Marines Open Investigation into Active Duty White Supremacist
U.S. Marine Corps said it has opened a criminal investigation into the activities of Lance Corporal Vasillios Pistolis, 19, identified as a violent white supremacist in a recent report by ProPublica and FRONTLINE.
Stationed at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune and assigned to the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, Pistolis has associated with an array of neo-Nazi organizations, including the National Socialist Movement, the Traditionalist Worker Party, and Atomwaffen Division, a clandestine group that aims to incite a race war, according to interviews and an analysis of video and online postings. Pistolis is under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), which typically examines felony-level offenses involving Navy or Marine Corps personnel.
“We’re looking into the allegations and do not comment on open investigations,” said Adam M. Stump, an NCIS spokesperson.
Through interviews, photos, videos, and the Marine’s own online admissions, ProPublica and FRONTLINE documented his involvement with the various fascist groups and his participation in a string of assaults during last summer’s lethal Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Pistolis also made posts in online chats obtained by Unicorn Riot, an independent media organization.
Marines Open Investigation into Active Duty White Supremacist
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“ProPublica and Frontline identified three Atomwaffen members or associates who are currently employed by the Army or Navy,” wrote Ellison in a letter to Mattis. “The involvement of service members in white supremacist organizations or other hate groups is cause for significant concern, particularly given their combat and weapons training.”
i don't see how any of this is illegal as long as he wasn't in uniform while associating with these groups or doing any of it on duty.
he'll probably get fucked anyway though. marines are not fans of bad PR, and these frontline kikes are doing a whole documentary on it. he fucked up somewhere along the line if the kikes have an entire documentary prepared about him. i don't know what they'll boot him out for though, he'll lawyer up and there will still be a court martial trial. hopefully he makes a stink of it and doesn't just shut up and accept whatever they give him
It's simple – You are allowed to support the zionist mainstream as hard as you like, and you will rise to the highest positions the system has to offer. Join or support a real alternative, or go against the Schindler's List official culture, and it will be problematic that you have weapons training.
If there's more evidence that the establishment is genuinely scared of racially aware whites with military-grade weapons and training, I don't know what it could be.
Do you feel that fear, Zig Forums? The yids are scared enough to strip off their masks and just prosecute the wrong ideas. The facade is badly cracked.
Everyone should have military training. But if you are still in the military don't fucking go to white nationalist rallies or post right wing shit online. NORMIE!
Checking this four times.
more marines should do the opposite of what this faggot is afraid of, they need to knock heads with the ZOG police
They did nothing to that commie marine as far as I know.
isramutt incarnate and a pog. fuck him.
shit eating Darlings wordfilter fifty six percent stop with your filters youre slaves do what youre told
It's not bad PR to have an anarchist twat on the payroll as an officer. Shit, it probably wins goodwill on the Armed Services Committee, the way things are at present. Besides, communism isn't the threat to the (((system))) that honest white advocacy is. "It's Okay to Be White" is a more genuinely revolutionary slogan nowadays than "workers of the world, unite!" ever was.
ok really m0ds and by m0ds i mean feds. how lame can you be?
It's completely out of hand now. We still have a bunker, right?
no thats why they ramped up the shitting of this place
==So he's a Communist.==
el atrocidad
I've never known whether or not the mis-gendering in these meme is supposed to be intentional or not, but anyway.
Fifty-fifty, I think. Memeness as well as ignorance on the Spanish tongue.
top kek
It's not merely a meme, lads. There are no allies in Europe. There are no white supremacists in Europe. There are, rather, neo-imperialists and monarchists. They desire precisely oppression of presumably fellow white people.
They HATE AMERICANS. I cannot underscore this enough. Their hatred of America is greater than their hatred of kikes. Indeed, they are quite fond of kikes, you see…
Oh, and, if you don't believe me, head on over to:
>>>Zig Forums
and behold. It's not a minority view. They simply hate you.
There are no white allies in Europe.
All the real white people have left Europe already. Whatever remains is degenerate and cuckolded faggotry.
Checking these glorious unchecked swastika digits
IIRC dubs of creation
oyy veyy goyim all of Europe of lost you have no allies. Nice d&c (((CIA nigger)))
I guess allowing Jewish lobbyists to buy your politicians is preferable then.
Somw kike actually wasted time trying to convince someone, anyone, that the US isn't white. Blackpills BTFO
this is just lame and transparent, they probably let in hundreds of criminal africans and hispanics (not that this guy isn't) without a single thought to investigation
charlottesvile is such a meme, one fatty has a cardiac arrest and suddenly to the media it's the KKK crucifying women and non-whites
Yup, thats some incredibly cringy groups he's larping in.
he was army you retarded faggot
Atomwaffen had a marine? Wew lad.
