pictured: author of the article "Gaby Del Valle"
pictured: author of the article "Gaby Del Valle"
and yet we still need unlimited immigration to do all of the jobs you dont want to goy!
HAH. This was actually happening in the Obama era and the collective left did nothing but deny it and praise Obama's unemployment numbers. Truly, the audacity of these (((people))).
I'm not reading all that, but what a disgusting broad. She needs to stop chewing on her lips.
Of course it's bad, because (((people))) who run dem programs won't be funded anymore and might have to find real work.
What IS the right way you fucking kikes?
Leftists have their head far up their asses too much. If Trump cured cancer, then they would argue that it's bad because less money is being funneled to old cancer treatment.
That's why no one should pander to leftists, they are not right, they are objectively wrong. That's why they're left.
This just means we need another 50 million mexicans to immigrate :^)
Eat shit, kike.
She's saying the same thing Trump said about Obama's unemployment rates being false. Nothing has changed.
Artificial maintained joblessness to further decrease and pressurize wages.
They're suddenly reporting real numbers? The kikes are helping to maintain the reported and non-reported (((statistics))) by throwing a spin on it with MUH BEANERS.
Unemployment rate is low.
"We need immigration to increase the unemployment rate." – Dems in CY and beyond
I imagine because they're saying its bad, its actually because unemployment is legitimately down. Usually, people on some kind of job seeker program count as employed or at least not counted as unemployed. Part time counts as employed, zero hour contracts etc. They fudge the numbers to hide how bad things are.
Unemployment isn't down.
Trump has done a lot of good, but he hasn't changed the actual economic situation. I imagine there's a reason he's positioning himself as changing it (make him look good before the kikes crash the markets, perhaps), but the underlying economics are still 100% shit and just as bad as they have been for the past ten fucking years.
Eh goblins has a point, the left were doing the same shit with obama
Ideally workforce participation would be 50%, because that would mean women are not working and doing as God intended them to do, make the home.
You obvious Jewish shill, kill yourself
That picture is extreme weak-minded behavior.
Never in history did people live by doing nothing. People had to hunt, farm, and die in war. Never in history was life so fucking easy that most people never saw a field or farm animals or war.
Going to school for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 180 a days a year is hardly "work". That's why a lot of people straight out of high school can barely hold a job because it's an entirely different atmosphere.
Life is easy except kikes rob you at every single moment instead of allowing you to keep what you earn.
I honestly would like to see this.
Name one thing. No, not promises to buy support. But concrete things.
Nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
Syria draw-down despite multiple false flags.
Wall construction has begun.
ICE deportations up (Obama's numbers were faked, he included being turned away at the border as a 'deportation').
Massive tax cut and simplification of tax code, including removal of Obamacare tax.
I don't know how accurate that is or how one could even check it for veracity without advanced combing software to sift through whatever may have been written on the subject. I'm not sure how much stock I would put into anything coming from any conglomerate media outlet or subsidiary as being a "collective" anything.
For who, though? The overwhelming majority of people in the United States, especially White people, aren't going to see anything more than a few hundred or a few grand a year, likely immediately eaten up by debt service.
The same Neil Gorsuch who decided deporting non-citizens for violent crimes was unconstitutional?
$200 a week increase to the average wage slave paycheck.
Gorsuch is a "letter of the law" type, that was known going in.
kikes see the taxpayer as a cow to be milked dry by force of law
An actual constitutionalist would acknowledge that the administration has the right to deport any non-citizen for no reason at all.
Criminal trespassing
How did you earn the money to buy the land and equipment?
The US military turns shitloads of good people away, simply because there's no need for them.
And never in history did people ride on such a narrow edge between survival and death. See how long you last with no income and no gibs. If I break a bone, it would cost me four months of pay before tax to cover the costs of having it mended. Or I can try to set it myself and die of blood loss and/or infection.
If you have a good job, then more power to you. Revel in your fortune. Just know that a low unemployment rate means more people are slaving away for a "keep the absurdly high gas bill paid so I don't freeze to death this winter" job. You can't just fuck off into the woods, snare a deer, and build a cabin without pissing SOMEBODY off, and the police will come and get you. Yeah, a few fuckers have managed it in the past, but let's see a few tens of thousand fuck off innawoods and see if it doesn't result in a shitstorm.
This type of "journalism" needs to die immediately
Are these accurate figures or is this not including the rolloff numbers of chronically unemployed?
In general if one is unemployed for more than a year you stop getting counted as unemployed, it's a great way to pump up the numbers without changing anything.
can't wait for the bloodbath on the markets next week
DOW at 22K here we come
That reminds me, been meaning to ask for a while but this isn't really the place for the thread but I imagine the people here would know better than most.
What are some decent jobs that aren't going to crush my soul?
Worked 3 years with a small lawn mowing company, worked 6 years at gamestop as a manager (which was absolutely miserable), and 2 years off commissioned art. Now I've been out of work coming up on 5 years and I've got to do something again. I'm tired of leeching off people and want to be able to support myself.
sell drugs
funny story, a guy pulled up to my car just yesterday, flashed more money than I'd ever seen in my life, bragged about selling drugs, then sped off. You gotta wonder why those people have such shitty cars and live in such horrible conditions when they have that much cash.
It will just get seized when they are busted so they gamble, drink, and do drugs. Bitches can smell the money. Chimp life is pretty basic.
