Ancient humans settled the Philippines 700,000 years ago In what some scientists are calling a “one-in-a-million find,” archaeologists have discovered a cache of butchered rhino bones and dozens of stone tools on the Philippines’s largest island, Luzon. The find pushes back the earliest evidence for human occupation of the Philippines by more than 600,000 years, and it has archaeologists wondering who exactly these ancient humans were—and how they crossed the deep seas that surrounded that island and others in Southeast Asia.
“The only thing missing is the hominin fossil to go along with it,” says archaeologist Adam Brumm, of Griffith University in Nathan, Australia. He’s the one who set the odds for what he calls a “very exciting discovery,” but he wasn’t involved with the work.
Researchers found 75% of a fossilized rhino skeleton—ribs and leg bones still scarred from the tools that removed their meat and marrow—lying in ancient mud that had long since buried an even older river channel. To determine the site’s age, researchers dated the enamel in one of the rhino’s teeth, as well as quartz grains embedded in the sediment layers above and below the bones, using electron spin resonance (ESR), which measures the buildup of electrons as a material is exposed to radiation over time. The team dated the bottom sediment layer to about 727,000 years old, the rhino tooth to about 709,000 years old, and the top sediment layer to about 701,000 years old. Several independent experts say they were impressed by the team’s careful use of the technique. “They’ve nailed it,” says Alistair Pike, an archaeological dating expert at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.
Like elephant, it's VERY tough. Europeans hunting elephant and rhinocerous for trophies rarely, if ever, ate them because they were just too hard to eat. Niggers would swarm the kills after the white man took his trophy though, because it's a massive amount of meat that can literally feed an entire village.
Grayson Sullivan
nice sandwiches
Sebastian Sanders
Newsflash, we've been here since the dinosaurs and earlier, hidden archeology in the 30s and another spike in the 60s had already pointed to this fact, but the main stream scientist refused to hear it, in part because of a majority of religious idiots. We've survived polar shifts, there's a reason that in Antarica a giant forest is sitting on the ocean bed as petrified wood.
Joshua Campbell
I remember an user posting about how his father (i think) was involved in an Israeli-owned diving operation in the Arctic where they'd salvage a bunch of old artifacts from the sea floor and destroy them. I don't know if he was just LARPing or not, but I wouldn't put it past them.
Dylan Parker
huh link or names?
Joshua Morales
Hunter Davis
Fuck that just blows 40.000 years current scientific consensus so many times out of the water.
Combined with this and most likely more to come, it's a very interesting tale of human evolution.
Matthew Foster
How did the rhinos?
Evan Reyes
Very obviously rhinos were amongst the superior race and had access to advanced technology
James Price
I think there's more ancient humans under the ocean. Long time ago the ocean used to be much lower than today so why not explore it down there and I am sure we will find many dead civilizations.
Dylan Sullivan
What if the Rhinos swam over to the island? Why the fuck don't these "scientists" think about that?
Luke Nelson
I would try it for sure
Jacob Rodriguez
That actually makes sense. Civilisations like being around large sources of water (for obvious reasons). This is true very much today as well.
Wyatt Lopez
Because that's retarded and impossible.
Christopher Williams
The best way to save an endangered species is to make them food. We could selectively breed rhino or elephant and in 50 years have a distinctly unique and tender meat animal that is a staple of the burgers served at backyard parties in the reclaimed white nations of Africa. And in another 50 years after that, we could have real mammoth burgers, delicacies from Canada, the western US, and Russia.
13ish thousand years ago water level was ~400 feet lower than it is today. Considering how important coastal communities are for civilization, imagine how many ancient sites are deep underwater, likely covered (and hopefully preserved) in sediment. Look up Randall Carlson, Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, etc.
Objectively dysgenic. Humans managed to ruin the perfectly fine Auroch into what is now literal cattle.
David Hughes
I see they haven't studied the younger dryas. the contintent of Mu waites for its aryan masters to return.
