hey guys. newfag here. need some critique on Jordan B Peterson and no improperly researched garbage. need to have proper coherent arguments and also side question , hell of a lot of anti-Semitic stuff here why so much jew hate ? what about eugenics ?
Critique on Jordan b peterson
Stopping by before you're banned to give you the inside scoop on Professor Peterson.
Jordan Peterson was born on a First Nations reservation in Saskatchewan. He grew up as a peripheral member of an Objectivist society in Manitoba, where he lost his virginity to a Chinese whore. After getting tenure and marrying a Jewess, he seized the means of indignation by refusing to memorize 6 million gender pronouns. In the fallen world of 21st century Canada, this counts as brave.
Nowadays, the Professor splits his time between teaching obsolete theories of mind to gender-balanced classes with somewhat more niggers in them than merit alone would justify, and selling condescending personality quizzes to retards for $10 a pop. He also has a third nipple and one of the largest collections of anime in Canada.
As for your other questions:
1) Jews are behind every negative social trend in the world, and
2) Never on a first date.
Happy now? Fuck off.
My eyes. Is that Lena Dunham? Why no spoiler? This is worse than any gore.
Some threads have to be made an example of, TORfag-user. Remember to sage.
Yes, I apologize for my oversight. I deeply feel some loss of the purity of my essence from seeing her undressed like this, worse than the spoilered image. If you'll excuse me, I shall go and scrub myself raw in the shower.
NYPA nigger. Lurk 2 years before killing another thread and read a book in the meantime.
Here are some Pepe books
just another controlled op kike faggot to gatekeep the right
now gtfo
ok me again. why would i get banned ? trying to figure out the site and wonder what the hell is going on. maybe my excitement at posting stuff is overreaching.
also i can't post on 4chan according to my pansy ass country banning posting and for fucks sake can't figure out the VPN shit.
holy shit newfag
dude seriously. you know why he kept those paintings right and how that is his daughter's post. also yeah he is definitely a nazi.
The guy makes $60k a month off pateron.
Im not sure if that is a critique but random people give him $2,000 per day for being a shitlord misogynerd. Which is something we do for free.
same fagger here again, still waiting for them spicy jew memes and critique.
but nothing is here though.
( at least Hitler knew where to look )
Go back.
first of all, even those 14 year old youtubers who just discovered "race realism" and are now reading up on biology and natural selection and whatnot are ahead of him
second of all, (((psychology))) isnt even a science if you ever look up what scientific method actually is, soft sciences arent even sciences, seriously look up what scientific method actually is, so there goes his academic intellectual optic, he is basically making up feelings based bullshit
third of all, he has nothing to do with pol, natsocs, or anything anyone here is supposed to be interested in
basically he is 99% trash and the only thing he figured out is that hierarchical order is superior to the 'muh exploit' leftist garbage, but you should have known that already, its a low hanging fruit, and he cant even figure out the race let alone its place in the natural hierarchy
he also randomly cries like a bitch for absolutely no fucking reason at all, he is just weird and knows nothing 2 days of lurking wouldnt tell you already
savior of the white race tbh
If I took that off would he die?
It would be extremely painful.
He's a big guy.
Still not sure what to think myself. Not that I trust the guy but the useful idiots keep getting drawn to him like a moth to a flame. The reddit tier alt-right guys follow him. The trannies and feminists hate him. Overall he's essentially an alt-right distraction.
You need to understand that Peterson isn't a rightist in any shape, he's a old liberal from 20 to 30 years ago. As such he has been left behind by the permanent cultural revolution the left adopted and accelerated over the past two decades. Combined with his rejection of postmodernism and his cultural reconstructionism this makes him a de Maistre-like reactionary to the left.
From a Zig Forumsack perpective the primary critique of him would be his apologia for Jewish dominance and the fact that his ersatz-fatherhood individualises systemic problems and gives young men faith in a system that wants them dead, their children brainwashed and castrated and thinks the whole deal is pretty funny.
