Words carry both meaning AND judgement (good, bad, neutral)
Don't use the term gun control, call it civil disarmament Don't use the term racism, call it race realism (still a bit bad) - better to call anti-racists race deniers
Needless to say that this has extreme power
ITT we do more word hunting
This is a shit OP, but I think this is too important not to share here
KKK member = anti-black |||||| anti-black = KKK member (someone who criticizes black people for any reason = hates black people and wants to genocide them)
Liam Lee
Something like "civilian disempowerment" is a mouthful but works better.
Carter Nguyen
Slave management.
Andrew Davis
Since existence of races is biological therefore scientific fact we can call them science deniers. But if we go even deeper we can call them barbarians, since civilized societies valued knowledge and science and they don't.
Colton Sullivan
Sebastian Adams
This is a lovely idea if you want to close off your ideas to the masses because they won't immediately know wtf you're talking about, and won't care to spend time for learning. Plus, it subtly reinforces the idea that you're an "other" to them, because your language has little, if anything, in common with them. You've clearly never read Mein Kampf.
Caleb Cooper
Joshua Nguyen
Don't try to make an alternative to this. It's a meaningless word. It exists to support a narrative that some people hate others for no other reason than the one hating is a bad person, when in reality, everyone has a reason for everything they do which seems logical to them in the moment.
Please try this one out in public. I wanna see the result. Try not shit your pants while you're at it.
Jackson Cooper
I use it pretty often when people think something is too hot or cold to touch "dickskin on your fingers" but I guess the meaning might not be obvious to strangers
Benjamin Thompson
Leo Davis
Let's keep going.
We try to intellectualize emotions. Emotions are automatic.
people of "color" -> homochromatic people, monochromatic individuals (shades of brown is not a color) white people -> heterochromatic people
retard -> stunted (if you're into that PR thing) there's so much wrongspeech that it's actually kind of difficult to list it all.
Jace Russell
very good.
Mason Cruz
I like the people of color one, I'll start using monochromatic and what not when needed. Good call user
Sebastian Wood
My point is that gun control sounds good and civil disarmament sounds bad even though they are referring to the exact same thing. Since normies are driven by emotional arguments, destroy the elite's emotional arguments with our own counter-arguments. I'm simply talking about rephrasing common memes. The word racism is an extremely dangerous meme because it prevents us from being able to directly criticize black people/jews/arabs. It prevents any rational discussion from occurring. This is their greatest trick, preventing rational discussion and instead reverting us to monkeys throwing rocks at each other.
If there was some word we could use in place of "racist", a word that referred to the same recognition that we are all different but without the automatic negative judgement attached to it, we would be able to discuss race openly even with total normies.
Think of the term "white supremacist", currently anyone who even so much as quotes a statistic about black people having lower IQ or committing more crimes is automatically a big bad evil white supremacist. But call yourself a "race-realist" and those who accuse you "race-deniers" and suddenly they are powerless. You have beaten their emotional argument (calling you bad because you believe in race) with a better one (calling yourself good because you believe in race and calling them bad because they don't)
Brody Ramirez
That's pretty long though Can it be shortened to
Jordan Carter
Diversity: forced assimilation
Jackson Sanders
Anti-self defense
Lincoln Ramirez
Precisely what I meant, it's the same exact term but with a negative connotation
The normie doesn't know what the fuck marxism or the frankfurt school is, and young normies don't think communism = bad. Here's something better:
It's not an equivalent for any particular term, but here's a powerful meme:
Angel Sanchez
Christian Ortiz
I think "speech control" would be catchier. Undeniably accurate, too.
Ryder White
Fake news is over used and sounds like the_zodnald shit Controlled narrative is my term for the news
Kevin Young
Adrian Moore
Adding to these posts, I'd just like to say that to break their control over normies' minds, we have to destroy their emotion manipulating memes. The easiest way to do that is with our own memes.
Examples of their memes: Their memes are shallow and based on lies and quick emotional judgement, which is then intellectualized/rationalized. They thrive on deception and non-comprehension. What's a demagogue? Not one in a thousand who uses the term actually knows… What about racism? Something bad that is vaguely related to race…
One example of our memes: Our memes are based on truth and logic, which makes them very strong. Their core is logic, the emotion is caused by knowing the consequences of the logic (in this case, globalism = centralization = opposite of individual self-determination = control by someone else = slavery = bad)
Grayson Myers
YES! Controlled Speech makes it sound like "Controlled Substance", liken it to the (((racist))) Drug War the libtards hate and twist the knife in.