Robert Sanchez
I think the Europeans came from America, not the Europe. They were moving up slowly as the glacial ice melts all the way to the Europe which was joint from America at the old time.
Elephants are more intelligent than the vast majority of the users of this site, and that's without consideration for emotional intellegence. Neck yourself, my man.
Ayden Myers
My thoughts exactly.
Connor Ross
Good for you. Proof?
Dominic Mitchell
Gee, maybe some sort of floating device? What makes them think ancient humans didn't understand how to navigate waters?
Camden Jones
Careful guys, you get back that far and you might start finding Great Old Ones.
Easton Garcia
I also seem to remember some user talking about his father working at Nintendo. I wouldn't put too much faith in it.
(impressive) Delicious to a starving tribesman seeing 2 tons of succulent protein
It is the same situation that would occur if the sea-levels rose. A VAST majority of human civilization would be flooded hooray and the only thing left would be the few isolated cities in the centers. Unfortunately Denver, St. Louis and Austin would survive. So 30k years from now everyone will think human society in the smaller northern landmass were a bunch of stinky hippies and niggers. The universe is a cruel prank.
It makes sense when you look at the genotype studies can't remember the mitochondria strain that tags it that show inhabitation of Europe seems to spread (and the gene dilutes) from the Atlantic Coast.
It is sad that they got destroyed by the great flood. If it weren't the great flood then we would be out living on the already colonised planets.
Jose Walker
That makes just about zero sense. Amerindians came over through Alaska on an ice/land bridge, literally as far away from Europe as you can get while being on the same continent. Amerindians are also dumb as fuck, so it's hard to believe that they're the mixture of the two highest IQ groups on the planet.
Europeans meet the Asians and had sex with them along the ice bridge.
I know right. I think they might be regressed in same way as the abos are but I don't know what the cause is for that regression. It's weird to know that some races goes forward awhile some races goes backward.
Luis Sanders
Then it truly is your duty user to make sure those that inherit this planet understand our race's greatness! You represent millions of your brethren in the eyes of history! otherwise we have to leave it up to the Slavs or the Swissuh oh
Bentley Brooks
Not all people came from the Americas. Just the reminants of a higher civilization, that was known as Atlantis by it's children nations and their predecessors throughout the copper/bronze age.
Look up Copper mines in Michigan and the Americas.
Look up Rhodes, and Minoans. They had a code of laws that the Babylonians copied.
Daniel Nelson
This is where people are confused. There are many different genotypes that existed in the Americas. The lower/less intelligent forms settled in after the ice age when the higher civilizations had been destroyed by volcanic ash and flooding.
Charles Cooper
>still doesn't know kikes have a 'religious duty' to erase any pre-Ice Age artifacts/ruins/civs that does not adhere to their (((history narrative)))
Nathaniel Diaz
>being so naive as to not be skeptical of unsourced second-hand light conjecture because some user said it on an image-board and wasn't actually so sure about it himself, but you agree with it so it is therefore factually correct and will probably take a 1 liner and tell all of his buddies thus spreading the cancer. >Still doesn't know that the kike utilizes him as an example of (((conspiracy theorists))) to destroy any form of meaningful commentary. FTFY
Elijah Smith
And of course the kikes can't control the narrative so they just shit the place up.
Jaxson Bennett
Die juden.
Henry Howard
'''FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY""" – Graham Hancock, to start. See the Nummo and Dagon's cosmological myths. tinfoil: If we've been fucked with by ayys, there are probably other fucked-withs-by-ayys, and we need to both get off planet, and help them out, if they're out there, still subject to the Space Merchants
And chased out by Sino-Siberians
Do you know what they call a Big Mac in Thule?
A few millennia later: an ants' nest of Elliot Rogers performing mass cardiectomies in Tenochtitlan
This will be forgotten and memory-holed in a few months, gotta keep the narrative straight
Brayden Young
Reported. Fuck off, yid.
