Electronics-recycling innovator is going to prison for trying to extend computers' lives

Electronics-recycling innovator is going to prison for trying to extend computers' lives

TLDR: Califaggot made a bunch of discs that give you a fresh install of Windows, and only work with a valid copy of Windows, because tech illiterate normalfags can fix their PCs at no cost, gets sued and sent to jail


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This happens all the time, surprised it got any coverage so it's probably a warning to others.
If you don't play soggy biscuit or a part of the right tribe, you get sued. Free enterprise has been dead for a long time, all it is a racket now.

Why didn't this faggot just use linux or BSD?

why doesn't the world

So the disks did not cost Kikerosoft "in lost sales".
Appeal to another court.
Sue the appeals court that threw your shit out.
Sue the judge and prosecuters for defrauding the American people.

with what money goy

The Jews got him because of trademarking. Not copyrights or patents. Jonestien and Saltzmann will file because trademark infringement is the easiest to prove, and because their full time job at Microsoft is to try to extort other buisness of their money (mainly through license abuse, but that's another story).

He is repair service provider.
Exempt from such trademark limitations, since he is not required to be license to repair, it falls within the normal function of his service.

It would be like suing walmart for infringement on keys because keymaking for lost keys.
Jews are shit at logic, tbh.

The issue at the suit, was that he placed Microsoft's logo, along with Dell's, on the disk he gave away with the computer. If you were a contractor, or even an employee of Microsoft, you can't place trademarks of your benifactor on goods they ultimately didn't produce.

Your point is moot, as he was selling bad looking restore disks that resemebed authentic ones that were produced in China on his orders.

He had it coming, honestly.

God I hate Microsoft so fucking much. What a load of cancerous faggots these silicon valley moguls are on modern technology.

microsoft didnt sue him
state of zogfornia prosecuted him

correction it was FEDs

Correction, it was the kikes
The tractor company, Massey-Ferguson, doesn't even provide manuals for tractors any more. A warning light comes on, you have to call in somebody to fix it, no attempting it yourself.
There's seriously cartels of instruction manual bootleggers out there. I like to imagine they trade them under the table in out-of-the-way, smoke-filled bars.


Russian social media sites but close yeah

Big business is also coming down on this sort of self-employed user in the UK. In the cottage industry of precious metal recovery, strong mineral acids are the life blood.
>have the same handful of once upon a time pretty White girls show off their horrific melted faces caused by jilted black Jamaican boyfriends on morning chat shows as fear porn.
>ban mineral acids, rub claws together as PCB scrap can now only be processed in your (((licensed))) facilities.

fuck I'd never considered this angle

The thing that made me notice a plan was afoot, was initially the Parsons Green tube "bombing", one of the "eye witnesses" to the bomb that never was, started jabbering about acid. Looked like she got her psyops mixed up and had inadvertently blurted out the script for a future event.
Then I noticed that many of the "acid attack victims" appearing on the usual psyop-boosting shows (such as 'This Morning' show in the UK), bore no signs of injury consistent with a recent acid attack. One guy appeared mere days after supposedly having his face drenched in concentrated sulphuric acid and had not even redness of the eyes.
I paid closer attention since then, and noticed a concerted effort to create hysteria. Of course, the right can easily be persuaded simply by telling them that pretty White women are being affected.
In reality there is no epidemic of acid attacks, the propaganda relies on stats relating to attacks with "noxious or corrosive substances", but that covers everything from a hot cup of tea, to pepper spray, to CS gas, to acid. Question: do the incident stats include police deployment of CS and pepper?
tl;dr it's propaganda, they just want acids out of public hands.

Pic related is the disc he got sued for. From the way it's decorated, it looks like it's made by Dell and licensed by Microsoft. This guy isn't "innovating" anything, he's cutting corners with dishonest business practices, same as an unlicensed car mechanic who makes it look like he's got an official contract from Ford.

Second pic speaks for itself.

