Greece to Legalize 800k (((voters))) by 2018/19 Election
As part of a bid to stay in power, Greece's ruling Syriza coalition is moving to grant some 800,000 immigrants citizenship, which amounts to nearly one tenth of the native Greek population.
Until now, candidates for Greek citizenship had to be vetted by a committee. Under the new system, applicants will be granted citizenship automatically if they correctly answer 20 out of 30 questions online. In addition, the government is planning to allow immigrants over the age of 65 to obtain Greek IDs, without testing their knowledge of the Greek language. In other words, it will be easier to obtain Greek citizenship than a Greek fishing license.
I want to see the Greek Golden Dawn guy go off on them.
Jayden Turner
That's what you get for voting for whoever promises you the most gibs.
Brandon Young
Cool. Now Greece can turn into a shitty brown Muslim caliphate too. The fucking gibs have to run out eventually, the entire black and brown population of the whole planet can't just endlessly grow and keeping suckling off of mother Europa's teets while doing literally nothing to pitch in. It's impossible.
Who the fuck is running greece and how are they not dead yet?
Daniel Taylor
The only solution is violence. Good luck, Greeks.
Justin Nguyen
Not a bad idea. Use (((their))) own bullshit against (((them))).
Ryan Lee
Wont this give an opportunity for the Turk roaches to conquer Greece without military intervention? >the party wins the "elections" and forces a mandate or a referendum to submit all their power to the Tuks Someone should kill them all right now.
Aiden Walker
Heh the jews will lose there influence we just have to wait for the perfect moment to strike. This could be quite the oppurtunity to redpill quite a few folk though.
Elijah Gomez
Nigger, do you not understand what a debt-based economy is? The kikes can keep this debt-spiral going for as long as they please, as they can just keep giving out more loans and bailouts. While they attempt to sit on most of the actual resources.
Camden Jackson
You see this shit? In fucking Greece? The birthplace of it? This is why democracy is bullshit. These retarded leftists parties around the west have figured out they can just illegally import voters against the democratic will of the people. Just like before democracy will fall. It is a reactionary system.
Daniel Peterson
Jordan Flores
remember, to combat this stateside…. kill all activist judges and policy makers
Nolan Ross
The ones prior were so fucking corrupt and incompetent that Tsipras managed to pull an even more pathetic Obama off and get himself elected on a message of niggers. Most greeks just didn't give a fuck anymore and/or got fooled by lefty propaganda.
This is a coup d'état. This is where Golden Dawn has to actually make something happen or they will be driven even further into a judeo-communist hell.
Are they accepting any white refugees? Now might be a good time to take a summer vacation and seek asylum from Germany etc. kek Could you imagine the butthurt if millions of whites showed up and started marching through greece?
They know people are starting to wake up and see through (((their))) bullshit, that's also why we had those kike shills pushing for "accelerationism" here.
Ayden Anderson
This The only thing we need to do is keep naming the Jew, and so the day of the rope shall come.
Nathaniel Foster
This is why there is no quarter that'll be given. This isn't the 1930's and our enemies have chosen to double down. It'll be their undoing and we'll smash their soul from the realms of re-materialization.
What money, last I recalled the vampires already sucked the greeks dry.
Evan Torres
Oh no that's not a problem user, they can always just print more money
Jason Hill
This means these people will be free to roam Europe, HOLY SHIT PLEASE HELP
Cooper Moore
Greekfag here, parapolitika which is the source of the article is a disreputable tabloid even by Greek standards. The whole article in Greek is an over-exaggeration of the increase of foreigners getting Greek citizenship the past year (the vast majority of whom were Albanians, which is bad for Greece but not as bad as they make it out to be) and for the time being no such law as outlined has been proposed, how much talked in the parliament before getting voted on. Wait until Golden Dawn start throwing a fit before believing stuff.
Actually, there is something more into this. The voting rights are essentially a last-chance trick. Days ago Tsipras went on a campaign, and he brought tens of policemen everywhere because people were literally trying to attack him anywhere he would go. So it's his last trick. If it works, we are screwed. If it fails, people will come to a realization of how things are going. Now our greatest enemy if the faggot of the system, Mitsotakis. If we can get some shit on him too, we may see the GD as leading party in 2019. Pray for us Zig Forums, to whatever you believe.
If they do this, you might as well go to war right then and there, no point in democracy.
Michael Wilson
Robert Jackson
All these asylum fucks speak some form of English, that's how they go told to get to the Greek island in the first place. Most of them are in irregular contact with their smuggling NGO's and other left wing groups on top of the asylum industry retards advising them from the side line. This is blatant undermining of democracy and can only be responded with by killing politicians who push for it.
