Alright, looks like you are new here, so let me give you a run down:
1. The EU has the goal of recreating Babylon - The Brussels parliament is literally built like the tower of Babel
2. Most people in Brussels are either Jews and/or Freemason, some of the servants in the Parliament even wear masonic accessories, their ideology makes them want to recreate Babylon/Egyptian empire with completely mixed people to promote trade, divide and conquer etc
3. The EU Jews try to recreate what they have done in the US, with Jews at the top, Black and White freemasons in the middle and normal whites at the bottom, because this system is the best to ensure (jewish) minority rule.
4. There is currently a large remigration of Jews to Europe, they try to duplicate what they have done in the US to stay safe
Polish remigration flyer: https ://ibb. co/ grmSES
5. German development
- The Maccabi games in Berlin 2 or 3 years ago have been a test
- CSU and AfD politicians doing trips to Israel like the Republicucks in the US
- Politician start to push "judeo-christian" legacy bullshit, this term is completely new to germany
- Antifa 2018: Anti-zionism == Anti-semitism
- Media in hyperdrive to push "solidarity with jews"
- The former Berlin American Jewish Comittee (AJC) leader Kroemer/Kraemer has become the head of the Constitution protection agency of the state of Thuringia!!!
- The current government (Maas, Beer,…) is the most jewish ever
starting 2015 the most important management positions got replaced with Jews:
– Labor union
– Design
Pay close attention, VW will now start to relocate production and design to Israel and the US, like Intel did after their chief scientists had a "plane accident"
- TENGELMANN: Billionaire germanic Merchant "disappeared" recently on a trip in the Alps
Lots of my jewish colleagues in the US, progressive and republican, have started visiting european countries from 2016 on - most never had a passport before.
THE PARASITE IS LOOKING FOR A NEW HOST, all those nationalist groups are either jewish creations or they are getting subverted (AfD) to control the narrative!
This is WAR - GI, EDL etc have been created to keep you busy and to prevent that you realise that Jews are currently taking over Europe and that they are recreating Khazaria!!
The only reason why Poland, Czech republic etc are allowed to have no refugees is because the US uses those countries to separate Germany and Russia, and to have a stable environment for the planned US liquified natural gas pipeline . Check utube: Friedmann + Stratfor + Chicago and check the date of the speech
There are two realities in Germany / Europe - the fake one for the peasants, that hides what is really going on, and then the actual reality created in brussels