optics in the nigger community as well. Cut the cancer that is Judaism out of US politics and give a kickback from the foreign aid savings to the black voting base to make them Little's house niggers because he gave him dem gibs.
How about just saying you're antijew instead of triggering leftist cognitive dissonance and social justice infighting
wow that will surely solve all our problems
Im sure all these bills are intended for solving every problem, especially when little himself said that there is no institutional solutions and civil war is coming and he only plans to use this shit as propaganda.
This guy is an absolute hero, and he's running virtually a one-man operation against (((Feinstein))).
I really hope he makes it to second in the primary to debate against her one-on-one.
Polling puts him in 2nd place at 18%(+-5) and if anything, they'd underreport his support.
Anecdotally, I've brought him up to a few non-whites (one nog and three chinks) and one chinks was neutral/skeptical and the rest liked him after I explain what he's about, especially the nog, who's always on about conspiracies. Asians love anyone who will let their kids compete fairly in college admissions, and blacks want dem gibs. Ironically, he may be easier to sell to these groups than cucked whites, though luckily there are many silently angry saxons in cali.
Nice dubs user, this is true. He will be a top contender for not only whites, but minorities like nigs and chinks. And I hope he wins so that disgusting kike feinstein doesn't win.
m0ds are complete faggots not even helping a single one of the greatest heroes today trying to save America from traitorous dual-citizenship ZOGlings.
talk about pigeon holing this show to boomer only, practically self sabotage.
Bump for a hero
Here's his gab account:
those weren't dubs fag
worthy bread
Pat Little for US Senate
super chat asks mike enoch about alt-right infighting:
The thing that's frustrating about this isn't him not answering about infighting, one could actually argue one way or another with that, there's plausible "deniability" as it were, it's that super chat asked about infighting instead of asking specifically about Patrick Little by name, to get right at the matter. WTF.
Oop, forgot to embed and switch it to hooktube.
from what I understand the alt-right or TRS as it where does not support Patrick Little and they distance themselves from him, from what I have read in the forums and heard of the show.
Remember, TRS and anglin and w.e.e.v. now distance themselves from anything openly natsoc, I mean shit, ==they threw the entire== TWP under the bus just because of heimbach and his fat fuck shenanigans.
Yes, that's the story, with no comment about it, so when the idiots on that super chat have a chance to ask about Patrick Little instead they ask about a vague made up "alt right infighting" phrase, leaving enoch with an easy out response of wtf are you on about with "alt right infighting, get the fuck of hear, I haven't been saying anything about splitting people up, show me where I said such nonsense." fucking retarded question that easily allowed avoiding the issue.
I thought that was over that rally with the NSM, that Eunuch spoke at, but saw no backlash from Apedre for?
Little's take on heimbach fucking his family members drama is ginned up story that he's suspect of. Thing is I agree with the TRS narrative on bad optics, but talk about don't throw stones in a glass house, hello "hail" speech, no matter how spencer and friends try to spin it, fucking retarded, only one that was going to go down, and the pic of enoch doing the nazi salute in all his bloated glory, I mean, come on.
jew giving Patrick boomer campaign advice.
the jewish question - (((multicultural indoctrination))) jew attacks Patrick Little- SF Gun Grab
He just put up a new video.
Patrick Little - Ejected From CAGOP Convention
Can't find anything wrong with what he has said. If we can get more threads like this instead of people posting threads about huffington post click bait articles about women fucking fish, might revive 8ch Zig Forums from its current malaise.
and i thought i couldn't be impressed
Except they do admit it, they talk about it all the rest of the time whenever they invite jew on, or listen to Ricky Vaughn talk. RV and Anglin and jew have all admitted they're splitting the movement, and Kike Enoch feigning ignorance is his contribution to their efforts. The terrifying thing is that they have thousands of brainlet listeners who actually believe that kind of excuse. It's one of the most demoralizing things realizing what a science sabotaging white resistance has become; they've flipped the movement from:
Even if they aren't "cashing paychecks from the FBI" controlled op, useful idiots are the other kind of controlled op. The kind that does it for free is the most cancerous kind.
The Evidence, share it around:
How is word filtering "We3v" to "jew" not helping to obscure intelligence on that's faggot's faggotry? It's literally helping him and giving him camouflage, making it harder to spread info on him.
Can anyone link me to a mirror of the Red Elephants live stream with Patrick Little? I aired two days ago but got shoah'd immediately.
Found a new interview with Patrick.
Also another one here:
Filtering it to his full kikey name would be more effective.
4chan is not posting again.
Should we use this for a patrick little general?
Just made this webm
This is a great interview, thanks for sharing. Anons, he's asking for our help on his website. Help him if you can.