RationalWiki is a dedicated attack on everything Zig Forums stands for. Refuting it on their white genocide article: rationalwiki.org
Refuting RationalWiki
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Who fucking cares
those who care about a future for white children
I use infogalactic as an encyclopedia, and it seems decent so far.
Let's refute the article here in this thread!
lol kiddo, you still think this shithole of a board is pro white?
This pic shows all you need to know about RationalWiki.
We all know that RW sucks. But its very popular. So let's refute it.
Why RW, specifically? Wikipedia outright slanders people like Goebbels, and it's used way more often. RW is probably mostly used by people googling leftist terms.
RW is used to attack internet alt-righters and people in the movement not famous enough for wikipedia to focus on. Refuting it would help them.
newfag, we've had constant threads about that shit place in the past. Believe me, they were A LOT bigger before GamerGoy. After that most of their userbase bled after the admins showed their true colors.
the movement needs to run a counter-offensive against that site. Some have recognized the importance of that: archive.is
This is like those NASA negros. Somebody says we need to do something than not so later they're attacking us for getting involved.
I think that this thread is nothing but advertizement for the website.
No, it's a request that the website get refuted, so that people attacked there can cite this thread.
Lurk more.
Because these people LARPing as Nazis that care more about German history rather than their own country's history is much more important than creating actual nationalism. They are the cancer cells of actual nationalism and needs to die. Not saying that RabbiWiki isn't lefty biased, the alt-right is easy picking for the media.
That website and snopes both are leftist propaganda outlets masquerading as factual sources.
So why don't we refute it? We already know how bad it is.
Who gives a shit. The entire website is for the ultimate good goy
Because people are attacked there.
Neither is popular. I even had a kike professor that didn't allow Wikipedia as a source. Let that sink in.
Sage for not news or relevant.
That's because it's a CIAnigger movement you cuckchan retard.
See the following for a justification of attacking RationalWiki: archive.is
That's unrelated to politics, wikipedia summerizes sources and isn't a source in itself. It's not as if any of these professors actually check ANY citations whatsoever, so it's more of a formality. You could just pull from wikipedia and cite their sources and be good.
Stop advertising that shit site. We already destroyed that site back during gamergate. The only thing left to do now is dox the admin and proceed from there.
We have far more important shit to focus on than this. Sage for shit thread.
The "White Genocide" RW article is high in google search. Let's start by refuting that.
Your prof was right to disallow Wikipedia as a source tho. It's tertiary. Great for gathering other first hand and secondary sources tho.
RW is the wiki equivalent of 250 IQ LARPers.
I mean they call themselves 'rational' and have a B I G brain as logo.
Is this wiki some kind of falseflag by Zig Forums I'm laughing my ass off at it right now, this 'wiki' is like a parody of a parody of the leftists lmao.
RationalWiki is obviously run by kikes, every word on every single article is pure kvetching. Anything you do will simply be reversed.
I'm pretty sure this board is more pro-jap than white, which is incredibly pathetic. I've witnessed more love of asians than whites on here.
True !
The "Nazi Party", "Nazis", and "Nazism" do not exist.
There is only the:
'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (NSDAP)
and the:
'Wehrmacht Unified Armed Forces'.
The actual titles are, respectively:
'Verlag Nationalsozialistischen Briefe'
Published National Socialist Letters
-Dr. Joseph Goebbels
'Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken.'
The cursed Tetraskelion. Something to think about.
-Dr. Joseph Goebbels
The word "nazi" never appears in these nor any other of Dr. Goebbels' publications.
They also never called the hakenkreuz a "swastika" but a "hooked cross".
Sadly they are completely serious. Or maybe that makes it funnier, I can't decide.
>Crossposting on >>>/cow/
OP deserves to be banned
Yeah it's kind of bizarre. I can't tell if they are serious and have their snark turned up to 300% or if it's a poe.
They're a place that styles themselves as rational and scientific while also claiming that gender is a social construct and race doesn't real. They're nothing but a massive self-own
Fixed their logo.
Attempting to engage in reasonable discourse only works if you are talking to a reasonable person, id est, a white (or perhaps asian) who hasn't been infected by the Jew virus.
Engage with anything else and you might as well be talking to a plant; it is a waste of time and effort. To the extent they can be said to have human emotions, the proper and only response is disdain and mockery.
The best way to refute/troll them is to simply point out all their logical fallacies, leaps of logical, and their gross misunderstandings of basic epistemology. Remember these people are very insecure of their own intelligence, so calmly and concisely proving they are wrong with throw them into an autistic temper tantrum. I went through an atheist sciencism phase a few years ago and even then I viewed Rational wiki as pure cancer. Anyone who describes themselves as "Rational" exists to only enforce the establishment political dogmas of the Left under the pretensions of "Science."
Fucking kek
A more correct literal translation would be cross of hooks, not hooked cross.
Pretty sure that's exactly what OP is asking for, anons working together to put together a concise refutation of each of their talking points to be used any time someone tries to quote rationalwiki. Not for people to deface the wiki itself.
Not that I've actually seen anyone quote them, ever.
Don't care about your liberal bullshit.
It's literal leftists trying to grab shekels hopping on the "wiki" bandwagon.
I gave my students a C- when they cited kikeipedia and not actual sources. When they plagiarized entire sections that was an F and I took their matzo away until the end of the day.
Because the jew will accept being refuted and make corrections, right moshe?
You refute when white people try to use it as a source, you double nigger.
I just cannot decide, OP. It's such a conundrum. What a tough choice.
Labeling the article "nazism" really rustles my jimmies. I'm not even the sort of autist who takes "nazi" to be some sort of slur against me, but it just sounds unprofessional to call an article "nazism" to refer to the ideology.
It'd be like if the article on communism were called "commie-ism" or "pinkoism". It just sounds childish
Go ahead, start removing them.
"just remove all kikes, which solves all problems anyway"
Instead of LARPing, we can use this messageboard to do something useful, like refute RW on White Genocide.
"just remove all kikes, which solves all problems anyway"
We have to CONVINCE people to remove the kikes, and making people aware of white genocide will do this.
Metapedia, dude
Rightpedia is also good. A fork of Metapedia.
Excellent, especially the German version.