Bentley Thompson
Read Nos: Book of the Resurrection, by Miguel Serrano, leader of the National Socialist party of Chile. and the man who taught me to appreciate poetry, apparently.
Michael Ortiz
No single gene makes us smart. Genes evolve in complexes that work together to produce adaptive traits, like high speed, long endurance, big dicks, slow growth rate, good night vision, etc. Intelligence is so diffuse a set of traits, it must be controlled by multiple mutually-reinforcing gene complexes.
When you mate, those gene complexes get broken up and remixed. In a gene pool with the same or similar genes all over the place, that's fine; you're likely to find other compatible genes in a mate who's no further than your fourth or fifth cousin (meaning you share ancestors from about 200 years ago).
The advantage of this goes right out the window when you mix races. Now, your Complex A smart genes are paired with Complex B smart genes, and they're not necessarily compatible. Of course, happas don't come out with flippers and five heads – we're not that far apart yet – but the gene complexes have separated enough to make only weak use of the individual genes from the opposing set. The result is that genes A, B, and C, which together make a smart chink, aren't much use when what you have is genes A, Y, and Z, two of which go into the smart-European complex. What you have now is a somewhat dumber version of its parents, or a high-strung neurotic who kills himself over a girl when he's 17.
This is the opposite effect from inbreeding depression, which is what happens when you don't have enough diversity in your gene pool, but it's a good answer to the idiots who tell you that "human mutts are healthier!" They're not, and it's because hybridization mixes what should be an increasingly specialized suite of genes.
Leo Murphy
This is why you have cases like that Thai-Nigger girl who needed bone marrow but the mix was pretty fucking rare. She got it via social media exposure IIRC, but in a pre-internet world, she's fucking dead, as are a good chunk of people I'd reckon with similar rare deformities and even rarer cures..
Levi Cooper
I don't get how this is supposed to be an issue. People with weird rare diseases usually die, and the one in a million who needs a bone-marrow transplant to have a chance of dying a little later doesn't tell us jack about race-mixing.
Brayden Robinson
In a true catastrophe you'll have small groups of survivors out in BFE far away from the action. Maybe some very primitive groups living out in the jungles were more robust and the smart people in the beach-front houses in the coastal cities all got tsunamied. A lot of central american's tend to be super-short– A few remote tribes might have re-populated the land-mass. The people we have now may not be very much like the people we had hundreds of thousands of years ago.
The Thai-Nigger is a much more rare combination so the possibility of that mutt being able to accept bone marrow from a donor is slimer, thus a social media thing to get her a donor or like genetics who was an acceptable donor. Of course every creatura isnt going to need bone marrow to survive, it's an example of how mixing creates complications for trivial things like fucking BONE MARROW.
Lucas Perez
I'll keep saving every find. Archaeology is the redpill. Thank you, faggot.
Specifically the last will and testament. He mentions the natives telling him of much older races. Just like New Zealand, there were races (not just viking/celts that pre-dated maori) but pre-dated all of these races, they carved with an indecipherable visual language that has been found in Costa Rica and all over the world.
Man is much, much older than we are told. Or perhaps we were re-seeded by a more advanced society. Things don't work out with the time scales of 'evolution' that we officially have.
Landon Rogers
Hot water suits are awesome and it would be really comfy when drowning a kike at depth. Prefer Kirby's though.
I don't get why it is not obvious to everyone. Water destroys everything. Wet and temperate climates destroy all evidence of ancient humans in under 1000 years. Only shithole Africa is dry enough to preserve the evidence, but somehow the idiots of (((science))) assume this means that ancient humanoids only lived in Africa…
The fact is that climate has made evidence only available in Africa and the middle east. There were humans and pre-humanoids all over the place.
