MAGA Opus Documentary - The Rise of The NazBol ((( AshkeNazi Bolsheviks ))) & ((( The AltRight )))
I just started watching it but it's pretty funny so far.
MAGA Opus Documentary - The Rise of The NazBol ((( AshkeNazi Bolsheviks ))) & ((( The AltRight )))
I just started watching it but it's pretty funny so far.
Other urls found in this thread:
This should absolutely be sticked. This is what Zig Forums has been fighting against for almost 3 years.
>Zig Forums and Trump are (((Alt-Right)))
And you should be banned
bump for final justice
I forgot how to sticky request, it's under 'report' right?
Only about 5 min in so far, this is interesting.
I'm 40min in and it's exposing the Alestor Crowley love of NatBol-Duginism, Trad fake white Jews, Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack, fags and MGTOW themes of the (((Alt-Right))).
it just shows how hypocritical they all are
Time 11:57
this is the work of a schizophrenic
Now I know why the Mo.ds banned Red Ice…
Also the transhumanism threads that use to be pushed here and still on cuckchan
These fags will come and go. A foot note of a foot note.
Gamergate, as gay as it was/is did a far better job of redpilling people.
This has nothing to do with your pewdie pie teeny bopper gamergate shit, kid.
This is all over Europe, Arab countries, America, Canada. Duginism and the Alt-occult is one of the biggest tenticals to white genocide. It completly controls 4chan now. EVERY BOARD. And outside of the Christian-anti-Satanists youtubers who talk about the Illuminatie it's almost every single youtube e-celeb on the right.
Watch the doc if you don't believe me.
eat shit christcuck
Kid? I'm probably old enough to be your step dad.
Ok it's actually not too bad. 5/5
Well the (((Alt-Right))) and all these groups did take full credit for MAGA and EVERYTHING Zig Forums ever did or produced…
cliff notes pls? do it for the thread if not me.
I keep telling everyone that they have a behind the scenes agreement with the kikes and are sold out. They are part of the kike attempt to take over pagan pantheons and maintain religious control (preventing the goyim from escaping).
If you look at them with any suspicion whatsoever it becomes obvious. I learned about this from Seana Fenner, who they banned for opposing fake faggot and kike "pagans." The shills were full cointelpro about it and intentionally pushing retarded bullshit to prevent anyone from looking, too.
And the fake kosher "pagans" are connected back to Spencer and the (((alt-right))).
Eh, it would kind of ruin it. Just watch the first few minutes and you'll get the gist
polite same
the only person i've found who promotes genuine paganism is survive the jive. the rest seem like shills. they promote neopaganism, which is nothing but a christian strawman of paganism. from what we know from ancient indo-european cultures, european paganism should have had some complex metaphysics involved. what these losers promote today is just nature worship. it's shit for people who want an identity and culture box to tick off: "hurr heil odin".
That sounds like the "Satanism" I see parroted around sometimes, with the Odinist shit.
they're promoting the idea that our ancestors worshipped clouds and rocks and stuff. i've studied african metaphysics just so i could understand their spiritual beliefs, and i can assure you that there is hardly any difference between african metaphysics and neopaganism the christian strawman of european paganism. not only are they promoting a christian strawman as an alternative religion for woke euros who want to be cultural, they are promoting a strawmanned religion no different in complexity to african religion. they're pissing on your heritage. if you want to know what european paganism would have once been like, read some guenon and get away from the alternative cult. or you can watch the video and learn about indo-european metaphysics from guenon and get away from the alternative cult. (embed is youtube but survive the jive's channel. independent, not a real e-celeb.)
Nature worship is pretty much the source of all philosophy. I don't think any pagan group is worth two cents. What pagans should be doing is not "worshiping" but etymology, archeology, and not all the mono-myth nonsense. You can't be a pagan with vague reference material written down by Christians or blogs and viking/celt aesthetics or death metal music. Worshiping Disney classics would be more traditional than these pagan groups at this point.
It should be left up to the scholars and not the larpers. Because without it all people are doing is acting like wiccans and borrowing from Christian-Jew occultists. Let the scholars build and support them through learning and spreading Aryan history.
i wouldn't agree with the word worship as i feel that's a bit strong. but philosophy certainly started with man pondering the natural world around him. however, even the ancients believed there was more to this world than nature/the physical. the problem with neopaganism is it is just nature worship. it doesn't have any serious metaphysics, it has no transcendental principles, it doesn't have the ability to offer the individual transcendence or a deeper understanding of reality. it's just nature worship (worshipping trees and clouds etc.)
ergo, neopaganism doesn't lead to a great understanding of philosophy. if it did, i'd expect neopagans to be a bit better than buying into a ridiculous christian strawman religion.
