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Nuke em all till they glow in the dark!
Nope, it's an absolute lie. Pissrael is just trying to shit-stir WWIII into happening as per usual. You should know better but then again you're OP so I really shouldn't be surprised by your faggotry
Get rid of the yids.
They're blanning an attagh, zo Izrael must strike virst.
t. Bibi Nettinyajew
Basically this
Kikes trying to stir shit up as per usual. These fuckers just don't quit do they?
Shit I wish, if only it began with pissrael being turned into a self-lighting glass parking lot.
To be fair, these are the safest ways to name the jew for normal people without inciting
These are Iranian missile launch sites, Israel must attack now to defend itself goyim
Yeah, lie to people. That's totally helpful and not what jews do. Go fuck yourself, you goddamn redditor. If you're not naming the jew in public and haven't been since 2016, you're worthless to us.
I'm skeptical tbh
oops wrong pic lol
That's not Israel.
They're using this to either justify a "preemptive strike" or a false-flag. Also note that they're using it to retroactively justify their aggression against Syria. In that sense they're already justifying preemptive strikes. It's obviously not true because they could have made a single phone call to D.C. and gotten America in a protective frenzy that would immediately stop any plans to attack Israel. Ain't that just quackin crazy?
Hi /r/the_donald. Friendly reminder that this is a National Socialist board.
Sticky it, yids are sliding the fuck out of the catalog.
If you're afraid to name the jew in public, why not settle for Israel for the time being?
It's not called ZOG for nothing. People act like they are under military occupation by a foreign government. They're afraid of speaking out because they know that they'll be treated far worse than the people who stay quiet. They'll be deprived of food, healthcare, employment, and other things that the occupier has made himself the monopolist of. I'm more of the type to grab a gun and rush into almost certain death, but it's understandable why people don't want to ruin their means of providing for their family. It's understandable why people are being careful instead of rashly rushing into actions that would do nothing but hurt them. Don't confuse me for one of those "Never name the Jew. Just use obfuscation" alt-right kikes though. I'm mostly just repeating things Dr. William Pierce said.
sage for off-topic
That's a load of shit. Normalfags aren't scared of naming the jew, they just flatly refuse to accept the truth because it wasn't told to them in school or by some talking head, meaning, they don't actually believe it's the jews.
you sound like your talking about yourself bro. I know plenty of people who name the jew.
Cowards like you are way the jew hasn't been stopped.
Name the jew or find another hobby.
Excluse "photo" footage of Iran missile attack, thanks to the greatest Mossad spies. On it's way to Bibi for his next presentation.
I'll add on to this: they only talk about it to me because I'm outspoken as shit on all of this.
plenty of people are redpilled, they just don't want others to know.
Fucking shit typing.
So speak out anyway, you fucking coward.
No, it's not. After a century of literal fucking torture and genocide, it's really not.
I can see the headlines now. "Iran is amassing missiles in Hawaii to attack the US! Remember Pearl Harbor!" And people would fall for it. They would. Over 50% of them wouldn't know the difference.
Have you seen normalfags? They're scared to death of being called 'racist' or 'anti-semitic.' If you talk with someone for a bit you can easily coax out something racist, but they'll still never admit it in public. I think it's a mistake to try to use reason with the lemmings. They'll always be lemmings that don't step out of line. This is why they go through so much mental gymnastics when trying to argue with actual points against the kikes.
sage again for off-topic and i didn't mean to derail the thread
I was actually surprised when I got a job at what I thought was a psycho-leftist progressive "social media content moderation" company
Many employees there aren't fully redpilled, but are well on their way. Though I guess with the shit we see, it's pretty much guaranteed.
Man, do they fucking pay you to be this retarded?
They're not scared, they genuinely don't believe the things you say, because to them, you're not a teacher, or someone off the TV, they'd sooner trust someone because they "know what they're doing, or else they wouldn't be on TV", than their own friends.
Looks an awful lot like the USGS earthquake map there, user.
falseflag shoobaloo 2018
look at all of those missile threats, scary stuff
I've already said that you can coax 'racist' things out of pretty much everyone. It's all just mental conditioning combined with their typical lemming behavior. Although you make a good point about authority figures.
