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OP is Still a Faggot anyway
Hawaii Popping Off! Eruption Habbening!
When does Hawaii not have an eruption? Now if the big crack is breaking and half the island is about to fall into the Pacific it isn't that's something I'd be interested to see.
The Earthquakes earlier on Twitter before Eruption
Maybe there will be an earth quake in California too?
Gloomtube has a stream up
Same Plate, Every Earthquake builds more and more tension on other points.
Cali to be Glassed by Earth Itself!
Already a link in OP, but I'm a faggot that forgot to embed.
Fuck off kike cunt. Summerfagging doesn't work on a geological scale.
Will it wipe out the native subhumans and leftist dem trash that shit up the island? if not, who cares.
OH MAH FUCK, lava is heading towards Kapala! Oh noes, Kahaualea!
Hey, asshole, Hawaii sits on a fucking live VOLCANO.
Imagine the panicky reaction of cali to the soil getting liquefied and they drowsn in the liquefied soil!
No it won't because those niggers, unlike OP know what the fuck lava is and does.
I want to strangle a jew so fucking bad right now because this kike cunt keeps at it. It's like they have no self awareness whatsoever. Even a fucking rat has more common sense.
Your sounding like an FBI/Kike Engineered Skinhead
Stop the faggotry Jew volcano demons.
Whose thread moshe? Go back to goat-fucking. You're terrible at this.
Careful a yid will contradict you and make your statement somehow false.
Oh, the kike doesn't understand filters? Am I being too anti-semitic, cunt?
I see you actually can't even click my No. to reply directly to me.
For a literal Kikebot to suggest filter, I applaud you, was just giving you 1 more reply til I did that.
Cheers, hopefully FBI-kun doesn't trick you into blowing up a Federal Building in the future user.
hello kampfy
What's that? Can't hear you moshe.
Hopefully in our lifetime for SF Bay.
Unsure about Yellowstone tho user, that's quite a few red states (for now) to lose.
When they turn blue, sure, I'm all for Yellowstone to drop stones on them.
Reminder Hawaii currently hosts an allahnigger association and a sizable (((community)))
Who's that?
I just got big anime folders
They are lazier than real niggers, moshe.
Fucking Kek
Doesn't surprise me. Explains all the faggoty New Age (((spiritual))) nonsense that seems to all originate from either Commiefornia or Hahweieeeeee
Remember user, the term New Age was created by our predecessors, not the kikes that use it now to denote crystal shops and bullshit. It meant the end of the Kali Yuga (almost literally translates to nigger-age, with the demon Kali being essentially the nig-god right down to loving his gold chains and always holding his balls.) and the entrance to the phase of transition that we are now in. The 3rd Reich was the great push before the conflicts of this phase of chaos where lord Kek reigns supreme. was entered, so that we could go into it aware of the enemies that we must defeat, to save our people. The next golden age, the Satya Yuga, is ours to claim.
bonus points, explain to hipsters how the New Age movement was created by thems ebil natsees. This #1 ruins schlomo shekelstein's income of shekels, and #2 creates cognitive dissonance in the target. They must then question how their beliefs are tied to National Socialism, and fun things might happen.
Don't change moshe, it's easier.
I'll just leave this here. –
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts, Evacuations Ordered
How the fuck do you get to that conclusion, goat-fucker?
If dubs, california gets its own volcano too
Whoopdy shit, moshe. Any more of you fuckers dead from lithium smoke yet?
you've really shit up this thread (13) you drunk, go piss your bed and get some sleep.
Nice weather,still wouldn't mind living there with a sailboat and off grid jungle palace away from poly shitskin natives,That fukushima pollution though means fishing to eat would be stupid without a geiger counter.Got bros live there on big island and love it, I think they are just deluded and suffer from sun poisoning.
because your opinion is shit, just like your skin color
Hawaii deserves to burn in hell for the libcuckery they've been pulling.
