Brit/pol/ #2810: Bluebell Edition

British bluebells 'have advantage over Spanish bluebells'

UKIP leader Gerard Batten reveals he will quit 10 days after Euro elections to spark leadership contest to replace him

Roger Scruton’s treatment shows the moral cowardice of the Tories

Artisans creating a ‘13th-century’ castle in Burgundy might well be the ideal team to restore Notre Dame

A former Planned Parenthood clinic director's ultrasound in Times Square was met with stunned silence

All suspected Sri Lanka plotters arrested or dead

In The Latest Twist From ‘Game of Thrones,’ Author George R.R. Martin Learns He’s Part scoobydooish

Woman arrested in Poland over posters of Virgin Mary with rainbow halo

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keeek the absolute state

fuck off tbh cunt

He did get killed by an elephant and that is pretty funny tbh

The gritted-tooth malice wogs display is tangible. How do people get away with being all Popular Youtuber, Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad of Akkad about everything - as if we're all atomised individuals? The supermajority of brown peoples (at least in the west, but often beyond) are basically defined by envy of white people, which manifests in gloating any time our identity, history or demography is undermined. They all represent a malignant disease which has been deliberately administered by the scoobydoo - and it's really not fucking difficult to observe this on a one to one basis.

he got STOMPED

Good lad

I meant see (You)
Autosomal shows you are British because of mixing. If you were a recent visitor (past 200 years or something) you might have a higher % of that dna from where you came from, but Viking rape babies and Anglos have been mixing that long it shows as British
Mitochondrial doesn't really change. You can be 100% British Dan but still have a furrin haplogroup

tbh it kinda is ironic to get killed by the thing you were sent out there to protect.

tfw Zig Forums ree moar than Jess Philips over edgy jokes

Ah right.

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Scotland has always been a civic shitshow since the scots migrated from born tbh. The vikangs were probably welcomed with open arms after the kingdom of man converted to christianity


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wouldn't even kill you m8

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didn't mean to reply smh


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Based Benj do it again

This fucking lying cunt

something we knew already from Romans
really makes you think

nice OC

she would get raped if she stopped for a moment in the center of Birminghamistan

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Oh no he posted an image saying adulteres, fornicators, homo etc go to hell and should repent. That's the same as beating a child

Twice if she was younger, like that girl was raped twice in Birmingham, both pakis

all the old politician hags wish the Don would rape them

Big time

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Imigaine people hearing this happens in multiple locations and still going nothing white people wouldn't do, fucking infuriating

The toil interview was not as bad as I expected tbh.

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GNA is NATO/UN backed puppet
LNA is the old guard which was always the army and navy of Libya

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Imagine putting your life on the line to get involved in that shit


I deleted facebook because I hate social media but I never had many "friends" in the first place, let alone thots. It is toxic and it is ENTIRELY based on vanity. You're right as per usual and I see so many feminised blokes who aren't culture creators but culture consumers. A lost generation.
Whats your source for the anglo-saxon longhouse consciousness?
Also, on a /10 scale, what would you rate shylass?

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Gadafi was literally the founder of the Libyan nation.

Most faggots were molested as children. Sodomy is a mind virus that spreads through child abuse. Only the Lord saves. Look how the demons rage against His word.


£100mil down the fucking drain
Fucking cunts

Attached: Lidington Withdrawal TREATY.mp4 (1280x720, 5.21M)

Never forget

good lad

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4chan irl

Tell me why humans aren't perfect? Shouldn't we strive to puff our chest out and show ourselves off, if a person isnt intelligent why should they beat themselves up and slink around like a beaten dog and if they are they should maketgemselves known, yes a society where all the men have massive egos and something to prove is not very stable but the opposite is subjugation distorting our minds into passive cattle just so we can live in our struggle less "paradise" we had Paradise all along the internal hierarchies and ideologies installed into our head if we stay true to that the internet will replicate it the only problem are the cowards that seepersonality and peoples will to show it off as distasteful because it shows the timidness of their own. Lol I don't even know if this makes sense butbimnnot proof reading it gayboy


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HSBC fail

saw the Oxford version of this poster. It had 'you are nobel' instead of noble smh

Some diversity hire in charge at PR. Guaranteed to be a woman.

hate these ads so much they're a satanic inversion of localism

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I think I've just seen Adam Godwinson and Nigel Farage step out of the same car… Clown world.

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I'm in Peterborough btw

Gonna try and get a pic

*chews 10 cloves of raw garlic*

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Nice traps bro. Can I feel them?

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This shit is just embarrassing tbh, breaking down peoples identities to nothing more than commodities and then trying to sell them back to people.

its from the osprey anglo saxon thegn warrior book and shylass is a 6.5 if it had to come down to it

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Viggo Mortensen slams Spanish far-right group

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Attached: Check out world's first Islamic baby pray gym!.mp4 (640x360, 5.66M)


our society is run by hall monitor types lmao


his appointment to fema will be finalized within the week

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smh stop bullying the poor boy

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tbh. Nice Steiner

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kek. Nice woes lad

Thanks lad

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Did you get a pic?! Also in Peterborough! Would love to see our possible saviour (second to tommyyyyy)


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smdh why is alegs not wearing a shirt again

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show us a real pic, lad

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My dad looked exactly like that bloke in the 70s without the beard. I am too jocked however.

just kidding I look more like a taig

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smh 'ate the taig phenotype, lad

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look at his calfs, god tier leg workout

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Low skill manual labour so it was likely done by slaves tbh.

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top fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

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I'd rather be the lad who feeds the ravens tbh

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