The powers of Australia seem set on continuing and accelerating our population growth and demographic decline and project a growth from 24 to 36 million by 2050 despite the sub replacement birthrate. Already a third of these immigrants come from China and India, not even counting visa holders, and that proportion is only growing. Kevin "Han" Rudd has been talking about this for a while, and it's really coming to fruition. This is the inevitable outcome of the elimination of the White Australia Policy and the transformation to a service and immigration economy. If we don't stop this we are going to create hell on earth in our very cities. The exaltation of economy and progress has poisoned every well and all must drink from it, and that means replacing ourselves. What can we do about it?
Big Australia
Other urls found in this thread:
They are transparent in their aims, but the response is apathy. The Australia of thirty years ago would have razed parliament over this.
They operate on a very different level than you and I. Of course they don't care about real economy and "progress", but then I would consider it "progress" to deport every first and second generation family. They care about metrics and the appearance of prosperity, not the thing itself.
They're wilfully destroying the country to line their pockets, and who knows for what other ungodly motives.
Fuck sake if there gonna let immigrants in then they might as well take the chinks would be less of a bother than mudslimes.
You fail to grasp the scope of this, think about what Australia might look like as 50% asian. There are billions of them and they will keep coming until we stop letting them in. The problem of the chinese and muslim and whatever immigrants is secondary to the traitorous politicians running the joint and the sleeping population who won't give a shit so long as they can watch TV and buy fast food
High immigration is is bad for the people and the people don't want it.
Any delusion I once had that Australia is a democracy has died with this one issue.
We are now in either an oligarchy or a dictatorship. The only question is who will run it.
This is the key here. The inevitable end point is that Australia ends up looking exactly like the countries from which it is importing people. At this point there will be no difference between Australia and its feeder countries, and, finally, immigration will stop.
Also, fuck the boomers, and I quote:
"Why should I care? I only need to get another few decades worth of pension out of the place before I die."
Fuck mate, they don't even bother wearing a mask anymore.
South African here, how do you guys think the racial landscape will change over the next ten years if nobody does anything about it? I heard a lot of our guys are that side and I reckon they're behaving themselves (most of the time) but what is scaring me is that it would seem that there'll be a point in time where mass migration will be the only solution for whites. That means, whites migrating to a central point in order to form a homogeneous society without the jews. I'm still sitting this side, hoping Siener was right and I sincerely do believe he is right… but i'm not looking forward to the bloodshed or the world of tomorrow. Sit tight Aussies, we love you.
I'm approaching critical levels of blackpill. I have seen the future and I despair. I only wish the world of tomorrow would come faster because the wait is tortuous and all I can do is prepare
I can agree on that. I'm not even armed at the moment. Everyday gets worse. Just yesterday they were burning shit on the national road. Problem is that you have kids, fucking 6 years olds throwing stones and bricks into freeway traffic and there is fuck all you can do about it. You can't fucking lift a finger against blacks this side. And now Australia wants to fast-track white farmers for immigration! That's amazing! I'm really happy about the news of that, but the flip side is that the rest of us, we're going to be so fucked when we lose our farmers. Fucking hell buddy, i don't even know what to say except byt vas and never give up.
Same. I'm planning on moving to Eastern Europe. This country is fucked.
Sorry, i did not mean to derail. I'm a tad intoxicated as we speak. But ye man, just be prepared. And never wish the horrors ever. I sincerely hope you guys get your shit together, I think the Aussies are probs the only red-pilled white people in a current 1st world environment left in this world.
There is still hope outside of the cities user. Communities cannot exist in the cities because cities are a low trust environment with too much turnover that is exacerbated by immigration. Outside of the cities, people can behave like humans rather than like animals.
How is Wollogong? When i'm at work I sometimes like to go to foreign countries and look at maps and shit. I know it's autistic but I like to pretend that I may move to some place one day and start a family. I already support all my other family members, but I mean, have kids and stuff. Something i'll never wish to do here. I also don't get how non of you crazy fucks aren't scared of spiders? We have critters in Africa too but it's a fucking joke how you guys don't give a damn about it, or so it would seem. Not an arachnophobe but are the people really "IDGAF" when it comes to things like that huntsman? I think it's called that. Huge ugly bastard that looks worse than a wolf or baboon spider. Are they really everywhere and as common as I see on the net?
Capitalism is not your friend.
I know, spending a couple months in Melbourne made me a big Linkola fan. Though the agricultural visa in the works would destroy even the farmlands, we're very lucky with the volume of land we have to work with. Even if the cities are gone, we can't let the country go
The huntsmans will eat up all the white tails and other shit cunt spiders.
