Why Is Fish Sex So Hot Right Now?
Melissa Broder’s “The Pisces,” like “The Shape of Water,” offers romantic possibility to straight women who feel ready to give up on men.
Why Is Fish Sex So Hot Right Now?
Melissa Broder’s “The Pisces,” like “The Shape of Water,” offers romantic possibility to straight women who feel ready to give up on men.
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what the fuck is up with this new trend of hating men who try to get with women and hating "incels" who dont? its got to be the fact that most males are actually doughy soyboys today and women have no respect for them anymore.
women never gave men a chance to begin with.
everything wrong with western civilization began when people stopped respecting the men who hold everything together.
lel. It's just business as usual for (((feminism))).
So WGTOW instead of MGTOW?
Someone should just get rid of them all I fucking swear.
Pay attention to this part in the article:
I think it's obvious from this article that there are too many horny straight women whose politics have fucked them in the head and they can't admit to themselves that they want strong, masculine men to make them happy. But why can't they admit it? Because feminism constantly demonizes normal male heterosexuality and tells women that ideal straight masculine men are "toxic" or evil or some "fraudulent myth" that doesn't exist. So they're letting their imaginations run wild with fantasies about fucking virile fish boys and manly mermen under the politically correct guise of "embracing the Other." It's perverse!
Many, many women have been completely fucking ruined by jewish propaganda and lies. This is all part of destroying the white family.
And you know what needs to be done to the perverse…
Fish men need love too.
Every day until you like it
This is the full graph. Sorry, I posted wrong pic Women find 80% of men "below average" in attractiveness.
Source: archive.is
Modern women have completely unrealistic expectations of men. They also significantly over-inflate their own attractiveness. Why is this? (((Feminism))). All this "GIRL POWER! YOU GO GIRL! YOU DON'T NEED NO MAN!" shit has poisoned their minds and given them huge egos.
This pleases my autism.
yea keep crying I'm sure they're all 10/10s
I blame plastic pollution and it's effect on water supply by poisoning it with Oestrogen.
I totally agree with incel hate if it's for people that are too pussy to go out and start relationships.
But I think they're targeting (i say that loosely, it's actually a distraction that times well with the Clinton emails) those with try to remain pure. They are targeting purity.
I have no problem with targeting beta-ness. Even betas are tired of being beta.
Those that are not are not really men.
sage for shit news article though
they're called lesbians.
4 * 2 * 9 / 10 = 7.2 Meaning a 4/5 >= 7.2 on the 10pt scale. 5/5 = 9/10 on 10pt.
It's clearly a D&C attempt by these witches. Most women are increasingly despising these loveless hambeasts.
Because they know the opposing movement wants sex at least. Why do you think we're here? Life's a perpetual masturbation tbh.
Just don't beat the meat too much or you'll get a rash :^)
The gender wars are just another form of jewish divide and conquer, don't fall for it. The more they cause men and women to hate eachother, the fewer goyim they will have to deal with in the future. You ever wonder why you don't see femishits and supreme gentlemen in 3rd world shitholes?
No it's because they're bored sexually. Dopamine addiction perhaps.
I can empathise. Everyone becomes more ugly the more you do them.
That's why balance is necessary.
Because they're women. They want some Chad to tell them they're stupid cunts and laugh in their faces, whereupon they'll jump on Chad's dick. When a woman engages in behavior designed to agitate men, they're actually crying out for a man strong enough to put them in their place and give them the D. That's how female psychology works. The whole article is the author's plea for a "terrible Trump-voting brute" to sexually dominate her and ironically she may not even realize it. Women are shit at introspection. The soyboy epidemic compounds the problem because instead of giving these women what they need, e.g. saying "you're wrong now bend over", they nod and say "oh yes men are so terrible I'd cut off my penis if I could, I'm so sorry for being male".
And of course we all know (((why))) the natural equilibrium between men and women is completely out of whack.
It's just clinton bullshit. See the catalog for the emails, it has pics of google trends for "incel" and "alt-right".
