John Kerry Committed Treason; Violates Logan Act
Wow, clear cut too.
Too bad Giuliani is not the AG.
kerry was part of that 'floor' group
It's pretty brazen user. Good post.
Fuck locking them up beyond the length of time tie takes to tie the ropes.
This has the leftys pissy. And right before shabbat too! Darn.
muhh treason to the United States…
Don't you have a dreidel to spin, Chabad Lubavitch chills?
You'd be more convincing if you switched IPs, Moshe.
Lose your script on the way to temple yid? You fucks are done.
Because jews don't want war with Iran?
Better start the bot before shabbat begins. Can't have you pushing buttons and having to sacrifice another baby just because you can't follow the rules and jew your way around them proper kike-like because you're matzo spitting mad.
Oh shit, you already did.
The JIDF certainly aren't sending their best.(Not a bot, but shitting up the thread arguing about something nobody said)
We noticed. I have a few more of your kid if you want to rotate them into the script, hebe.
You still aren't going to be able to sell anybody on another war for Israel.
Have a few more, nothing wrong with letting the newfags know what kind of fucks were dealing with.
Notice how the kike sets up a straw effigy to burn. Traitors will hang, enemies annihilated.
We need more rope memes.
This should be trending under #LoganAct
why the long face John?
Kekd and saved.
Have a transparent version.
Dubs checked
A new sport? The swamp lift? The 13 yard 39foot justice dash?
Is Iran even having any significant dispute with the US aside from the undeniable fact that jews are constantly being shitters?
>oy is the dispute (((significant)))?
Must really bother them knowing they should invest in rope futures.
thanks for sharing. A couple of edits for you.
Thanks for doing your part for the cause, user. If we had everyone putting in little things like that we'd get far.
should I select climbing rope or hemp rope?
Depends on if a jew has the patent for the materials in your climbing rope. If so, hang them with it. If not, hang them cheap.
Yes, the dispute is the Iranian nuclear deal. They cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons because of the threat to 'muh Israel'.
Uh huh.
Nice work, user.
Thank you too user. Yes, very true. I wish more anons would because it is easy to do from the command line too (Linux)
convert -transparent convert image_in.png -transparent '#ffffff' image_out.pngTo make transparent, & then overwrite the original image:convert image.png -transparent '#ffffff' /tmp/some_temp_file && mv /tmp/some_temp_file ./image.png
I usually do it by hand because of the artifacting in heavily compressed JPGs. But this convert command looks great. I just ran it without arguments and got a list of about a hundred options.
Will he actually be charged though? no. we haven't expelled enough kikes in the system to hang these traitors.
I don't want to be a buzzkill, but isn't the Logan act invalid/unenforced? I recall it being brought up when a bunch of republican senators wrote a letter to Iran saying not to trust Obama, and the dems were all screaming about it being treason. I suppose if he was actively trying to work against the United States then there might be a case, but he would just tell the kike judge "I was just trying to get them to not make nuclear weapons. I dindu nuffin." It would be great if this guy went to prison, or worse, but I don't think much is going to come from this. Considering the FBI and FISA were basically committing a coup, this seems like something the media will push as a deflection tactic. Maybe they're trying to cover up Mueller getting BTFO.
C'mon son. Laid or braided waxed hemp is the way to go.
Yes, for JPEGs you could have a lot of issues with aliasing, not so much with a GIF, or unfeathered edges in a PNG.
Convert is a wonderful utility, part of ImageMagick.
It can do PDFs to images, movie clips to animated GIFs, create images from commands, and that's not even scratching the surface. Another program "montage" for tiling a set of images is useful too.
So what is the punishment?
Were those republicans sitting officials? One of these things is not like the other, Mortdecai.
Wasn't the Logan act passed because a state legislator was trying to undermine U.S. foreign policy? Even then, seems to prohibit both officials and non-officials from unauthorized negotiations. I recall that Nixon undermined Vietnamese peace talks before he was elected too. We've also had ex-Presidents participate in negotiations. I just don't see a distinction to be made between being in office and not being in office. Though I'll reiterate my point that it's an unenforced law from the 18th century. It's only brought up when the normalfags want to try and throw the word "treason" at each other. I guarantee you that everyone in this thread would agree with me if Trump's son. was talking with Iran, and the media was saying he committed treason.
Really, what's the hold up?
No, they said they'd still do Israel's bidding once Obongo was out. It was pure kikery, which made them immune.
I made this for valentines day… little late but, happy valentines day!
oy vey, why haven't you died for israel yet you antisemite?
How did you come to the conclusion that everything is connected to the Jews? The mental gymnastics you're going through to believe Kerry is somehow a good guy now is beyond delusional.
You stormfags are about the worse when it comea to geopolitics. It's so bad I honest to god believe most storm fags are leftist larping to change the narrative.
Abrogating the Iran deal doesn't have to mean going to war with Iran. We could just let them get nukes.
Not that I like the idea of nukes in Muslim hands, but that cat's already out of the bag with Pakistan. Iran having them would totally derail the greater Israel plan, and make possible the Aryan dream scenario of Kikes, Sunni and Shia annihilating each other in a regional nuclear war.
Of course, if they do get them, there will probably be an attack on a US city with a small nuke by (((Iranian Terrorists))), followed by a chorus of kvetching "Oy vey, we must retaliate against Iran with full force!".
