Operation God Save the Queen

We've all seen the state of the UK nowadays. Thought policing social media, sending people who give free bacon to the wrong people to die in prison while those who abuse little girls and boys are given a slap on the wrist, if that.

It's time to let the British people speak, but in order to do this, the thought police will need their attention occupied. To this end, Operation God Save the Queen will be enacted.

Our plan is simple:

First, we create a host of British profiles on normie social media platforms. FB, Reddit, and any other place the coppers might be looking. The more real they look, the better.

Second, we use these accounts to shitpost loudly. The law seems to protect both kikes and sandniggers, so the more commentary on that the better. Posting on police pages and tagging the various members of the force is also encouraged.

The idea is to create a smokescreen for the British people to openly talk without an effective police force to shut it down. This will also have the added effect of encouraging those who dissent to speak their mind.

The more police resources that are tied up with ghost stories, the better. VPNs and proxys are highly encouraged.

For our British allies, it is recommended that you spread the word of the police being overwhelmed online. The more people think that the police aren't doing the job, the less fear will hold them back.

Godspeed Zig Forumsacks. With Alphie Evans freshly dead, now is the time to strike. The police are already on alert, but unprepared for the shitstorm headed their way.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. Something must be done, we need to get up our asses and strike back. (((They))) are fighting their hardest right now to silence us, we must be vigilant.

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Queen a lizard beast

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I'll do it for the antics, and because it's nice to have an op again, but I'm warning you – if that tranny fucker mentions this in a video I'm quitting.

Forgot to bring up – should we coordinate a time to start this? I feel like it loses momentum if it's just whenever you feel like it.

Not a bad idea. If we had a botnet on board then creating accounts could be sped up and even done for multiple countries.

inb4 the UK tries to extradite everyone for wrong think crimes.

Could you imagine an entire jail filled with international Zig Forumsacks
That would be the worlds worst mistake

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Holy shit, screaming shitposts through the jail bars at a bunch of autists would be heaven and hell alike

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kill yourself you fucking monarchist peasant. you can all die for all i care. the english kike crown must be destroyed along with the british people

Great idea, but I'd be in just as much trouble expressing illegal opinions in my own kike-ravaged country.

>(((They))) are fighting their hardest right now to silence us

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Being called a shill will get you shanked in the mess hall line up. Pepe tatoos. All day everyday lifting. Faggots and straight white males are segregated

This is a cry for help from bongland

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What hashtags would we target? How do we want to get things started and when? Do we post a thread on cuckchan first?

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A truly SHTF scenario would be mass shitposting the following:
"Hey guys! Turn on the news in . Wish me luck"
However we all know the glowniggers would avail the opportunity for a ( ((cohencidence)) )* FF so it wouldn't be a good idea.

*( ((I proper hate datamining word filters)) )

Bump. An actually worthwhile raid with tangible goals. Am I dreaming?

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Cool i just bought some British Ips and setting up a bot macro for twitter.

Who would that be?
As for the "plan", it's retarded. Fake profiles will be easily filtered, leaving anyone foolish enough to think they're "covered by a smoke screen" totally exposed and liable to arrest and imprisonment.

The Queen is not a lizard, that's well poisoning garbage. The truth being covered by the lie is that the entire royal family engages in generational transgenderism and sex inversion.
Current salient case: Prince "Harry" and "Meghan" Markle. Markle is male, Harry is female. Forget what you think you know about Harry and take a critical look at his actual physical features.
Meghan is the polar opposite, a gamut of male biology. William and Kate have the same dynamic.

Aside from guesswork and autism, I want more concrete evidence of this transgender conspiracy. I see you fuckers spamming Youtube comments about how all the Hollywood actresses are secretly he-men and all it looks like is a psyop to sow paranoia and misinformation.

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Four words user. Mystery Cult of Cybele. Very related.

The same could be said for all the so-called "conspiracy theories" that are officially recognized here. All we have to go on are photographic and textual side-references that fool 90% of the normalfaggot population. They never directly admit things like this, and when they do it's under the guise of the court Jester (see vid related; aired on April 1st 1992 - any other day and this would have been an international scandal) much like the Midsummer Night's Dream they take to be their bible - All the World's a stage and that.