I've never, ever seen or heard of transcendence outside of maybe Allan Watts teaching Zen that wasn't totally a form of brainwashing. Whites need to get back to solid ground and stop chasing spooks. Nations are built by realism, and wars are won by realism. Jihad collectivism just plays into (((their))) strategy because that's how Semites fight. Genetics/race has nothing to do with metaphysical teachings in the West because it's always about "All" or "beyond nature". It's a poison pill until we save our race. It killed the Aryans in India, the Aryans in Persia, and destroyed Rome and Greece peoples. The more abstract they became the less they were connected to NATURAL LAW, and it was do to their success in civilization which insulates and alienates man from REAL CONSEQUENCES. We need no more meta-reality than telling our kids who lost grandma that she will be reincarnated into a new body through their blood sometime in the future but for now is with God or fate or the Universe. Anything more than solving that toxic fear creates degeneracy. All the ancient Aryans believed in Transmigration of the soul, no reincarnation, not heaven or hell in the abstract perfection sense. To them the land of the gods was a lot like real life, natural… human.
That's because they haven't done the work. They take from Christian-Masonic-Kabbala ideas and intergrate it into their own myths. Hence Red Ice and the Crowley Alt-Right/NatBol pedo fags that hate white women and meme child porn on cuckchan…
The (((Deep State))) is the same Deep State everywhere.
First, pagans should love Modern (((Christianity))) because when Christianity moved into Europe they simply adapted all the Pagan traditions instead of trying to overwrite them. Easter, christmas ect. Second, nature worship is just devil worship, because the "Satan" is the physical world and hence nature.
Everyone, for educational purposes and to expose Dugin influence, should listen to the 4th political theory audio book.
that's mostly catholicism.
i haven't heard that before. what school believes that? (not saying that it's wrong if it's yours or whatever.)
Its in all the Sun religions like the New Testament, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrian, ect. Moon = the physical world. That is why females are often attracted to paganism, and Wicca stuff. Mother moon.
It is part of all older religions, including greek and roman paganism. You you read Evola and learn about this stuff if you wanted to. Hitherto, you have proved you have an absolutely dogshit understanding of religion and philosophy and the rest of your opinions on the subjects can therefore probably be safely disregarded.
Metaphysics is a science. It's the formal study of being. You're essentially saying science is a poison pill for whites. Stupid. Yeah, we can safely disregard your posts.
A branch a study can't kill people, you melt.
You actually mean the laws of nature here. Yeah, nah. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that metaphysics, the study of being and existence, can only take you closer to truth as long as you're doing it right. It's just a science.
Implying the physical is reality and everything metaphysical isn't real. Holy fuck you're retarded. Metaphysics is the study of reality, you tit. Just fucking leave and don't come back.
I would agree, they don't do much thinking. It's a materialist, primitively superstitious piece of crap. Its presuppositions also lead to good philosophy.
Okay, so you're a religious relativist. Not saying that's wrong but I don't agree with that interpretation. Thanks for clarification though. I wasn't sure.
Only (((Gnostic))) "Christian" occultists (like Dugin) from the (((Alt-Right))) would say that. No real Christian would demonize God's creation that way. Nature is divine because God made it (from the true Christian perspect).
I would not call it relative, the fact of the matter is, their is only one truth. The difficulty is cutting through the mythology to get to the truth.
lead to bad philosophy.*** holy fuck my dyslexia.
Okay, you're a perennialist then?. I still don't don't agree.
Filtered for (((Robert))) posting. Your opions are pure kikery and off subject.
fuck off moshe
You literally don't even know what the actual definition of science is. The rest is strawmanning, you intellectual incompetent.
You're using the purposely kiked modern definition. In your head, metaphysics is a bunch of genies with crystal balls and rainbow yoga pants. Please lurk for 8 more years.
Thanks for the vid, OP.
Thread dileniates into esoteric shit posting and Satanism. I wonder why?
Could it be that (((Robert Sepehr))) is one of these Alt-Right occultist shills and he's trying to destroy ANOTHER thread?.
great video. for anons who havent seen it yet, exposes the alt right as the gay kike psyop that it is. video should be mandatory viewing. bump
Jesus Christ you fucking schizo. Take a break.
Anyway, I vow to not post off topic any more.
Kinda but not really, your caught up in the forms too much. You have to cut to the basic truth as a perennialist would to get you bearings in the maze and find your way out.
All these different systems are attractive to the masses because they are all speaking a truth or 99% true. Its only once you understand the truth yourself can you navigate to which one is correct. The truth go beyond human experience.