Democracy is a lie. How many times has the tyrannical EU trampled over democratic will of the people for instance?
Evan Garcia
Interesting how the echos no longer mean kikes by default. It seems to have evolved to mean "bad things" or "negative traits"
It is nothing less than the elites trying to ethnically cleanse their own founding genepool. This is treachery in its most extreme form. This is the elites knowingly and intentionally ruining the lives of future generations, selling out their own children, and destroying not only their nation, but exterminating their own heritage. Such a crime is unique to our age. Evil is not strong enough a word to describe it.
Andrew Bell
Welcome to Clown World
Austin Nelson
Because they have pushed it this far and still not swinging from trees, no repercussions, nothing, hardly a word, so I suppose they figure they can just do whatever, who is going to question them
Carson Brooks
Don't know about source, but I heard Syriza got elected in this first place because of the massive Greek anti-EU sentiment, and threats of Grexit. I remember. Those were good times. Shit was happening all the time. Now that they've bent over to the EU, people are generally mad.
Jeremiah Martinez
Also, how are they able to get away with legalizing an astounding 800,000 people with the snap of a finger? Do they want Golden Dawn to happen? This is how you make Golden Dawn happen.
Owen Young
This is what I'm thinking. How desperate must they be, at this point? Golden Dawn must have gotten wildly more popular now. Disillusioned communist supporters god betrayed by, well, communists, to no ones surprise. I wish there were more Greek posters that could elaborate on this. Nationalism must be reaching critical levels in Greece.
Another civil war when?
Brandon Fisher
Aren't they all in jail?
I'd make fun of the greeks, but they're basically occupied by the EU. and don't really have any say in what happens. I remember articles gushing about how "EU Troops" would ensure those filthy greeks don't try anything funny like print too much EU bucks.
Fucking criminal. oh, and immigrant voters don't echo you retarded newfag.
Camden Lopez
Yeah that's going to take a messy war to fix.
I think hijacked is more accurate. The end result is the same- some form of authoritarianism. Either to perpetuate the destruction of the Europeans in spite of the "will of the people i.e. the ideas that keep the plebs from revolting", or to cleanse the taint off of the homeland of the highest civilization in the known history of Mankind.
Then they best get their heathen ass to a fucking churchpreferably Orthodox
Owen Ross
You can genuinely blame the USA and Russia for the niglets. We produce what, 80% of the world's grain between us? You know that grain isn't for us right? It's a political bargaining chip. Shit-hole 3rd world country gets gibs in grain, and we get the run of their nation for our troops to go through, and they give us an extra vote here and there. That's why they all keep breeding while not being capable of farming. They're given it for fucking free.
If Yellowstone were to pop for example, like half the world's population would starve to death or something obscene. too lazy to google it Carrying capacity has been overextended too far and the heard has become far too thick.
You would think by now but unfortunately they have made all opinions other than their own suppressed or illegal. That keeps most people very quiet.
Goldman Sachs isn't wasting time getting thugs in to collect the kids for kosher orgies.
Julian Nguyen
A single molecular biology lab with a weaponized, ethno-specific pathogen could reverse the destruction of Greece and thwart the Jew plan to ruin the Greeks in only a matter of days. It would be a bold move, but it's very likely do-able. Think CRISPR
"Only the dead have seen the end of bio-war." - Plato, 401 BC
No even worse. They give citizenship then they are eu citizens and after that go to the country with highest gibs since they're no asylum seekers greece has no obligation to them.
Fuck it, my country (UK) is already overrun and nobody gives a fuck, and even if they do they won't speak up about it.
Luckily i can freely talk politics at work because the manager likes me, but even colleagues who i know for a fact agree with me will give me the whole "ooh idk" speel like im accusing them of a crime.
Drinking before i leave for work because i plan to confront each and everyone of them, we need to grow some fucking balls because the tipping point is coming fast
Seneca spoke out against this faggotry and the father of Marcus Aurulius is credited also for putting an end to pederasty. There was faggotry in Rome but there were those who knew it was wrong and fought against it.
Lucas Thomas
wtf happened to the Golden Dawn?
Lucas Barnes
Do we have to live in Greece to take it? If not I'll take it, become a Greek citizen, and remain residing in Canada, but use my citizenship to vote for the most Zig Forums parties over there.
Fucking this. This is what created this big mess more than anything else. That food should go to whites and there should be free housing and so on all going to whites to subsidize a white population explosion.
Tyler Scott
We need someone to declare an open borders (to whites) white ethno state somewhere damn it.