The citizens must fucking pay for the government's decisions in blocking Trump policies.
Rolling for Krakatoa.
Hawaii Stream Continues
We got a 6.0 Earthquake confirmed
And a 6.9 confirmed a few moments ago on Livestream.
Looks like Hawaii's getting Cleansed with Heat
Are… volcanoes are true greatest ally. also OP if it isn't yellowstone or the supervolcano on New Zealand then it really isn't going to have lasting consequences on our population except for everyone who isn't white.
Kill yourself cunt, you will never be welcome here or on this earth.
I heard there was an evacuation order.
Does that mean everyone is swimming for it?
reminder that stupid ass Moses talked to a burning bush on top of a volcano
ppl are dying everywhere
What will happen to all the filthy naked old hippies on the beaches?
Fuck. Not yet.
Hold off on memeing that unless Trump gets impeached and Hillary sits in the Oval Office, or America gets in conflict with Iran for Israel.
rolling for ice age
>>>Zig Forums
Pele. Rise.
USGS user on cuckchan Zig Forums was posting about how a lot of professionals are getting worried about the Hilna Slump on Hawaii. If it slides into the Ocean the west coast is basically fucked. He said they've been advised to keep it quiet for the time being and watch it closely. Thread was archived pretty quickly.
What fucking happened to this board? What next, links to /pone/?
nothing to worry about
look at where all of the fissures are. looks like a big chunk of that volcanic shelf is separating off. Supposedly the last time something like this happened at hawaii, 150k years ago, it created a mega tsunami.
So, wait … I might actually see California wrecked in my lifetime? Glorious!
Need to get the word out about the Hilina Slump to incite panic and meme it into reality. A real problem solver.
Nice dubs. California confirmed for inundation.
So what's a good compaby/industry to flip stocks in?
If jews can (((coincidentally))) profit, i dont see why we can't do so to build more resources against them
Found an article about it, don't know the validity but it's worth keeping.
one can only hope
Nigger WHAT
Hal's been back doing his radio show for a few weeks now
motivational video that's on the page
kek has spoken. the memetic initiation of the tsunami to destroy LA has already happened.
Ocean incoming.
It comes
If it's gonna happen will it happen before the end of June? I'm asking for a friend but those dubs are saying yes
the only white people left on the west coast are either traitors or collaborators.
memeing the destruction of commiefornia, not the rest of the west.
The way tsunami waves propagate it's unlikely that any wave striking California from Hawaii wouldn't also strike all the way up the coast.
almost 4.5 million californians voted for trump. there is a small glimmer of hope for it.
These 'whites' are confirmed homosexuals just like those asspirates in Pompeii according to historians.
Well shit, thanks man. Guess I better go tell the guys all us pacific northwestern racists are just ass pirates and better vote blue next election and stop making white babies. Shucks gee golly whiz, did I have it twisted.
Stop bitching and just make sure you stay at least 100 meters above sea level at all times.
There will be 4-5 hours warning after it kicks off. That's going to be a clusterfuck traffic jam of legend as everyone tries to get up high.
The Gloomtube Livestream of that Traffic jam is going to be Glorious
Traffic in california is already butt-to-nut, as my friend put it, It can't get any worse (I could be surprised, californians are idiotic drivers). You better hope you live more inland and higher up. If you live in the city having one of those electric assisted bikes could get you out to a point where you could hitch a ride or to high enough ground. But other then that you may as well go and enjoy the last moments of your life.
100,000 people will die before the wave even hits. niggers will be going wild, niggers and spics will be shooting eachother. rich shitlibs will be evacing in helicopters.
And they'll all go to Texas
On an unrelated note what are some good (white) states that have open carry and stand your ground/castle doctrine laws.
And you sound like a fag whose shit's all retarded.
in Missouri it's legal to open carry and concealed carry without a permit.
it's also legal to drink and drive but you have to be under the legal limit.