It is a lovely place by the sea, but like most industrial cities in Australia it was built for an industry that is much smaller than what it used to be. If you are a tradie or self-employed then it is a good place to live.
Walks the walk, respect.
But fuck I don't know Anons. The life in the country is good but the war is in the cities, and it is much better to fight on the enemy's land then on your own.
Don't come here aussie. We are full
I think the key is this. The Anons fighting in the cities MUST MUST MUST have a fall back position that is manned 100% of the time by other Anons who are living in the country. That way when the city Anons are wounded or distressed or otherwise traumatized they can fall back to the country base and other Anons can take their place.
Sage for doublepost.
Except it doesn't even make money, it just burns it!
ah okay, makes sense. But they're hand sized? And I'm sure the bastards will give you a nasty bite. The thing that gives me the grills (heebyjeebies) is the fucking size of those mothers and the fact that they hide under your sun visor in the car, at least on YT as i've seen.
Thanks user, that sounds lovely to be honest. I would love nothing more than to move to a place like that, but i'm torn. I wouldn't leave this place without my family and I wouldn't want to move there and be a burden on your society and culture. We're afrikaners, we're proper fucking africans and home will never be home, no matter where we are or how many of us are in a particular place. Would love to visit though but never left this place and never had the cash. Still, it's nice to have allies and I rate the aussies are the most reliable guys you find when it comes to black and white - straight shooting people.
t. mad max 1's (the original) biggest fan.
Un-fucking-believable. They take Billy Hughes' speech from 1935 "Australia must populate… or perish" completely out of context. Hughes was a fundamental supporter of the White Australia Policy and was talking about need to increase the WHITE population to fend off the asian hordes to the North. Today, we are being colonised by the Chinese exactly as Hughes foretold, and the cunts at ABC are using his speech to justify the chink invasion, claiming that the idea of a 'big Australia' isn't new. I am quite literally choking on my rage right now.
Right of blood.
M8, I've been bitten once by a hunstman when I was getting mail from the letterbox. It was my fault for being careless and it felt like a really hard quick pinch as if I had caught it in a door jam when the door closed. Their venom is less powerful than that of a bee and I was sorry that I had disturbed the female and I got a piece of paper and got it into a plastic container and put it back in the letterbox. I never kill hunstmans around or inside my house, they are nature's pest control.
M8, I've met a lot of Rhodesians and Afrikaaners in my part of Australia and they've always been top blokes. Their women are hot too. They like the area of Australia that I'm in because it reminds them of home. You guys have been a boon to our society and I can't stress enough how much you and your folk are welcomed here in rural Australia.
Bushranger revival when?
Bricky here, 90% of the new houses o build for are poos or asian, usually i assume its a renting house (cant think of the actual word, fuck you i worked today and im half pissed) an all i can look forward to i the housing bubble bursting and all the massive mortgages going to shit and they lose it all and fuck off back to streetshitter and chink borders. They're all scum and need to be physically removed, same with the nigger and coconut population..
Thank you so much user. That means the world to me. I'm just too broke to leave, and even if i mustered up the cash to move over to you guys, i'd be leaving a lot of family behind and it'd kill me. I'm a very isolated individual but my folks and their family come first. I could never leave them knowing that they'd be stuck down here in this shithole. Most of them live in Joburg which keeps me awake at night. I'm on the fence about moving, i'd love to go to australia or eastern europe too but as I said there are things that withhold me from doing so. Fuckit, I just really hope you guys, for your sake, don't get overrun but politicians who allow the hordes of immigrants to ruin your country. Godspeed user, thanks for the casual conversation, it means a lot to me and I wish we could have sat down and shared a beer right now. It's a beautiful, but windy sunny day here at 1:41 pm.
Rhodesians are the best as well. I'll never comprehend how badly we fucked them but there were many half rhodie/half saffa relations in our bush war. Col Robert Schollenberg (schullie) is a great example of that. Ian Smith was the best politician to have ever lived in my opinion. Albeit, they were very liberal, much like aussies when compared to saffas. It's interesting though. I'm a bit half and half. Afrikaans, but more on the Hugenot side than the Dutch side, and it's strange that my folks raised me english but spoke afrikaans to one another. It's like an episode of 7de laan to be honest. We're white and we're proud and that's all that matters. We've been given an identity and I will never ever hide my power levels. Life is not worth living if you don't have reasons for living. I will die for my God-given identity, my faith in Jesus Christ, and my country which rightfully belongs to me. Stolen from the Khoi San who were massacred by the Bantus, I will not subscribe to fake history. I will not back down. The fucking kaffs will kills us all but i'll take as many of them with me as possible.
p.s. What's this apex gang shit I hear about on the news? I hope you fuckers mince them good and proper. They are pathetic when alone. Nogs can't fight without a crowd. There's a fucking hole in the desert for cunts that cross us. I'm fucking tired of legalism. "Human rights" are a fucking joke that protect the oppressor, not the victim.
