Tech companies not hiring blacks despite (((ownership))) rates

Tech companies not hiring blacks despite (((ownership))) rates

AP cant into math?

14% of population, so for every 1 white person who has 4 devices, every black has 12, and these racys are still commanding the industry


Wait where are these companies again, oh yeah, liberal shitholes

cant wait to see that diversity in action and the fire of innovation will burn silicon valley and bring more jobs to red states

apnews com/1a17a392f53f4b719bac5933d13b2ebb/Tech-companies-not-hiring-blacks-despite-ownership-rates

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Stolen devices don't count so give it back DeShawn.

So whites are underrepresented?

Besides, tons of Pajeets in SV so they can't complain about diversity.

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education is the white mans game yo
a fine brotha don't need dat shit yo

we wuz technology

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i like this picture, for one reason

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the fuck are you people carrying? i only have a phone and I leave it at home 50% of the time. do people really walk around with 4 god damn phones?

Niggers do, yes.

For drug deals and side chicks(fat prostitutes).
It's odd for them to indirectly call them out for it in an article though.