President Trump and Vice President Pence Deliver Remarks at the National Rifle Association 147th Annual Meeting and Exhibit.
Pence is on right now, Trump will be on shortly. Watching this talk kills the Hogg.
President Trump and Vice President Pence Deliver Remarks at the National Rifle Association 147th Annual Meeting and Exhibit.
Pence is on right now, Trump will be on shortly. Watching this talk kills the Hogg.
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Is there a better wingman out there than Mike Pence? He seems like the most loyal VP I've ever seen.
Trump is live now.
What did he mean by this?
Why would they speak at the (((NRA))) that wants more gun control?
Shills are here, it's an official party now.
Everyone has almost forgotten about David Hogg, I imagine he might use this for a last attempt at staying relevant.
Watch out.
Trump bringing up judge Ellis.
Did they bumpstock bill pass? I've been busy
Pretty high energy so far.
He made fun of John Kerry for falling off of his bike and breaking his knee. Top fucking kek
Lol. No. Trump was just trying to shut the children up. It's like how you tell a kid that Santa is real to stop them from crying.
Doubling down on his "Mexico not sending their finest" comments.
Nope. Honest question, absolutely nothing about that question was negative toward anything but the (((NRA))) who have pushed gun control since Parkland. So you can't really call me a shill without trying to fucking D&C yourself.
check'd & kek'd
How has the NRA been pushing gun control?
keep playing dumb jewboy. they shilled for a bump stock ban and more background checks.
Hi Sharia Blue. How are you today?
Are you trying to say that Zig Forums isn't well aware of the existence of that?
The question is;
How jew are you?
The bump stock bans would've been overturned by the SC, as they already did under the liberal SC a few years ago. Any age restrictions will be overturned by SC as well. That's why it was safe for Trump and NRA to throw suggestions out there to ease the public and not seem insensitive after a major tragedy. Literally nothing was ever going to come of it.
ok so you already knew how the nra pushed gun control. they just primed you for republicans enacting gun control with the parkland false flag/hoax aftermath. wait for their next event.
i know im going to die. i dont care at all. this world is broken.
asses and elbows amirite
this brief 3 minute 24 secs video is important to see for purposes of balance regarding this NRA political op
Trump, The Media, & Your Guns
First 2 are 2 faced cocksuckers.
NRA = gun control.
Trump the fake Jew is actually a Satan worshiping Freemason according to his own admission.
That he lies through his teeth.
He said, "Thats actually amazing I wouldnt have known that" you fucking retard. Under the blood refers to the Blood of Christ. God damn youre a fucking retard.
The missiles that had 0 casualties? Cool. Breddy gud m8.
well his father did make his bones in the columbian order building the kikes power base in jew york city for them. working with chabad kikes is in the trump bloodline and freds work with (((bunny lindenbaum))) keeping nigs out and bringing jews in shows it. building synagogues as part of his beach haven apartment complex made his intent obvious.
Is he repealing Lautenberg? GCA?
Still waiting for something to happen that benefits us and restores our rights.
Kikes are blowing shofars around your gun rights while he is standing on the wall standing strong in the face of that hell. He meant they won't be taken, he misspoke as they ARE under siege which he admitted.
But I'm sure you knew this, Levi.
Get thee behind me, Satan.
"Just a few moments ago, I signed a memorandum directing the Attorney General to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns."
youve been primed. not you since youre jewish but the goyim have been primed to accept your so called right wing president spouting pro gun control rhetoric. the next step is acting with the next orchestrated event.
It is over? Give me briefs.
Ain't happening friend.
Trump’s attempt to ban bump stocks will likely fail without congressional support
The Justice Department’s move to ban bump stocks is unlikely to work – again.
based congress has our back friend. youre right. ill be back next fake shooting to btfo those who dont trust congress and our president.
I'm sure I will hear the gnashing of your teeth over the sound of lube being applied to my rifle soon enough.
Schlomos trying to make Trump own their failure
try again but this time mention how your going to string me up from a lamp post on dotr. i want you to know how seriously people take your words.
Kek, this.
Why are Jewish people so fundamentally dishonest? It's like it's part of their religion or something.
The Jewish religion is based on how to out-jew their own god.
Talmudic Judaism insists that Jews are their own god.
ok, ok, but what if, through no fault of my own there is a glitch in my MK Ultra training and I mistake Whitehouse for Waffle House???
Is this a good place to ask how a Canadian can get into the firearms-owning hobby?
This would explain why I commit murder at waffle houses so much.
What is atheism ?
Become gunsmith.