To anybody living near New Jersey: Please come out on May 13th in support of the Katyn Monument.
For those who don't know, Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop wants to remove this historic memorial because he wants to build a park instead (now its coming out that he got a shit ton of donation money from developers to get rid of it, of course).
Problem is, he basically attacked one of our senators saying that he's "anti-semetic" and a "holohoax exposer". Refuses to talk with anyone about it. Knows nothing about the history of the statue. All around emmy-award winning faggot.
This isn't even about Poles. It's about preserving history. Lots of statues that speak the truth about communism are going down. Ya'll should be shooketh.
Yes it is. ZOG has put out word they want to tap the Poles on the shoulder and let them know that all sorts of bits and pieces of Polish history are on the block if they don't get kosher quick. In two years, schoolchildren will be reading that the 18th-century partition was done to quash Polish antisemitism.
Yes. It's a statue reminding Poland that the Jews they protected in their country for centuries had stabbed them in the back.
Justin Jackson
Yup. 20k lawyers, doctors, writers, military officials shot in the back of the head by (((them))). (((They))) tried to cover it up and blame it on Germwny for 50 years until the truth came out and now they're blaming Soviets
Jonathan Scott
Purging the host nation's best is a go to strategy once Jews take complete control of a host nation.
Juan Howard
The kikes are basically saying: "Pay us reparations (300 billion dollars) or we'll keep humiliating you"
Nathan Adams
Good luck americanos, defend your statues, especially ones like this, as the juden will throw money at anything which will erase history and cement their power.
Leo Brown
If you haven't noticed the international jewery has been campaigning for about 1-2 years that poland should give them money
Not wrong, what you said is very clear to us Poles. I added that in order to convince people not of my background to turn out, because if we get erased, everybody else will too.
Andrew Mitchell
Central NJ user here. I'm german/italian but seems like a good day to be polish. zog will burn in Zig Forums fires*.
Adrian Morgan
I really, really hate that faggot. Which senator was it? I must support him. Anyone who speaks out against the Jews is a friend in my book.
Interesting, I didn't know Fulop was a kike. I just thought he was a good goy for (((them))), and was some kind of fucking Italian. I guess my state is more kiked up than I previously thought. Explains a lot really.
A simply tactic, then they can never be perpetrators
Brody Morgan
Adrian Richardson
we can meme it true because it is true i do think holocaust exposer is a good meme
Ethan Evans Interesting, when I was looking for percentages I thought that jews would be a majority during the massacre. But it looks like that Stalin de-jewified the USSR in the Purges. So it was just commies commying.
From what I understand of the Zig Forumsish mindset, this only going to piss them off further. The kikes are only adding fuel to a fire that will ultimately burn them to ashes.
Dylan Sanders
I wouldn't.
Sounds like a false flag waiting to happen.
Snipers or bombs kill Poles, media blames Russia, etc, etc.
Also central Jersey user here. Im not surprised, This state is filled with brain dead cattle and left wing retards. And I guess there really is alot of NJ anons on here.
VI ER FOLKET we are the people UT MED PAKKET out with the garbage(immigrants)
Carson Jenkins
I not though they go after Jimmy Åkeson, that is the leader of SD, they go … Jimmy Åkeson, peaploes traitor. I don't know what he has done
Hunter Rodriguez
How Jew-controlled was the NKVD post-Yagoda, though? Stalin had him executed, after all. Stalin also suspected the Jews were trying to poison him not long before he died too.
Zachary Martin
He can't embed the video, because YouTube placed the video into (((limited state))). Also, remember to submit all limited state videos that you find to
Kayden Brown
History? More like kike-style victimehood points. Better having pride on pulling a Katyn on the (((enemy))) in the next war.
"Pure coincidence, goyim!"
Angel Martin
"Feel shame! Feel shame for killing your enemies, goyim!" No Polish death camps but there will be.
Carter Barnes
The entire operation was jew controlled, the entire "government". When things got hot they changed names, they did the same in poland.
Jace Gonzalez
Helped the kikes, get paid by the kikes. The Holohoax Werbung finally bite you in the ass, heh. Shouldn't have been retarded animals 80 years ago.
Robert Green
I heard that some dudes were organizing a protest/rally for this statue. Anyone going?
I'm not one to support the removal of any memorials, but what's a Katyn memorial doing in… New Jersey?
Jackson Kelly
Fuckin kikes want to remove any doubt that the communists were responsible for the deaths of Poles instead of Germans. Kikes want to remove seeds that will lead any normie into thinking outside the holohoax narrative.
Any memorial to commie atrocities is fine by me. We need more of them in public spaces. There's apparently a large polack population in NJ.