Ayden Williams
O(((E hold the fuck up
It's interesting that wikipedia updated the beginning of agriculture to 11 500 from 6000 as it was previously. Maybe they finally started noticing that the megaliths under water needed people on agriculture and job specialization to bring the stones there. And don'tnot even mention the knowledge of masonry, logistic and astronomy. All of them being on a very developed level. Still hilarious how they can't or don't want to connect the dots. Gathered seeds for at least 105 000 years yet figured out to plant them in the last 11 000 years. Of course ignoring that biological homo sapiens existed at least 300 000 years with identical intellectual capabilities.
So they basically say that people with equal percentage of geniuses as we have today needed 200 000 years to figure out plant reproductive cycles?
He's talking about the island, not the Cecil Rhodes, I think.
Levi Gray
Um…what about China they still have the old stuff there but they are afraid of it for some reasons. They made me more curious about the old chink stuff lol. Anyway can any chinks tell me why the government is afraid of it? Too dangerous to go down there?
Hunter Ross
I'm no chink but I can tell it's a mix of danger from exploring the ruins AND from the chink spooks themselves
Xavier Long
Asians and Atlantians have traded before the great flood which kill almost whole species off so I believe that they have some evidences inside of the ancient buildings.
John Ramirez
Pretty crazy stuff
Anthony Williams
What about desert areas in Peru/Chile and the american southwest/mexican northwest? For a fact i know some old sites were destroyed around the mid 1800's in northwest mexico due to several small civil wars/genocides, but taking into account descriptions and preserved examples, they couldn't be older than 1500 years
Brody Davis
AFAIK there's an area in China where European genes show up way more often than elsewhere. It's near Qigdao. The "holy mountain" of pre-confucian religions is also situated there. They also have their own pyramids but the CCP doesn't want them investigated.
Leo Hill
I like when these amateur researchers go for interesting shit but really pisses me off when they inject that subjectivity into the research.
Lincoln Howard
meant for
Jackson Gutierrez
double dubs and trips checks out
He even invalidated his argument with the "but it wasn't Europeans from Ireland that came and made this, because it was world-wide" @7:30. He did exactly what he accused the Smithsonian of - ignoring evidence based on race.
Leo Lopez
Not all water is harmful, in the black sea for example, the water is anoxic and have very little dissolved oxygen, which means that you can still find sunk wooden boats from the countless civilizations that navigated there, those sunken boats may be accompanied with treasures.
Nathaniel Davis
And the Earth is flat as well! You stupid nigger get off my board and lurk 4 years.
James James
Don't exist. You're talking about South China.
Brandon Fisher
It should just die already.
Adrian Wilson
that's a funny way to spell Taiwan dumb chink So this is the result of chinks breeding with niggers, makes sense
James Long
Don't forget Gunung Padang, PorBajin, Guimar Tennerif, Derinkuyu, Dwarka, Sigiriya, Heracleion, and of course Kailash. They just found ANOTHER great pyramid in egypt and a huge fucking staircase leading down into the sand. Dunhuang Star Chart depicts 10 year old stars. There's the Kaimanawa wall in Kiwiville. Even the Sioux have stories of meeting white skinned golden haired beings in tunnels in the lands. There was a discovery in the US (Missouri) in 1885 of a city UNDER the coal they were digging for. That places the city at millions of years old. The (((smithsonian))) stepped in after the discoverer's convenient death and carted away the artifacts for (((safe-keeping.))) What's really interesting is the Gobekli Tepe carving depicting a comet striking and wiping everything out thirteen thousand years ago which coincided with a cooling period (Younger Dryas.) They dated the impact to 10,950BC. Hell, they keep finding "younger" stuff in South America. Guatemala just had another huge find. The internet is really screwing with their ability to keep knowledge quiet. If only the kikes didn't have such global control over the physical access to the sites. Want to find Hyperborea? Head to Lake Seydozero.
They've found white mummies in the Xinjiang Uyghur region.
Jace Wright
kek Iputak was an attempt at teaching chugs how to be civilized. We see how well that worked. You would think we would stop bothering with the lesser species.