David Gonzalez
social justice warrior = dementor
Samuel Moore
As other anons have pointed out, a better comparison is:
I am racist. I love my own race. That's the definition of the word. It's not gun control. It's genocide. That's the definition of the word. There are two sexes, male and female. Gender is a grammatical term. That's the definition of the word. STOP FUCKING USING JEWISH DEFINITIONS FOR WORDS. STOP CREATING YOUR OWN WORDS (LIKE A JEW) AND ACTUALLY FIX THE PROBLEM.
The fact that you had to define "racist" is exactly why this thread exists. There's a struggle over definitions.
Austin Morris
Christian Torres
Free speech is the perfect thing to equate it to, because every time they bitch about their made up "hate speech" and you call it "free speech" then they're attacking free speech. They even make signs at their protests trying to define the two as different. Don't let them.
Elijah Hernandez
I agree, we have to make it very clear that the right to be offensive is the only reason why free speech exists
Jayden Parker
I think it was Styx who said we need to frame the "gun control" debate as the "constitution" debate. Whoever it was I liked that idea.
Nolan Nelson
Nolan Stewart
Kill yourself.
Jace Adams
social justice warrior = hall monitor
Logan Jones
I've started replacing "racist/racism" with "colorist/colorism" and it's a nice pink pill to play with. It at a minimum has gotten people to acknowledge that whites can be the target of hate and racial prejudice as well. You can then ask why people of other races(Asian, Black, Meztizo) hate the darker among their same race.
Pro-tip: Racism is an extremely dangerous meme but it's a meme with fading influence. If we can start creating our own vernacular of phrases then we can start telling the left their terms are "antiquated" and merely "20th century theory" and that we are living in the modern day with modern terminology.
The key to deconstructing the current corrupted language we have today is to start making an emphasis on smaller subsets of groups/people. Racist, Black, Christian, Men, White. These are all broad and inclusive terms that encapsulate lots of people within them. If we can incorporate tribalistic/exclusive language into the normiesphere we can reclaim our ways of talking to one another
Ethan Ross
Jordan Evans
Fuck off reddit.
Jonathan Johnson
Josiah Hill
Related, we should use Alinsky's rules against them, as they were tailored for political subversion. Attacking their own institutions under the guise of leftist economic theory seems prudent. Universities and news media should be tied to The Man, and their capitalistic elements emphasised. We've already seen Labour in Britain court counter-semitism from this leftist angle, also bona fide communists fight Zionism for the oppressed Palestinians. I'm just applying pressure on existing points of tension through language, pic related.
"Gun control" and "opinion control" are good phrases. The more repeats of "control" for the system the better (we want to dismantle their control, and it is being repeatedly named as a problem). I call them "control freaks" sometimes with total bluepills since they instantly accept it. They have been taught to fake rebel, after all.
You have to repeat terms to get attention in order to bump anyone in your direction, nigger.
Whatever any person or group believes, once you have some of their assumptions, they should be made to clash as much as they can tolerate. They will always resolve and be nudged in your direction.
Bentley Carter
Although I agree to some degree, I strongly disagree with using Alinsky as a guide. Jewish methods bear Jewish results. Subversive, deceitful, and ultimately Jewish tactics are not very effective overall, but they use them because they have to. They need to lie to people about what they believe, because their world view isn't representative of reality; it is in direct conflict with the Logos. The truth has extremely strong memetic power, which is why they're constantly trying to suppress it. If we meet them with the memetic strength of Logos, we have the upper hand. If we copy them by copying Alinsky, we fight on a level playing field in terms of tactics, but they hold the keys to the armories.
Asher Nguyen
Let's say I don't disagree or agree with you, but how do they "hold the keys to the armory" if you're using their tactics against them? If we're attacking from two fronts, using their tactics against them and on another front using the truth, they're only limited to their own tactics.
Moreover, where are you when people are posting threads about D&Cing jewish useful idiots like various SJW types? Are they free to be manipulated by all means because they're (for the most part) not jewish?
Evan Hall
I mean it very literally. (((They))) hold political power, so they literally have control of the armories. In the realm of force they have the upper hand, so in the realm of ideas, imitation and parity is insufficient; we must have the upper hand in the realm of ideas, and this is achieved through the divine power of truth in the face of their lies and deception.