I posted baphomet to show that they are a moon based system along with Religion of Cuck™ and Judaism, communism, feminism, ect.
I'm really not. Anyway, perennialism is self-contradictory relativism which is why I'm not interested in it.
Will you tell me? you've got me curious now. I'm guessing Buddhism or gnosticism.
Interesting, I never noticed that about the commie symbol before. Thanks.
The truth goes beyond human thought, so everyone uses symbols to try and explain it to the masses hoping you will stumble onto the truth yourself. They often mark their work with the various symbols.
Here are the sun symbols.
yeah, that's especially true for paganism, from a general perspective. i understand what you're saying. however, i will not agree that it is absolutely correct. thanks for the chart though.
Satan means adversary. The jew is anti-nature. So nature would be Satan to someone who is anti-nature. Both Jesus and Lucifer are the morning star. They both represent nature and Satan to the jew.
That was always the plan though. Use buffer groups to fulfill our goals, so we can enjoy the show. We're a Mongolian Textile Discussion forum, so why would such large concepts come from here? We're all being monitored by some group or another, and from what we can tell, they're either pleased with what we're doing and letting us do it, or they're having great difficulty in building legal cases against us just shitposting.
I think it's the former. they could easily wipe this place from existence. after all, it's just a small esoteric finger painting forum owned by some random guy named jim. having this place open benefits them more than closing it.
Are you cucks aware who made this video? It's by Renegade Roasties. I think Sinead made it or else someone else took over the video making there as she has been missing I think she left Kyle and is now a single mom dating niggers in Florida.
I think you've read too much Crowley. Satan = The mind or time. The mind creates time and brings the world into being. The world = Nature = Moon = The Goddess/female. The Seal of Solomon = the dimension of time and space.
Jesus is the light of the morning, Lucifer the "morning star." Star = spirit. Lucifer is the morning spirit, Jesus the light of the world.
By the way the Lucifer = Jesus things is one of the hardest to figure out. NIV bible which is the incorrect interpretation flips the two roles like Crowley does.
Typical Strawman/Woman (((Alt-Kike))) move. Next you'll start calling everyone Morpheus.
Either way the video is 100% accurate documentry on the NatBol alt-kike (first of its kind). We know alt-kike = natbol, but it provides a lot of occult-Baphomat secret gay pedo comments from Spencer and Dugin and their family, jew, Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack, Red Ice, Renagade, TRS, it all links together — the entire shill team of those who stole from Zig Forums and made money off it
This is why I'm trying to red pill people ITT about the symbology of these kike plots to subvert us.
Each member has to understand the truth themselves or we will be forever subverted.
(((Robert))) then goes on to shill thread with more (((esoteric))) distractions by switching his VPN and spewing Occult Gnostic bullshit:
Its not my fault your blind.
No it means adversary. It doesn't mean one specific thing like you are suggesting. The meaning is relative to the user. Nature is Satan to those who are anti-nature. Your convution is obvious shilling but have fun with your game of twister.
Satan = adversary is like baby's first red pill, 1D bullshit. In fact I wouldn't even call it a red pill, maybe a rose pill.
You are attempting to shame and discredit something because of its sequence in time. Much like the current year argument. Early redpill does not necessitate a false redpill.
I don't know so much about the online stuff on this and what's going on abroad with this odinist stuff, I honestly don't even know what that is.
But I assume those who are serious about this, maybe take things a bit too lit and fail to see ie what things really means, it isn't always lit. Just like the use of kennings for instance which you have absolutely everywhere. Not to derail
most often things have a deeper meaning I guess is what I am trying to say
Think about the "fire worm" in the 13th warrior, they got at least this concept lol
yeah wtf was that shit. I don't think I've actually seen this. I never really watched him, unless something is happening and it's linked here I tend to miss it
Spencer is a sperg, I saw some interview with him and the America First bean person and he was talking about skiing. Who the fuck can relate to that.
This documentary starts decent but turns to trash after 50 min when goes after Trump and Nehlen.
Sorry but I've still got reason to support Trump and I believe Nehlen is sincere in his opposition to Israel and jewish hegemony.
Yeah Spencer and a lot of these guys advocate "white sharia" rape and pedophilia. I never knew that either. I knew most of them were fags and into occult memes. But it's the same shit you've seen shilled on Zig Forums for awhile now.
It's constant… It's all the same shills. You have Lefty/pol/ types who just attack Trump and call everyone racist or post blacked memes, then you have the Deep State Zionist Bolsheviks Russian groups in the (((Alt-Right))). And they're all gay Templar-Mason occult Gnostic homo-pedos like the faggot shilling this thread above you.