It's called emotionally charged language, user. Goyim won't know what to feel if they're not told.
No one here is going anywhere, chaim. And your low effort memes don't work.
fuck off, he is right.
Work is a requirement of life. A noble, albeit time consuming thing.
Posting lots of images associated with white identity will not make your slide post any less of a waste of time.
We will forever labour on the earth, and it is an important part of being a man to drive one's time and effort to producing the fruits of the earth.
That's a nice spin, but the whole ruling was about a new ruling with some awkward wording that got shot down. The ruling did not make it harder to deport people than it already was.
Why do you assert it has to be "a few tens of thousand" that go off and homestead? Do you need tens of thousands of others to support your own existence? Because if you do then nothing will have changed, presumably you're already an urban city dweller.
If you have no other conceivable choice and it comes down to fucking off innawoods, you've essentially admitted that one could still do it with the correct skills. If you have the ability to access this website you have the ability to access critical life saving knowledge, to use the over-dramatic vernacular you seem to be so fond of.
I'm no fan of our stagnant economic growth decades and decades on end when it comes to avg household income and so many other factors but choosing to bitch and moan about it will not only fail to solve any of the problems you're faced with, you'll create more
Oh? That complaint sounds familiar. What is completely fucking the methods of analysis to artificially increase the employment rate for YEARS?
Absolutely no connection to the 200 years of Jewry the US has suffered.
Entrepreneurs? Shut it the fuck down!
are those people qualified for such work? I'm forced to work sub 6-figure salary jobs despite wanting 6 trillion dollars. measuring the percentage of people in full-time positions is a slightly misleading way of gauging the health of the job market
if your job doesn't pay for your sex transition, you might as well be unemployed.
The absolute chutzpah of these kikes.
Shit, they renamed the Dubois to Rasczak and got rid of the actual Rasczak character in the movie? It's been a while since I watched it. Weird.
What shit leftist read: jewish logic.
smh tbqh fam
Where do you fucking live, user ?
You don't even have to show proof of id.
An honest person will not lie like a jew.
Though the prices are kiked to the other side of the flat earth.
Do it faggot.
Why are people "not looking for work" no longer included in that definition in the first place?
But the jew is right about the lower amount of full-time work and better paid work.
Probably because they're being given to non-US citizens. :^)
What do they mean "leaving the labor force"?
If they mean "people are retiring" then that is fucking retarded.
Yeah I found that comment amusing too.
That is another thing to consider nowadays.
The difference between new money and old money is that old money learned how to stash, save and hide.
Almost every wealthy family did it by breaking the law.
Extremely low unemployment can actually cause hyperinflation, as employers need to pay higher and higher wages but places like grocery stores start charging more and more for basic foodstuffs. Although from an different starting point, it can quickly lead to the Zimbabwe-style trillion dollar loaf of bread, and the total collapse of the currency.
In any case, this would be a good thing insofar as it would accelerate the pace of the Federal Reserve/Jewish/Wall Street monetary system's inevitable collapse
This is only one factor that could cause hyperinflation, and a low unemployment rate does not mean employers need to pay higher wages. Basically your post is bullshit
What about his protectionist policies?
Do any anons support or denounce free trade?
Yes, what countries are absolutely free trading? The general idea is the exchange of goods and services is good, but why does protecting industries rule out that it is bad for the economy?
no because retailers still have competition between them which keeps prices down.
I don't think the problem would be the unemployment. The "trigger" to get to the end of the cycle, maybe. But that's just a possibility.
To be clear, I'm talking about when it gets very close to 0% unemployment Hence why I said "extremely low unemployement. When labor gets very scarce, it gets very valuable and hence very expensive. Every business starts competing with each other for new hires, and essentially labor becomes a seller's market demanding high prices due to unmet demand. Hiring new people becomes extremely difficult, hence the extreme wage hikes and all the rest. It's not applicable to our world today whatsoever, as we're not anywhere near 0%. It's only even worth seriously considering once you're, say, sub-1%. I just shared it as an interesting tidbit, more than anything.
That increases net worth though. Why are you saying that has no value?
If you don't have much education, search out a trade.
Even starting at lower rungs in construction can make for decent moolah in exchange for your literal physical labor.
Just gotta show up on time.
I believe I, , have covered it in my scenarios.
And who actually ends up paying your hospital bill when you welch on your debt?
Only illegals and niggers run up hospital debts and don't pay them.
My local hospital actually went bankrupt and had to close because so many illegals were getting treated there and never paying the bill. Now the County took the hospital over, and taxpayers pay for these same fucking people to do the same shit over and over again. Perhaps you don't know what bonds on property taxes are for. Just in case you're too stupid to understand what I just explained to you, I'll put it in simpler terms:
From just a quick skim read, the article is kind of correct - it is just worded like a fuckwit wrote it.
The unemployment rate is based on people that are actually looking for a job. For example, if you are retired, you are not included in the unemployment statistics.
if those digits aren't a sign I don't know what is.
I don't have much of an education, couldn't even get my high school diploma which is why I was so afraid to leave my managerial job at gamestop and dealt with the constant abuse from higher ups. Figured it was the best I was ever going to get.
are there any other trades worth looking into aside from construction?
As long as you understand that slaving for jews to make them richer is not work.
Driving truck.