Full Spectrum Asymmetrical Politics, a Comparative Analysis
Terrorism is politics by another means. But is it effective? ITT we analyze political terrorism based on its effectiveness IRL. Please help contribute to our collective understanding of terrorism and civil resistance.
Much has been written about the effectiveness of the use of terrorism. However the debate is sharply divided. On the one side are scholars like Robert Pape, author of the book on suicide terrorism, "Dying to Win" and Max Abrams, a counter terrorism analyst (and a jew who supports torturing Palestinians and collective punishment btw) who argue that terrorism is indeed an effective tactic against democratic* opponents.
On the other side of the spectrum are analysis like Erica Chenoweth, author of the book, "Why Civil Resistance Works" who argue that even for systemic altering demands, violent terrorism has an even less success rate than civil resistance, which is her catchall term for organized public protests, strikes, and other non-violent methods of resisting the ruling system.
First, let us examine a few "terrorist" organizations that operate or operated close to home before we examine non-White terrorist organizations. The most prominent terrorist organizations of Europe are in order of activities, The famous IRA (and its many, many splinter groups PIRA, CIRA, etc), the ETA a Basque nationalist and socialist group, the FLNC A Corsican nationalist group seeking independence from France , Revolutionäre Zellen or RZ a leftist but also anti-Zionist group that operated in Germany back in the 70s , the ARB a Breton nationalist and also anti-McDonalds organization (kek) seeking independence from France and several others.
In addition, the USA (obviously another White homeland worthy of study) has had White terrorist organizations. However they have proven far less violent than European ones. However of special note are the Christian fundamentalist AOG Army of God, an anti-Abortionist group , The Order Led by Bob Matthews, they conducted a short series of bank robberies and assassinated a jewish radio host before cornered by the FBI. Their ideology was White resistance to ZOG , the KKK who need no introduction , The Weather Underground a leftist anti-Vietnam war organization , BLM… I mean BLA a black nationalist and mar(lol)xist organization that operated in the 70s and a few others.
Please mention any notable terrorist organizations if I have missed any.
Now, of special note is the fact that none of them (with the exception of the IRA and EOKA) achieved much political success. The Basque do not have a homeland (even thought they assassinated the Prime minister of Spain in 1973), the Corsicans are not independent (even though they attacked police stations and bombed 10 banks in one day in 1979) and Israel still exists unfortunately (even though RZ helped PFLP hijack a plane and separated the kikes from the non-kikes and then were killed by other jews). And in the United States, violent anti-abortion groups may have had some success in suppressing abortion clinics through the use of terror. However, most anti-abortion success has come through legal action.
The Order failed clearly as ZOG is still in power (despite assassinating one jew and robbing some banks).
The BLA do not appear to have caused significant damage to the US government in order to create Wakanda (despite police killings).
If terrorism is an effective means of compelling democratic governments to grant political concessions, it should be surprising to see such groups fail to achieve these ends more often than not. The ETA for example existed in relative strength throughout the anti-democratic Falange regime and yet were crushed after Spain became democratic.
However, other groups have achieved relative success and these merit attention. The IRA for example is the violent wing of Sinn Fein. Sein Fein is now one of the most powerful political parties in Northern Ireland. While Ireland may not be united, this political power is certainly a political gain. And in the USA, the KKK managed to play an important role in politics for decades. These are examples of partial success for terrorist organizations.
*Democratic in the sense that elections are held. IRL, the word "democratic" is misleading. Dr. William Pierce correctly points out that a "democracy" is not really "rule by the people" but instead rule by the mass media corporations which just happen to be run by jews which influence public opinion and control the lemmings. However for the sake of brevity, I will use the term "democratic" to refer to election based governments.
Another word I use that some may be offended by is "terrorism." If you want to call it "freedom bombing", well, okay. Fine. Obviously terrorism has a negative connotation.