Any Anons in this thread, now is probably a good time to read this again.
So lads, what can we actually do about these pigfuckers? I'm not keen on letting these cunts have free run to push their shit. People may be apathetic but I've seen to much good land go to shit for housing developments to stay quiet.
If that was misdirected to me, I apologise. I'm on a bit of a wine bender and I haven't slept it days and horribly depressed. Wasn't trying to upset the general direction of the thread. Was just trying to add my 2 cents of how important it is for Australia to stay Australia and curious to know how Saffa's have impacted them, because even in a perfect world, we'd be outsiders to them.
bookmarked you link btw. Thanks user. This place has been jewed up so badly that 80% of everything is shitposting against shills and kikes for no reason but to pass the time.
Far as i know they only exist in (((melbourne))) cause only shitskins, boomers and kikes still live within the city
The problem is never the nogs, it's the enablers. They're the ones that bring them here, they're the ones that protect the shitcunts and they're the ones that constantly defend them while agitating against us.
Good to know, don't take shit from them. Don't give them a fucking inch. Don't ever go soft. My black Zimbabwean barman (He will take a bullet for me and vice verse) is more human than the fucking sub-humans that mug, murder and kill our people. I'm not a pessimist, optimist, just a realist. The Mediterranean used to separate man from animal but no longer. I wish the west were more vigilant and less naive about it, Sweden is the joke of the century.
These are the demographics of Melbourne's future, goyim. No need to be concerned.
Kek There's one white kid among the asians, and they give him a close-up. Nothing at all to worry about.
Words cannot describe my rage.
Potential blackpill - Australia is too big, too open and too isolated for its population to defend. Do you think this affects its immigration policy?
Aircon here
Expat from Canada
They're still waiting for the bubble to bust back home to matey
And lemme tell ya it gets tighter than a nuns clacker before she bursts
Also , I moved up to qld from Sydney , as I am witness to the thousands of apartments I installed ac in and not a single one has gone to a white Aussie , the rural country towns are a plague of meth and literal third generation doll bloodgers who want more Westfield's and hungry Jack's then they do a job.
I want to start IRL local action , but how and where would I start ?
Changing the culture as I can appeal to youths as I used to be a degenerate pot smoking drug dealing loser , until I realised I must become my own role model . and been straight and narrow ever since .
I love this land and its people and made the decision to either be just as productive as the best Aussie or even better .
I can communicate with folks on any level , just need a hand …
Its a frustrating dichotomy , social media must be of some importance or else they wouldn't be banning everyone left and right. National socialism is the goal ofc , and I can see the doll youth are indeed hungry for change…
Sorry for the rant gents
Just … Want to do my part is all .
Australia was extremely well defended demographically through an armed and fighting populace combined with White Australia policy. It's only recently that this notion came through as we see the slow rot of subversion sink in through parliament. Who knows where we'd be if we weren't disarmed and pacified?
39:15 I hate this hambeast. Every time it comes on, the fat cunt waffles on in globalspeak, espousing platitudes, seemingly saying a lot but really saying nothing at all. They talk about incel men being a problem. Far more of a problem are creatures like this.
Interesting screenshot, thanks. Read all of it. Never knew this. I had thought perhaps the indefensibility of it all made one a bit defeatist about immigration, not to mention too much sun, surf and the good life makes one complacent.
Its alright, I lived in Figtree for a few years while doing my studies.
Huntmans are harmless but they look scary, its funnelwebs, redbacks and white tips which you should avoid.
I dont think I could live in Eastern Europe, too fucking cold.
Let me guess….
That thing has zero children, right?
So.. she doesn't give a shit
I don't even know where to begin with the rage and heartbreak I feel at that.
As an Australian I say that their is literally no benefit to me as a member of the working class for Australia to have more people, even IF they were white
niggering every place on earth
I'd rather Australia be 70% Muslim than 40% Chinese tbh
I already see a problem when drought conditions hit. I can see that adding considerable strain to water resources no matter how they account for it.
Or fuck not even a drought, what of floods, cyclones, pest infestations, dust storms, etc etc
it's always the ham beasts
Bugger off, Ahmed.
Mudslimes are very obvious and can be fucked off with, they are really a paper tiger and dumb like a nigger
While you Zhang are a subversive and nation wrecking force that must be exterminatte
So fuck off Chinky
Checking those numbers for getting the chinks out of our country. They're locusts that need to go back.