He defends the myth of Jewish intelligence. (112+ average IQ)
He's also mentally ill and has to take (legal) drugs to avoid breaking down in front of an audience or just to function in life.
hmm. good points user.
i remember another thread discussing his answer to the jewish question. thansk for you're proper insight and as rule 10 says Be precise in your speech.
thank you.
Do not post without lurking. Reported.
He refuses to answer the Jewish question when it comes to their crimes; he was even given a straightforward question regarding 200 years together, and was given a copy. He will answer the positives of their rise and success, which boils down to: "be competent, keep working." However, this is a half-truth at best, but as a solution it is good. It's what Hitler did after his failed coup.
He is stuck on the money / usefulness factor - which is not useful for us beyond the fact that he prevents many suicides and gets men standing up on their own feet.
He is extra important as a surrogate father for many. Do not pretend that this is useless or evil. However, he is wrong on many topics, especially the JQ, classical liberalism and capitalism. He doesn't acknowledge race, collective identities very well. He points you to the direction of the family, but still thinks we are merely individuals.
How about you kill yourself, halfchan faggot.
Yes, it's greatly exaggerate by people like Peterson, as people like Ron Unz, Steve Sailer or Vox Day pointed out. Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is realistically somewhere between 106 to 109 points compared to a 103 average for whites in the US; at best it's a half SD advantage.
Jewish dominance is explained by concentration in certain urban centers (Boston-Washington metroplex, LA, Bay Area) as well as Jewish willingness to engage in zero-sum tribal competition against Europeans while maintaing white crypsis.
This goes back to Peterson being a liberal. He'd rather attempt to dial back the overt anti-white hostility of the system.rather than let whites engage in identity politics and tribal competition.
It should be noted however that the first attempts to trap Peterson on the Jewish question were perpetrated by the Jews themselves. Whatever value Peterson has for them by supressing white tribalism isn't exactly outweighed by his attacks on postmodernism and deconstructionism, which are important pieces in the arsenal of memetic warfare.
Peterson advocates for individualism, to a mostly white audience, he may not be deliberate about his actions and just be retarded, but what he's doing in effect is getting white people do act individually while other races act collectively. He acts as though it's bad to stand together with your race when other races are doing the same.
He should be hanged for race treason.
Gatekeeper who speaks some truths to rope in anybody who isn't part of the SJW cult and immediately funnel them into the ideology of "evil nazis and racists are the most evil thing in our society." Their entire job is to gain the trust of, and intercept, moderately intelligent people before they get redpilled.
astroturf thread #493
Sage and report.
This shit should be banned on sight.
top jej
WOW. Well said.
OP… if you can't think for yourself then you're a nigger and should kill yourself. For those capable of thought, they know that he knows he's lying out his ass left and right to keep the Shekels flowing. I hope a tranny blasts him in the face with a condom full of pozzed jizz because tha would be lulzy.
Funnies but why oh why did you have to use that image?
All that you need to know about Jordan Peterson is that he is part of the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) which Jews are currently trying to promote.
ny times.com/2018/05/08/opinion/intellectual-dark-web.html
Brought to you by: (((Barry Weiss))) – Romanian Jew
(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew
(((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein)))
Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos
(((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew
(((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew
(((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew
Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew)
(((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist
Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos
Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos
(((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew
Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy
(((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew
(((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew
This is the Jewish counter-response to the rise of Nationalism.
And Peterson is a part of it.
That's all you need to know about Jordan "Why Hitler Was More Evil Than You Think" Peterson.
Well, there's one other thing…. The mods are doing everything in their power to avoid you seeing this.
Hey, seen a picture of Podesta and Peterson floating around not too long ago from his UN days.
I forgot to save it, doesn't show up on a google search.
Anybody got it saved?
He is an obvious shill to draw listeners away from us you mongoloids.