U.S. freezes funding for Syria's "White Helmets"

U.S. freezes funding for Syria's "White Helmets"

Less than two months ago the State Department hosted members of the White Helmets at Foggy Bottom. At the time, the humanitarian group was showered with praise for saving lives in Syria.

"Our meetings in March were very positive. There were even remarks from senior officials about long-term commitments even into 2020. There were no suggestions whatsoever about stopping support," Raed Saleh, the group's leader, told CBS News.

Now they are not getting any U.S funding as the State Department says the support is "under active review." The U.S had accounted for about a third of the group's overall funding.

"This is a very worrisome development," said an official from the White Helmets. "Ultimately, this will negatively impact the humanitarian workers ability to save lives."

The White Helmets, formally known as the Syrian Civil Defense, are a group of 3,000 volunteer rescuers that have saved thousands of lives since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. A makeshift 911, they have run into the collapsing buildings to pull children, men and women out of danger's way. They say they have saved more than 70,000 lives.

Having not received U.S. funding in recent weeks, White Helmets are questioning what this means for the future. They have received no formal declaration from the U.S. government that the monetary assistance has come to a full halt, but the group's people on the ground in Syria report that their funds have been cut off.

The group has an "emergency plan" if the funding is halted for one or two months – but they are worried about the long-term freeze.

"If this is a long-term or permanent halt, it would have a serious impact on our ability to provide the same intensity and quality of services that we currently provide to civilians," said Saleh.

An internal State Department document said that its Near East Bureau needed confirmation from the administration to green light funding for the White Helmets in Syria by April 15th or the department would initiate "shut-down procedures on a rolling basis." That document also said that the department needed to be notified by April 6th that it could continue programs that focus on removing land mines, restoring essential services and providing food to moderate forces and their families or those programs would also have to be shut down.

However, U.S. government officials are not talking on the record about the date of the actual funding cutoff for each program, which is leading to confusion.

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert has previously called the White Helmets "selfless men" and asked journalists to watch a documentary about their work. But the State Department did not respond to a CBS News inquiry earlier this week about which programs are still receiving funding, and the date for when certain programs will lose their funding.

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President Trump put a freeze on the $200 million in U.S. funding for recovery efforts in Syria in late March. This freeze means that U.S. support for the White Helmets is not the only project in jeopardy. There are also many other stabilization efforts that are backed by the U.S. – including the clearing of explosive devices, bringing back electricity, rebuilding schools, and getting water running – that may end soon.

U.S. officials are working to see if there is a way to adjust existing funding to cover the costs for these projects. They are also trying to get other countries, such as Germany, to cover some of the costs. Earlier this year, at the Brussels for the donor conference for Syria, German Foreign Minister Maas pledged more than $1.1 billion to help people in need in Syria. But as of now, Germany has not officially committed to stepping in beyond this initial commitment.

Observers are also increasingly concerned about Syria's young people, who are more prone to radicalization if they don't get the security and support that they need. As a result of the fighting in the country, thousands of schools have been destroyed. The handful of schools that opened their doors again have received simple necessities like chairs, tables and blackboards from the U.S. – but in most schools children are still sitting on the ground, and teachers are extremely hard to come by.

"The amount of U.S. support is very limited but it is better than nothing, so if that will stop, that will be a disaster. After ISIS they started to open the schools and if money stops, that will be done," said a senior member of the Deir ez-Zor city council. "Without education the people only have ISIS ideas."

This week, the State Department said it would continue to defend its partners on the ground in Syria when they announced the final operations to liberate ISIS strongholds in the country.

"The fighting will be difficult, but we and our partners will prevail. We will defend United States, Coalition, and partner forces if attacked. The days of ISIS controlling territory and terrorizing the people of Syria are coming to an end," wrote State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert. She did not write anything about the stabilization projects.

Meanwhile, much of Syria that has been cleared of ISIS control – such as Raqqa, its self-proclaimed capital – is still in ruins and almost impossible to live in.

