< but I don't use cloud services, and I run AMD
If you use ANY services online, you're likely using Intel. For example, Zig Forums is likely hosted on Intel CPU.
Spectre-NG: New Intel CPU Flaws
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, and apparently Cloudflare, which Zig Forums uses, is on Intel.
Dearest normies,
t. nerd
Well done Intel, you've broken everything.
Apparently full details will be released on the 7th.
This is an important enough happening to be in Zig Forums & not only Zig Forums
t. also nerd
with related rootkits available for BTC on the 5th probably
Why are Intel's zero day backdoors are hacked but not AMD's?
Suddenly I am thinking of the first episodes of the Battlestar Galactica remake. Every ship in the fleet that was highly computerized was compromised by the enemy in the first seconds of the war.
Pray that Trump keeps us out of any and all real wars until we can address this.
Found the liars.
Welp, I'm picking up an AMD.
Daily reminder to always buy AMD
Their new ryzen CPUs have integrated graphics on par with mid-range GPUs, so you can escape paying massive amounts for a used mining card.
When are they going to release top-end GPUs? I bought a 1080 before the crypto meme and couldn't be happier with the performance. It'd be nice if there were some decent competitors in such a shitshow 2-race market.
Daily reminder also to dual boot windows and Linux for the purpose of learning Linux to eventually trash windows once and for all.
step up or even ascend by trashing windows.
This mostly spells trouble for any kind of cloud service and to a much lesser extent to the end user. Not that you guys are going to be targeted (it's mostly the big guys with shitloads of credit card data), but AMD is also susceptible to this.
A good way to put it is that an AMD chip is the modded Chinese version of an Intel. That's why AMD is always the generation behind. That said, the tweaks that AMD does mean that the Spectre flaws are not applicable across the board, but they do have a 1:1 counterpart for AMD chips.
tl;dr AMD is safe for now, but like the corner cutting Chinese consumers we are, we're still fucked
"Breaking the x86 Instruction Set" (44:28)
Hey Intel, you just declared war on humanity
Enjoy your decline into hell
Write a virus that bricks it.
I forgot about VMs. Sheeeeeeit.
Found the kike.
t. 1488
Sadly, this goy is wrong:
You see, Windows is botnet. Per the article, Intel CPU are vulnerable to an attack that allows
The flaws in AMD Ryzen's PSP, which came out recently, released by literal yidsrael kikes, are not capable of escaping VM containment. Basically, if you click "yes," giving administrative access to an app, you can wind up with the Ryzen CPU having a permanent installation of botnet. A ryzen :^) not to buy used Ryzens. Or any other CPU for that matter… or motherboard…
But I still wouldn't run a Windows VM, even on Ryzen. Use Wine.
Agreed. They're fucked.
run non hardware vm emulators.
>>>Zig Forums908567
Oy vey! Collect your shekels on your way
t. veritas
Why are Designed-in-Israel-Intel's zero day (((backdoors))) leaked but not AMD's?
I guess the chink lesbo heading AMD is just a butch lesbian, and not a malicious jew
AMD has always been a little special. In this case, those differences allowed it to sidestep the exploits.
AMD is also usually on the cheaper side as well. Shame most companies and governments just buy Chink shit with some overpriced and underperforming Intel chip cause they're more mainstream.
who cares
t. normie
Fuck off attention whoring faggot. Go back to half.
Or the more likely, they know white men use AMD so they aren't telling anyone just how compromised they are to make sure they retain an upper-hand when push comes to shove?
If you have js enabled, and are on Intel, much, torpedo.
Lots of Asians like AMD too.
Doesn't make the point any less valid. jews will jew regardless if they're from the west, middle, or EAST. slopes aren't a threat to kikes, white men are.
It is. AMD Epyc ftw.
All one has to do is look at recorded history, Asians had plenty of opportunity for thousands of years and nothing, they don't have it, Whites are it, the competition with ability and track record that must be kept down/destroyed at all costs because going against us head on will not work and left to thrive will dominate.
p.s. the engineered fatal flaw that's been killing us is cuckstianity, jews way in.
Fucking undocumented opcodes? That's some classic kike arrogance there. I bet they really didn't expect that someone would figure out what they did.
Elaborate. I'm pretty sure BTC/BCH miners use SHA256 ASIC's only, none of this Intel processor bullshit.
No, I meant payment in BTC money ;^)
Is any of this deliberate?
Why if Hauwei cannot be used (by the people that matter), is Intel allowed?
t. normiefag
The latest intel processors have SHA-NI instructions which can be used to mine bitcoin (but still a few orders of magnitude slower than ASICs).
undocumented opcodes has been a thing since the beginning, as in from the first home computers with a 6502.
