Q has been quiet lately. Ever since the Flynn prediction fell through and the mess with making money off the "movement". What say you Q larper anons?
Where's all the Q larpers?
I say there will be a couple million whites living innawoods in 50 years and that the kikes will try and use tech to control the brown hordes but will eventually fail because whites are the ones who invent, and then the brown hordes go nuts, kikes hide in their bunkers and we wait it out. If we reach like 15 billion nogs, animals will go extinct and the world will be a giant garbage dump so you better run as far as you can from the niggers. They will all starve, everything will collapse, global reset, we build up, kikes come back, grandchildren remember what we said about kikes, they get gassed, end of story.
Everyone quietly slunk away after he became a militant anti racist civnat. Basically like September 23 everyone that fell for the con are trying to retcon it all as a big joke
Q larpers are at >>>/qresearch/ being the most of the Zig Forums's traffic.
I also believe this is worth discussing.
Aren't they saying the sheepstate is in Iran now?
I don't follow Q. What was this "Flynn prediction" and how did it "fall through"?
Hmmm. Q, you say.
I just cannot decide, OP. It's such a conundrum. What a tough choice.
You're not going to turn this into cuckchan with this weak ass click bait.
Vote Patrick Little for California Senate on June 5th
4Chan's got a lot more than 1600 active IPs
I thought everyone stopped paying attention when none of the predictions came true.
Mainly because of the absence of shills, despite Zig Forums activity has had a gradual decline but most likely because of the rise of redpilled fathers and the end of NEETdom. Unfortunately as more people move on because they are doing the right thing and having a family and leading their community, there will be less discussion and investigation. NEETs will guide any other wayward whites as there will always be young men who need to be steered back to the path of light.
That said, I still wish we had a wiki for all of the redpills aggregated on Zig Forums. For all of the wasted energy on a LARP, not there and not even here has anyone put together a makeshift wiki. The redstick idea is a step in the right direction but a wiki would be way much better. Imagine all of the visitors the reddit-sjw tier rationalwiki traffics that can be redpilled on a Zig Forums-tier wiki.
Exactly. As whites become poorer, the fire level rises. Innawoods action will be lit!
That would be such a gargantuan project. It would be a giant history book mixed with memes and "conspiracies"
the Zig Forums archive board is still around isn't it?
im looking forward to the next one
Q LARPers belong on cuckchan with the other Boomers and GOPe interns. They are currently shilling for Mitch McConnell puppets in the GOP primary.
Global report.
It's not. Fuck off.
Stop using global. It's primarily for CP, lurk two years you insufferable nigger.
Wow we were averaging over 2500 actives 6 weeks ago a lot of people must have gotten call backs!
Id be ok with this.
Blow your brains out.
Fuck off newfag, you come in here and don't read the rules, then run around doing stupid fucking shit like that?
You're right here obviously, moshe.
All these slides, you know the kikes are pissed about the arrests for treason.
Anyone who fails to name the jew are jews themselves, or intentionally aid them. Fuck off faggot.
Anyone who knew about the tricks of kike con-man (((Nostradamus))) saw through this bullshit.
It's surprisingly easy to be a prophet you just need to be vague and use a lot flowery language
This is why posts here dropped off. The good autists got tired reposting redpills and screaming at newfags that only know how to call everyone a jew and tell everyone else to KYS. There was a flood of idiots that don't have the intelligence to contribute. They wanted to join Zig Forums but didn't have anything to say, so they ended up shitting up threads. If an ID calls someone a jew, look at what else they post. It's either blackpills or shill volleyball. The informative contributing anons are actually very nice.
It's typical for the board. Empty promises fail to materialize, Consensus begins to fracture, and then a protracted silence as the Q team tries to figure a new angle to drum up support again. Rinse, repeat.
A thread was left up for a few days that was beginning to get some traction outlining that "The Plan" was just an added narrative to hide the same Yinon Plan that's been in motion since 9/11. It has since been deleted.
It's worth the effort to encourage consensus cracking on the board because it causes predictably more outlandish behaviour and claims from the mossad/Q team and hastens the demise of this giant faggot psyop.
Not with wiggers like you shitting things up.
seriously why the fuck would him not being a nazi be relevant? I mean I do think this is a big larp and a farce, but this circular firing squad stuff goes into lolcow territory after a while. Like you wouldn't take a life preserver from someone unless he heils hitler first.
I just said I think Q is bullshit, but him not being a nazi is not a good rationale for not wanting help from someone with inside knowledge if that weren't the case. Are you fucking dense?
Blow your brains out.
Blow your brains out. Everything Q-LARP says is a lie. Everything Q-LARP claims has been proven false. Everything Q-LARP believes is contrary to what we know to be fact. Blow your brains out.
Blow your brains out.
It's not a matter of supporting him, it's a matter of wanting the information he has. Expecting everyone that could conceivable help you to agree with you on everything is retarded. You're a fuckign lolcow and this is a game to you. Q may be a bullshit artist, but then again some of the anons in here are too. Fuck off.
It's still around but we need actual articles to hit the point on every topic. One of the main challenges with redpilling people has been people on Zig Forums having to take the redpills to the normalfag or a normalfag stumbling on Zig Forums and Zig Forums infographs and being redpilled.
A wiki wouldn't just be for redpilling people but a repository of information to catalog redpills for people who needed to refresh on a topic, preventing memory holes, and a primer for anyone who expects to be debated in their life.
We used to average 3000 for weeks at a time. People are moving on with their lives. This Zig Forums emphasizes 1488 more than all others and including its predecessors. We only ever bump back up to 2500 during happenings now, more like 2000-2200. Before that we would get 3200 during happenings, which meant that the usual posters were almost always present.
Also have been awfully quiet lately. Shills bait lurkers into responding because they need to be called out. No shills - no lurkers posting. Shills are their own worst enemy.
It has no information. Everything it says is a lie. It's not part of the government. It's a paid shilling group created by a jewish think tank.
Thanks for admitting it.
No, you're banned for being 14 or 88 here. We're at about 1/10th the support we saw in 2014 because of that.
Look I honestly agree with you that Q is fake and gay but could you try not being a spastic autist? Goddamn your posts are embarrassing.
Q tards are winning The Q.Tard Olympics Winning Retards of the Decade award. The USA is totally and completely corrupt and these Q.tards think they are winning.
I disagree with you there. While it is obviously a shill campaign it is quite clearly connected to the Trump administration – itself a product of jewish think tanks.
where did my rather scathing post go?
did I just get banned? test