"Raqqa is like a sick person in an emergency room. So the money or treatment should come faster than the routine way. He is not a normal sick person," Abdullah al-Arian, a lawyer in Raqqa advising the governing Civil Council.

"The passion and power the U.S. put in to liberate Raqqa does not at all equal the passion to rebuild Raqqa. It is very much different, much less, much more slow," says al-Arian. "They give us very beautiful words and promises but not much else."


fuc da' posers



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Don't give in Assad.(Nice d&c maymay you've got there)

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I see one of the kikes infesting /sg/ found this place. Guess what? Assad won't give up, and you're going to be drinking salt water until you die, kike.

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Speaking of salt(Ban evading yid)

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Fixed that for you.

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White helmets are literally Al Qaeda, they just started that "white helmet" nonsense as a way to gather cash from the west.

I hope Leftists are happy when Al Qaeda uses that cash to buy a nuke from Pakistan, smuggle it over the porous southern border, and blow up LA.

We need to keep track and spread the word to Europe if they continue the financing of this ISIS money laundry

>Trump freezes all (((State Department))) programs in Syrup
Trump knows full well how much the kikes love to reallocate funds behind the scene. Thus he freezes ALL spending so the mine sweeping money isn't "accidentally" given to ISISrael.

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Glad you noticed that too. B-but the childrens schools, the hospitals! Fuck any more money disappearing into the desert.

You play it down. Its not disapearing, its going straight to our enemies, and this move smells like damage control because the memes got traction, (((fuckers))) must be purged.

Let me fix that too

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I'm not downplaying anything idiot, I know where the money is going.
Yea, the Trump admin is on damage control in stopping the flow of money to pisslamic terror cells after the latest (((gad attack))).

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He won't, so you can drown yourself in your landlocked sea to make it even saltier, Schlomo.

Wonder how shills will try to twist that now…


Tbh this is completely out of control and they need to have a isolationistic policy to leave the world alone and focus on the domestic matters only.

Perhaps the public have become far to aware of these kike ops. No doubt there are other kike NGOs still getting funding and diverting it to Mossad ops such as ISIS.

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You’re jokes are shit you chicken shit. Too scared to actually meet me anywhere.

Is monarchy the real redpill all along? It is historically proven to be the most stable system of government that has ever existed in human history, far more than democracy which has already failed once and quickly failing now thanks to leftists cheating by importing votes.

ME as the tip of the ice(((berg))) and all…

It grew quite big I think, its not like we have no impact. The jews sperged out hard here today.


There's nothing wrong with volunteer funding, user. What's important is that the people (everyone involved) actually is a volunteer and that it remains nonprofit. It works fantastically at a local level, but falls apart quickly, especially at international levels.

Consider a volunteer fire department. Great. But where do the supplies come from? Who is going to buy a firetruck or pay for building upkeep? You need someone/something to act as an overseer to ensure that donated funds are managed and allocated appropriately.

hasn't worked for the caliphate of england.

Because they were cucked by Democracy long ago. Pic related is a Rothschild reminding Charles whose in charge.

Anyone remember the Queen bitching about Gordon Brown selling off most of England's gold for pennies like 10yrs ago?

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The closer we get to Mueller's firing, the more we're going to get things like this. Trump can start challenging Jewish hegemony once the Deep Jew attack dog is defeated.

Mother fucker. Trump needs to collect the names of everyone who was on-board with that and release them to the public.

Yeah and what are you gonna do, Moshe? Frisbee a yarmulke at him? Kek. We all know you don't fight your own battles, you stupid jew.

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Now I see why reddit is so cucked… Someone posted this, any comment mentioning the White Helmets ties to terrorist groups gets instantly downvoted and censored

Who are these fucking propaganda organizations actively shilling on reddit and halfchan? They are stopping so many cucks on reddit from being redpilled

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oh come on, it's a funny meme.