Aiden Foster
Sorry, I somehow didn't catch the second part of your post You're making a false equivocation between manipulation and D&C versus lies and deception. Manipulation and D&C can be achieved, and in fact is more easily achieved, by exposing the truth than by fabricating some lie.
sage for repeat posting To perhaps be more clear, one can D&C the leftist camp by exposing the true fracture point that is tension between feminists and muslims. The reason pushing that angle is so effective is because there is a true underlying conflict there, which is being suppressed for the sake of group unity; they're lying to themselves. By highlighting that truth, they can be manipulated into tearing themselves apart.
The same can be said to some degree with regards to old school feminists fighting for women's rights, versus the new school feminists fighting for the rights of men LARPing as women. The old school and new school can thus be manipulated into infighting by highlighting that uncomfortable truth.
Thomas Lopez
When did you assume using alinsky tactics meant having to rely on lies? You yourself admit here you're okay with D&C tactics as long as its basis is in truth:
I think the real problem is that you assume that using jewish tactics against the jews requires lying, which is a false equivalence in itself.
Wyatt Perry
Do you unironically call yourself a nazi instead of a National Socialist? Just call yourself tribal, clannish, a family man, a nationalist or racially aware. ____
Speaking of words– I love the word 'bastardized'. It reflects the debasing of our communities, how Whites have become bastards and it often implies that has been done to them since it is a verb. I think it should be used more considering how fucked up the White families have become and how it has been imposed through state policies. They're trying really hard to turn White families into nigger tier families.
Debauchery is also a good word to use. The problem with the word "degeneracy" is it implies that something was better at one point.
John Ramirez
If you think Jewish tactics aren't inherently deceptive, you're either naive and need to lurk more or you're a kike.
Just look at the former motto of the Mossad: It's a Torah passage, and there are tons of kiked human translations including on (((Wikipedia))), but if you run it through an automated translation service, here's what you get:
Jayden Scott
The word "degeneracy" is a powerful meme, but it requires that you are already redpilled. It sounds way way too aggressive, like something only a le ebil nazi would ever say
Mason Gonzalez
You're way out of your depth here. You might be thinking what you're dealing with is new or unprecedented but it's not. It's been done before and after these many replies I can see you're not going to get it right away.
If you're fighting an enemy that is inherently unfair (aka deceitful in all manners), doesn't play by any "rules," and you're handicapping yourself through these strict requirements, you are helping your enemy. The jews know this and constantly try to shame whites into playing "fair" but in practical application what fairness whites strive for isn't actually fair, it's self-imposed restrictions - whites are thus being unfair to themselves. Jews constantly use shaming tactics regarding this before all others. You don't perceive this because you already bought into it. This mindset is perpetuated by a rush to chase the invisible dragon of virtue and the idea that being virtuous on its own merits will save you.
The most relevant example to this is to look at what happened to GamerGate. Everyone on here called it when they were fighting amongst themselves, hoping they would appear virtuous to outsiders and that would make their case. On that note:
One of the best things GamerGate had at its disposal was bulletproof documentation of its enemies crimes. In a world without jews and with fairness, that would be all it needed. In our shitty reality, none of that was effective. The next best thing GamerGate did, which we suggested - or maybe not you because you would call it unfair and deceptive - was mailing the advertisers. That tactic was first used by leftists and jews.
The point I'm getting at here is that what you're adamantly opposed to is actually how things get done to fighting an enemy that has no civility. In a world with civility and away from jews, there might be a code of fairness and honesty. That's not what we're dealing with. However there is a silver lining to this.
What we have is the capability to do both, which is what we are essentially doing on a daily basis. What you're suggesting is already invalid based on how far Zig Forums has gone. In other words what I'm telling you has already organically developed. We are spreading the truth and in the shadows playing dirty - all to our own benefit. We are by default already the most virtuous by our own nature of being white, but that alone doesn't save us.
Nothing you are suggesting is practical, advantageous, or even realistic. If we suddenly started to follow your requests, it would lead to the same virtual death of GamerGate, called PRcuckery. Truth alone doesn't save you because this isn't a game of truth. The duality at play here is that we can champion truth and beat the jews at their own game. Be good, and circumvent the faux-rules of the fight. That's way beyond the scope of what jews are operating at.
