Paging comp sci polacks. Does he know what he's talking about or is he a usual (((Harvard))) affirmative action hire?
He looks like he smokes weed all day while chillin' under a banana tree…
Paging comp sci polacks. Does he know what he's talking about or is he a usual (((Harvard))) affirmative action hire?
He looks like he smokes weed all day while chillin' under a banana tree…
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Um, no.
Looks like he might be a mixed breed. It appears he has some grasp on the 'theoretical' side of compsci, but its hard to tell how smart he actually is, or what he's capable of in practice. Is he just going from a script, or does he understand fully what he's covering?
Also I've found that the whole way they teach these things is rather useless for most tasks you come across.
His github is pretty empty:
All niggers that aren't lumbering about all day and can execute a task requiring higher than 70 IQ are undoubtedly mixed. There is not a single nigger in existence that displays an average IQ intellect that isn't a mutt. Non-nigger gene mixture is the source of higher than nigger IQ.
This also applies to jews. The source of "jewish IQ" is white mixture. The less a nigger looks like a nigger and the less jewish a jew looks is indicative of non-nigger and non-jew gene mixture.
was this really worth a thread?
He probably knows his stuff, because they would only pick a negro professor for an open course if he fit their narrative. In any case, "knowing his stuff", is just another way of saying that he's managed to acquire the knowledge superior men have laid before him. He's no Donald Knuth none of us are. Not really worth a thread. We know how the Bell Curve looks, it doesn't preclude the existence of intelligent nogs, just that their likelihood is of very low probability.
Two repos. One is class notes AKA the script he's reading from and the other is a fork of a python project. So no, he doesn't know shit. He shouldn't be 'teaching' anything more than grade school children.
Lower IQ individuals can pick up a lot by rote learning, memorization, and such. The true mark of competency is making important developments and innovation in the field; that's real genius in academia. Everyone else is doomed to be some nobody adjunct, which is tantamount to being a babysitter for young adults.
He's no Ted Kaczynski
Did a monkey rape a pajeet?
Yes goyim, go to the University. It'll help you in life. Then when you're crushed with debt and unable to code because a nigger taught you, you will naturally become a Bernie voter.
Niggers have a intelligence cap at 115 iq. If they are promoting a nigger for something out of their normal genetic capability of not stealing, murdering, raping like neil degrasse for his parroted science ,or a fat sheboon that does her job cutting a old guys waffles its jew propaganda. You know how they celebrated a nigger in space 40 years after White people were there that wasn't didn't even qualify in the astronaut test and overlooking we already had a monkey in space.
IQ is distributed.
For every black professor, there is a white genius far superior. That is the nature of the distribution of the bell curve.
I…Is that a thing? First I've heard of it. Do all races have IQ caps? What is it for whites/chinks?
Yeah he knows what he's talking about.
t. CS grad, 10 years of software engineering
No, that's retarded. IQ is normally distributed with different sub-populations having different means, but each race has millions of people and there is no practical limit.
OP is a grad or advanced undergrad course
tbh that doesn't mean much. There isn't any evidence of him being super smart here, he's just parroting things in the OP. He's smart but like TA smart.
On his homepage he has notes about data dimensionality reduction. LOL I'm second year math major at a top 100 uni and I learned PCA reduction IN CLASS, and factor analysis and more out of class. This kid is AA for sure.
I did papers on IQ and race had access to private school studies for anthropology courses. I would link to my findings if it didn't dox me.
As a general mean for their smartest yes. The highest IQs have been White men always surpassing the last White man so for Whites its been rather unlimited. Also some of the ancient greek/latin scholars are thought to have had a IQ of around 220. A few nips have been up there mainly Japs but, asians are known for cheating on test so they seem to cap out at 140s IQ range including the historical data. SE asians were around 120IQ capped.
Yes about 115 IQ seems to be the cap for negroes seeing as there has been no actual genius nigger that wasn't over hyped to hell for just being above average. Didn't find any actual negro geniuses even from historical data that had real sources evidence.
You kikes shill reddit fags are easy to spot back to the oven you go. Don't listen to this jew brainlet with that line of thinking he is saying "were all the same race guise hur dur". Its likes saying a country of pure niggers can suddenly have a entire generation have green eyes, blonde hair with no negro features.
In which the probability of that would be akin to a feather floating across the world 100 times and landing in the exact same spot. There has to be a mutation in their genes first and niggers lack that exact gene sequence.