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Yeah, I volunteer for the country fire service, donations are used for small things like fixing up the station and making it look nice. The actual funding for the appliances (costing $100,000+ each) and all our PPE comes from the state government.

Reddit is a hivemind. You cannot change the way a lemming thinks. Best just to ignore them. That's why people here will abuse you for visiting reddit, faggot.

Nah, It's a hivemind because these organization's actively working to censor information. And it's working.

You destroy these shills, the floodgates will open. This is why the left has the control over as many people as they do, they understand this. While shitheads on the right like to be hipsters and insult anyone visiting a website, following an "e-celeb" they deem uncool. Just a bunch of idiot's playing into the divide and conquer strategy

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Syria had UN forces? Dafuq?

Kill yourself fucking semite.

Holy fuck the cunts are starting their summerfagging bullshit early this year. Kikes aren't even bothering to try.

The only ones who support Assad on Plebbit are the exetreme left commie subplebbits who think he's fighting against "western imperialism" because it's totally not just global Jewry using foreign militaries. In the end these said commie subplebbits houses the same "people" who are against le ebil Nazis, GG, Whites, masculinity and heterosexuality and support Antifa, BLM, faggots, trannies, niggers, shitskins, and of course Marxist kikes like Noam Chomsky, they only hate the Zionist kikes like Bibi Netanyahu because apparently kikes are White therefore pro-Pissrael kikes are all "racist" and Literally Hitler, kek. How many levels of irony are we in right now in the current year? To think that the brainwashing of the goyim through the teachings of the Frankfurt school would lead all of them to be against Schlomo's "holy land"? It's a case of golems who follow the Zionist Jew vs. golems who follow the Marxist Jew, just like Jews Jewing other Jews while Jewing Jews back and forth. Pic related is what commies think of the Obongo-tier libtards lol. Apperantly anything that isn't Marxist=capitalist and fascist.

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Don't get salty goyim, this is the Darling you chose.

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It sure is when the government is funding them. The inevitable outcome is corruption, a government shell organization without the transparency or responsibility of a regular one feeding on tax payer money.

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I'm sick and tired of this bullshit getting wheeled out every time some niggers need money for more child prostitutes. That Atta cunt who flew the first plane into the WTC on behalf of Israel was a structural engineer with a Ph.D. and a cushy pension for sitting on his lazy jihadi ass back in Saudi Arabia. Plenty of the "radicalized" foot soldiers of Allah have been from that kind of pampered background.

What the Quran-niggers need is not more gibs. They just take you for a weakling and demand more. What they need is high walls and hot napalm. That's a language they understand. You'd be shocked how un-radical they all get when running your mouth means you get popped next to your 18 kids.

Fuck me, man. Am I the only person in the world who's qualified to run Europe? If so, that's a problem.

It's like they don't listen. At all.

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Calling others idiots.

Al Qaeda BTFO

I don't like the thread because you are just copypasting and making it seem as if white hats ever saved any of these imaginary victims.


Kikes are going to have a hard time shilling against this.


Why would she bitch about it, he was just following his moral compass, set to 33 degrees. Had to pretend to sell it before anyone found out it was filled with bars of tungsten anyway.

You know how I can tell you that these bastards never go into a firefight to rescue the wounded?

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Checkmates kikes, Trump is /ourguy/ to some extent

Tax money should never be used for any kind of "helpers" organization. Non-profits should be purely donation based, if people want to feed niggers that's on their own bank account. There is no excuse for forcing tax payers to pay for such charade, the fact that our tax money is being pumped into foreign countries is even worse.

Probably not a native English speaker.
His post is absolutely correct though.

The people you mention are >60% shills.
If you think that they shill the boards hard, then you have no fucking clue. Reddit and Kikebook are the two most shilled places on the internet.