A rule of thumb should be never believe a single word the kikes say about Iran until you see Iran do something explicitly. Lurk 2 more years before posting, faggot.
if only it was real and not a jewish tall tale
at your command
this better?
>Implying the (((Saudis))) are fighting Israel
kike lies as always
Yep, that'll be the excuse. We had to bomb Iran because they were building mobile gas chambers which they planned to drive into Tel Aviv, and holocaust 6 million.
No thanks, I don't want to give Muslims any more excuse to leave the Middle East and squat in Europe.
Just send this to your 'normie' friends, and stop being a faggot about it.
If that isn't a joke account, there isn't enough gas in the world to cure this cretin.
It's genuine
M8, have you never met a Trump supporter in real life? They're fucking retarded golems.
Good example of a psy-op post here to produce a "chilling effect" and reduce our resistance by dropping "black pill" depressive nonsense.
Seems like bullshit. I'll believe it when Israel is a crater. The more probable scenario is that I wake up tomorrow and find out Israel has been bombing Syria again.
I like it
The jew shrieks in pain as he air strikes Syria.
I actually think that might be the most deluded person I've ever seen, even online!
Holy hot bags of dick, everyone in the minivan! I could hardly be more persuaded of the authenticity of this communique than if Israel had told us that Saddam Hussein is stockpiling WMDs.
A fucking Leaf
It's pretty obvious that the anti-muslim thing will be exclusively applied to Israel's enemies, but that's aside the point. He showed Mecca specifically because it was a Muslim site, not because he was specifically mentioning Saudi Arabia. By talking about attacking Muslims in a thread talking about Israel vs Iran, I'm forced to assume that he sides with Israel. Anti-Religion of Cuck™ is perfectly okay when we're talking about keeping asiatic races out of Europe, but it is being purposely pushed because attacking Arabs helps Israel. The kikes sunk their fangs into the natural pendulum swing to the right the west would get after 8 years of Obama, and carefully infused it with elements necessary to prepare the west for fighting a war on Israel's behalf.
Once we overthrow the ZOG in our homeland, we are going to need to find a long-term peace plan with the Muslims. (peace plan might mean a friendship or genocide, i can't predict the future) But for now our goal should be to topple international Jewry, and its capital, Jerusalem.
Sure sure…
Saudi Arabia is the staunch ally of Israel.
Pls try to keep up.
Yes Iran would love to smash Saudi Arabia. They attacked the grand mosque a few years ago…remember?
I love that image so fucking much. It's funny on so many levels. Also, no one said gas, just out.
It is an accurate description.
>according to the (((IDF)))
user plz. Plz, user. Just stahp.
What you really mean is
>Oy vey! We hit them and they did not hit (((us))) back so we could get the war we wanted. We will have to false flag them doing a shoah on (((us)))
I'm glad I'm not his neighbour, but he has the right idea about training them young
Gas false flags didn't work I guess this is their next ridiculous kike plot power.
Remember this kids
The first countries to get nuked will be Turkey and Egypt
Iran will be blamed, never mind that the nukes are being
launched from Israel (and Syria, by Israel).
Also, there is a crypto in over 50k jewish books, more soon.
Turkey has its own nukes through nuclear sharing so I'd like to see how that goes.
Kikes really can't get a good night sleep until they sacrifice 6 oyveyllion goyim to Moloch.
I like that pic related
Turks won't nuke. This will be mostly Israel and Iran, the rest are reluctant.
Both Turkey and Egypt are needed for the greater cause.
turks will try to stay out of a conflict they cant win. theyll wait for the party to get over the top and then theyll crash it for the spoils
F to pay respects for next door neighbour's garden gnomes, dogs, children and windows.
F to pay respects for daughter's collar bone.
The vast majority of people in general are retards, do you think Trump supporters are some magic demographic? These are the same kind of people who believe the Q LARP about Merkel being Hitler's daughter and antifa being secret Nazis.
It's an airsoft gun guys.
the jew cries out in pain has he strikes
Yael Kushner dated that creature.
…is it
No more cock teasing this time Iran. Drive these kike bastards to the sea!
I'm sorry, I don't understand your post. Are you calling me a psy-op?
We must save teh chosen!