No not sent back but we must send a message to Bejing and get rid of the yellow perril
I fucking hate chinks. And I fucking hate arabs. There is no preferring one over the other. If either of those demographics rose to 40% - let alone 70% - the country would be well and truly fucked.
We ought to get out there. Join the military and become an officer. Become a doctor. Call your MP and start networking. We can't go out with a whimper.
Oh Australia is already well and truely fucked, and we're much better than Europe and America
How do I be a politician?
Chinese people are way less shifty than all the South East Asian trash that comes in.
Viets, thais, flips etc. are pretty much irredeemable.
The biggest problem with Chinese people is that they jew up real estate prices.
Worst of the lot are South Asians - pajeets, pakis and the like. Shifty and dishonest as the worst of the East, but with the ability to stink up any enclosed space within minutes (as an added bonus).
Not gonna happen for a long time
Totallfyb gona
sorry \drunk now.
That looks more like Obese Australia than big Australia.
How the fuck did trade unions go from protecting job interests to giving them to Pajeet?
I don't even.
And they need fresh blood for the mortgage ponzi it seems.
The Australia of 30 years ago had guns.
Now you're just a slave to the globalist machine.
It went bad in the 90's when parliament became completely blackmailed by pedophilia rings.
That's always the case, those with no children have nothing to lose and are spiteful to those that do.
The real "incels" for children - feminists. Spiteful at female success. So they try to destroy it.
Is Pauline Hanson still around? I remember 20 years ago she was advocating for more White Australia policies.
Hanson is just another diversity-minus-Religion of Cuck™ cuckold these days. 100% Kosher.
build IRL networks of like minded people.
it may not seem like much but either join a local group or make one and recruit.
we cant aim for much more than that until we have that groundwork of IRL networks in place.
That's too bad. Are there any reasonable regular White Man politicians left there at all?
>the (((enablers)))
always kill a traitor before an enemy.
thank you for posting that, user.
I need to go to sleep because that is enough for one life time, let alone one day.
Digits tell the truth
Wate of time. Seek power and use it to acquire more power. Run for local political office and work your way up the ladder. It doesn't matter how lowly your position is to begin with, it only matters how high you can go.
i work high up in the government and let me tell you: this country is completely fucked. there will be no salvation.
easy, whites will be a minority by 2050. i haven't done the math but you can figure the answer yourself.
Australia First Party seems genuine. Unfortunately they don't have much influence and have mostly been limited to contesting local elections, but they've managed to survive for a long time in a country openly hostile to nationalism. I still hope that one day the ex-UPF guys will align with AFP to unite 'oldschool' Aussie nationalism with the younger identitarian/alt-right inspired crowd. It needs to happen if nationalism is to move forward in this country, but as of yet I'm still waiting. There is an user shilling for Sustainable Australia in this thread. They have Dick Smith on board and their policies on immigration don't look too bad, but looking through their policies they couldn't be considered anything more than civnat at best.
We need an outright nazi party to be honest.
People may vote for it, without revealing that they did so.
Do everything you can in your current position while setting your sights on going higher. Find people in the government who share your views and work together. That's where networking actually comes in handy
the one thing prevented change for the better right now is the timid nature of humans.
You are a weak man. So I believe that you work high up.
Why are nobody exploiting indigenous Australians to promote border control?
People should say that immigration is worsening the "abo genocide" and should be stopped for crimes against humanity.
the vast, vast majority are true-believer communists. many are involved in cults and kabala. to get to the top, you need to be a high ranking mason, verified as trustworthy by one of the many official communist orginizations etc. we don't live in a democratic system user. it's a puppet dominion owned by bankers. just get out if you can.
they're owned by the left who ship them around in buses to vote at all the polling stations. you can't do anything with them without getting permission first.
Australia will always have hot abo bitches to root and chinks can't take that away from me
You guys should check out some of the abo porn, there's a bit of it nowadays
whites are already a minority you nit wit
all of this "immigration" to white countries is genocide plain and simple.
CONTEXT you fucking moron. I'm talking about Australia.
But that implies that a significant proportion of whites are not silently part indigenous Australian.
Seriously, it's the fucking trump card if played right.
No whites not breeding it genocide.
Whites breeding with others is genocide.
Whites not talking to girls because they're pussy is genocide.
tl;dr Get a wife, we will beat genocide through sex and childbirth.
I know, I've thought about it lots. However, the left effectively control the access to abos and abo access and you can't really do any work centred around abos without offcial permission from the left.
I've dyslexia so I've decided to remove myself from the gene pool. Breeding isn't for everyone.