Rabbit holes, dude.
Here it is opposite
Máni/Måne - Moon (m)
Sól/Sol - Sun (f)
Metaphysics isn't a science, it's a meme. A supposed other-realm used to justify imaginary properties instead of dealing with a complex and nuanced objective reality.
You're a continental philoso-tard who doesn't understand that philosophy is subordinate to the natural sciences. Philosophy is a conduit for translating scientific observations into actionable guidelines.
You're kind of dumb tbh.
I wouldn't even call it a documentary tbh. It's like a high light reel of how kiked the alt-right is then tries to lump Trump in with the faggots riding in on his coattails.
Fucking this
All off it! I see they spam all this shit on cuckchan too, if you load the catalog there I bet half of the threads in the catalog is this shit, usually hating on women like fucking reverse feminists. Darlings there are useless I assume
kys, jew
Excuse me in posting in topic with the thread and not going off on some far fucking tangent that this thread has diverted to.
Then you may excuse me in my perfect response to your retarded shit you posted
You forget that the universe is alive.
What these pagans SHOULD be doing is talking to nature, doing experiments, opening channels of communication with the other, being careful, and exploring the esoteric world.
They should be finding unkiked sources of power and influence and warping the world to their will.
They should be using memetic warfare to change the timeline
Did you know that Marx may have links to the Bavarian Illuminati?
I found that out the other day while digging into the backgrounds of the founders of Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs.
Weird that both corps had Jewish founders from Bavaria.
The two Illuminati camps are the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jacobin's. Pretty much all the German movers and shakers where Bavarian Illuminati, Skull and Bones is a Bavarian Illuminati offshoot.
At what point does it become clear to you that the entire Trump election was a jewish con trick, when you see the entire cabinet he installed comprises of Neocon zionist jews and military industrial complex kikes or when your children's children are dead and buried in some shitty sandpit in the Middle East for isreal?
Easily the most fucking frustrating and annoying part of being a pagan today
With friends like these who needs enemies..
Is it also weird that the establishment of the Bav. Illuminati was at the same time as the establishment of the US?
We have more authentic texts then Christians do. Atleast the Poetic Edda is authentic, all Christians have are stories stolen from older and better cvilizations.
If only you knew how bad the situation really is.
Learn how finance works more, what the problem nowadays is now.
I never understand the Odinist, after Balder's death Odin abandoned Asgard for a long time until the rape of Rindir to produce Vali, returning he had lost his right as the ruler of the central family and his son took the throne. Wode is no longer the leader of the Aesir the same fate Ziu saw, before the meeting at the Rhine.
When Boniface goes to cut down Donar's Oak even he is mixed up in the beliefs. Him and his fellow bishops of Briton assume the oak tree is the central bough as has been but heard from the people that Donner sits upon the throne, so they put the two together falsely. Thorn has never been associated with oak trees only Wodan.
Thor is associated with the bramble and most farmer's of Europe before the 1900s knew well sheep with their wool can get themselves stuck and starve to death if not watched by a watchful shepherd and feed that devil Þor. England used to celebrate a certain day in the year where you shall not pick Blackberries after it for this very reason, known as Old Michaelmas Day.
>>"It is said that when St. Michael expelled Lucifer, the devil, from heaven, he fell from the skies and landed in a prickly blackberry bush. Satan cursed the fruit, scorched them with his fiery breath, stamped, spat and urinated on them, so that they would be unfit for eating. As it is considered ill-advised to eat them after 29 September, a Michaelmas pie is made from the last of the season."
you're plain wrong.
You're talking about a platonic realm there. Your opinions are retarded, you pathetically low IQ faggot. You're leaving out the fact that metaphysics is the study of being/existence.
No, it's not. Metaphysics is literally the crown of sciences. It's about the nature of reality itself. Everything falls beneath it. GTFO with your low IQ posting.
If you really want a smack down: you can't have natural science without epistemology and logic which are branches of philosophy. without philosophy YOU CAN'T HAVE NATURAL SCIENCE? Do you even have a fucking brain?
You're incredibly low IQ.
He is probably right. But what would prompt Jews to do this out of desperation?
HINT: Morality is generally required for profits user.
Also don't forget that Israel has it's own degeneracy problem.
literally an insult out the CIAnigger shill factbook
to reiterate
you can't have natural science without epistemology and logic which are branches of philosophy. they are absolutely required for natural science.
I think as a counter to it, but its been awhile since I've been through the history.
Nah. You're just a clueless idiot that doesnt pay attention.