So pray tell, under the knowledge that the global Elite are kikes that partake in cannibalism, blood libel and pedophilia, why is it such a stretch to consider that they might have inverted their physical gender to resemble the opposite biological sex?

Muds really get triggered when they're told that they're "not a real British person", your persona should whine about that often and let sjws waste their time trying to solve the heinous crime.

'British' is too vague in the zeitgeist at the moment they just point at their passport and reference the empire.
Use 'English' instead, or welsh / scottish / irish depending on your area.

Why would you want to "Save the Queen" when English royalty has failed to prevent London from becoming 50% shitskin? Unless by Save the Queen, you mean save the institution of monarchy, by which you mean kicking out the existing lizardkikes and putting in new people.

Fuck off back to reddit.

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Hey you know we have this thing called reading right?

Trying to get your budget increased aintcha bobby?

Made a related thread.


Speaking of well poisoning…

Don't link threads like that.

Because no-one bothered to fix this newfag's mistake
or alternately

And now I see why this didn't get fixed.
Anyway, keeping this at the top because Transvestigation, even if it's untrue, needs to become accepted by this board as a real possibility. These kikes that practice open Satanism with every fiber of their being look for inversion in every aspect of their lives. Biological sex being one of them.

Make sure to tag police in your tweets. Such as @metpoliceUK and @MetCC . Maybe have a go at Sadiq Khan as well: @MayorofLondon . Ruthlessly flood their mentions with as many offensive tweets as possible.

I would like to extend my thanks to all the Ameribros and Slavs who are doing this to help us in our time of need. My advice would be to make the main thrust of your post something legitimate, with the insult coming secondary.

For example:
"Why has nothing been done about all the British children being raped by muslim filth? Fucking police are all owned by jews and trying to destroy our people."

If you just go all in with insults they will probably filter it. Make your insults come as an angry to reaction to the filth that has gone on over here, not only will it garner sympathy from the masses but it will make you appear genuine.

To the Anons saying the police are too smart to fall for these tricks: you are wrong. British police, like most police, tend to be incredibly stupid individuals who simply have a boner for wielding authority over others - and upon realising they qwew somehow too stupid to become a communist demagogue (aka school teacher), they joined the police force instead. If you actually do this you will likely become aware of the kind of mind bogglingly retarded shit that their spokes people regularly say.

Best angles of attack:
Muslim child rape
Jewish bankers keeping us in the EU / blocking Brexit
Jewish people attacking Corbyn/Livingstone for speaking the truth
Muslim courts with shariah law
Muslim banks
Jewish secret police that cover up paedophilia
Jewish people in the EU trying to send muslim invaders because they hate Christians
Jewish and muslims attacking the National identity of our people because they hate us for our past

The police are stupid, but the social media platforms aren't. If the account verifications come from non-UK phone numbers they will catch on and inform the police they are being trolled.
For this to work it has to be perfect. We'll need to use the Hushed app or something similar to get temporary UK numbers and a VPN to get UK ip addresses. Also remember to use British spelling in your posts (color is colour, organize is organise etc).

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Press S to spit on the queen.

Here are some good ones:
Metropolitan Police: @metpoliceuk | facebook.com/metpoliceuk
Metropolitan Police Contact Centre: @MetCC
City of London Police: @CityPolice | facebook.com/cityoflondonpolice/
British Transport Police Diversity: @BTPDiversity
South Yorkshire Police (responsible for Rotherham): @syptweet | facebook.com/southyorkshirepolice
Greater Glasgow Police (Threatens home visits for "hurtful tweets"): @GreaterGlasgPol | facebook.com/GreaterGlasgowPoliceDivision
Lancashire Police (Diversity champion of the year): @LancsPolice | facebook.com/lancspolice
Mayor of London: @SadiqKhan | facebook.com/sadiqforlondon
Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police: @TVP_Chief | facebook.com/TVPChief
Leicestershire Hate Crime Officer: @hatecrimeleics
Bristol Police Commander and force lead for hate crime: @abennett_police
Chair of South Leeds Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel: @ImranShahLeeds

How they gonna do that? Magic?

Just don't join in the shitposting. Everyone who does should be safely outside the UK jurisdiction.

It all depends on how you set up the fake profiles. If you don't have a UK ip address and phone number, then yes you will be filtered, leaving behind only profiles of real people. It also depends on whether regular people are smart enough to use a VPN, making them indistinguishable from the fake profiles.