Josiah Morgan
this guy gets it
checked, brilliant
Joshua Wood
We must ban superstition-based ritual infant genital mutilation.
Henry Scott
This is really dragging on with nitpicking from what was meant to be a bit of a throwaway single-post. You seem to be having some reading comprehension issues, user :^) I'll try to put my original thesis in point form for you:
Another front is the information war, which starts with a more level playing field and is more determined by tactics/strategy than initial strength. We have the option to:
There are a few reasons why they wouldn't mirror a tactic of ours:
Are there any traits that Jews are known to constantly display? Is there a certain behavior that serves as the foundation on which their whole new world order deal rests? They're in too deep with their lies, so if they were to be honest now they have not sufficiently consolidated power and would blow over their whole house of cards.
This means an advantage of ours is that we, and only we, are able to speak the truth in this conflict. This is highly valuable because: My point is that they have an upper hand because they control the state, but we need to identify where we have an upper hand, and in my mind it's the ability to tell the truth because our weltanschauung is not rooted in decades/centuries of pathological lying. It's an effective vector for the spread of information to friendlies, and it's also a very potent weapon to spread discord in their ranks.
Finally, to sum up: I was pointing it out as one strong move/play that aims right for, arguably, the enemy's biggest soft spot
To sum up with a short analogy, let's pretend we're talking about a sports game here
Absolutely not. It also has the benefits to associate niggers with homo.
Christopher King
You wasted a lot of text when you barely said anything and greentexted a few things that triggered you. We agree that the truth is essential and I can't help but point out that you're gravitating away from what you were trying to establish earier, probably because I called you out. Maybe next time don't use truth as a buzzword to hide behind your impulse for PRcuckery.
Jacob Campbell
I took it nice and slow so you'd be able to keep up Perhaps this time you were able to keep up
Anyway, nice pilpul skills, kike. If you're not one you ought to look into getting some sort of honorary designation.
*Don't use the greentext terminology, use the redtext teminology instead.
Grayson Martinez
Another thing, call non-whites by male and female, but call whites by men and women in order to do your part in dehumanizing non-whites
Camden Barnes
Whom the jews call a neo-nazi is basically anyone who is aware of what the jews are doing and won't be silent about it.
neo-nazi = whistle-blower
Adam Johnson
Tone police. That's already a leftist term in use.
Adrian Morris
This was a large part of Gamergate and why they hated it so much. Former leftists (like me) familiar with R4R and using it without shame.
Zachary Morales
Alinsky is just Sun Tzu for dummies. The tactics are time proven, they're just boiled down into digestible bits for normies.
Hunter Collins
You know who came up with that motto? Sun Tzu.
Jaxson Martin
Kayden Reed
Kayden Flores
Gabriel Reyes
And that student? Albert Einstein Although similar to Sun Tzu (any many others), they source it from Proverbs 24:6 from the Torah/Old Testament. As stated above, mainstream kiked official translations don't say anything about deception, but if you run that Hebrew through an automated translator, it does.
Connor Adams
Globalist I'd rather see become internationalist, because that would make it more clearly contrast with nationalist. You either support your country and its people or you seek to undermine your country and its people.
Speech Control was the first thing i thought of as well. It has a serious connotation and will cause a level of cognitive dissonance proportionate to their opinions on gun control.
Dominic Murphy
not the best thread but i'll chime in the latest lexical legerdemain by the orchestrated media in that they keep describing Trump's personal lawyer as a "fixer" like it's some film noir mob story. what's worse than their bullshitting is how predictable they are
Camden Torres
my point was that this can be used to cause further schism within the kike community. Im not saying to call jews by a different name, jews will still be jews, but instead make another faction in semitism to self destruct the abrahamic cults of death in general.
Jaxson Jackson
Bump for solid post Also Always Not males All the other races can be called males though, as they are less than human (men)
Colton Williams
The holohoax is, by definition, a conspiracy theory.
Holohoax supporters are historical revisionists.
The holohoax is the theory that "the solution to the jewish problem" was not, as German officials testified, deporting them under the Havaara agreement, but a conspiracy to instead murder them, destroy the bodies and falsify official records to cover up for the murder.
History is the study of documents, the official German government documentation does not support the theory of the holohoax.
This is a perfect example of being able to use their own words against them.