Chase Harris
Even if there were purges, the spirit of the NKVD was by and for the Judaic mind. A spirit of unbridled hatred for white Christian Russians still permeated the upper echelons, which was no doubt kept alive by the good goys left in power after the Yagoda purges.
Zig Forums is a board of peace. Statue removers need to begin seeing the light.
Cooper Gray
No. Zig Forums is a board of niggers LARPing as White Nationalists.
Grayson Murphy
at least you aren't a Trumpie
Ayden Martin
The Cheka and NKVD were lead by jews.
They wouldn't just kill people. They would humiliate, torture, gut, etc.
On several occasions, they tied the victims intestines to a tree and swung them around it. Photos can be found of this.
Landon Lee
For anyone but a “DUMB POLOK” (as defendant was called by the hand picked fanatic detective Becker) the trial would [have] been ended immediately and the gangsterous gestapo like sadistic decade long persecution of this defendant would be investigated, especially if such persecution was inflicted upon any other lawyer.
Lincoln Rivera
The farce kangaroo court trial of defendant with “fixed judge and jury” and fixed selected County employee “spectators” with roving, sneering Assistant District Attorneys seated near the trial judge’s bench, was more than sufficient to made defendant cognizant of his status as the innocent “Dumb Polok” scape goat to be made an example of in order to atone for hundreds of established, gangsterous, felonious, ambulance chasing, fraudulent injury claim lawyers, who are secretly reprimanded, without criminal prosecution through the near farce activities of the Arkwright Committee investigating felonious lawyers.
Mason Torres
Nazi Jewmany occupied Poland in 1939. Hitler JEW gang made Nazi JEW HANS FRANK total governor of Poland with his JEW gangs, provinces rulers, high Gestapo, military S.S. etc. Many of these Nazi Jews lived in the luxurious city site JEW GHETTO of the capital city, Warsaw. ALL DURING WWII, AS ALWAYS, like ALL European cities, Warsaw had a luxurious JEW GHETTO section, similar to JEW CENTRAL $$$$ PARK SECTION in New York City, JerUSAlem. By 1943, Jewmany was doomed. Kosher USSR offered secret treacherous TOTAL peace treaty to Nazi Jewmany, giving Jewmany ALL 1941 borders, including the lands of USSR SLAVE ALLY, Poland.
i just discovered Dec and wonder why this is not on the lvl of baneposting this man was shitposting w/ a fucking typewriter and the mail man to random houses for decades
Yes he may have been insane but there are some lucid jems such ass "The exactness, detail and demeanor of their boastings gave me good insight."
Joshua Clark
Katyn is one of Pierces best episodes. This memorial must not come down, the Jews see it as a threat to their holohoax lies.
Christian Peterson he has a fan site w/ some of his "rants" in audio Zig ForumsASMR when ever he says "Computer god" i just picture the gears and cogs of the old british east india company + 1950's IBM.
The exactness, detail and demeanor of their boastings gave me good insight.
Where is the worldwide news media, especially the Kommy Kosher “TRUTH” (USSR, PRAWDA, newspaper) to expose these systematic horribly brutal deadly crimes against the human race by the Nazi JEW JEWMANY, made possible soly as Frankenstein Radio Head worse deadly gangster JEW ELECTRICAL DISEASE parroting puppets for the worldwide deadly Gangster Computer God Over-All Plan, a worldwide JEW mulatto race.
this is meme gold in the mine he just happened to be polish. ill stop shitting this thread up apologies
tried to post, "File exists already" probably the file that turned me on to him he was insane, but he was not stupid today he would have never been a lawyer the guy reading the rant definitely makes him sound crazier
now i see why this is not memeable THE CRUSADER PRIEST… with their Frankensteingangster SKULL CAPPED HELMETS, WITH INFRA RED NITE VISION PLASTIC LENSES built into their face mask shields of the helmets won't allow it without the slander of the poles
Colton Brooks
Under Marxist and Kikes, there are no human rights. James Mason was right
Jayden Myers
I argue that humans dont deserve rights, citizens do, and if you want to get all Starship Troopers, civilians.. but if youre a piece of shit, if youre hostile to everyone around you, we dont owe you fuck all. If youre neither a citizen or a civilian but a foreigner,we also dont owe you fuck all. Should have stayed in your own country. Citizens and civilian rights are not guaranteed to shirkers and traitors, rights come with obligations. If you dont follow your obligations you have no rights. I was going to sage for off topic but its a thread people should see.
Oliver Cooper
NJ user here. Fuck, I would have supported this had I known about this.
Connor Davis
I'm surprised jewtube didn't shoah it yet.
David Baker
BASED POOPLAND and the United States, first to fight for Jewry, getting mass raped and murdered by Jews. Really makes you think…