They unfroze Iranian assets, but I guess you think we should have just transferred those to our greatest ally, right?
Of which Obama already flew out to them on pallets.
there's no obvious benefit to either choice: iran getting nukes means nuking israel, iran not having nukes means muzzies don't have any
No, they flew out around $400 million (not "hundreds of billions"), of the around $2 billion in frozen assets. Take your neo-cohen talking points back to kikebart.
Sure is a big cohencidence that this is coming to light a few days after Bibi's "Iran lied" address.
The assets are estimated 100 to 150 bil. It doesn't matter if it were $1 or 400mil, fuck Iran and their pisllamic commie bullshit. Giving them nukes will only escalate tentions in the region and give Israel an opening for another false flag. Fuck them both and pull from the region. Fucking muzzie cock slurping cunt.
Iran outlawed its communist party, and is currently at war with the race that gave birth to communism. But by all means, keep repeating trotskyite neocon talking points. They're the "good commies", right?
No. The US should not be involved in ME policy. Backing the mullahs or Israel doesn't benefit us in any way and only adds mention that always, always blows back in our face. Trump idea of establishing a ME coalition is exactly whats needed as we pull from the region.
Adds tension*
There is is. Fucking yids.
Hardly a coincidence when jews are ALWAYS meddling and trying to undermine out country with closed door deals.
Don't come back shekelberg.
lurk 10 years before posting then kill yourself with 12 shots to the back of your head
I didn't say Kerry is a good guy. I said don't be a bunch of dumbfucks who fall for jewish tricks.
>Of course, if they do get them, there will probably be an attack on a US city with a small nuke by (((Iranian Terrorists))), followed by a chorus of kvetching "Oy vey, we must retaliate against Iran with full force!"
also this
Oh joy, sun went down in tel aviv, expect the kvetching to go through the roof now. You just know they were flipping their yarmulkes… well having a shabbos goy flip it for them while waiting to fire up their prayers with foreskins.
Pretty much.
They openly do the exact same crimes they accuse Trump's team of doing. And that faggot Sessions is asleep.
He'll be up for church tomorrow.
What the fuck are you talking about? All I've done is say what I think about the situation, and reply to another post. If I've said something wrong then feel free to point it out. I would like to know that Kerry is going to prison. Are you just mad that I'm actually discussing the topic instead of circlejerking?
Daily reminder that John Kerry's real name is John (((Kohn))). He is an organ of the eternal jew, playing the name game to masquerade as a goy.
Drudge is a kike
how is this a bad thing unless you're a neocon who wants war with Iran?
probably the first good thing the ketchup boy has done in his life
Kill yourself yid.
It's always a jew. No exceptions.
Yeah and? The kike wants shekels because the Boston Globe already broke the story. Water is wet.
Yeah, the Iran deal was terrible for us. Iran is eventually going to develop nukes whether we like it or not. Giving Iran billions dollars is retarded.
The real question is, will Iran be stupid enough to actually use nukes once they have them? Or just use it as a bargaining tool like everybody else does?
Fuck Iran
I didn't say that. Are you okay? Why are you so mad that I'm not circlejerking?
Hi Schlomo. Friendly reminder that Hezbollah is going to Shoah all of Israel with hundreds of thousands of rockets.
Actually they are. That's their elite squad.
check heil
John Kerry in Antarctica? I wonder which evil mastermind's underground lair was he summoned to.
Potentially illegal, yes. Clear cut? absolutely not.
He isn't negotiating, as both he and Mr. Zarif realize he is unable to sign treaties on behalf of the US government. He is either
A. Discussing the position but making no commitments (totally legal.) He could give advice on what Iran should do in order to incentivize president Trump to approve it. This is fine.
B. Promising to take certain actions using his position in the legislative branch in exchange for Iran making certain concessions. (highly questionable legality)
I find it much more likely he's doing A. Kerry is a lawyer, if memory serves, and doesn't want to put himself in legal jeopardy.
Global report for yidding.
This is the definition of treason.
Is this another one of those threads that tries to portray Iran as the bad guy by attaching some stinky liberal to them?
Kerry is also a satanist, which means someone somewhere has a video of him doing heinous things and that's his primary motivator.
It's not a secret underground base, its where the actual controlling families, clans, banking heads ect live, people we hardly know about our never hear about. Who owns the Rothchilds, who called in the debt on royal family (English royalty have been broke since 1700s, that's why they sell their land off)
where you get all this info from?
Haven't US officials been violating the logan act every year at those builder berg meetings?
McSpurdo Station
This was a very strange event
a lot of elite suddenly decided to stop by that station
Going to make a new board and call it i.slamopol. It's the only way to filter out the kike Darlings and t_d rapeuges.
Strong boarders for all I.slamic countries.
Or you could just stay here and die an incel.
I think we should provide nukes to Assad, to promote more balanced distribution of military power in the Middle East.
They tried it on Michael Flynn.
shhh, no one tell him
Humans are such easy prey. Bibi's plan is working wonderfully. The biggest irony? Unironic nazis are cheering for something that will greatly benefit Israel, simply because they hate the Democratic party and its officials.
This gives "divide and conquer" a whole new meaning.
You have been co-opted.