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I bought some nitric acid for etching steel a few months ago, and I felt like I was trying to apply for a job - "yeah, no, I'm an engineer" - 'so how much will you need for this job?' "what do you mean, just gimme a fucken bottle you cunt"… 'ok well you can have a liter..' and the shit they gave me was so piss weak it was almost useless.
Fucking cunts.


Speaking of which, /r/ the cracked eastern european version of John Deere Service Advisor.

Where's/what's the best source for nitric acid, considering cost and convenience?

Making it yourself. Nurdrage on jewtube.

Wouldn't Microsoft and/or Dell appear on the data inside the disk, which is Microsoft and/or Dells fucking software he had no hand in creating and therefore makes the outer label a moot point?
No damage was caused either way, and no trademark was infringed by sharing freely available software simply because he placed it into a physical medium rather than distributed it digitally.

Say no more

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From what I understood, he sold those restore discs so that Microsoft wouldn't exploit people's money with worse means. Linux and BSD are already open-source systems, so they permit such actions without threat from the companies that own them. He acted where it was necessary.

The literal fedora, gay mannerisms, commiefornia background and cuck behavior make his otherwise forgivable dishonesty just too much to stand up for.

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consider the following

Too many people here trying to decipher the legalities, but it's pointless to do so. The truth of the matter is that the "law" does not exist in the sense that we're taught to believe. There are so many laws that it is not possible to understand all of them. A book of every law that you are expected to follow would fill an entire bookcase, and the second you stepped outside of your municipality and entered another, it would grow to expand another shelf. Highly intelligent and motivated people spend decades of their life trying to memorize the law to become lawyers, but they will never succeed in understanding anything but a small subsection of whatever area of the law that they choose to study. Even if by some miracle a genius among us was able to memorize every law that would ever apply to him, then he would still be trapped by varying court interpretations of the law leading to conflicting rulings on the same law. Nobody can grasp a complete picture of the law. This is on purpose.

If there are so many laws and no way to reasonably understand all of them, then it's likely that everyone has broken a law; everyone is a criminal. If everyone is a criminal, then the ones in charge can selectively enforce the law for everyone that opposes them, and look the other way for anybody whom it might benefit them to do so. When you see an article like this that highlights the injustice of the legal system, know that it is working exactly as it was intended to work. From a practical perspective: concern yourself with what is just and what is right, not what is legal and what is illegal. You'll get screwed by the system if you catch the ire of someone more powerful than you regardless of what you've done, and the rich and powerful will buy their way out of crimes regardless of what they've done. The only way to escape punishment is to avoid the attention of the powerful, or to make yourself anonymous.

The short and sweet: laws are so numerous and confusing that everyone has broken some. (((powerful people))) further their agendas by choosing which laws to enforce against whom. There are no laws. There are only sympathetic and unsympathetic judges, juries, and police. If you have the sympathy of all three, there is nothing so terrible that you would be punished for it, and if you've made enemies of all three, you will not be spared.

yep … this is the best way to look at it …

don't waste your good energy on any one in California.

Even if they seem decent , they are a lost cause, their parents should not have stayed there, they knew what they were getting with the hippies

you did it … you cracked the case … we done.
Why are you even typing?


this is our reality.
i hate everyone today.

I thought it was an interesting topic to discuss, even if it's a few weeks old. Like user said, this is an interesting angle to consider.

Oy, the lost sales are those lost through not being forced to upgrade and put into a new ecosystem goyim!

And the fact he tried to charge even the smallest of fees to cover the materials and handling. Kikes will have their claws embedded in every shekel because lets face it, all shekels belong to the jew, amirite?

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Very true. If he happened to nuke a bunch of computers with his discs labeled with their crap there would be jews on all sides screaming for blood. Well, more.

Don't know why but that tickled the fuck out of my sides.

So if I distribute your bank account digitally instead of taking your wallet, we're good right? kek

No he didn't. He copied what they already produced and redistributed it.


They aren't banning acids because of scrap recyclers stealing their gold. They are doing it because acids play a major role in explosives production, and they are trying to ban anyway of fighting back the goyim have.