TBH I think the "smokescreen" effect is less important than the drain on resources this will create if we do it right. If the UK police can be made to chase "offensive tweets" that turn out to be foreign shitposters with fake accounts, they waste time and money. The more bait we lay for them, the more expensive the whole project of policing speech gets.

Queen's response to suicide bombers blowing up subway: “Atrocities such as these simply reinforce our sense of community, our humanity and our trust in the rule of law.”
In 1998 she endorsed a plan to end gender discrimination in the line of succession.
Allows herself to be touched by an uppity sheboon on April 2, 2009.
June, 2015, the queen meets with that german cunt, blabs about how the eu is the bestest thing ever, then goes and pays tribute to the holohoax.
In 1939, begged daddy to let her help fight the ebil gnatzees somehow.
Finally did join the military in 1945: "Elizabeth eventually joined the women's Auxiliary Territorial Service and trained as a truck driver and mechanic in 1945, when she was 18 years old." How progressive!
Debauched herself, along with her sister, celebrating the end of the war on the streets.
Married her cousin. (Really.)
Chose her own surname, because the royal line she belongs to is too "German sounding." (From "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" to "Windsor")
She also loves her gin and juice.

So, in other words, fuck the queen.

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May 28th would be good. Its a Spring Bank Holiday, so police will already be overstretched.

Posting threats against the British People on social media is a crime. There will be consequences when we catch you. And we will catch you.

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God save the meme!

What if I'm 'murican?

Argentinian here, I wanna help. What can I do?

Use a VPN, then register an account on social media (Twatter, leddit, FB and other places the police will be looking into) and shit post as loudly as you can on the 28th of May.

For my fellow Brits, spread the word that the Police is too busy to deal with offensive tweets online.

Posting Bongs against the Big Ben on social media is a crime. There will be clocksequences when we clock you. And we will clock you.

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pick only one. the royal family isn't worth for.only a truly free democracy like america is worth a shit.

don't bother. monarchy is useless. only leaders elected by the public are worthy of salvation, cromwell did nothing wrong.

the royals can take care of themselves, they always do and leave the population to suffer. see the nuclear bunkers for the queen and british politicians for proof.

fuck your conceptual prison mi5 shill

the royals brought the immigrants to the uk with the jews and the british government to replace jobs that were short (actually to displace and demoralize white british men who fought in ww2).

only a government representative and elected by the common man is worth saving. one which may hate niggers and jews sure but a representitve elected government of the people.

not a rothschild-saxe-coburg-gotha shitfest that doesn't deserve a trickle of piss when it is on fire.

wew. Drugs are degenerate but the UK (((police))) need to fucking die.

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we need to fend for the british people and remove these mudshits, dues vult!

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Lol! The only true democracy is Switzerland and even that isn't full democracy.

I don't understand that tweet. Effectively, that bong police tweet says disapproving of anything Religion of Cuck™ic, which would thus include Religion of Cuck™ic terrorism & Religion of Cuck™ic child rape gangs, is a crime?

Our police are totally corrupt terrorists. They attack and even kill innocent (white) people all the time. Like Simon Harwood who murdered Ian Tomlinson while he was walking home from work. He literally did nothing wrong and was attacked from behind. The terrorist pig got off scott free. They finally managed to get him to court but either the jury were fake or they were threatened since despite video evidence that the whole world saw he was somehow found "Not guilty". Spread Simon Harwood's address as much as possible so that hopefully someone will finally get justice for Ian.

29 Burns Close,

We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years
By: malterwitty

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz5FO77dsxT

A SECRET document, which remained locked away for 30 years, advised the British Government to COVER-UP the realities of EU membership so that by the time the public realised what was happening it would be too late.

Almost all of the shocking predictions – from the loss of British sovereignty, to monetary union and the over-arching powers of European courts – have come true.

But damningly for Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath, and all those who kept quiet about the findings in the early 70s, the document, known as FCO30/1048, was locked away under Official Secrets Act rules for almost five decades.

The classified paper, dated April 1971, suggested the Government should keep the British public in the dark about what EEC membership means predicting that it would take 30 years for voters to realise what was happening by which time it would be too late to leave.

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz5FO6nVLNP

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