Graphics cards exist and are pretty much a thing.
Because the Chinese only own a lot of America, they don't necessarily (((operate))) it.
< not knowing kikes fear the Samurai
Nonsense. There are no Christians to speak of.
Security by obfuscation.
What a fucking joke.
Apple and Microsoft have undocumented API. By a real fucking coincidence their (((buddies))) are able to code like fucking geniuses in those undocumented API.
That's a little different. The 6502's extra opcodes were a fortunate accident. They were intended to be unused, and some were replaced in future versions of the chip.
Intel has a history of doing this, though.
… ah.
Does Russia make its own CPUs?
Look at how many countries Intel is made in
Answering my own Q of Russian CPU
Why apparently it does!
They have a long history of making their own CPUs. Many were clones of foreign chips. Pretty cool that they're still at it, though. That's a market that needs more competition.
Apple will replace Intel with their own CPUs by 2020.
Macs are still made in China unless Trump manages to shift manufacturing back to US beyond getting Apple to promise "3 big plants, beautiful plants". Part of iCloud is in China.
Let's hope Trump and Tim Cook had a good talk last month.
Too bad IBM is so useless. POWER could be big if they marketed it properly.
Baikal is vaporware.
IBM has a long history of not giving a fuck about humanity :^) Ever price a used Power8 server? Power10 is already out…
POWER9 barely started shipping you massive retard, and the CPUs are not expensive. The systems to put them in however…
I see you are right about Power10. 2020 for Power10. But you are utterly incorrect in claiming that I said the CPU are expensive. Indeed, I have highlighted the word I used.
Therefore, by your own standards you condemn yourself as a "massive retard" - yet I reject unto myself your standards, for the reason that you report yourself too low in your own estimation.
Where the heck did I claim that? I just pointed out that the CPUs (the part that IBM makes) are not expensive. The full systems (which are made by other companies) are high-end workstations and servers and priced accordingly. It's not IBM's fault nobody makes el-cheapo POWER9 desktops was my point.
It is too. It's IBM's fault, yes, certainly. It's mostly their fault. IBM has long been completely anti-humanity. Curse IBM. They exited the PC market because too many white kids were getting smart.
Yes yes pay attention to (((now this)) new pile of crap, never mind the real serious stuff TEMPEST gay shit:
With 5G(oyim) we will be scanning every single system like in the movie Batman bin Suparman in real-time, goys are mad we get all their trade secrets
(then sell it to the Chinese, u mad goy)
Japanese TEMPEST demonstration
the juie fear the samurai CIAnigger media hides TEMPEST in the (((west)))
this crap must be shoved down the throat and/or up the ass of every single retarded nigger normie there's no other way to defeat the foreskin demon
phonecucks get the gas, every phonecuck gets to have his phone shoved up his ass as punishment, fucking retards filthy casuls life is serious not gay
Technology is meant to take Mankind into space and gas Xenos not promote dumb socialization fuck this shit gay earth
Whoever speaks such nonsense is a conspiracy-theorist, of course, just like before; thankfully for us the Chosen the goyim never learn:
Antisemites will have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, their privacy will burn like the heart of the foreskin sun.
Give it up goy. You have nothing to hide do you, you're not a criminal are you. Six million you know.
Life is casual and society free, nobody cares what you do, get microchipped, you know you want to.
And remember to buy some VPN jidfvpn.com
[1] this is serious shit
>They also possess a pair of membranous bat-like wings which are used to fly through the "ether" of outer space (a pre-Einsteinian concept).
"it's pre-einsteinian goy, pay no attention to it" Einstein is a jew scam like the holocau$t
>The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo.
tldr Cthulhu is real and wants to gas the jews
mfw Cthulhu was the good guy all along. Like Hitler.
It's AMD Radeon graphics:
"Israeli startup Graphic Remedy, acquired by AMD in October 2010 for $5 million. Graphic Remedy, founded in 2004 by Avi Shapira and Yaki Tebeka, specialized in simulation and debugging software for graphics applications and computer games"
< a computer thingy is happening
< nothing horrible seemed to happen when y2k or the other computer thingies happened, no worries
Ever wonder where your files go, now and again? :^)
I wonder what the NSA and DNI have been up to for all these years.
Saving the planet. Basically being living Jesus HC hung on a cross for your sins, why the hate goyim? FOR YOUR SINS!!!!!11
just a coincidence goyims
I can't wait for the clensing nuclear wave to wash over me as I cling to the chain-link fence
It was all an accident goy, I swear!
what's military/intelligence reaction? are they dropping microsoft, etc?