They are doing both. Never assume that the kikes are playing just a single angle.

Why even buy apple tractors in the first place ?

Phrase of the month.

Well, it appears OP was a faggot.

< installing (((Winblows)))

Or got bamboozled by lying kikes. I've been bamboozled by lying kikes, so I know what that's like…

Still no damages, kikes.

cap worthy comment, concise and applies to every single situation which concerns the law.

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It's a matter of time before their empire crumbles in a violent confrontation of epic proportions. Corrupt assholes can only get away with so much for so long, even if the asshole is a revolving door of faces.

Thats what he gets for using windows instead of linux or something.

So much truth is spoken here. The law in America is a fucking joke and considering that most natrual born Americans were Christian it's even ironic. The very book tells people NOT to be a fucking jew who increases law and then play semantics with it in order to further grow their numbers and waist lines. Guess that's what happens in empty churches. Too busy trying to convince people they deserve that new car instead of teaching integrity and morality and respect for the law. I was born in 1985 and this law was a joke as soon as I was able to begin remembering things as a child. I saw it then and it still amazes me how people don't see it now.

Get the fuck out of here, if one owns a disc it is now your property to us ANY way you see fit. fuck microsoft

I absolutely agree with you. It's like the advent of the computer made people go mad thinking they are God or something over what someone does with their property. You can change the fake laws, but you can never change the real laws. If you own it, you can do whatever you want with it. Even freely share it, but the fake god of money says otherwise and it's unfortunate these scumbags played the victim role despite knowing the possibilities of what could happen. No one stole money from them and the concept of potential losses due to "piracy" is ridiculous to a fault. Far more important issues than some faggot not making a dime making something that is ultimately, not good.

What is the solution to it? Have morality police? Basically have judges that rule based on what they think things should be like.
I am not entirely opposed to that idea, but it would require a strong homogeneous culture to properly work.

Serves him right for helping people to install Windows. What a massive faggot.

Under Marxists and Kikes, there are no human rights.

The law should be simple first and foremost and judgments need to be made by people with good character, wisdom, and intuition. Legalistic approaches like we have now end up causing more harm to a country than good and it shows outside of TV. It does require a strong homogeneous culture to work, something the leaders of the world don't care for because they continually allow the propagation and seeding of individuality even if it's deterrent to the actual individual. The key is a balance between collectivism and individuality. Extremes are only good against an enemy, but once it starts being used in the law under those the law governs, it becomes a snake eating its own tail. The leaders of the world have failed their people and unfortunately, Thomas Jefferson's quote here is more relevant than ever before. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Tyrants are bountiful but hardly are there patriots and with the upcoming surveillance/police state of the NWO, it's only going to get worse. People who claim they have to put food on the table while eating their own aren't innocent either. For if they actually held their principles up instead of their selfishness, these people wouldn't have power to begin with. After all, hardly to Tyrants ever actually get their hands dirty.

The tractor company Massey-Ferguson doesn't exist, and hasn't for many years. And you are thinking of John Deere with the ultra jewish locked out hardware, not AGCO which is the tractor company that owns the MF brand.

I've seen this faggot getting posted everywhere and the entire story is wrong.

Microsoft didn't even bring the case against him, the US government did.

Microsoft did not bring this case: U.S. Customs referred the case to federal prosecutors after intercepting shipments of counterfeit software imported from China by Mr. Lundgren.

Lundgren established an elaborate counterfeit supply chain in China: Mr. Lundgren traveled extensively in China to set up a production line and designed counterfeit molds for Microsoft software in order to unlawfully manufacture counterfeit discs in significant volumes.

Lundgren failed to stop after being warned: Mr. Lundgren was even warned by a customs seizure notice that his conduct was illegal and given the opportunity to stop before he was prosecuted.

Lundgren pleaded guilty: The counterfeit discs obtained by Mr. Lundgren were sold to refurbishers in the United States for his personal profit and Mr. Lundgren and his codefendant both pleaded guilty to federal felony crimes.