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They are/were in (((Golan)))

With the current monarchy it is difficult to say as they have had juden behind them threatening and blackmailing them for hundreds of years.
Historically though, the mobility and monarchy were often the ones most interested in the betterment of their own country, as they had the greatest stake.
Especially Vlad Vepes.
If you look through history, the juden were the ones behind various anti-monarchy and anti-nobility (((revolutions))). They also funded foreign usurpers.
Russia revolution, killed off the tsar's family to the last, and took control in the power vacuum.
French revolution, killed off the royals and every noble they could find. Then took control in the power vacuum.
Oliver Cromwell, directly funded by jews in Holland, commited regicide, took power for himself and his first action was to invite all the juden back in after they'd been banned for 300 years. Look for his letters, they state his intentions clearly.
William the conqueror before him, funded by juden and his first action was to invite them back in despite them being cast out before then since history began.

They use the same tactics now as before, they have no reason to change.
They cast out real leaders who care for their countries, and replace them with puppets who will serve them.

Nobility by blood was the only thing stopping them before, they found it very difficult to subvert that system, and it is exactly why that system existed. Blood can't be fake or bought.
With nobility out of the way, the juden money, bribery, blackmail, extortion can buy anything.

While this is great news, it doesn't change much because the white helmets are basically the propaganda tool of/for ISIS, whom have recently been destroyed (without any help from Trump).
This does feel like damage control. I still want to see Trump condemning Israel's attacks on Syria.

I think the Rothschild have a threat over the royal's heads.
"Do as we say or the same will happen to your entire family as happened to the Tsar's."
If I were Charles, I would have been red pilling members of the SAS and setting up the Rothschilds for extinction.
He has enough funds to at least make a significant blow.

I agree for food banks or financial donations to individuals but police and fire departments should probably get government funding

user, Reddit management ARE the shills and censors. They corrupt from within, top down.

And so, another artery of funding for terrorists is cut by the God-Emperor.
Let's hope they bleed to death.

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Kill yourself for our amusement, kike.

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But in the same way the jew allows national socialism for israel while denying it for any other racial group, the only monarch that counts for anything is their monarch, the coming messiah, a descendant of king david.
So they have spent the last several hundred years undermining everyone else's monarchies so they no longer have any real power in preparation for the coming of the jew monarch who will rule the whole world from jerusalem.
For jews, prophecies=instructions.

What you're missing is that Trump has been cutting U.S. deep-state support for ISIS and the so-called "Syrian rebels." This has made it much easier for Assad's forces & the Russians to take them down. This freeze on funding for the "White Helmets" is just a part of that.
Look, Trump didn't support the U.S. pissing around in the Syrian sandbox, and he never supported U.S. military "bullying" throughout the region. But he's locked in a political battle back here, with leftover forces within our own government, and they're dug in like fucking ticks, and their connections are substantial.
Trump wants nothing more than stability in the entire region, while Israel and deep-state moles want EXACTLY the opposite. Throw in that he's also attacked daily by a media that is also part of that cabal, and it's not hard to see that he's got to tread lightly. It's enough that he's making progress, he's spent a year trying to form a inter-governmental organization of his own, and he's making pretty good progress.

We have DECADES of corruption and treason to repair, this is not going to happen overnight, and it's not going to be easy. Too many normies here still think Assad is a monster and Israel loves Jesus Christ, they were fucking raised to this nonsense.
We're making progress, and so is Syria, and Israel is sucking their dicks in frustration…be grateful for this much, but also expect more.
Not everything is what it looks like.

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Usually real heroes get killed, arrested, or persecuted, or at a minimum their video gets banned for "racism."

They're kikes. Lurk moar, newfag.

It's a waste of effort when you get instabanned.

So you shills are tired of complaining about imagined e-persona 1 have moved on to imagined e-persona 2? Wow, I'm sure convinced.

Reality Check - Who's Funding the White Helmets

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I thought all that genealogy was lost when the Temple was turned to rubble. How is this coming King o' the Kikes going to prove his ancestry?

The jews murdered the last Son of David and cursed themselves until the end of time in the process.