Both correlate with Wikileaks and the new leaks.
we have to get rid of the notion that the way for civilised white humans to reproduce to to let the people themselves choose
because the women won't settle for anyone untill they're basically barren
couples should be arranged
women should be married off within the first year of menstruation, to someone who is 99 percent of the time not someone they want to marry ideally, to someone who befits them
What are you sliding schlomo-ess?
Incels are beta trash for the most part.
Volcels are the ones who want purity, or they just jack off to 2D girls.
What about childvictimcels who hate human contact and fear that if they slept with women they might hurt them due to their impaired socially conditioned issues.
I'm a pisces.
Are women lining up to fuck me?
not for a while now
You are clearly a shill. "buzzword" for merchant memes being the dead giveaway.
>(((they))) are pushing beastiality now
We all saw this coming a decade ago.
Still volcel, just a much sadder version of one.
>everything wrong with western civilization began when men started respecting women
When you meet a woman who acts like this stop talking to her and move on to one that doesn't (they exist you know)
No sane person would take any of this shit seriously and if they do they won't reproduce and pass the ideas on anyway
Here's a frank breakdown of the Shape of Water film:
I dont like this fish post more
I just call them "depressed and with social anxiety".
Because let's face it, that's what they're mocking.
And that means the left has now come full circle. It's now spitting venom at the meek.
… feels nostalgic.
I bet red letter media will love this one.
holy shit lmfao womyn love abuse, skeletal. a womyn won't like you if you never argue with her, of cours I don't expect nu/pol/ + /r/the_zognald undermen to know how to make a pussy wet. guess the "beauty" of ameri-mongrel women fucking fishes will just have to "perish from the earth".
Meager is the term you're looking for there.
Yea, the left is like that isn't it? Eating itself, it's political goals so vague and subjective (a term they also love), turning on itself is a daily occurrence. Persistent revolution without progress, status quo ad infinitum.
What's with the pic?
Yeah, I get it, her id is begging for the D. It's all she thinks about.
I'm begging for a new window or a new TV but I always get the same shitty lake of fire.
Can confirm, I beat women to near death and they are happy
No it's like a lit fuse.
Reminds me of the 90's left. The older left before it became too cucked.
women are sadistic. they want to be choked and spit on. they're fricked up in the head.
(((sexual exploration)))
Go home, schlomo. You are a kike. This is concrete, objective, factual information.
I literally fuck women until they turn into men and then back to women.
Must be the shape of my penis orifice.
Kikes/kike shill force MGTOW to surpress birth rates among huwhites/Aryans/Greeks.
stick with your aimus goyim
And you stick to cuckporn.
I find it incredibly depressing that at least 4 out of the 7 girls in my grade 8 class are likely trying this degen shit now.
Even the shitty forced memes are coming true.
I'm just surprised they're pushing sex with animals that aren't niggers.
Combine that with social media (((Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat))) where horny men are bending over backwards in droves to please women, and it's a recipe for disaster. Chad is simply not good enough. Women don't have to try anymore. Nowadays, even former sluts can find love and a good husband. Men have absolutely no standards whatsoever. Female ego went through the roof in recent years. Every great change in the fabric of society has an inherent inertia of its own. We only started to experiance the effects of the sexual revolution of the mid '60s. Only time will tell how big of an impact this Facebook generation will have.
I don't get it. Why fish out of all the animals?
Maybe due to fish being the symbols of the current era(Pisces) and the symbol of Christianity?
It might just be the (((writer's))) personal choice of degeneracy.
but it kind of hurts too, /a/ can shitpost on Zig Forums, but the n/a/zis on /a/ will ban you for text emotes. Feels sad man :(
I work in a clinic with many women right. All they talk about is their fear of not finding a man and how hard they are to find.
Don't believe most of the bullshit on social media. Most women are looking for their man.
All it takes is attitude. But the problem is that many men won't grow their wings and find a partner. And these men want one.
It's like a bunch of tame dogs too afraid to mix lately because they are afraid of what's in their head.
Because of the literal absurdity and the more abstract symbolism.