Lundgren went to great lengths to mislead people: His own emails submitted as evidence in the case show the lengths to which Mr. Lundgren went in an attempt to make his counterfeit software look like genuine software. They also show him directing his co-defendant to find less discerning customers who would be more easily deceived if people objected to the counterfeits.

Lundgren intended to profit from his actions: His own emails submitted as evidence before the court make clear that Mr. Lundgren’s motivation was to sell counterfeit software to generate income for himself.

Microsoft has a strong program to support legitimate refurbishers and recyclers: Our program supports hundreds of legitimate recyclers, while protecting customers.

In facto Microsoft even made a blogpost about it and linked the actual case files in their blogpost for people to read about how full of shit this guy is.

Link here: blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2018/04/27/the-facts-about-a-recent-counterfeiting-case-brought-by-the-u-s-government/

If you want to hate on Microsoft there are plenty of reasons why, but at least have one that doesn't make you look retarded.


The punishment doesn't suit the crime: putting other people's logos on old software.

Definitely not jail-level stuff. Money damage? Yes.

These people are sociopathic fucks. Curse Microsoft, and curse the money-grubbing kikes.

It's almost as if the legal system in Amerika just makes shit up as they go along, kind of like another former super power used to…

Why, because it's white-collar crime? According to OP he was moving these discs by the tens of thousands (700k divided by 25), and in you can find communications like pic related. Don't worry, our boy'll be back out in 15 months at most, and almost certainly running a new con in a new state 2 months after that.

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They do. I work at CVS and they're a middle man company and I even hear their corporate people talking about how they "worded" things a certain way in order to take advantage of it under certain circumstances when conversing about a subject most weren't sure was possible because of federal law. Obviously I'm not going to state the subject matter here because my job is on the line, but regardless, they in fact DO just that. Unless the "counterfeit" discs contained harmful software that stole CC information or provided a backdoor to China, he didn't do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah Microsoft and other tech giants deserve to be gassed.

It's a waste of court resources tbh.

He should have recieved a request to stop labeling and all would have been okay.
What do you expect from nations that enforce "laws" with "deadly force".

No improvement.
He provided a service to ensure products work as intended/expected by returning them to their original functining state.

The case is essentially [car company] sues small locksmith who recuts old auto keys because he has point of sale image with [car company] logo.

From what I heard the government "lost" all his emails and years later "re-acquired" them from an informant, many of them showed signs of tampering.

He also claims he was not warned, they simply invaded his house with rifles in a swat like raid.

The guy was making boot legs of free disks. He used reproduced trademarks illegally. He was selling them for a profit.

It would be analogous to a company giving away free shirts with there logo, but there is not enough to fill demand. So you start printing up their shirts yourself without permission and selling them for a profit. Yes you can argue there is little financial impact for that company because they used to give away the shirts for free, but that does not matter it is still illegal, you are not authorized to use those logos.

What he pled guilty for he was guilty for. He did not go to jail for the 45 years the prosecution originally intended he got a 15 month sentence. Yes the prosecution had shady tactics and tried to tack on shit that did not belong but in the end what matters is he is guilty of breaking trademark law and he is serving time for that violation. It is likely he also broke copyright law and he is lucky he did not get found guilty for that, it would likely have been a much longer sentence.

Trademark law is a cancer.

It exists for valid reasons. Counterfeit products are also a cancer.

I have been in the position of needing to reinstall windows on old computers, Microsoft activly prevented me from using the reinstall ISO for the retail version because it was an OEM license. The OEM would not provide a reinstall CD as the computer came with a recovery partition. The entire HDD crashed so the recovery partition was useless. Things have gotten better sense then, and we can actually download an ISO to reinstall most OEM licenses now. Microsoft is not blameless for creating the market for this to happen, they have been and admit to extorting refurbishers $25 to relicense already licensed computer. But just because one party is acting unfairly it does not give a third party the right to exercise an illegal remedy.

A shocking number of brands that were industry standards are now simply gone. The Chinese produce counterfeits that so closely resemble the original average consumers can't tell without being an expert.