This. England (and now by extension, the entire UK) hasn't had legitimate leadership starting with Cromwell. No surprise since he's the one that brought the kikes back in after they were expelled by Edward I.

Whats the source for the homosexual pedos? I have some people that would be interested in that

Well, there were several threads a year or so ago about tribe.net having a huge number of sick fucking freaks that were both gay and pedos AND methheads that used to addict children to meth in order to get sex from them. That was compelling.

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Your day draws ever closer, you fucking faggot.

You mean Tepes? He is literally a nobody outside of Romania and if it wasn't for Romanticism you wouldn't have heard of him.

how the fuck does one divide and conquer a Syrian to Americans and how does this make them a kike

what fucking autism is actually happening in this thread?


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Been to Romania, he's a hero there and for good reason.
Same with Charles Martel, another who you would consider a 'nobody'.

The only thing you would do in real life is cower in fear and whine about "antisemitism" or "muh hate" like all you inferior subhuman kikes do.

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Hahahahahaha underrated post.

Hell I would be happy if I did that they would be removing at least 70% of the spics that crossed the border by taking out LA.

Yeah but you're not a leftist.

All any person on Zig Forums would do is fart into childrens food containers and launch them at parades of other assburger crossdressing neckbeards while gurgling loudly and peeing their pants.

If not, you're a faggot and you should leave now.

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There's a fuck tonne of propaganda spun from the war.
Every person globally is sick of it. We just want the fucking truth but our governments all lie to us every day about every fucking thing.
Because the public "can't handle the truth".
Because "it would be dangerous".

I mean, why do you think they got us into this war?
To make the emotions of people rain. To leech the country dry.

Like fucking always.
The internet needs to get better at sourcing the news and providing men to actually observe the situation on the ground in Syria.

Too many news sources supply hearsay and photos that they never produced or faked themselves for $$$.

Their funding was probably cut because their shit tier propaganda isn't fooling anyone.

CIAniggers BTFO

>(((stabilization efforts)))
Nice code word for funding terrorist groups.

I do agree that progress is being made. But is there really evidence to show that he has cut support prior to this move?


The problem with monarchy/aristocracy is the elite relating more to foreign arete than native mediocrity, leading to the situation we have today.

There is a clear and coherent historical narrative of selective and refined preference degenerating into sweeping ideologies since the average man can only operate by universal principles. So, appreciating the elite of another culture gives way to appreciating the finer points of another culture, gives way to wanting to fix the problems with the other culture so the good points can shine through, gives way to the task of Sisyphus of making subhumans behave like humans.

Tolerating the Jews themselves has always been a Faustian bargain of the elite, valuing their financial ability more than they are disgusted by their appearance and practices, looking the other way as they used usury to enslave the lower classes, protecting them against the backlash and so becoming a target and driving a wedge between the commoner and their own elite. Thinking about it, it was actually a masterstroke of the Jew in Russia to use the very animosity they had built up by being useful to and hence protected by the Czars while abusive to the commoners to direct and control the commoners to depose their own elite and assume the position themselves, where usually they would have been expelled.

Being aware of this inevitable process, better to consciously reject any noble attributes of the foreigner if you are able to perceive them, and convince the great masses that they have none well enough and long enough to exterminate them, because otherwise the process of inclusion and expulsion will continue until we gradually lose all of our lands and lineage.

THIS is why Trump publicly announced that the U.S. would be immediately pulling out of Syria.

He was anticipating another staged 'gas attack' and was ready to catch them in the act (and of course would have had to play along with the anti-Assad narrative and launch another series of cosmetic airstrikes). There's probably enough incriminating evidence on the (((white helmets))) to justify this move.

But what's going on with Pompeo now? Is he a neocon?

Not in the traditional sense, no. Pompeo is certainly jingoistic, and as such can and has been rallied to neocon causes in the past, but he responds equally well to the language of nationalism. His work in North Korea and meetings there should be evidence enough that he's no pure warmonger.