Go read some HP Lovecraft and you will immediately know what the relevance of mating with a fishman is. Also Del Torro is essentially a hack that has to steal from Lovecraft and European ethnic fairytales because he is not creative enough to come up with something original. But yeah, he took the bad guys and good guys (hardcore patriotic feds) from HP Lovecrafts universe and flipped their roles because he's a subversive douche. Fishmen would abduct humans to mate with them, essentially destroying the humans seedline while also creating more fishmen. It was the liberals wet dream of bloodless genocide, well, except for the occasional human sacrifice, but gotta respect dey culture hoomans.
I think this article might be my current winner for the 2018 "Peak Weimar" award. How much further depraved can you go from women turning away from men in order to copulate fish?
Don't answer that question.
It might represent fish brain primitiveness.
These women desperately want to be fucked by primal, masculine men. But they also want to reject white cis heteropatriarchy for the sake of feminist ideology….so the fantasy can't be a the stereotypical straight woman's fantasy of getting smashed by a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Viking or Cowboy or any kind of heteronormative male.
So go figure. They want to fuck dark, scaly, South American fish god monsters.
This is not even close user. People in that era didn't have this much control over media. They had general control, but it was a lot harder.
This is simple a billionaire, a whore and an attempt to escape their certain conviction and death. A rabbit in the headlight.
Hold up so it's implying that women are castrating foreigners, not white people?
Or the opposite?
And women only do this because men have become pathetic.
We need to stop being pathetic.
Thread theme.
legit kek
The opposite. Women are not castrating foreigners, the foreigners ARE the fishmen. Every European woman that does it with a fishman creates and offspring that is NOT human (not european). It's called soft genocide. Also, men can mate with the fishpeople too.
And no, women don't do this because men have become pathetic. They do it because (((fishmen))) are subversive and women are easily indoctrinated. Do middle easterners win wars against Europeans? No, they just suicide bomb, terrorize, and use (((media))) to tell Europeans they are weak and losing. Every advantage they have was given to them by Europeans and every move they make is under cover of darkness.
The fishcult in Lovecraft was Christianity. 10/10 Christians will foam at the mouth, but it's true, Lovecraft did not trust Christianity and especially Catholics. Christianity is the cousin of Judaism and Religion of Cuck™, Christianity is the ideology that weakens Europeans while also trying to tell us that Arabs are our cousins. They are not our cousins.
Religion is what happens when a conman leads some group of people to worship him.
Because that's what is causing our genocide.
The foreigners are nothing but junk food user.
I don't think you get how dumb this migration issue is.
It's like heroin.
I am going to masturbate with my cheetos stained hands to my Hatsune Miku dakimakura as much as I want and the best of roasties would still not deserve anything better.
Self-improvement is for yourself, not the screeching hags that constantly complain about the quality of modern men.
We'll have artificial wombs rather soon.
Who reads HuffPo? Why pay any attention to this nonsense? How out of touch with reality do you have to be to take writers (well, bad writers, most writers, journalists especially) seriously? What a waste of time.
I'd rather have women fear my name than to be married to a 3DPD.
The difference is that imaginary waifus are somewhat sufficient for men's emotional needs, monsterboy escapism isn't going to bring cunts food on their plate and vaccines for their 40 cats.
I think the point of the thread is this:
White women are so cold, dead and lonely that they are inadvertently begging us to man up and make them our women.
Are they the ultimate tsunderes?
Never thought people would take to the Third Oath of Dagon so quickly.
Fuck off with your slides moshe.
This tbh
But what if "the right man" wants to remain alone?
I'm gonna toss this into my "Unsuccessful Propaganda Campaigns" folder and move onto another thread.
I think you misunderstand the point of /monstergirl/ autism. You see, /monstergirls/ are only monsters on the OUTSIDE.
If you took a real woman and changed her physically she would still be what she is on the inside. A horrible, horrible cunt.
Because they are all mentally ill?
Any kind of perversity or degeneracy can be morally justified as "progressive" if you frame it in terms of "embracing the Other."
More proof about why women shouldn't be able to vote.
exactly what i thought of
Women are never wrong in our culture.
They can be as creepy and perverted and selfish as they want. And it's still progressive.