The Chinks have effectively colonized these brands. They are sold through retail outlets as the genuine article. People along the supply chain generally don't realize what's happened. This is most pervasive in specialty electronics.

tl;dr For many goods there isn't an "authentic" anymore. Only Chinese copies.

It does give them the right. Just because someone thinks ink on paper is more important than people doesn't make it right and if law isn't morally right, then it's no good. Law that serves a few over the majority is never morally right. Justifying rampant greed because of good produced as a consequence, over time, will always lead to ruin.

Counterfeit products are only cancer when they do not function as they are advertised, but that's more of a marketing problem than counterfeiting. A watch is a watch and any value added to one more than is necessary is am utter waste and invalid in real law that is deterministic to bring wealth and prosperity to the people through peace. But this is only a by product of a bigger problem that is education which is more like indoctrination in this day and age in order to produce a force and not a people.

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nigger I will pirate windows every day of the fucking week.


Thing is, the majority doesn't care for it. It's why it's wrong. So then your type has to go around convincing others that it is just. If it was, the majority wouldn't have started the internet out breaking laws that took kicking and screaming to become enforced. The thing here is, you have no eyes to see.

Way to post like a nutjob to make said point of view look crazy. Bonus points if you unironically believe that and actively sabotage your own positions.

Justice is about who is right, not popularity.

He was told to stop what he was doing and told the government to go fuck itself, as I wrote in and .

He wasnt, they came with guns and knocked his door in.
listen to the interview further up in the thread.
Also microsoft gave false testimony
claiming free isos was worth 25$ each and thats what the judge based his sentence on

AI lawyers when?

They law is by designed written to give the judge interpretation room -do what they want

I read about this on Kohlchan

But that's bullshit. Only the first judge to rule on the law has that freedom, subsequent judges are bound by precedent.

Zig Forums is the place for this

My GPU died because (((EU))) banned using lead in solder

Just because something online is free does not mean you have the right under our kiked law to redistribute it. If he had looked up legal advice to avoid infringing their trademarks and copyrights, he could have at least had a case. Copyright law is jewish as fuck, and ironically the reason GPL exists. Even if it was created by an equally butthurt kike. For anyone that would like to avoid this situation, read up on trademark law and realize that while you can sell a CD that boots, downloads MS's recovery disc from their website, burns it to a second CD then reboots, you can't just burn a copy of MS's recovery disc and sell it.

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this entire problem exists because he used windows and not *nix

never forget about the software jew

Swatting someone who couldn't harm a fly if his life depended on it.
Zogbots are a cancer, and since there are unironic zogbots lurking here right noe, (YOU) are a cancer too for being a tool of the kikes and should be exterminated too.
Guilty by association.

Should have installed Gentoo.

Bad luck for being stupid.

This is what you can:
- You can store Microsoft software on your own server.
- You send your customers links to said software so they download the software
- You can have a user area where your customers can download the software as long it is not public

What yo can not
- never ever and under no circumstances burn Microsoft software for your customers on discs if Microsoft did not specifically allow it (and they never will)

On court they will always win when you have burned and spread their software. They simply show their endless similar cases and fuck you up.

Did he actively advertise a "Windows Restore Disk", computer restoration software or a "Restore Disk". Did he advertise at all?

They can't really claim copyright infringement if it's not the "Windows Restore Disk" and he'd also have to make money either through ads or specifically because of the disk. If part of his business was just restoring computers there really is no reason to do to jail. I mean we are all filthy goyim I'm sorry

The appeals court upheld a federal district judge's ruling that the discs Eric Lundgren made to restore Microsoft operating systems had a value of $25 apiece, even though the software they contained could be downloaded free and the discs could only be used on computers that already had a valid Microsoft license

looks like (((they))) ate one of their own useful idiots.
Rest in Piss, cuck.

You must buy new components with the latest NSA backdoors built it, goyim

I wish we had Lawfags explaining the details and how we could act upon it.