Baste thread, shitposting aside stuff like this gives us hope.
Are they talking about the US media? BLM? Antifa?
READ SIEGE by James Mason
A good marine does what he's told to do.
The military isn't supposed to make you a man, it's supposed to make you a dog.
Wrong, were already in a race war.
A dog for zog. The only reason anyone whos redpilled would join the marines is for the military training, hes definitely not risking his life for zog.
It's a FtM which means, this is a psyop.
DOTR When ?
Isn't being a white supremacist, more accurately being a race realist?
Its supposed to mean that you correctly believe whites are superior to all other races but the way its used is ambiguous and subjective, you never know what some retard anti-white means when they use it.
Why didn't ProPublica and Frontline blow the whistle on gang members in military service?
USA is white, nobody is denying that. isramutt white.
It is a burger thing to call yourself white, we are European.
we dont want your Mcdonalds, get that in your skull shithead.
Good goyim.
Why are there no videos of said assaults?
In the jew run military you need to be an undercover nazi.
I routinely kick niggers out of my company for smaller indiscretions and let the whites get away with more. Nigger gets a DUI its good bye white gets one well he was a good soldier let give him another chance.
check out these jews
people throw 'fascist' around all the time like its the name of a political party.
fascist is an adjective. use it appropriately. sure, certain political ideologies are historically 'fascist' in nature.
i feel bad for all of the snowflakes that use the term 'fash' like its hurtful, they just make themselves look weak.
At the end of the day, it's a jewish word to describe the way people act in a way that's not obedient, or rude or bigoted. really it's just a fake word for oppressive influence in politics.
george soros is a fascist. a lot of people are fascist, but to say that neo-nazis are fascist would be incorrect; neo-nazism is just a radical way of expressing yourself
Military recruiters and recruiting materials do nothing but send the message that the military is a pure nigger/spic operation. One would think that is the end goal of the military–recruit only niggers and spics and be run by those types.
Why can't whites start up their own military. Just do a cool millennial edgy/trendy startup company, except this will be a military.
the more turmoil these guys cause, the more i like them.
no, no, no, you appeal to Zig Forumsacks via a combination of anime and SIEGE.
the book is absolutely vital reading for all national socialists, however.
Yet, communists get a slap on the wrist
Under marxist and kikes, there are no human rights because your status hinges on you agreeing with semitic bullshit.
Atomwaffen doesn't do anything though, they're just a boogeyman that the left cites. BLM killed more people though.
ok im freaking out. I'm having really bad dejavu. I remember these exact posts in this order from about a year ago. I remember where I was when I saw them at my old house sitting at my computer.
yeah but that doesn't mean the intensely gigantic asshurt that they cause basically everyone who isn't atomwaffen isn't very lulzy. plus, with those guys out there, the overton window is being radically shifted rightward
Already done.
This country is a joke.
Now that you mention it, I think I wrote the same thing to the same guy months ago, maybe it is some CERN warp
also something is going on with my vpn, was me
They're cracking down on my VPN too, it's been occurring todasy. Sites are 404ing for me and I'm banned from cuckchan.
Yeah, you got me. I downloaded Siege.
So what was going on 8 years ago when I would go to sleep, dream the events of the following day and then live through everything that I dreamt for a year?
Sage for off-topic
This what you retards get for using Discord
But discord is so (((convenient))) user. Don't you enjoy things that are (((convenient)))?
If the communist cunt gets to stay without so much as a slap on the wrist, this too should be allowed. They set the precedent.
Commie cunt got recycled in Mountain phase of Ranger school, argued it with the RTB commander, got a day zero recycle, and self-selected out. I guarantee he's riding a desk in Fort Drum somewhere far away from anything important until they can finish kicking him out. It's a pain in the ass to kick out people with commissions.
Is being a white supremacist even prohibited by the military? I could see how being tied to "violent extremist" organizations and getting into street fights might let the jews get him. But I've only seen regulations regarding political activity rather than political beliefs.
I don't know why that would surprise anyone. I started lurking cuckchan /b/ in '07 and loved the insane humor. I was already 90% Zig Forums just from being the type who could hack it in the Infantry. This jarhead fucked up by namefagging and allowing his info to become available.
Back when I was a Marine, I was still a christfag (Odinist now, of course), so I was still thinking that kikes were "satanist" (no such thing as muh not see sa-tan), etc. I still see bluepill shit all the time from anons trying to decompress (not that there's anything wrong with that–there is a whole lot to getting rid of old baggage and assumptions).
