Hey Zig Forums neckbeard virgins. Are you still LARPING as saviors of the (((white civilization))) ? GET A LIFE LOSERS! The white race does not care about you.
Just chill and YOLO nibbas
Hey Zig Forums neckbeard virgins. Are you still LARPING as saviors of the (((white civilization))) ? GET A LIFE LOSERS! The white race does not care about you.
Just chill and YOLO nibbas
It's the R.A.M faggots from yesterday sphincter sore over us not buying their astroturf.
Already got a wife, danks
You're so obvious. Neck yourself you can't even shill right.
you know I am right
check it
TRS gaslighting.
Sorry what?
great argument to use on non-whites you kike.
Notice how this thread and all the other tor posters threads right now type just like that R.A.M shill.
I guess this proves our notions that they were a honeypot kek.
take your meds
Global report.
and? that argument still only works on non-whites. do you know where you are?
it's just hilarious to me, anyone using this argument immediately outs themselves as not being white, because if you considered yourself white, when someone says "white people" its no different than addressing you, personally. so i read it as "YOU and your family dont care about you!" which is nothing more than hilarious
Global report.
i dont care about me? i think you're wrong m8. i care about myself alot.
no one else cares about you
Global report.
my family does. and theyre all white. as does my wife and kids. also friends.
what are you on about?
no one else
Global report.
so white people i dont know, dont personally care about me? so i shouldnt care about them the white people i know that do car about me?
i have news for you; plenty of people within my white community may not even know me, but wouldnt hesitate to help me through churches and local charities, or donate to my kid's school and sponsor their sports teams.
thats white america, and you will never be welcome to it.
Don't fucking reply to the paid shill.
take your meds
this is white america boomercuck
Global report.
im not replying directly to him. im replying so that anyone that reads gets an idea how to kill their terrible argument.
those are selfish college kids partying. they'll grow up and get married and have nice kids, and not commit violent crimes. and donate to schools, and get good jobs. and become part of a great community. just like the rest of white america.
they wont attack me for walking in their neighborhood, and they'll be taking the place of niggers/jews/mexicans whom i cant say the same about. and i'd love to support that.
too bad your white america will be replaced by non-white america in 20 years
look at this loser
Global report.
Global report.
The sheep do not care about the shepherd until the wolf appears.
He must be doing a pretty good job if retards like you keep replying.
This is White Nationalists who do nothing but fucking whine all day on the net.
not if i fight it, which is why youre trying to demoralize white people by telling us its not worth fighting for.
Oh god, you really do believe in saving the white race by spamming sage, global report and crying to Darlings who wouldn't give a damn if you one day just died from the diabetes you've inevitably gotten from weak genetics from both of your parents' side or deep vein thrombosis from your being a massive lard-ass.
Just kill yourself, you won't ever achieve anything more than shitposts on imageboards, a legacy that will be erased when global thermonuclear war inevitably happens.
Of course, let me sage since even the most pitiful worm like you deserves at least one bone from someone who is far better off and has an actual future, even if that person isn't white.
Wife's pregnant with the 7th.
may be
Okay, you're reported, too.
With time we probably will almost abolish private property in favor of rent property, live in small cubicles and work all day long with a salary that will make imposible sustain more than one life, this is the most free and easy system for (((high financial elites))) to plunder us and make us their slaves. We will not have the personal resources to sustain a child, nor the time to have a serious marital relationship, nor national identity, nor racial characteristics, nor religion, nor anything outside work and sleep, nor any way to even see our children outside the public brainwashing machine. The question is not why we should have childrens in this situation, but how to enjoy the decline
does your wife's boyfriend know?
Global report.
Ah, so I managed to get you to type something else other than sage or report. Are you frustrated? No wait, you always are. Because you've wasted what should be the best years of your life in a Maori basket-weaving forum, you would rather blame and get angry at Jews, boomers, leftists, shills and everyone else rather than the actual culprit, who is closer than (((you))) think.
lol, why are you so angry?
lol, great men like henry ford wanted to advance factory automation so that white people didnt have to work much, could make good money, and build nice communities.
this was the mindset that created many suburbs across the country.
jews and non-whites ruined this utopia we had.
Kek, no genetic leftypol deadend, they're all locally dna tested at the hospital, they're all mine.
Global report.
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
Because seeing idiots who think they aren't kinda piss me off.
Like this faggot for example.
Global report.
lel burgers and europoors now praising Quebec.
Remember lads, Quebec is 89% white and we have our own culture and traditions. Only the big cities have leftism, and minorities. Which we only have "2 big cities". Quebec will be the last stronghold of the white man.
Norway and Iceland only compare to uniqueness of culture and self awareness. However, these two countries are closest to to mainland Europe, where as we have the entire ocean of defense.
You will find as white population dwindles, more and more will be moving to the north as 'white flight' is not just a meme.
Is this spamming fully emotion based or does it have some logic to it?
Global report.
is that standard in your hospital? i had to do that because of genetic screening, but it was optional. i paid extra for it.
lol, u were lied to.
arent what? angry that the whites are fighting back and (((your))) 100 year plan is failing under your shitty generation?
Kill yourself.
I don't think he actually uses a script. It's all manual.
Fucking really man? Is reading comprehension and pattern recognition lost on you? I guess all the anons with a brain rightfully deigned to post, leaving only newfags, fat failures at life like THE SAVIOR OF THE WHITE RACEā¢ and general autists who can't help themselves to shitpost on shill threads.
Global report.
Hope you will have daughters so our niggers can rape them.
Are you alright, man?
Global report.
its just a kike offended we laughed at them exploding
I wonder if you're gonna finally make a thread and actually contribute to imageboard culture once Global Report. and Sage. gets a wordfilter like all the other FUN phrases the Darlings in the Cuxxx did.
Or maybe you're just gonna spam and spam anyway since your mind and fingers have degenerated to the point that (((you))) can only use Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C on the keyboard in a horrific show of evolution gone horribly wrong.
Chads and stacies aren't white
They're spiritually Jewish, Evola might say.
Good tactics.
Global report.
The Holocaust is a lie
How is your relationship with your mother?
Pasta from cuckchan deserves a report
This, and kids. Stay mad that I've already brought more white children into the world, kikes and kike OP
Schlomo's first black pill thread?
white sluts don't care about the white race. they fuck anyone, anything even dogs get white pussy.
imagine getting paid $7 an hour to spam this shit and actually doing it
They'll fuck anything but you.
Global report.
evola was jewish
we will rape your daughter
Global report.
Global report.
Do your thing dude. You got your sage on and that's all that really matters in an obvious shill thread. Don't mind idealistic autism, Zig Forums is foremost a place where info is disseminated and discussion is had. They serve their own function as well.
We've all got something to do here. So we'll just do it, eh?
I know how his relationship with his father is: dead as fuck
How is your relationship with your mother?