In 1974, the band Jefferson Starship released the song "Ride the Tiger."
It is quite obvious that overtly racialist and Evolian meanings can be drawn from the verses (even if it wasn't originally intended to be that way).
Some Verses That Might Have Deeper Meanings:
"Black and White in the dead of night" (Possible Race War?)
"Risin' sun" (Imperial Japan?)
"Something to give" (Redpills?)
"Love of a man and a woman" (Advocating Traditionalism)
"Seventy-five" (Equivalent to the number 2060 in (((Gematria))), the same value as "Race War Now!")
I went ahead and calculated each verse's numerical value in (((Gematria))) and an a word or phrase with an equivalent numerical value.
My autism is telling me that this is indeed a red-pilled song.
You tell me anons, what could this mean?
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
It will be black and white in the dead of night = 2124 = "The Jews Control White Slavery"
Eyes flashing in the clear moonlight = 1266 = "Subversion"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
It's like a tear in the hands of a western man = 2083 = "Judaism Is Nothing More Than Communism"
Tell you about salt, carbon and water = 2160 = "Obsessive Need To Control Others"
But a tear to a Chinese man = 871 = "They Killed Christ"
He'll tell you about sadness and sorrow = 2816 = "Jews Worship Baal"
Or the love of a man and a woman = 256 = "Zionist Subversion"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
I want to sail through the risin' sun for you and you = 3456 = "The Zionists Are Getting Very Weak"
We got something to learn from the other side = 2327 = "ISIS is a Pawn Of The Elders Of Zion"
Something to give, we got nothing to hide = 406 = "They Only Pervert They Do Not Create"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
Black wants out of the streets = 322 = "Autists Will Learn My Message"
Yellow wants the country = 3152 = "I Hate White Girls Who Date Black Guys"
Red wants the country back = 2222 = "Benjamin Netanyahu Hates Goyim"
And white wants out of this world = 366 = "Zionist Jews Ruining The World"
Sing - sing to the sky = 1055, 1326, 221 = "Satanic Ritual Sacrifice"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
I want to ride the tiger = 1612 = "Jewish"
Look to the summer of seventy-five = 383 = "All Citizens Of Zion Are To Be Incinerated"
All the world is gonna come alive = 2268 = "Genesis Chapter Four Verse Sixteen"
Do you want to ride the tiger? = 1806 = "Gas The Jews"
It's like a tear in the hands of a western man = 2083 = "Destroy Everything"
Tell you about salt, carbon and water = 2160 = "Obsessive Need To Control Others"
But a tear to an oriental man = 1056 = "Extremely High IQ"
Or the love of a man and a woman = 256 = "Zionist Subversion"