Anyway, you can really tell who has been where and how they are based on what they say and do. There's a lot of anons out there like me who have kept things going. Any time a successful op comes out or anything actually gets done, it isn't some candyass civilian or someone clueless as to how the system operates. It's US. A lot of us are prior military. Some, like Bob Whitaker, are prior intelligence–literal spies/spooks/people who already know a lot about warfare.
It's in the very nature of the kike system that anyone capable will ultimately come to hate them. We have all the best people. We just have the system rigged against us. I have made a significant difference already as have many others.
Correct, but the enemy is all about making shit up and labeling anyone and everyone because all they're interested in is shutting you up and not justice. They are disgusting to anyone honorable.
I have suggested many times in different ways that anyone who is a man ought to have done time in service somewhere or gotten trained (really trained, you faggots) some other way. That "some other way" is much harder to arrange.
Keep your head down, don't namefag, get all your shit done, etc. Don't stand out too much, either. I was playing the long game since I was a kid, and I have gotten a lot of things done to help wake people up.
Most people who start something and get these "redpilled" people that show up–well, they wouldn't be redpilled without oldfags, anons, and whomever else nudging them in the right direction. The shills and controlled opposition actually help us there. I used to listen to Alegs Jones pre-military and look how that turned out.
Don't get demoralized or allow yourself to believe that everyone agrees with the kike. Huge numbers of people go read politically incorrect shit, this place included. The system takes draconian actions precisely because the goyim know. Their only hope is fear and total suppression.
But the fire rises.
How about having some willpower then? No one cares what the system wants. An independent-thinking warrior will kill a dozen "dogs" at the drop of a hat. I used to kick people's shit in when it came time for combatives all the fucking time. It was some of the best and most fun shit I ever did.
You don't win because of what they taught you. You win because you learn it and do better.
I never honestly thought I would get killed in the sandbox, but then again, I wasn't an undisciplined faggot who relaxed or grew complacent. I also find it funny that anyone would be stupid enough to actually attack me.
That or you could have calmed your shit and spent your time embedded like everybody else. Hasn't it occurred to you that the reason we have anti-military shills here is because ZOG dislikes the fact that we have people everywhere?
If they thought they could get away with a Soviet massacre of White Americans, they would do it in a heartbeat. Your attitude helps them.
It can't be, but you run a risk being associated with a group if it gets defined as a (((hate group))) by kikes. It's better to just not namefag. If you have a real reason to namefag like based Little in CA, then wait until you get out. I haven't ever seen the need to namefag, and I haven't been obsessed with trying to hide, either. I just don't attach my name to shit. I guess I've been out for almost a decade now. Basically, like anything else, just don't be retarded.
That tears it. I want the war. Now. Today.
Active Duty White Supremacist
I know I need it, won't join zog forces; can you give me anything here?
this man understands
The crime isn't to simply be white but to believe whites have a right to self determination, perhps even to exist at all.
get over it schlomo. we're going for the throat this time.
Looks Turkish
You're average Greek has about 10% turkroach in him. My father must have been very average, because my DNA results came back 5% turkroach.
Put a bullet in your head, kike.
Y'all realize it's a jew right?
Without another angle shot, that's going to be hard to determine. Nose size alone is not enough. Armo's, Romi's, Greeks, Wops, Gauls, etc large nose was evolutionary adaptation to cold, dry climate. Can't see the angles on nose in a face on shot like this, especially since its a barely focused 1026x1200 (what the fuck was cropped here, that's a weird size).
That being said, the fact a documentary is already ready can raise the possibility that its a false flag.
On another note, it took the fucking FBI back in the mid 2000's to alert the military (only after dropping the report publicly) that the reason bloods and crips gang taggings were happening in Iraq/Afghanistan was because of the gangs who had joined. The numbers then we fucking huge (in the thousands already). How is this guy investigated so fast compared to that? Is it a case of his OpSec being piss-fucking-poor or is he the right plant at the right time? Did he get caught up in the Atomwaffen mess that happened?
Marines, remove your (((generals)))
Why is this name familiar?
Do it then, when will we see you on the news?
Fucking spic LARPers can't even hide their power level.
Greeks aren't white now?
They're the fags who spent 2016 giving sympathetic coverage to nig chimpouts.
It's just a shill recycling material. Stop being paranoid, you're freaking the rest of us out not really, but there's an obvious explanation
I don't know, but I have that kind of deja vu that lets me know my life is on track and that I have a good purpose, and that I love checking those digits yeehaw
Greeks, like every modern white society, were once majority Nordic. In 10-20 years, there will be on majority white societies anywhere. No one will be able to balk just at the sound of a name; names like "Bjorn Lundquist" will no longer be a predictor of race.